Uses of Interface

Packages that use NameMapper
org.apache.commons.betwixt This package contains the main betwixt introspection code. 
org.apache.commons.betwixt.strategy This package contains a variety of plugin Strategy patterns that can be used to customize the default behaviours. 

Uses of NameMapper in org.apache.commons.betwixt

Methods in org.apache.commons.betwixt that return NameMapper
protected  NameMapper XMLIntrospector.createNameMapper()
          Deprecated. 0.6 this method has been moved into IntrospectionConfiguration. Those who need to vary this should subclass that class instead
protected  NameMapper IntrospectionConfiguration.createNameMapper()
          A Factory method to lazily create a strategy used to convert bean type names into element names.
 NameMapper XMLIntrospector.getAttributeNameMapper()
          Deprecated. 0.6 getConfiguration().getAttributeNameMapper
 NameMapper IntrospectionConfiguration.getAttributeNameMapper()
          Gets the name mapping strategy used to convert bean names into attributes.
 NameMapper XMLIntrospector.getElementNameMapper()
          Deprecated. 0.6 use getConfiguration().getElementNameMapper
 NameMapper IntrospectionConfiguration.getElementNameMapper()
          Gets the name mapping strategy used to convert bean names into elements.
 NameMapper XMLIntrospector.getNameMapper()
          Deprecated. 0.5 getNameMapper is split up in XMLIntrospector.getElementNameMapper() and XMLIntrospector.getAttributeNameMapper()

Methods in org.apache.commons.betwixt with parameters of type NameMapper
 void XMLIntrospector.setAttributeNameMapper(NameMapper nameMapper)
          Deprecated. 0.6 use getConfiguration().setAttributeNameMapper
 void IntrospectionConfiguration.setAttributeNameMapper(NameMapper nameMapper)
          Sets the strategy used to convert bean type names into attribute names
 void XMLIntrospector.setElementNameMapper(NameMapper nameMapper)
          Deprecated. 0.6 use getConfiguration().setElementNameMapper
 void IntrospectionConfiguration.setElementNameMapper(NameMapper nameMapper)
          Sets the strategy used to convert bean type names into element names
 void XMLIntrospector.setNameMapper(NameMapper nameMapper)
          Deprecated. 0.5 setNameMapper is split up in XMLIntrospector.setElementNameMapper(NameMapper) and XMLIntrospector.setAttributeNameMapper(NameMapper)

Uses of NameMapper in org.apache.commons.betwixt.strategy

Classes in org.apache.commons.betwixt.strategy that implement NameMapper
 class BadCharacterReplacingNMapper
          NameMapper implementation that processes a name by replacing or stripping illegal characters before passing result down the chain.
 class CapitalizeNameMapper
          A beanmapper which converts a type to start with an uppercase.
 class DecapitalizeNameMapper
          A name mapper which converts types to a decapitalized String.
 class DefaultNameMapper
          A default implementation of the name mapper.
 class HyphenatedNameMapper
          A name mapper which converts types to a hypenated String.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.betwixt.strategy with parameters of type NameMapper
BadCharacterReplacingNMapper(NameMapper chainedMapper)
          Constructs a replacing mapper which delegates to given mapper.

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