Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractStringIdentifierGenerator This package contains factories and implementation classes to generate unique identifiers. This package contains identifier generators that return sequences of identifiers that appear to be random. This package contains identifier generators that yield sequences of identifiers that follow a prescribed order. 

Uses of AbstractStringIdentifierGenerator in

Subclasses of AbstractStringIdentifierGenerator in
 class CompositeIdentifierGenerator
          Identifier generator that concatenates the results of a list of string identifier generators.
 class ConstantIdentifierGenerator
          StringIdentifierGenerator that always returns the same string.

Uses of AbstractStringIdentifierGenerator in

Subclasses of AbstractStringIdentifierGenerator in
 class SessionIdGenerator
          SessionIdGenerator is an identifier generator that generates an alphanumeric 10+ character identifier.

Uses of AbstractStringIdentifierGenerator in

Subclasses of AbstractStringIdentifierGenerator in
 class AlphanumericGenerator
          AlphanumericGenerator is an identifier generator that generates an incrementing number in base 36 as a String object.
 class NumericGenerator
          NumericIdentifierGenerator is an Identifier Generator that generates an incrementing number as a String object.
 class PrefixedAlphanumericGenerator
          PrefixedAlphanumericGenerator is an identifier generator that generates an incrementing number in base 36 with a prefix as a String object.
 class PrefixedLeftPaddedNumericGenerator
          PrefixedLeftPaddedNumericGenerator is an Identifier Generator that generates a left-padded incrementing number with a prefix as a String object.
 class PrefixedNumericGenerator
          PrefixedNumericGenerator is an Identifier Generator that generates an incrementing number with a prefix as a String object.
 class TimeBasedAlphanumericIdentifierGenerator
          TimeBasedAlphanumericIdentifierGenerator is an identifier generator that generates an alphanumeric identifier in base 36 as a String object from the current UTC time and an internal counter.

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