Uses of Class

Packages that use MapperException

Uses of MapperException in org.apache.commons.mapper

Subclasses of MapperException in org.apache.commons.mapper
 class ObjectNotFoundException
          Indicates that the requested Object could not be found in the datastore.
 class UniqueFieldAlreadyExistsException
          Indicates that a record was unable to be created in the datastore because a unique field would have duplicates.

Methods in org.apache.commons.mapper that throw MapperException
 Object MapperAdapter.create(Object object)
 Object Mapper.create(Object object)
          Create the given object in a persistent data store.
 void MapperAdapter.delete(Object object)
 void Mapper.delete(Object object)
          Remove an object from the data store.
 Collection MapperAdapter.findAllObjects()
 Collection Mapper.findAllObjects()
          Returns a Collection of all objects for the given mapper.
 Object MapperAdapter.findByUniqueId(Object id)
 Object Mapper.findByUniqueId(Object id)
          Find the given Object based on its unique identifier.
 void MapperAdapter.update(Object object)
 void Mapper.update(Object object)
          Update the given object in the data store.

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