Apache Commons Weaver Antlib
Provides an Antlib in the antlib:org.apache.commons.weaver.ant namespace, consisting of the following tasks:
Invokes available Cleaner implementations.
Invokes available Weaver implementations.
Both the weave and clean tasks are parameterized either by nesting or by reference (via the settingsref attribute) with a custom type:
- target attribute - specifies the location of the classfiles to weave
- classpath attribute - path string (incompatible with classpathref)
- classpathref attribute - refid of an Ant path (incompatible with classpath)
- includesystemclasspath - specifies whether to include the system classpath
- nested propertyset - Ant PropertySet
- nested properties - specifies properties using the names and text values of nested elements (looks like Maven POM properties)