Uses of Class

Uses of ParseException in org.apache.commons.cli

Subclasses of ParseException in org.apache.commons.cli
 class AlreadySelectedException
          Thrown when more than one option in an option group has been provided.
 class MissingArgumentException
          Thrown when an option requiring an argument is not provided with an argument.
 class MissingOptionException
          Thrown when a required option has not been provided.
 class UnrecognizedOptionException
          Exception thrown during parsing signalling an unrecognized option was seen.

Methods in org.apache.commons.cli that throw ParseException
static Class TypeHandler.createClass(String classname)
          Returns the class whose name is classname.
static Date TypeHandler.createDate(String str)
          Returns the date represented by str.
static File TypeHandler.createFile(String str)
          Returns the File represented by str.
static File[] TypeHandler.createFiles(String str)
          Returns the File[] represented by str.
static Number TypeHandler.createNumber(String str)
          Create a number from a String.
static Object TypeHandler.createObject(String classname)
          Create an Object from the classname and empty constructor.
static URL TypeHandler.createURL(String str)
          Returns the URL represented by str.
static Object TypeHandler.createValue(String str, Class clazz)
          Returns the Object of type clazz with the value of str.
static Object TypeHandler.createValue(String str, Object obj)
          Returns the Object of type obj with the value of str.
 Object CommandLine.getParsedOptionValue(String opt)
          Return a version of this Option converted to a particular type.
 CommandLine Parser.parse(Options options, String[] arguments)
          Parses the specified arguments based on the specifed Options.
 CommandLine CommandLineParser.parse(Options options, String[] arguments)
          Parse the arguments according to the specified options.
 CommandLine Parser.parse(Options options, String[] arguments, boolean stopAtNonOption)
          Parses the specified arguments based on the specifed Options.
 CommandLine CommandLineParser.parse(Options options, String[] arguments, boolean stopAtNonOption)
          Parse the arguments according to the specified options.
 CommandLine Parser.parse(Options options, String[] arguments, Properties properties)
          Parse the arguments according to the specified options and properties.
 CommandLine Parser.parse(Options options, String[] arguments, Properties properties, boolean stopAtNonOption)
          Parse the arguments according to the specified options and properties.
 void Parser.processArgs(Option opt, ListIterator iter)
          Process the argument values for the specified Option opt using the values retrieved from the specified iterator iter.
protected  void Parser.processOption(String arg, ListIterator iter)
          Process the Option specified by arg using the values retrieved from the specfied iterator iter.

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