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This page contains a list of known projects successfully using Jelly. We would be very interested if you would drop us a note if you are using Jelly with your project and would like to be added to this list.

Projects Using Jelly

Anteater A testing framework which provides an easy way to write tests for checking the functionality of a Web application or of an XML Web service.
Drools A Java rules engine.
Blissed A Java process and state framework.
Latka A functional (end-to-end) testing tool implemented in Java, and using an XML syntax to define a series of HTTP (or HTTPS) requests and a set of validations used to verify that the request was processed correctly.
Maven A java project management and project comprehension tool.
Nanning A simple yet scaleable aspect-oriented framework for Java
Seedling A generic application platform that enables streamlined development of Java applications from reusable components. In particular JellyUnit and JellySwing are used to implement Swing based unit testing.
Werkflow A Java workflow system.