
Package contains classes dealing directly with the reading and writing of beans.


Interface Summary
IDGenerator Interface allowing pluggable ID attribute value generators.

Class Summary
AbstractBeanWriter Abstract superclass for bean writers.
BeanCreateRule Deprecated. 0.5 this Rule does not allowed good integration with other Rules - use BeanRuleSet instead.
BeanReader BeanReader reads a tree of beans from an XML document.
BeanRuleSet Sets Betwixt digestion rules for a bean class.
BeanWriter BeanWriter outputs beans as XML to an io stream.
SAXBeanWriter The SAXBeanwriter will send events to a ContentHandler
WriteContext Context against which content should be written.

Exception Summary
CyclicReferenceException Thrown when bean evaluation finds a cycle reference.

Package Description

Package contains classes dealing directly with the reading and writing of beans.

These classes use the Betwixt introspection system to determine how a bean should be mapped to xml. The xml->object reader uses Digester to implement the mapping.

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