Class ArrayUtils

  extended by org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils

public class ArrayUtils
extends Object

Operations on arrays, primitive arrays (like int[]) and primitive wrapper arrays (like Integer[]).

This class tries to handle null input gracefully. An exception will not be thrown for a null array input. However, an Object array that contains a null element may throw an exception. Each method documents its behaviour.


$Id: 1056988 2011-01-09 17:58:53Z niallp $
Apache Software Foundation, Moritz Petersen, Fredrik Westermarck, Nikolay Metchev, Matthew Hawthorne, Tim O'Brien, Pete Gieser, Gary Gregory, Ashwin S, Maarten Coene

Field Summary
static boolean[] EMPTY_BOOLEAN_ARRAY
          An empty immutable boolean array.
          An empty immutable Boolean array.
static byte[] EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
          An empty immutable byte array.
          An empty immutable Byte array.
static char[] EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY
          An empty immutable char array.
          An empty immutable Character array.
static Class[] EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY
          An empty immutable Class array.
static double[] EMPTY_DOUBLE_ARRAY
          An empty immutable double array.
          An empty immutable Double array.
static float[] EMPTY_FLOAT_ARRAY
          An empty immutable float array.
          An empty immutable Float array.
static int[] EMPTY_INT_ARRAY
          An empty immutable int array.
          An empty immutable Integer array.
static long[] EMPTY_LONG_ARRAY
          An empty immutable long array.
          An empty immutable Long array.
static Object[] EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY
          An empty immutable Object array.
static short[] EMPTY_SHORT_ARRAY
          An empty immutable short array.
          An empty immutable Short array.
static String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY
          An empty immutable String array.
static int INDEX_NOT_FOUND
          The index value when an element is not found in a list or array: -1.
Constructor Summary
          ArrayUtils instances should NOT be constructed in standard programming.
Method Summary
static boolean[] add(boolean[] array, boolean element)
          Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.
static boolean[] add(boolean[] array, int index, boolean element)
          Inserts the specified element at the specified position in the array.
static byte[] add(byte[] array, byte element)
          Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.
static byte[] add(byte[] array, int index, byte element)
          Inserts the specified element at the specified position in the array.
static char[] add(char[] array, char element)
          Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.
static char[] add(char[] array, int index, char element)
          Inserts the specified element at the specified position in the array.
static double[] add(double[] array, double element)
          Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.
static double[] add(double[] array, int index, double element)
          Inserts the specified element at the specified position in the array.
static float[] add(float[] array, float element)
          Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.
static float[] add(float[] array, int index, float element)
          Inserts the specified element at the specified position in the array.
static int[] add(int[] array, int element)
          Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.
static int[] add(int[] array, int index, int element)
          Inserts the specified element at the specified position in the array.
static long[] add(long[] array, int index, long element)
          Inserts the specified element at the specified position in the array.
static long[] add(long[] array, long element)
          Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.
static Object[] add(Object[] array, int index, Object element)
          Inserts the specified element at the specified position in the array.
static Object[] add(Object[] array, Object element)
          Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.
static short[] add(short[] array, int index, short element)
          Inserts the specified element at the specified position in the array.
static short[] add(short[] array, short element)
          Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.
static boolean[] addAll(boolean[] array1, boolean[] array2)
          Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.
static byte[] addAll(byte[] array1, byte[] array2)
          Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.
static char[] addAll(char[] array1, char[] array2)
          Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.
static double[] addAll(double[] array1, double[] array2)
          Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.
static float[] addAll(float[] array1, float[] array2)
          Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.
static int[] addAll(int[] array1, int[] array2)
          Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.
static long[] addAll(long[] array1, long[] array2)
          Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.
static Object[] addAll(Object[] array1, Object[] array2)
          Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.
static short[] addAll(short[] array1, short[] array2)
          Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.
static boolean[] clone(boolean[] array)
          Clones an array returning a typecast result and handling null.
static byte[] clone(byte[] array)
          Clones an array returning a typecast result and handling null.
static char[] clone(char[] array)
          Clones an array returning a typecast result and handling null.
static double[] clone(double[] array)
          Clones an array returning a typecast result and handling null.
static float[] clone(float[] array)
          Clones an array returning a typecast result and handling null.
static int[] clone(int[] array)
          Clones an array returning a typecast result and handling null.
static long[] clone(long[] array)
          Clones an array returning a typecast result and handling null.
static Object[] clone(Object[] array)
          Shallow clones an array returning a typecast result and handling null.
static short[] clone(short[] array)
          Clones an array returning a typecast result and handling null.
static boolean contains(boolean[] array, boolean valueToFind)
          Checks if the value is in the given array.
static boolean contains(byte[] array, byte valueToFind)
          Checks if the value is in the given array.
static boolean contains(char[] array, char valueToFind)
          Checks if the value is in the given array.
static boolean contains(double[] array, double valueToFind)
          Checks if the value is in the given array.
static boolean contains(double[] array, double valueToFind, double tolerance)
          Checks if a value falling within the given tolerance is in the given array.
static boolean contains(float[] array, float valueToFind)
          Checks if the value is in the given array.
static boolean contains(int[] array, int valueToFind)
          Checks if the value is in the given array.
static boolean contains(long[] array, long valueToFind)
          Checks if the value is in the given array.
static boolean contains(Object[] array, Object objectToFind)
          Checks if the object is in the given array.
static boolean contains(short[] array, short valueToFind)
          Checks if the value is in the given array.
static int getLength(Object array)
          Returns the length of the specified array.
static int hashCode(Object array)
          Get a hashCode for an array handling multi-dimensional arrays correctly.
static int indexOf(boolean[] array, boolean valueToFind)
          Finds the index of the given value in the array.
static int indexOf(boolean[] array, boolean valueToFind, int startIndex)
          Finds the index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.
static int indexOf(byte[] array, byte valueToFind)
          Finds the index of the given value in the array.
static int indexOf(byte[] array, byte valueToFind, int startIndex)
          Finds the index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.
static int indexOf(char[] array, char valueToFind)
          Finds the index of the given value in the array.
static int indexOf(char[] array, char valueToFind, int startIndex)
          Finds the index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.
static int indexOf(double[] array, double valueToFind)
          Finds the index of the given value in the array.
static int indexOf(double[] array, double valueToFind, double tolerance)
          Finds the index of the given value within a given tolerance in the array.
static int indexOf(double[] array, double valueToFind, int startIndex)
          Finds the index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.
static int indexOf(double[] array, double valueToFind, int startIndex, double tolerance)
          Finds the index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.
static int indexOf(float[] array, float valueToFind)
          Finds the index of the given value in the array.
static int indexOf(float[] array, float valueToFind, int startIndex)
          Finds the index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.
static int indexOf(int[] array, int valueToFind)
          Finds the index of the given value in the array.
static int indexOf(int[] array, int valueToFind, int startIndex)
          Finds the index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.
static int indexOf(long[] array, long valueToFind)
          Finds the index of the given value in the array.
static int indexOf(long[] array, long valueToFind, int startIndex)
          Finds the index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.
static int indexOf(Object[] array, Object objectToFind)
          Finds the index of the given object in the array.
static int indexOf(Object[] array, Object objectToFind, int startIndex)
          Finds the index of the given object in the array starting at the given index.
static int indexOf(short[] array, short valueToFind)
          Finds the index of the given value in the array.
static int indexOf(short[] array, short valueToFind, int startIndex)
          Finds the index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.
static boolean isEmpty(boolean[] array)
          Checks if an array of primitive booleans is empty or null.
static boolean isEmpty(byte[] array)
          Checks if an array of primitive bytes is empty or null.
static boolean isEmpty(char[] array)
          Checks if an array of primitive chars is empty or null.
static boolean isEmpty(double[] array)
          Checks if an array of primitive doubles is empty or null.
static boolean isEmpty(float[] array)
          Checks if an array of primitive floats is empty or null.
static boolean isEmpty(int[] array)
          Checks if an array of primitive ints is empty or null.
static boolean isEmpty(long[] array)
          Checks if an array of primitive longs is empty or null.
static boolean isEmpty(Object[] array)
          Checks if an array of Objects is empty or null.
static boolean isEmpty(short[] array)
          Checks if an array of primitive shorts is empty or null.
static boolean isEquals(Object array1, Object array2)
          Compares two arrays, using equals(), handling multi-dimensional arrays correctly.
static boolean isNotEmpty(boolean[] array)
          Checks if an array of primitive booleans is not empty or not null.
static boolean isNotEmpty(byte[] array)
          Checks if an array of primitive bytes is not empty or not null.
static boolean isNotEmpty(char[] array)
          Checks if an array of primitive chars is not empty or not null.
static boolean isNotEmpty(double[] array)
          Checks if an array of primitive doubles is not empty or not null.
static boolean isNotEmpty(float[] array)
          Checks if an array of primitive floats is not empty or not null.
static boolean isNotEmpty(int[] array)
          Checks if an array of primitive ints is not empty or not null.
static boolean isNotEmpty(long[] array)
          Checks if an array of primitive longs is not empty or not null.
static boolean isNotEmpty(Object[] array)
          Checks if an array of Objects is not empty or not null.
static boolean isNotEmpty(short[] array)
          Checks if an array of primitive shorts is not empty or not null.
static boolean isSameLength(boolean[] array1, boolean[] array2)
          Checks whether two arrays are the same length, treating null arrays as length 0.
static boolean isSameLength(byte[] array1, byte[] array2)
          Checks whether two arrays are the same length, treating null arrays as length 0.
static boolean isSameLength(char[] array1, char[] array2)
          Checks whether two arrays are the same length, treating null arrays as length 0.
static boolean isSameLength(double[] array1, double[] array2)
          Checks whether two arrays are the same length, treating null arrays as length 0.
static boolean isSameLength(float[] array1, float[] array2)
          Checks whether two arrays are the same length, treating null arrays as length 0.
static boolean isSameLength(int[] array1, int[] array2)
          Checks whether two arrays are the same length, treating null arrays as length 0.
static boolean isSameLength(long[] array1, long[] array2)
          Checks whether two arrays are the same length, treating null arrays as length 0.
static boolean isSameLength(Object[] array1, Object[] array2)
          Checks whether two arrays are the same length, treating null arrays as length 0.
static boolean isSameLength(short[] array1, short[] array2)
          Checks whether two arrays are the same length, treating null arrays as length 0.
static boolean isSameType(Object array1, Object array2)
          Checks whether two arrays are the same type taking into account multi-dimensional arrays.
static int lastIndexOf(boolean[] array, boolean valueToFind)
          Finds the last index of the given value within the array.
static int lastIndexOf(boolean[] array, boolean valueToFind, int startIndex)
          Finds the last index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.
static int lastIndexOf(byte[] array, byte valueToFind)
          Finds the last index of the given value within the array.
static int lastIndexOf(byte[] array, byte valueToFind, int startIndex)
          Finds the last index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.
static int lastIndexOf(char[] array, char valueToFind)
          Finds the last index of the given value within the array.
static int lastIndexOf(char[] array, char valueToFind, int startIndex)
          Finds the last index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.
static int lastIndexOf(double[] array, double valueToFind)
          Finds the last index of the given value within the array.
static int lastIndexOf(double[] array, double valueToFind, double tolerance)
          Finds the last index of the given value within a given tolerance in the array.
static int lastIndexOf(double[] array, double valueToFind, int startIndex)
          Finds the last index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.
static int lastIndexOf(double[] array, double valueToFind, int startIndex, double tolerance)
          Finds the last index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.
static int lastIndexOf(float[] array, float valueToFind)
          Finds the last index of the given value within the array.
static int lastIndexOf(float[] array, float valueToFind, int startIndex)
          Finds the last index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.
static int lastIndexOf(int[] array, int valueToFind)
          Finds the last index of the given value within the array.
static int lastIndexOf(int[] array, int valueToFind, int startIndex)
          Finds the last index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.
static int lastIndexOf(long[] array, long valueToFind)
          Finds the last index of the given value within the array.
static int lastIndexOf(long[] array, long valueToFind, int startIndex)
          Finds the last index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.
static int lastIndexOf(Object[] array, Object objectToFind)
          Finds the last index of the given object within the array.
static int lastIndexOf(Object[] array, Object objectToFind, int startIndex)
          Finds the last index of the given object in the array starting at the given index.
static int lastIndexOf(short[] array, short valueToFind)
          Finds the last index of the given value within the array.
static int lastIndexOf(short[] array, short valueToFind, int startIndex)
          Finds the last index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.
static boolean[] nullToEmpty(boolean[] array)
          Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.
static Boolean[] nullToEmpty(Boolean[] array)
          Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.
static byte[] nullToEmpty(byte[] array)
          Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.
static Byte[] nullToEmpty(Byte[] array)
          Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.
static char[] nullToEmpty(char[] array)
          Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.
static Character[] nullToEmpty(Character[] array)
          Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.
static double[] nullToEmpty(double[] array)
          Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.
static Double[] nullToEmpty(Double[] array)
          Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.
static float[] nullToEmpty(float[] array)
          Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.
static Float[] nullToEmpty(Float[] array)
          Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.
static int[] nullToEmpty(int[] array)
          Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.
static Integer[] nullToEmpty(Integer[] array)
          Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.
static long[] nullToEmpty(long[] array)
          Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.
static Long[] nullToEmpty(Long[] array)
          Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.
static Object[] nullToEmpty(Object[] array)
          Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.
static short[] nullToEmpty(short[] array)
          Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.
static Short[] nullToEmpty(Short[] array)
          Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.
static String[] nullToEmpty(String[] array)
          Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.
static boolean[] remove(boolean[] array, int index)
          Removes the element at the specified position from the specified array.
static byte[] remove(byte[] array, int index)
          Removes the element at the specified position from the specified array.
static char[] remove(char[] array, int index)
          Removes the element at the specified position from the specified array.
static double[] remove(double[] array, int index)
          Removes the element at the specified position from the specified array.
static float[] remove(float[] array, int index)
          Removes the element at the specified position from the specified array.
static int[] remove(int[] array, int index)
          Removes the element at the specified position from the specified array.
static long[] remove(long[] array, int index)
          Removes the element at the specified position from the specified array.
static Object[] remove(Object[] array, int index)
          Removes the element at the specified position from the specified array.
static short[] remove(short[] array, int index)
          Removes the element at the specified position from the specified array.
static boolean[] removeElement(boolean[] array, boolean element)
          Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from the specified array.
static byte[] removeElement(byte[] array, byte element)
          Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from the specified array.
static char[] removeElement(char[] array, char element)
          Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from the specified array.
static double[] removeElement(double[] array, double element)
          Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from the specified array.
static float[] removeElement(float[] array, float element)
          Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from the specified array.
static int[] removeElement(int[] array, int element)
          Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from the specified array.
static long[] removeElement(long[] array, long element)
          Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from the specified array.
static Object[] removeElement(Object[] array, Object element)
          Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from the specified array.
static short[] removeElement(short[] array, short element)
          Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from the specified array.
static void reverse(boolean[] array)
          Reverses the order of the given array.
static void reverse(byte[] array)
          Reverses the order of the given array.
static void reverse(char[] array)
          Reverses the order of the given array.
static void reverse(double[] array)
          Reverses the order of the given array.
static void reverse(float[] array)
          Reverses the order of the given array.
static void reverse(int[] array)
          Reverses the order of the given array.
static void reverse(long[] array)
          Reverses the order of the given array.
static void reverse(Object[] array)
          Reverses the order of the given array.
static void reverse(short[] array)
          Reverses the order of the given array.
static boolean[] subarray(boolean[] array, int startIndexInclusive, int endIndexExclusive)
          Produces a new boolean array containing the elements between the start and end indices.
static byte[] subarray(byte[] array, int startIndexInclusive, int endIndexExclusive)
          Produces a new byte array containing the elements between the start and end indices.
static char[] subarray(char[] array, int startIndexInclusive, int endIndexExclusive)
          Produces a new char array containing the elements between the start and end indices.
static double[] subarray(double[] array, int startIndexInclusive, int endIndexExclusive)
          Produces a new double array containing the elements between the start and end indices.
static float[] subarray(float[] array, int startIndexInclusive, int endIndexExclusive)
          Produces a new float array containing the elements between the start and end indices.
static int[] subarray(int[] array, int startIndexInclusive, int endIndexExclusive)
          Produces a new int array containing the elements between the start and end indices.
static long[] subarray(long[] array, int startIndexInclusive, int endIndexExclusive)
          Produces a new long array containing the elements between the start and end indices.
static Object[] subarray(Object[] array, int startIndexInclusive, int endIndexExclusive)
          Produces a new array containing the elements between the start and end indices.
static short[] subarray(short[] array, int startIndexInclusive, int endIndexExclusive)
          Produces a new short array containing the elements between the start and end indices.
static Map toMap(Object[] array)
          Converts the given array into a Map.
static Boolean[] toObject(boolean[] array)
          Converts an array of primitive booleans to objects.
static Byte[] toObject(byte[] array)
          Converts an array of primitive bytes to objects.
static Character[] toObject(char[] array)
          Converts an array of primitive chars to objects.
static Double[] toObject(double[] array)
          Converts an array of primitive doubles to objects.
static Float[] toObject(float[] array)
          Converts an array of primitive floats to objects.
static Integer[] toObject(int[] array)
          Converts an array of primitive ints to objects.
static Long[] toObject(long[] array)
          Converts an array of primitive longs to objects.
static Short[] toObject(short[] array)
          Converts an array of primitive shorts to objects.
static boolean[] toPrimitive(Boolean[] array)
          Converts an array of object Booleans to primitives.
static boolean[] toPrimitive(Boolean[] array, boolean valueForNull)
          Converts an array of object Booleans to primitives handling null.
static byte[] toPrimitive(Byte[] array)
          Converts an array of object Bytes to primitives.
static byte[] toPrimitive(Byte[] array, byte valueForNull)
          Converts an array of object Bytes to primitives handling null.
static char[] toPrimitive(Character[] array)
          Converts an array of object Characters to primitives.
static char[] toPrimitive(Character[] array, char valueForNull)
          Converts an array of object Character to primitives handling null.
static double[] toPrimitive(Double[] array)
          Converts an array of object Doubles to primitives.
static double[] toPrimitive(Double[] array, double valueForNull)
          Converts an array of object Doubles to primitives handling null.
static float[] toPrimitive(Float[] array)
          Converts an array of object Floats to primitives.
static float[] toPrimitive(Float[] array, float valueForNull)
          Converts an array of object Floats to primitives handling null.
static int[] toPrimitive(Integer[] array)
          Converts an array of object Integers to primitives.
static int[] toPrimitive(Integer[] array, int valueForNull)
          Converts an array of object Integer to primitives handling null.
static long[] toPrimitive(Long[] array)
          Converts an array of object Longs to primitives.
static long[] toPrimitive(Long[] array, long valueForNull)
          Converts an array of object Long to primitives handling null.
static short[] toPrimitive(Short[] array)
          Converts an array of object Shorts to primitives.
static short[] toPrimitive(Short[] array, short valueForNull)
          Converts an array of object Short to primitives handling null.
static String toString(Object array)
          Outputs an array as a String, treating null as an empty array.
static String toString(Object array, String stringIfNull)
          Outputs an array as a String handling nulls.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final Object[] EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY
An empty immutable Object array.


public static final Class[] EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY
An empty immutable Class array.


public static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY
An empty immutable String array.


public static final long[] EMPTY_LONG_ARRAY
An empty immutable long array.


public static final Long[] EMPTY_LONG_OBJECT_ARRAY
An empty immutable Long array.


public static final int[] EMPTY_INT_ARRAY
An empty immutable int array.


public static final Integer[] EMPTY_INTEGER_OBJECT_ARRAY
An empty immutable Integer array.


public static final short[] EMPTY_SHORT_ARRAY
An empty immutable short array.


public static final Short[] EMPTY_SHORT_OBJECT_ARRAY
An empty immutable Short array.


public static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
An empty immutable byte array.


public static final Byte[] EMPTY_BYTE_OBJECT_ARRAY
An empty immutable Byte array.


public static final double[] EMPTY_DOUBLE_ARRAY
An empty immutable double array.


public static final Double[] EMPTY_DOUBLE_OBJECT_ARRAY
An empty immutable Double array.


public static final float[] EMPTY_FLOAT_ARRAY
An empty immutable float array.


public static final Float[] EMPTY_FLOAT_OBJECT_ARRAY
An empty immutable Float array.


public static final boolean[] EMPTY_BOOLEAN_ARRAY
An empty immutable boolean array.


public static final Boolean[] EMPTY_BOOLEAN_OBJECT_ARRAY
An empty immutable Boolean array.


public static final char[] EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY
An empty immutable char array.


public static final Character[] EMPTY_CHARACTER_OBJECT_ARRAY
An empty immutable Character array.


public static final int INDEX_NOT_FOUND
The index value when an element is not found in a list or array: -1. This value is returned by methods in this class and can also be used in comparisons with values returned by various method from List.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public ArrayUtils()

ArrayUtils instances should NOT be constructed in standard programming. Instead, the class should be used as ArrayUtils.clone(new int[] {2}).

This constructor is public to permit tools that require a JavaBean instance to operate.

Method Detail


public static String toString(Object array)

Outputs an array as a String, treating null as an empty array.

Multi-dimensional arrays are handled correctly, including multi-dimensional primitive arrays.

The format is that of Java source code, for example {a,b}.

array - the array to get a toString for, may be null
a String representation of the array, '{}' if null array input


public static String toString(Object array,
                              String stringIfNull)

Outputs an array as a String handling nulls.

Multi-dimensional arrays are handled correctly, including multi-dimensional primitive arrays.

The format is that of Java source code, for example {a,b}.

array - the array to get a toString for, may be null
stringIfNull - the String to return if the array is null
a String representation of the array


public static int hashCode(Object array)

Get a hashCode for an array handling multi-dimensional arrays correctly.

Multi-dimensional primitive arrays are also handled correctly by this method.

array - the array to get a hashCode for, may be null
a hashCode for the array, zero if null array input


public static boolean isEquals(Object array1,
                               Object array2)

Compares two arrays, using equals(), handling multi-dimensional arrays correctly.

Multi-dimensional primitive arrays are also handled correctly by this method.

array1 - the left hand array to compare, may be null
array2 - the right hand array to compare, may be null
true if the arrays are equal


public static Map toMap(Object[] array)

Converts the given array into a Map. Each element of the array must be either a Map.Entry or an Array, containing at least two elements, where the first element is used as key and the second as value.

This method can be used to initialize:

 // Create a Map mapping colors.
 Map colorMap = MapUtils.toMap(new String[][] {{
     {"RED", "#FF0000"},
     {"GREEN", "#00FF00"},
     {"BLUE", "#0000FF"}});

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - an array whose elements are either a Map.Entry or an Array containing at least two elements, may be null
a Map that was created from the array
IllegalArgumentException - if one element of this Array is itself an Array containing less then two elements
IllegalArgumentException - if the array contains elements other than Map.Entry and an Array


public static Object[] clone(Object[] array)

Shallow clones an array returning a typecast result and handling null.

The objects in the array are not cloned, thus there is no special handling for multi-dimensional arrays.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - the array to shallow clone, may be null
the cloned array, null if null input


public static long[] clone(long[] array)

Clones an array returning a typecast result and handling null.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - the array to clone, may be null
the cloned array, null if null input


public static int[] clone(int[] array)

Clones an array returning a typecast result and handling null.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - the array to clone, may be null
the cloned array, null if null input


public static short[] clone(short[] array)

Clones an array returning a typecast result and handling null.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - the array to clone, may be null
the cloned array, null if null input


public static char[] clone(char[] array)

Clones an array returning a typecast result and handling null.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - the array to clone, may be null
the cloned array, null if null input


public static byte[] clone(byte[] array)

Clones an array returning a typecast result and handling null.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - the array to clone, may be null
the cloned array, null if null input


public static double[] clone(double[] array)

Clones an array returning a typecast result and handling null.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - the array to clone, may be null
the cloned array, null if null input


public static float[] clone(float[] array)

Clones an array returning a typecast result and handling null.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - the array to clone, may be null
the cloned array, null if null input


public static boolean[] clone(boolean[] array)

Clones an array returning a typecast result and handling null.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - the array to clone, may be null
the cloned array, null if null input


public static Object[] nullToEmpty(Object[] array)

Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.

This method returns an empty array for a null input array.

As a memory optimizing technique an empty array passed in will be overridden with the empty public static references in this class.

array - the array to check for null or empty
the same array, public static empty array if null or empty input


public static String[] nullToEmpty(String[] array)

Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.

This method returns an empty array for a null input array.

As a memory optimizing technique an empty array passed in will be overridden with the empty public static references in this class.

array - the array to check for null or empty
the same array, public static empty array if null or empty input


public static long[] nullToEmpty(long[] array)

Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.

This method returns an empty array for a null input array.

As a memory optimizing technique an empty array passed in will be overridden with the empty public static references in this class.

array - the array to check for null or empty
the same array, public static empty array if null or empty input


public static int[] nullToEmpty(int[] array)

Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.

This method returns an empty array for a null input array.

As a memory optimizing technique an empty array passed in will be overridden with the empty public static references in this class.

array - the array to check for null or empty
the same array, public static empty array if null or empty input


public static short[] nullToEmpty(short[] array)

Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.

This method returns an empty array for a null input array.

As a memory optimizing technique an empty array passed in will be overridden with the empty public static references in this class.

array - the array to check for null or empty
the same array, public static empty array if null or empty input


public static char[] nullToEmpty(char[] array)

Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.

This method returns an empty array for a null input array.

As a memory optimizing technique an empty array passed in will be overridden with the empty public static references in this class.

array - the array to check for null or empty
the same array, public static empty array if null or empty input


public static byte[] nullToEmpty(byte[] array)

Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.

This method returns an empty array for a null input array.

As a memory optimizing technique an empty array passed in will be overridden with the empty public static references in this class.

array - the array to check for null or empty
the same array, public static empty array if null or empty input


public static double[] nullToEmpty(double[] array)

Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.

This method returns an empty array for a null input array.

As a memory optimizing technique an empty array passed in will be overridden with the empty public static references in this class.

array - the array to check for null or empty
the same array, public static empty array if null or empty input


public static float[] nullToEmpty(float[] array)

Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.

This method returns an empty array for a null input array.

As a memory optimizing technique an empty array passed in will be overridden with the empty public static references in this class.

array - the array to check for null or empty
the same array, public static empty array if null or empty input


public static boolean[] nullToEmpty(boolean[] array)

Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.

This method returns an empty array for a null input array.

As a memory optimizing technique an empty array passed in will be overridden with the empty public static references in this class.

array - the array to check for null or empty
the same array, public static empty array if null or empty input


public static Long[] nullToEmpty(Long[] array)

Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.

This method returns an empty array for a null input array.

As a memory optimizing technique an empty array passed in will be overridden with the empty public static references in this class.

array - the array to check for null or empty
the same array, public static empty array if null or empty input


public static Integer[] nullToEmpty(Integer[] array)

Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.

This method returns an empty array for a null input array.

As a memory optimizing technique an empty array passed in will be overridden with the empty public static references in this class.

array - the array to check for null or empty
the same array, public static empty array if null or empty input


public static Short[] nullToEmpty(Short[] array)

Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.

This method returns an empty array for a null input array.

As a memory optimizing technique an empty array passed in will be overridden with the empty public static references in this class.

array - the array to check for null or empty
the same array, public static empty array if null or empty input


public static Character[] nullToEmpty(Character[] array)

Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.

This method returns an empty array for a null input array.

As a memory optimizing technique an empty array passed in will be overridden with the empty public static references in this class.

array - the array to check for null or empty
the same array, public static empty array if null or empty input


public static Byte[] nullToEmpty(Byte[] array)

Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.

This method returns an empty array for a null input array.

As a memory optimizing technique an empty array passed in will be overridden with the empty public static references in this class.

array - the array to check for null or empty
the same array, public static empty array if null or empty input


public static Double[] nullToEmpty(Double[] array)

Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.

This method returns an empty array for a null input array.

As a memory optimizing technique an empty array passed in will be overridden with the empty public static references in this class.

array - the array to check for null or empty
the same array, public static empty array if null or empty input


public static Float[] nullToEmpty(Float[] array)

Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.

This method returns an empty array for a null input array.

As a memory optimizing technique an empty array passed in will be overridden with the empty public static references in this class.

array - the array to check for null or empty
the same array, public static empty array if null or empty input


public static Boolean[] nullToEmpty(Boolean[] array)

Defensive programming technique to change a null reference to an empty one.

This method returns an empty array for a null input array.

As a memory optimizing technique an empty array passed in will be overridden with the empty public static references in this class.

array - the array to check for null or empty
the same array, public static empty array if null or empty input


public static Object[] subarray(Object[] array,
                                int startIndexInclusive,
                                int endIndexExclusive)

Produces a new array containing the elements between the start and end indices.

The start index is inclusive, the end index exclusive. Null array input produces null output.

The component type of the subarray is always the same as that of the input array. Thus, if the input is an array of type Date, the following usage is envisaged:

 Date[] someDates = (Date[])ArrayUtils.subarray(allDates, 2, 5);

array - the array
startIndexInclusive - the starting index. Undervalue (<0) is promoted to 0, overvalue (>array.length) results in an empty array.
endIndexExclusive - elements up to endIndex-1 are present in the returned subarray. Undervalue (< startIndex) produces empty array, overvalue (>array.length) is demoted to array length.
a new array containing the elements between the start and end indices.


public static long[] subarray(long[] array,
                              int startIndexInclusive,
                              int endIndexExclusive)

Produces a new long array containing the elements between the start and end indices.

The start index is inclusive, the end index exclusive. Null array input produces null output.

array - the array
startIndexInclusive - the starting index. Undervalue (<0) is promoted to 0, overvalue (>array.length) results in an empty array.
endIndexExclusive - elements up to endIndex-1 are present in the returned subarray. Undervalue (< startIndex) produces empty array, overvalue (>array.length) is demoted to array length.
a new array containing the elements between the start and end indices.


public static int[] subarray(int[] array,
                             int startIndexInclusive,
                             int endIndexExclusive)

Produces a new int array containing the elements between the start and end indices.

The start index is inclusive, the end index exclusive. Null array input produces null output.

array - the array
startIndexInclusive - the starting index. Undervalue (<0) is promoted to 0, overvalue (>array.length) results in an empty array.
endIndexExclusive - elements up to endIndex-1 are present in the returned subarray. Undervalue (< startIndex) produces empty array, overvalue (>array.length) is demoted to array length.
a new array containing the elements between the start and end indices.


public static short[] subarray(short[] array,
                               int startIndexInclusive,
                               int endIndexExclusive)

Produces a new short array containing the elements between the start and end indices.

The start index is inclusive, the end index exclusive. Null array input produces null output.

array - the array
startIndexInclusive - the starting index. Undervalue (<0) is promoted to 0, overvalue (>array.length) results in an empty array.
endIndexExclusive - elements up to endIndex-1 are present in the returned subarray. Undervalue (< startIndex) produces empty array, overvalue (>array.length) is demoted to array length.
a new array containing the elements between the start and end indices.


public static char[] subarray(char[] array,
                              int startIndexInclusive,
                              int endIndexExclusive)

Produces a new char array containing the elements between the start and end indices.

The start index is inclusive, the end index exclusive. Null array input produces null output.

array - the array
startIndexInclusive - the starting index. Undervalue (<0) is promoted to 0, overvalue (>array.length) results in an empty array.
endIndexExclusive - elements up to endIndex-1 are present in the returned subarray. Undervalue (< startIndex) produces empty array, overvalue (>array.length) is demoted to array length.
a new array containing the elements between the start and end indices.


public static byte[] subarray(byte[] array,
                              int startIndexInclusive,
                              int endIndexExclusive)

Produces a new byte array containing the elements between the start and end indices.

The start index is inclusive, the end index exclusive. Null array input produces null output.

array - the array
startIndexInclusive - the starting index. Undervalue (<0) is promoted to 0, overvalue (>array.length) results in an empty array.
endIndexExclusive - elements up to endIndex-1 are present in the returned subarray. Undervalue (< startIndex) produces empty array, overvalue (>array.length) is demoted to array length.
a new array containing the elements between the start and end indices.


public static double[] subarray(double[] array,
                                int startIndexInclusive,
                                int endIndexExclusive)

Produces a new double array containing the elements between the start and end indices.

The start index is inclusive, the end index exclusive. Null array input produces null output.

array - the array
startIndexInclusive - the starting index. Undervalue (<0) is promoted to 0, overvalue (>array.length) results in an empty array.
endIndexExclusive - elements up to endIndex-1 are present in the returned subarray. Undervalue (< startIndex) produces empty array, overvalue (>array.length) is demoted to array length.
a new array containing the elements between the start and end indices.


public static float[] subarray(float[] array,
                               int startIndexInclusive,
                               int endIndexExclusive)

Produces a new float array containing the elements between the start and end indices.

The start index is inclusive, the end index exclusive. Null array input produces null output.

array - the array
startIndexInclusive - the starting index. Undervalue (<0) is promoted to 0, overvalue (>array.length) results in an empty array.
endIndexExclusive - elements up to endIndex-1 are present in the returned subarray. Undervalue (< startIndex) produces empty array, overvalue (>array.length) is demoted to array length.
a new array containing the elements between the start and end indices.


public static boolean[] subarray(boolean[] array,
                                 int startIndexInclusive,
                                 int endIndexExclusive)

Produces a new boolean array containing the elements between the start and end indices.

The start index is inclusive, the end index exclusive. Null array input produces null output.

array - the array
startIndexInclusive - the starting index. Undervalue (<0) is promoted to 0, overvalue (>array.length) results in an empty array.
endIndexExclusive - elements up to endIndex-1 are present in the returned subarray. Undervalue (< startIndex) produces empty array, overvalue (>array.length) is demoted to array length.
a new array containing the elements between the start and end indices.


public static boolean isSameLength(Object[] array1,
                                   Object[] array2)

Checks whether two arrays are the same length, treating null arrays as length 0.

Any multi-dimensional aspects of the arrays are ignored.

array1 - the first array, may be null
array2 - the second array, may be null
true if length of arrays matches, treating null as an empty array


public static boolean isSameLength(long[] array1,
                                   long[] array2)

Checks whether two arrays are the same length, treating null arrays as length 0.

array1 - the first array, may be null
array2 - the second array, may be null
true if length of arrays matches, treating null as an empty array


public static boolean isSameLength(int[] array1,
                                   int[] array2)

Checks whether two arrays are the same length, treating null arrays as length 0.

array1 - the first array, may be null
array2 - the second array, may be null
true if length of arrays matches, treating null as an empty array


public static boolean isSameLength(short[] array1,
                                   short[] array2)

Checks whether two arrays are the same length, treating null arrays as length 0.

array1 - the first array, may be null
array2 - the second array, may be null
true if length of arrays matches, treating null as an empty array


public static boolean isSameLength(char[] array1,
                                   char[] array2)

Checks whether two arrays are the same length, treating null arrays as length 0.

array1 - the first array, may be null
array2 - the second array, may be null
true if length of arrays matches, treating null as an empty array


public static boolean isSameLength(byte[] array1,
                                   byte[] array2)

Checks whether two arrays are the same length, treating null arrays as length 0.

array1 - the first array, may be null
array2 - the second array, may be null
true if length of arrays matches, treating null as an empty array


public static boolean isSameLength(double[] array1,
                                   double[] array2)

Checks whether two arrays are the same length, treating null arrays as length 0.

array1 - the first array, may be null
array2 - the second array, may be null
true if length of arrays matches, treating null as an empty array


public static boolean isSameLength(float[] array1,
                                   float[] array2)

Checks whether two arrays are the same length, treating null arrays as length 0.

array1 - the first array, may be null
array2 - the second array, may be null
true if length of arrays matches, treating null as an empty array


public static boolean isSameLength(boolean[] array1,
                                   boolean[] array2)

Checks whether two arrays are the same length, treating null arrays as length 0.

array1 - the first array, may be null
array2 - the second array, may be null
true if length of arrays matches, treating null as an empty array


public static int getLength(Object array)

Returns the length of the specified array. This method can deal with Object arrays and with primitive arrays.

If the input array is null, 0 is returned.

 ArrayUtils.getLength(null)            = 0
 ArrayUtils.getLength([])              = 0
 ArrayUtils.getLength([null])          = 1
 ArrayUtils.getLength([true, false])   = 2
 ArrayUtils.getLength([1, 2, 3])       = 3
 ArrayUtils.getLength(["a", "b", "c"]) = 3

array - the array to retrieve the length from, may be null
The length of the array, or 0 if the array is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the object arguement is not an array.


public static boolean isSameType(Object array1,
                                 Object array2)

Checks whether two arrays are the same type taking into account multi-dimensional arrays.

array1 - the first array, must not be null
array2 - the second array, must not be null
true if type of arrays matches
IllegalArgumentException - if either array is null


public static void reverse(Object[] array)

Reverses the order of the given array.

There is no special handling for multi-dimensional arrays.

This method does nothing for a null input array.

array - the array to reverse, may be null


public static void reverse(long[] array)

Reverses the order of the given array.

This method does nothing for a null input array.

array - the array to reverse, may be null


public static void reverse(int[] array)

Reverses the order of the given array.

This method does nothing for a null input array.

array - the array to reverse, may be null


public static void reverse(short[] array)

Reverses the order of the given array.

This method does nothing for a null input array.

array - the array to reverse, may be null


public static void reverse(char[] array)

Reverses the order of the given array.

This method does nothing for a null input array.

array - the array to reverse, may be null


public static void reverse(byte[] array)

Reverses the order of the given array.

This method does nothing for a null input array.

array - the array to reverse, may be null


public static void reverse(double[] array)

Reverses the order of the given array.

This method does nothing for a null input array.

array - the array to reverse, may be null


public static void reverse(float[] array)

Reverses the order of the given array.

This method does nothing for a null input array.

array - the array to reverse, may be null


public static void reverse(boolean[] array)

Reverses the order of the given array.

This method does nothing for a null input array.

array - the array to reverse, may be null


public static int indexOf(Object[] array,
                          Object objectToFind)

Finds the index of the given object in the array.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

array - the array to search through for the object, may be null
objectToFind - the object to find, may be null
the index of the object within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int indexOf(Object[] array,
                          Object objectToFind,
                          int startIndex)

Finds the index of the given object in the array starting at the given index.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

A negative startIndex is treated as zero. A startIndex larger than the array length will return INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1).

array - the array to search through for the object, may be null
objectToFind - the object to find, may be null
startIndex - the index to start searching at
the index of the object within the array starting at the index, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int lastIndexOf(Object[] array,
                              Object objectToFind)

Finds the last index of the given object within the array.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

array - the array to travers backwords looking for the object, may be null
objectToFind - the object to find, may be null
the last index of the object within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int lastIndexOf(Object[] array,
                              Object objectToFind,
                              int startIndex)

Finds the last index of the given object in the array starting at the given index.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

A negative startIndex will return INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1). A startIndex larger than the array length will search from the end of the array.

array - the array to traverse for looking for the object, may be null
objectToFind - the object to find, may be null
startIndex - the start index to travers backwards from
the last index of the object within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static boolean contains(Object[] array,
                               Object objectToFind)

Checks if the object is in the given array.

The method returns false if a null array is passed in.

array - the array to search through
objectToFind - the object to find
true if the array contains the object


public static int indexOf(long[] array,
                          long valueToFind)

Finds the index of the given value in the array.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

array - the array to search through for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
the index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int indexOf(long[] array,
                          long valueToFind,
                          int startIndex)

Finds the index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

A negative startIndex is treated as zero. A startIndex larger than the array length will return INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1).

array - the array to search through for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
startIndex - the index to start searching at
the index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int lastIndexOf(long[] array,
                              long valueToFind)

Finds the last index of the given value within the array.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

array - the array to travers backwords looking for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the object to find
the last index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int lastIndexOf(long[] array,
                              long valueToFind,
                              int startIndex)

Finds the last index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

A negative startIndex will return INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1). A startIndex larger than the array length will search from the end of the array.

array - the array to traverse for looking for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
startIndex - the start index to travers backwards from
the last index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static boolean contains(long[] array,
                               long valueToFind)

Checks if the value is in the given array.

The method returns false if a null array is passed in.

array - the array to search through
valueToFind - the value to find
true if the array contains the object


public static int indexOf(int[] array,
                          int valueToFind)

Finds the index of the given value in the array.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

array - the array to search through for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
the index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int indexOf(int[] array,
                          int valueToFind,
                          int startIndex)

Finds the index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

A negative startIndex is treated as zero. A startIndex larger than the array length will return INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1).

array - the array to search through for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
startIndex - the index to start searching at
the index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int lastIndexOf(int[] array,
                              int valueToFind)

Finds the last index of the given value within the array.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

array - the array to travers backwords looking for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the object to find
the last index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int lastIndexOf(int[] array,
                              int valueToFind,
                              int startIndex)

Finds the last index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

A negative startIndex will return INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1). A startIndex larger than the array length will search from the end of the array.

array - the array to traverse for looking for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
startIndex - the start index to travers backwards from
the last index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static boolean contains(int[] array,
                               int valueToFind)

Checks if the value is in the given array.

The method returns false if a null array is passed in.

array - the array to search through
valueToFind - the value to find
true if the array contains the object


public static int indexOf(short[] array,
                          short valueToFind)

Finds the index of the given value in the array.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

array - the array to search through for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
the index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int indexOf(short[] array,
                          short valueToFind,
                          int startIndex)

Finds the index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

A negative startIndex is treated as zero. A startIndex larger than the array length will return INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1).

array - the array to search through for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
startIndex - the index to start searching at
the index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int lastIndexOf(short[] array,
                              short valueToFind)

Finds the last index of the given value within the array.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

array - the array to travers backwords looking for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the object to find
the last index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int lastIndexOf(short[] array,
                              short valueToFind,
                              int startIndex)

Finds the last index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

A negative startIndex will return INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1). A startIndex larger than the array length will search from the end of the array.

array - the array to traverse for looking for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
startIndex - the start index to travers backwards from
the last index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static boolean contains(short[] array,
                               short valueToFind)

Checks if the value is in the given array.

The method returns false if a null array is passed in.

array - the array to search through
valueToFind - the value to find
true if the array contains the object


public static int indexOf(char[] array,
                          char valueToFind)

Finds the index of the given value in the array.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

array - the array to search through for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
the index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int indexOf(char[] array,
                          char valueToFind,
                          int startIndex)

Finds the index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

A negative startIndex is treated as zero. A startIndex larger than the array length will return INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1).

array - the array to search through for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
startIndex - the index to start searching at
the index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int lastIndexOf(char[] array,
                              char valueToFind)

Finds the last index of the given value within the array.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

array - the array to travers backwords looking for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the object to find
the last index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int lastIndexOf(char[] array,
                              char valueToFind,
                              int startIndex)

Finds the last index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

A negative startIndex will return INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1). A startIndex larger than the array length will search from the end of the array.

array - the array to traverse for looking for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
startIndex - the start index to travers backwards from
the last index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static boolean contains(char[] array,
                               char valueToFind)

Checks if the value is in the given array.

The method returns false if a null array is passed in.

array - the array to search through
valueToFind - the value to find
true if the array contains the object


public static int indexOf(byte[] array,
                          byte valueToFind)

Finds the index of the given value in the array.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

array - the array to search through for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
the index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int indexOf(byte[] array,
                          byte valueToFind,
                          int startIndex)

Finds the index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

A negative startIndex is treated as zero. A startIndex larger than the array length will return INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1).

array - the array to search through for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
startIndex - the index to start searching at
the index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int lastIndexOf(byte[] array,
                              byte valueToFind)

Finds the last index of the given value within the array.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

array - the array to travers backwords looking for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the object to find
the last index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int lastIndexOf(byte[] array,
                              byte valueToFind,
                              int startIndex)

Finds the last index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

A negative startIndex will return INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1). A startIndex larger than the array length will search from the end of the array.

array - the array to traverse for looking for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
startIndex - the start index to travers backwards from
the last index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static boolean contains(byte[] array,
                               byte valueToFind)

Checks if the value is in the given array.

The method returns false if a null array is passed in.

array - the array to search through
valueToFind - the value to find
true if the array contains the object


public static int indexOf(double[] array,
                          double valueToFind)

Finds the index of the given value in the array.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

array - the array to search through for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
the index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int indexOf(double[] array,
                          double valueToFind,
                          double tolerance)

Finds the index of the given value within a given tolerance in the array. This method will return the index of the first value which falls between the region defined by valueToFind - tolerance and valueToFind + tolerance.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

array - the array to search through for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
tolerance - tolerance of the search
the index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int indexOf(double[] array,
                          double valueToFind,
                          int startIndex)

Finds the index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

A negative startIndex is treated as zero. A startIndex larger than the array length will return INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1).

array - the array to search through for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
startIndex - the index to start searching at
the index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int indexOf(double[] array,
                          double valueToFind,
                          int startIndex,
                          double tolerance)

Finds the index of the given value in the array starting at the given index. This method will return the index of the first value which falls between the region defined by valueToFind - tolerance and valueToFind + tolerance.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

A negative startIndex is treated as zero. A startIndex larger than the array length will return INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1).

array - the array to search through for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
startIndex - the index to start searching at
tolerance - tolerance of the search
the index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int lastIndexOf(double[] array,
                              double valueToFind)

Finds the last index of the given value within the array.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

array - the array to travers backwords looking for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the object to find
the last index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int lastIndexOf(double[] array,
                              double valueToFind,
                              double tolerance)

Finds the last index of the given value within a given tolerance in the array. This method will return the index of the last value which falls between the region defined by valueToFind - tolerance and valueToFind + tolerance.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

array - the array to search through for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
tolerance - tolerance of the search
the index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int lastIndexOf(double[] array,
                              double valueToFind,
                              int startIndex)

Finds the last index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

A negative startIndex will return INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1). A startIndex larger than the array length will search from the end of the array.

array - the array to traverse for looking for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
startIndex - the start index to travers backwards from
the last index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int lastIndexOf(double[] array,
                              double valueToFind,
                              int startIndex,
                              double tolerance)

Finds the last index of the given value in the array starting at the given index. This method will return the index of the last value which falls between the region defined by valueToFind - tolerance and valueToFind + tolerance.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

A negative startIndex will return INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1). A startIndex larger than the array length will search from the end of the array.

array - the array to traverse for looking for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
startIndex - the start index to travers backwards from
tolerance - search for value within plus/minus this amount
the last index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static boolean contains(double[] array,
                               double valueToFind)

Checks if the value is in the given array.

The method returns false if a null array is passed in.

array - the array to search through
valueToFind - the value to find
true if the array contains the object


public static boolean contains(double[] array,
                               double valueToFind,
                               double tolerance)

Checks if a value falling within the given tolerance is in the given array. If the array contains a value within the inclusive range defined by (value - tolerance) to (value + tolerance).

The method returns false if a null array is passed in.

array - the array to search
valueToFind - the value to find
tolerance - the array contains the tolerance of the search
true if value falling within tolerance is in array


public static int indexOf(float[] array,
                          float valueToFind)

Finds the index of the given value in the array.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

array - the array to search through for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
the index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int indexOf(float[] array,
                          float valueToFind,
                          int startIndex)

Finds the index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

A negative startIndex is treated as zero. A startIndex larger than the array length will return INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1).

array - the array to search through for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
startIndex - the index to start searching at
the index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int lastIndexOf(float[] array,
                              float valueToFind)

Finds the last index of the given value within the array.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

array - the array to travers backwords looking for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the object to find
the last index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int lastIndexOf(float[] array,
                              float valueToFind,
                              int startIndex)

Finds the last index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

A negative startIndex will return INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1). A startIndex larger than the array length will search from the end of the array.

array - the array to traverse for looking for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
startIndex - the start index to travers backwards from
the last index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static boolean contains(float[] array,
                               float valueToFind)

Checks if the value is in the given array.

The method returns false if a null array is passed in.

array - the array to search through
valueToFind - the value to find
true if the array contains the object


public static int indexOf(boolean[] array,
                          boolean valueToFind)

Finds the index of the given value in the array.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

array - the array to search through for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
the index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int indexOf(boolean[] array,
                          boolean valueToFind,
                          int startIndex)

Finds the index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

A negative startIndex is treated as zero. A startIndex larger than the array length will return INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1).

array - the array to search through for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
startIndex - the index to start searching at
the index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int lastIndexOf(boolean[] array,
                              boolean valueToFind)

Finds the last index of the given value within the array.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if null array input.

array - the array to travers backwords looking for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the object to find
the last index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static int lastIndexOf(boolean[] array,
                              boolean valueToFind,
                              int startIndex)

Finds the last index of the given value in the array starting at the given index.

This method returns INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) for a null input array.

A negative startIndex will return INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1). A startIndex larger than the array length will search from the end of the array.

array - the array to traverse for looking for the object, may be null
valueToFind - the value to find
startIndex - the start index to travers backwards from
the last index of the value within the array, INDEX_NOT_FOUND (-1) if not found or null array input


public static boolean contains(boolean[] array,
                               boolean valueToFind)

Checks if the value is in the given array.

The method returns false if a null array is passed in.

array - the array to search through
valueToFind - the value to find
true if the array contains the object


public static char[] toPrimitive(Character[] array)

Converts an array of object Characters to primitives.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - a Character array, may be null
a char array, null if null array input
NullPointerException - if array content is null


public static char[] toPrimitive(Character[] array,
                                 char valueForNull)

Converts an array of object Character to primitives handling null.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - a Character array, may be null
valueForNull - the value to insert if null found
a char array, null if null array input


public static Character[] toObject(char[] array)

Converts an array of primitive chars to objects.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - a char array
a Character array, null if null array input


public static long[] toPrimitive(Long[] array)

Converts an array of object Longs to primitives.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - a Long array, may be null
a long array, null if null array input
NullPointerException - if array content is null


public static long[] toPrimitive(Long[] array,
                                 long valueForNull)

Converts an array of object Long to primitives handling null.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - a Long array, may be null
valueForNull - the value to insert if null found
a long array, null if null array input


public static Long[] toObject(long[] array)

Converts an array of primitive longs to objects.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - a long array
a Long array, null if null array input


public static int[] toPrimitive(Integer[] array)

Converts an array of object Integers to primitives.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - a Integer array, may be null
an int array, null if null array input
NullPointerException - if array content is null


public static int[] toPrimitive(Integer[] array,
                                int valueForNull)

Converts an array of object Integer to primitives handling null.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - a Integer array, may be null
valueForNull - the value to insert if null found
an int array, null if null array input


public static Integer[] toObject(int[] array)

Converts an array of primitive ints to objects.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - an int array
an Integer array, null if null array input


public static short[] toPrimitive(Short[] array)

Converts an array of object Shorts to primitives.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - a Short array, may be null
a byte array, null if null array input
NullPointerException - if array content is null


public static short[] toPrimitive(Short[] array,
                                  short valueForNull)

Converts an array of object Short to primitives handling null.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - a Short array, may be null
valueForNull - the value to insert if null found
a byte array, null if null array input


public static Short[] toObject(short[] array)

Converts an array of primitive shorts to objects.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - a short array
a Short array, null if null array input


public static byte[] toPrimitive(Byte[] array)

Converts an array of object Bytes to primitives.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - a Byte array, may be null
a byte array, null if null array input
NullPointerException - if array content is null


public static byte[] toPrimitive(Byte[] array,
                                 byte valueForNull)

Converts an array of object Bytes to primitives handling null.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - a Byte array, may be null
valueForNull - the value to insert if null found
a byte array, null if null array input


public static Byte[] toObject(byte[] array)

Converts an array of primitive bytes to objects.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - a byte array
a Byte array, null if null array input


public static double[] toPrimitive(Double[] array)

Converts an array of object Doubles to primitives.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - a Double array, may be null
a double array, null if null array input
NullPointerException - if array content is null


public static double[] toPrimitive(Double[] array,
                                   double valueForNull)

Converts an array of object Doubles to primitives handling null.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - a Double array, may be null
valueForNull - the value to insert if null found
a double array, null if null array input


public static Double[] toObject(double[] array)

Converts an array of primitive doubles to objects.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - a double array
a Double array, null if null array input


public static float[] toPrimitive(Float[] array)

Converts an array of object Floats to primitives.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - a Float array, may be null
a float array, null if null array input
NullPointerException - if array content is null


public static float[] toPrimitive(Float[] array,
                                  float valueForNull)

Converts an array of object Floats to primitives handling null.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - a Float array, may be null
valueForNull - the value to insert if null found
a float array, null if null array input


public static Float[] toObject(float[] array)

Converts an array of primitive floats to objects.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - a float array
a Float array, null if null array input


public static boolean[] toPrimitive(Boolean[] array)

Converts an array of object Booleans to primitives.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - a Boolean array, may be null
a boolean array, null if null array input
NullPointerException - if array content is null


public static boolean[] toPrimitive(Boolean[] array,
                                    boolean valueForNull)

Converts an array of object Booleans to primitives handling null.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - a Boolean array, may be null
valueForNull - the value to insert if null found
a boolean array, null if null array input


public static Boolean[] toObject(boolean[] array)

Converts an array of primitive booleans to objects.

This method returns null for a null input array.

array - a boolean array
a Boolean array, null if null array input


public static boolean isEmpty(Object[] array)

Checks if an array of Objects is empty or null.

array - the array to test
true if the array is empty or null


public static boolean isEmpty(long[] array)

Checks if an array of primitive longs is empty or null.

array - the array to test
true if the array is empty or null


public static boolean isEmpty(int[] array)

Checks if an array of primitive ints is empty or null.

array - the array to test
true if the array is empty or null


public static boolean isEmpty(short[] array)

Checks if an array of primitive shorts is empty or null.

array - the array to test
true if the array is empty or null


public static boolean isEmpty(char[] array)

Checks if an array of primitive chars is empty or null.

array - the array to test
true if the array is empty or null


public static boolean isEmpty(byte[] array)

Checks if an array of primitive bytes is empty or null.

array - the array to test
true if the array is empty or null


public static boolean isEmpty(double[] array)

Checks if an array of primitive doubles is empty or null.

array - the array to test
true if the array is empty or null


public static boolean isEmpty(float[] array)

Checks if an array of primitive floats is empty or null.

array - the array to test
true if the array is empty or null


public static boolean isEmpty(boolean[] array)

Checks if an array of primitive booleans is empty or null.

array - the array to test
true if the array is empty or null


public static boolean isNotEmpty(Object[] array)

Checks if an array of Objects is not empty or not null.

array - the array to test
true if the array is not empty or not null


public static boolean isNotEmpty(long[] array)

Checks if an array of primitive longs is not empty or not null.

array - the array to test
true if the array is not empty or not null


public static boolean isNotEmpty(int[] array)

Checks if an array of primitive ints is not empty or not null.

array - the array to test
true if the array is not empty or not null


public static boolean isNotEmpty(short[] array)

Checks if an array of primitive shorts is not empty or not null.

array - the array to test
true if the array is not empty or not null


public static boolean isNotEmpty(char[] array)

Checks if an array of primitive chars is not empty or not null.

array - the array to test
true if the array is not empty or not null


public static boolean isNotEmpty(byte[] array)

Checks if an array of primitive bytes is not empty or not null.

array - the array to test
true if the array is not empty or not null


public static boolean isNotEmpty(double[] array)

Checks if an array of primitive doubles is not empty or not null.

array - the array to test
true if the array is not empty or not null


public static boolean isNotEmpty(float[] array)

Checks if an array of primitive floats is not empty or not null.

array - the array to test
true if the array is not empty or not null


public static boolean isNotEmpty(boolean[] array)

Checks if an array of primitive booleans is not empty or not null.

array - the array to test
true if the array is not empty or not null


public static Object[] addAll(Object[] array1,
                              Object[] array2)

Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.

The new array contains all of the element of array1 followed by all of the elements array2. When an array is returned, it is always a new array.

 ArrayUtils.addAll(null, null)     = null
 ArrayUtils.addAll(array1, null)   = cloned copy of array1
 ArrayUtils.addAll(null, array2)   = cloned copy of array2
 ArrayUtils.addAll([], [])         = []
 ArrayUtils.addAll([null], [null]) = [null, null]
 ArrayUtils.addAll(["a", "b", "c"], ["1", "2", "3"]) = ["a", "b", "c", "1", "2", "3"]

array1 - the first array whose elements are added to the new array, may be null
array2 - the second array whose elements are added to the new array, may be null
The new array, null if both arrays are null. The type of the new array is the type of the first array, unless the first array is null, in which case the type is the same as the second array.
IllegalArgumentException - if the array types are incompatible


public static boolean[] addAll(boolean[] array1,
                               boolean[] array2)

Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.

The new array contains all of the element of array1 followed by all of the elements array2. When an array is returned, it is always a new array.

 ArrayUtils.addAll(array1, null)   = cloned copy of array1
 ArrayUtils.addAll(null, array2)   = cloned copy of array2
 ArrayUtils.addAll([], [])         = []

array1 - the first array whose elements are added to the new array.
array2 - the second array whose elements are added to the new array.
The new boolean[] array.


public static char[] addAll(char[] array1,
                            char[] array2)

Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.

The new array contains all of the element of array1 followed by all of the elements array2. When an array is returned, it is always a new array.

 ArrayUtils.addAll(array1, null)   = cloned copy of array1
 ArrayUtils.addAll(null, array2)   = cloned copy of array2
 ArrayUtils.addAll([], [])         = []

array1 - the first array whose elements are added to the new array.
array2 - the second array whose elements are added to the new array.
The new char[] array.


public static byte[] addAll(byte[] array1,
                            byte[] array2)

Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.

The new array contains all of the element of array1 followed by all of the elements array2. When an array is returned, it is always a new array.

 ArrayUtils.addAll(array1, null)   = cloned copy of array1
 ArrayUtils.addAll(null, array2)   = cloned copy of array2
 ArrayUtils.addAll([], [])         = []

array1 - the first array whose elements are added to the new array.
array2 - the second array whose elements are added to the new array.
The new byte[] array.


public static short[] addAll(short[] array1,
                             short[] array2)

Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.

The new array contains all of the element of array1 followed by all of the elements array2. When an array is returned, it is always a new array.

 ArrayUtils.addAll(array1, null)   = cloned copy of array1
 ArrayUtils.addAll(null, array2)   = cloned copy of array2
 ArrayUtils.addAll([], [])         = []

array1 - the first array whose elements are added to the new array.
array2 - the second array whose elements are added to the new array.
The new short[] array.


public static int[] addAll(int[] array1,
                           int[] array2)

Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.

The new array contains all of the element of array1 followed by all of the elements array2. When an array is returned, it is always a new array.

 ArrayUtils.addAll(array1, null)   = cloned copy of array1
 ArrayUtils.addAll(null, array2)   = cloned copy of array2
 ArrayUtils.addAll([], [])         = []

array1 - the first array whose elements are added to the new array.
array2 - the second array whose elements are added to the new array.
The new int[] array.


public static long[] addAll(long[] array1,
                            long[] array2)

Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.

The new array contains all of the element of array1 followed by all of the elements array2. When an array is returned, it is always a new array.

 ArrayUtils.addAll(array1, null)   = cloned copy of array1
 ArrayUtils.addAll(null, array2)   = cloned copy of array2
 ArrayUtils.addAll([], [])         = []

array1 - the first array whose elements are added to the new array.
array2 - the second array whose elements are added to the new array.
The new long[] array.


public static float[] addAll(float[] array1,
                             float[] array2)

Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.

The new array contains all of the element of array1 followed by all of the elements array2. When an array is returned, it is always a new array.

 ArrayUtils.addAll(array1, null)   = cloned copy of array1
 ArrayUtils.addAll(null, array2)   = cloned copy of array2
 ArrayUtils.addAll([], [])         = []

array1 - the first array whose elements are added to the new array.
array2 - the second array whose elements are added to the new array.
The new float[] array.


public static double[] addAll(double[] array1,
                              double[] array2)

Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.

The new array contains all of the element of array1 followed by all of the elements array2. When an array is returned, it is always a new array.

 ArrayUtils.addAll(array1, null)   = cloned copy of array1
 ArrayUtils.addAll(null, array2)   = cloned copy of array2
 ArrayUtils.addAll([], [])         = []

array1 - the first array whose elements are added to the new array.
array2 - the second array whose elements are added to the new array.
The new double[] array.


public static Object[] add(Object[] array,
                           Object element)

Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.

The new array contains the same elements of the input array plus the given element in the last position. The component type of the new array is the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, a new one element array is returned whose component type is the same as the element, unless the element itself is null, in which case the return type is Object[]

 ArrayUtils.add(null, null)      = [null]
 ArrayUtils.add(null, "a")       = ["a"]
 ArrayUtils.add(["a"], null)     = ["a", null]
 ArrayUtils.add(["a"], "b")      = ["a", "b"]
 ArrayUtils.add(["a", "b"], "c") = ["a", "b", "c"]

array - the array to "add" the element to, may be null
element - the object to add, may be null
A new array containing the existing elements plus the new element The returned array type will be that of the input array (unless null), in which case it will have the same type as the element.


public static boolean[] add(boolean[] array,
                            boolean element)

Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.

The new array contains the same elements of the input array plus the given element in the last position. The component type of the new array is the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, a new one element array is returned whose component type is the same as the element.

 ArrayUtils.add(null, true)          = [true]
 ArrayUtils.add([true], false)       = [true, false]
 ArrayUtils.add([true, false], true) = [true, false, true]

array - the array to copy and add the element to, may be null
element - the object to add at the last index of the new array
A new array containing the existing elements plus the new element


public static byte[] add(byte[] array,
                         byte element)

Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.

The new array contains the same elements of the input array plus the given element in the last position. The component type of the new array is the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, a new one element array is returned whose component type is the same as the element.

 ArrayUtils.add(null, 0)   = [0]
 ArrayUtils.add([1], 0)    = [1, 0]
 ArrayUtils.add([1, 0], 1) = [1, 0, 1]

array - the array to copy and add the element to, may be null
element - the object to add at the last index of the new array
A new array containing the existing elements plus the new element


public static char[] add(char[] array,
                         char element)

Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.

The new array contains the same elements of the input array plus the given element in the last position. The component type of the new array is the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, a new one element array is returned whose component type is the same as the element.

 ArrayUtils.add(null, '0')       = ['0']
 ArrayUtils.add(['1'], '0')      = ['1', '0']
 ArrayUtils.add(['1', '0'], '1') = ['1', '0', '1']

array - the array to copy and add the element to, may be null
element - the object to add at the last index of the new array
A new array containing the existing elements plus the new element


public static double[] add(double[] array,
                           double element)

Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.

The new array contains the same elements of the input array plus the given element in the last position. The component type of the new array is the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, a new one element array is returned whose component type is the same as the element.

 ArrayUtils.add(null, 0)   = [0]
 ArrayUtils.add([1], 0)    = [1, 0]
 ArrayUtils.add([1, 0], 1) = [1, 0, 1]

array - the array to copy and add the element to, may be null
element - the object to add at the last index of the new array
A new array containing the existing elements plus the new element


public static float[] add(float[] array,
                          float element)

Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.

The new array contains the same elements of the input array plus the given element in the last position. The component type of the new array is the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, a new one element array is returned whose component type is the same as the element.

 ArrayUtils.add(null, 0)   = [0]
 ArrayUtils.add([1], 0)    = [1, 0]
 ArrayUtils.add([1, 0], 1) = [1, 0, 1]

array - the array to copy and add the element to, may be null
element - the object to add at the last index of the new array
A new array containing the existing elements plus the new element


public static int[] add(int[] array,
                        int element)

Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.

The new array contains the same elements of the input array plus the given element in the last position. The component type of the new array is the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, a new one element array is returned whose component type is the same as the element.

 ArrayUtils.add(null, 0)   = [0]
 ArrayUtils.add([1], 0)    = [1, 0]
 ArrayUtils.add([1, 0], 1) = [1, 0, 1]

array - the array to copy and add the element to, may be null
element - the object to add at the last index of the new array
A new array containing the existing elements plus the new element


public static long[] add(long[] array,
                         long element)

Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.

The new array contains the same elements of the input array plus the given element in the last position. The component type of the new array is the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, a new one element array is returned whose component type is the same as the element.

 ArrayUtils.add(null, 0)   = [0]
 ArrayUtils.add([1], 0)    = [1, 0]
 ArrayUtils.add([1, 0], 1) = [1, 0, 1]

array - the array to copy and add the element to, may be null
element - the object to add at the last index of the new array
A new array containing the existing elements plus the new element


public static short[] add(short[] array,
                          short element)

Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.

The new array contains the same elements of the input array plus the given element in the last position. The component type of the new array is the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, a new one element array is returned whose component type is the same as the element.

 ArrayUtils.add(null, 0)   = [0]
 ArrayUtils.add([1], 0)    = [1, 0]
 ArrayUtils.add([1, 0], 1) = [1, 0, 1]

array - the array to copy and add the element to, may be null
element - the object to add at the last index of the new array
A new array containing the existing elements plus the new element


public static Object[] add(Object[] array,
                           int index,
                           Object element)

Inserts the specified element at the specified position in the array. Shifts the element currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent elements to the right (adds one to their indices).

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array plus the given element on the specified position. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, a new one element array is returned whose component type is the same as the element.

 ArrayUtils.add(null, 0, null)      = [null]
 ArrayUtils.add(null, 0, "a")       = ["a"]
 ArrayUtils.add(["a"], 1, null)     = ["a", null]
 ArrayUtils.add(["a"], 1, "b")      = ["a", "b"]
 ArrayUtils.add(["a", "b"], 3, "c") = ["a", "b", "c"]

array - the array to add the element to, may be null
index - the position of the new object
element - the object to add
A new array containing the existing elements and the new element
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index > array.length).


public static boolean[] add(boolean[] array,
                            int index,
                            boolean element)

Inserts the specified element at the specified position in the array. Shifts the element currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent elements to the right (adds one to their indices).

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array plus the given element on the specified position. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, a new one element array is returned whose component type is the same as the element.

 ArrayUtils.add(null, 0, true)          = [true]
 ArrayUtils.add([true], 0, false)       = [false, true]
 ArrayUtils.add([false], 1, true)       = [false, true]
 ArrayUtils.add([true, false], 1, true) = [true, true, false]

array - the array to add the element to, may be null
index - the position of the new object
element - the object to add
A new array containing the existing elements and the new element
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index > array.length).


public static char[] add(char[] array,
                         int index,
                         char element)

Inserts the specified element at the specified position in the array. Shifts the element currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent elements to the right (adds one to their indices).

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array plus the given element on the specified position. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, a new one element array is returned whose component type is the same as the element.

 ArrayUtils.add(null, 0, 'a')            = ['a']
 ArrayUtils.add(['a'], 0, 'b')           = ['b', 'a']
 ArrayUtils.add(['a', 'b'], 0, 'c')      = ['c', 'a', 'b']
 ArrayUtils.add(['a', 'b'], 1, 'k')      = ['a', 'k', 'b']
 ArrayUtils.add(['a', 'b', 'c'], 1, 't') = ['a', 't', 'b', 'c']

array - the array to add the element to, may be null
index - the position of the new object
element - the object to add
A new array containing the existing elements and the new element
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index > array.length).


public static byte[] add(byte[] array,
                         int index,
                         byte element)

Inserts the specified element at the specified position in the array. Shifts the element currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent elements to the right (adds one to their indices).

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array plus the given element on the specified position. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, a new one element array is returned whose component type is the same as the element.

 ArrayUtils.add([1], 0, 2)         = [2, 1]
 ArrayUtils.add([2, 6], 2, 3)      = [2, 6, 3]
 ArrayUtils.add([2, 6], 0, 1)      = [1, 2, 6]
 ArrayUtils.add([2, 6, 3], 2, 1)   = [2, 6, 1, 3]

array - the array to add the element to, may be null
index - the position of the new object
element - the object to add
A new array containing the existing elements and the new element
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index > array.length).


public static short[] add(short[] array,
                          int index,
                          short element)

Inserts the specified element at the specified position in the array. Shifts the element currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent elements to the right (adds one to their indices).

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array plus the given element on the specified position. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, a new one element array is returned whose component type is the same as the element.

 ArrayUtils.add([1], 0, 2)         = [2, 1]
 ArrayUtils.add([2, 6], 2, 10)     = [2, 6, 10]
 ArrayUtils.add([2, 6], 0, -4)     = [-4, 2, 6]
 ArrayUtils.add([2, 6, 3], 2, 1)   = [2, 6, 1, 3]

array - the array to add the element to, may be null
index - the position of the new object
element - the object to add
A new array containing the existing elements and the new element
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index > array.length).


public static int[] add(int[] array,
                        int index,
                        int element)

Inserts the specified element at the specified position in the array. Shifts the element currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent elements to the right (adds one to their indices).

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array plus the given element on the specified position. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, a new one element array is returned whose component type is the same as the element.

 ArrayUtils.add([1], 0, 2)         = [2, 1]
 ArrayUtils.add([2, 6], 2, 10)     = [2, 6, 10]
 ArrayUtils.add([2, 6], 0, -4)     = [-4, 2, 6]
 ArrayUtils.add([2, 6, 3], 2, 1)   = [2, 6, 1, 3]

array - the array to add the element to, may be null
index - the position of the new object
element - the object to add
A new array containing the existing elements and the new element
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index > array.length).


public static long[] add(long[] array,
                         int index,
                         long element)

Inserts the specified element at the specified position in the array. Shifts the element currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent elements to the right (adds one to their indices).

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array plus the given element on the specified position. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, a new one element array is returned whose component type is the same as the element.

 ArrayUtils.add([1L], 0, 2L)           = [2L, 1L]
 ArrayUtils.add([2L, 6L], 2, 10L)      = [2L, 6L, 10L]
 ArrayUtils.add([2L, 6L], 0, -4L)      = [-4L, 2L, 6L]
 ArrayUtils.add([2L, 6L, 3L], 2, 1L)   = [2L, 6L, 1L, 3L]

array - the array to add the element to, may be null
index - the position of the new object
element - the object to add
A new array containing the existing elements and the new element
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index > array.length).


public static float[] add(float[] array,
                          int index,
                          float element)

Inserts the specified element at the specified position in the array. Shifts the element currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent elements to the right (adds one to their indices).

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array plus the given element on the specified position. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, a new one element array is returned whose component type is the same as the element.

 ArrayUtils.add([1.1f], 0, 2.2f)               = [2.2f, 1.1f]
 ArrayUtils.add([2.3f, 6.4f], 2, 10.5f)        = [2.3f, 6.4f, 10.5f]
 ArrayUtils.add([2.6f, 6.7f], 0, -4.8f)        = [-4.8f, 2.6f, 6.7f]
 ArrayUtils.add([2.9f, 6.0f, 0.3f], 2, 1.0f)   = [2.9f, 6.0f, 1.0f, 0.3f]

array - the array to add the element to, may be null
index - the position of the new object
element - the object to add
A new array containing the existing elements and the new element
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index > array.length).


public static double[] add(double[] array,
                           int index,
                           double element)

Inserts the specified element at the specified position in the array. Shifts the element currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent elements to the right (adds one to their indices).

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array plus the given element on the specified position. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, a new one element array is returned whose component type is the same as the element.

 ArrayUtils.add([1.1], 0, 2.2)              = [2.2, 1.1]
 ArrayUtils.add([2.3, 6.4], 2, 10.5)        = [2.3, 6.4, 10.5]
 ArrayUtils.add([2.6, 6.7], 0, -4.8)        = [-4.8, 2.6, 6.7]
 ArrayUtils.add([2.9, 6.0, 0.3], 2, 1.0)    = [2.9, 6.0, 1.0, 0.3]

array - the array to add the element to, may be null
index - the position of the new object
element - the object to add
A new array containing the existing elements and the new element
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index > array.length).


public static Object[] remove(Object[] array,
                              int index)

Removes the element at the specified position from the specified array. All subsequent elements are shifted to the left (substracts one from their indices).

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array except the element on the specified position. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, an IndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown, because in that case no valid index can be specified.

 ArrayUtils.remove(["a"], 0)           = []
 ArrayUtils.remove(["a", "b"], 0)      = ["b"]
 ArrayUtils.remove(["a", "b"], 1)      = ["a"]
 ArrayUtils.remove(["a", "b", "c"], 1) = ["a", "c"]

array - the array to remove the element from, may not be null
index - the position of the element to be removed
A new array containing the existing elements except the element at the specified position.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= array.length), or if the array is null.


public static Object[] removeElement(Object[] array,
                                     Object element)

Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from the specified array. All subsequent elements are shifted to the left (substracts one from their indices). If the array doesn't contains such an element, no elements are removed from the array.

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array except the first occurrence of the specified element. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

 ArrayUtils.removeElement(null, "a")            = null
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([], "a")              = []
 ArrayUtils.removeElement(["a"], "b")           = ["a"]
 ArrayUtils.removeElement(["a", "b"], "a")      = ["b"]
 ArrayUtils.removeElement(["a", "b", "a"], "a") = ["b", "a"]

array - the array to remove the element from, may be null
element - the element to be removed
A new array containing the existing elements except the first occurrence of the specified element.


public static boolean[] remove(boolean[] array,
                               int index)

Removes the element at the specified position from the specified array. All subsequent elements are shifted to the left (substracts one from their indices).

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array except the element on the specified position. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, an IndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown, because in that case no valid index can be specified.

 ArrayUtils.remove([true], 0)              = []
 ArrayUtils.remove([true, false], 0)       = [false]
 ArrayUtils.remove([true, false], 1)       = [true]
 ArrayUtils.remove([true, true, false], 1) = [true, false]

array - the array to remove the element from, may not be null
index - the position of the element to be removed
A new array containing the existing elements except the element at the specified position.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= array.length), or if the array is null.


public static boolean[] removeElement(boolean[] array,
                                      boolean element)

Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from the specified array. All subsequent elements are shifted to the left (substracts one from their indices). If the array doesn't contains such an element, no elements are removed from the array.

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array except the first occurrence of the specified element. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

 ArrayUtils.removeElement(null, true)                = null
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([], true)                  = []
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([true], false)             = [true]
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([true, false], false)      = [true]
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([true, false, true], true) = [false, true]

array - the array to remove the element from, may be null
element - the element to be removed
A new array containing the existing elements except the first occurrence of the specified element.


public static byte[] remove(byte[] array,
                            int index)

Removes the element at the specified position from the specified array. All subsequent elements are shifted to the left (substracts one from their indices).

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array except the element on the specified position. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, an IndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown, because in that case no valid index can be specified.

 ArrayUtils.remove([1], 0)          = []
 ArrayUtils.remove([1, 0], 0)       = [0]
 ArrayUtils.remove([1, 0], 1)       = [1]
 ArrayUtils.remove([1, 0, 1], 1)    = [1, 1]

array - the array to remove the element from, may not be null
index - the position of the element to be removed
A new array containing the existing elements except the element at the specified position.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= array.length), or if the array is null.


public static byte[] removeElement(byte[] array,
                                   byte element)

Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from the specified array. All subsequent elements are shifted to the left (substracts one from their indices). If the array doesn't contains such an element, no elements are removed from the array.

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array except the first occurrence of the specified element. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

 ArrayUtils.removeElement(null, 1)        = null
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([], 1)          = []
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([1], 0)         = [1]
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([1, 0], 0)      = [1]
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([1, 0, 1], 1)   = [0, 1]

array - the array to remove the element from, may be null
element - the element to be removed
A new array containing the existing elements except the first occurrence of the specified element.


public static char[] remove(char[] array,
                            int index)

Removes the element at the specified position from the specified array. All subsequent elements are shifted to the left (substracts one from their indices).

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array except the element on the specified position. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, an IndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown, because in that case no valid index can be specified.

 ArrayUtils.remove(['a'], 0)           = []
 ArrayUtils.remove(['a', 'b'], 0)      = ['b']
 ArrayUtils.remove(['a', 'b'], 1)      = ['a']
 ArrayUtils.remove(['a', 'b', 'c'], 1) = ['a', 'c']

array - the array to remove the element from, may not be null
index - the position of the element to be removed
A new array containing the existing elements except the element at the specified position.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= array.length), or if the array is null.


public static char[] removeElement(char[] array,
                                   char element)

Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from the specified array. All subsequent elements are shifted to the left (substracts one from their indices). If the array doesn't contains such an element, no elements are removed from the array.

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array except the first occurrence of the specified element. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

 ArrayUtils.removeElement(null, 'a')            = null
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([], 'a')              = []
 ArrayUtils.removeElement(['a'], 'b')           = ['a']
 ArrayUtils.removeElement(['a', 'b'], 'a')      = ['b']
 ArrayUtils.removeElement(['a', 'b', 'a'], 'a') = ['b', 'a']

array - the array to remove the element from, may be null
element - the element to be removed
A new array containing the existing elements except the first occurrence of the specified element.


public static double[] remove(double[] array,
                              int index)

Removes the element at the specified position from the specified array. All subsequent elements are shifted to the left (substracts one from their indices).

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array except the element on the specified position. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, an IndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown, because in that case no valid index can be specified.

 ArrayUtils.remove([1.1], 0)           = []
 ArrayUtils.remove([2.5, 6.0], 0)      = [6.0]
 ArrayUtils.remove([2.5, 6.0], 1)      = [2.5]
 ArrayUtils.remove([2.5, 6.0, 3.8], 1) = [2.5, 3.8]

array - the array to remove the element from, may not be null
index - the position of the element to be removed
A new array containing the existing elements except the element at the specified position.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= array.length), or if the array is null.


public static double[] removeElement(double[] array,
                                     double element)

Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from the specified array. All subsequent elements are shifted to the left (substracts one from their indices). If the array doesn't contains such an element, no elements are removed from the array.

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array except the first occurrence of the specified element. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

 ArrayUtils.removeElement(null, 1.1)            = null
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([], 1.1)              = []
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([1.1], 1.2)           = [1.1]
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([1.1, 2.3], 1.1)      = [2.3]
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([1.1, 2.3, 1.1], 1.1) = [2.3, 1.1]

array - the array to remove the element from, may be null
element - the element to be removed
A new array containing the existing elements except the first occurrence of the specified element.


public static float[] remove(float[] array,
                             int index)

Removes the element at the specified position from the specified array. All subsequent elements are shifted to the left (substracts one from their indices).

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array except the element on the specified position. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, an IndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown, because in that case no valid index can be specified.

 ArrayUtils.remove([1.1], 0)           = []
 ArrayUtils.remove([2.5, 6.0], 0)      = [6.0]
 ArrayUtils.remove([2.5, 6.0], 1)      = [2.5]
 ArrayUtils.remove([2.5, 6.0, 3.8], 1) = [2.5, 3.8]

array - the array to remove the element from, may not be null
index - the position of the element to be removed
A new array containing the existing elements except the element at the specified position.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= array.length), or if the array is null.


public static float[] removeElement(float[] array,
                                    float element)

Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from the specified array. All subsequent elements are shifted to the left (substracts one from their indices). If the array doesn't contains such an element, no elements are removed from the array.

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array except the first occurrence of the specified element. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

 ArrayUtils.removeElement(null, 1.1)            = null
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([], 1.1)              = []
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([1.1], 1.2)           = [1.1]
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([1.1, 2.3], 1.1)      = [2.3]
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([1.1, 2.3, 1.1], 1.1) = [2.3, 1.1]

array - the array to remove the element from, may be null
element - the element to be removed
A new array containing the existing elements except the first occurrence of the specified element.


public static int[] remove(int[] array,
                           int index)

Removes the element at the specified position from the specified array. All subsequent elements are shifted to the left (substracts one from their indices).

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array except the element on the specified position. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, an IndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown, because in that case no valid index can be specified.

 ArrayUtils.remove([1], 0)         = []
 ArrayUtils.remove([2, 6], 0)      = [6]
 ArrayUtils.remove([2, 6], 1)      = [2]
 ArrayUtils.remove([2, 6, 3], 1)   = [2, 3]

array - the array to remove the element from, may not be null
index - the position of the element to be removed
A new array containing the existing elements except the element at the specified position.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= array.length), or if the array is null.


public static int[] removeElement(int[] array,
                                  int element)

Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from the specified array. All subsequent elements are shifted to the left (substracts one from their indices). If the array doesn't contains such an element, no elements are removed from the array.

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array except the first occurrence of the specified element. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

 ArrayUtils.removeElement(null, 1)      = null
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([], 1)        = []
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([1], 2)       = [1]
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([1, 3], 1)    = [3]
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([1, 3, 1], 1) = [3, 1]

array - the array to remove the element from, may be null
element - the element to be removed
A new array containing the existing elements except the first occurrence of the specified element.


public static long[] remove(long[] array,
                            int index)

Removes the element at the specified position from the specified array. All subsequent elements are shifted to the left (substracts one from their indices).

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array except the element on the specified position. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, an IndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown, because in that case no valid index can be specified.

 ArrayUtils.remove([1], 0)         = []
 ArrayUtils.remove([2, 6], 0)      = [6]
 ArrayUtils.remove([2, 6], 1)      = [2]
 ArrayUtils.remove([2, 6, 3], 1)   = [2, 3]

array - the array to remove the element from, may not be null
index - the position of the element to be removed
A new array containing the existing elements except the element at the specified position.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= array.length), or if the array is null.


public static long[] removeElement(long[] array,
                                   long element)

Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from the specified array. All subsequent elements are shifted to the left (substracts one from their indices). If the array doesn't contains such an element, no elements are removed from the array.

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array except the first occurrence of the specified element. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

 ArrayUtils.removeElement(null, 1)      = null
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([], 1)        = []
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([1], 2)       = [1]
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([1, 3], 1)    = [3]
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([1, 3, 1], 1) = [3, 1]

array - the array to remove the element from, may be null
element - the element to be removed
A new array containing the existing elements except the first occurrence of the specified element.


public static short[] remove(short[] array,
                             int index)

Removes the element at the specified position from the specified array. All subsequent elements are shifted to the left (substracts one from their indices).

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array except the element on the specified position. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

If the input array is null, an IndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown, because in that case no valid index can be specified.

 ArrayUtils.remove([1], 0)         = []
 ArrayUtils.remove([2, 6], 0)      = [6]
 ArrayUtils.remove([2, 6], 1)      = [2]
 ArrayUtils.remove([2, 6, 3], 1)   = [2, 3]

array - the array to remove the element from, may not be null
index - the position of the element to be removed
A new array containing the existing elements except the element at the specified position.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= array.length), or if the array is null.


public static short[] removeElement(short[] array,
                                    short element)

Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from the specified array. All subsequent elements are shifted to the left (substracts one from their indices). If the array doesn't contains such an element, no elements are removed from the array.

This method returns a new array with the same elements of the input array except the first occurrence of the specified element. The component type of the returned array is always the same as that of the input array.

 ArrayUtils.removeElement(null, 1)      = null
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([], 1)        = []
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([1], 2)       = [1]
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([1, 3], 1)    = [3]
 ArrayUtils.removeElement([1, 3, 1], 1) = [3, 1]

array - the array to remove the element from, may be null
element - the element to be removed
A new array containing the existing elements except the first occurrence of the specified element.

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