Uses of Class

Packages that use EncoderException
org.apache.commons.codec Interfaces and classes used by the various implementations in the sub-packages. 
org.apache.commons.codec.binary Base64, Base32, Binary, and Hexadecimal String encoding and decoding. 
org.apache.commons.codec.language Language and phonetic encoders. Implementation details of the Beider-Morse codec. Network related encoding and decoding. 

Uses of EncoderException in org.apache.commons.codec

Methods in org.apache.commons.codec that throw EncoderException
 byte[] BinaryEncoder.encode(byte[] source)
          Encodes a byte array and return the encoded data as a byte array.
 Object Encoder.encode(Object source)
          Encodes an "Object" and returns the encoded content as an Object.
 String StringEncoder.encode(String source)
          Encodes a String and returns a String.

Uses of EncoderException in org.apache.commons.codec.binary

Methods in org.apache.commons.codec.binary that throw EncoderException
 Object Hex.encode(Object object)
          Converts a String or an array of bytes into an array of characters representing the hexadecimal values of each byte in order.
 Object BinaryCodec.encode(Object raw)
          Converts an array of raw binary data into an array of ASCII 0 and 1 chars.
 Object BaseNCodec.encode(Object obj)
          Encodes an Object using the Base-N algorithm.

Uses of EncoderException in org.apache.commons.codec.language

Methods in org.apache.commons.codec.language that throw EncoderException
 int Soundex.difference(String s1, String s2)
          Encodes the Strings and returns the number of characters in the two encoded Strings that are the same.
 int RefinedSoundex.difference(String s1, String s2)
          Returns the number of characters in the two encoded Strings that are the same.
 Object Soundex.encode(Object obj)
          Encodes an Object using the soundex algorithm.
 Object RefinedSoundex.encode(Object obj)
          Encodes an Object using the refined soundex algorithm.
 Object Nysiis.encode(Object obj)
          Encodes an Object using the NYSIIS algorithm.
 Object Metaphone.encode(Object obj)
          Encodes an Object using the metaphone algorithm.
 Object MatchRatingApproachEncoder.encode(Object pObject)
          Encodes an Object using the Match Rating Approach algo.
 Object DoubleMetaphone.encode(Object obj)
          Encode the value using DoubleMetaphone.
 Object ColognePhonetic.encode(Object object)
 Object Caverphone.encode(Object obj)
          Deprecated. Encodes an Object using the caverphone algorithm.
 Object AbstractCaverphone.encode(Object source)
          Encodes an Object using the caverphone algorithm.
 boolean AbstractCaverphone.isEncodeEqual(String str1, String str2)
          Tests if the encodings of two strings are equal.

Uses of EncoderException in

Methods in that throw EncoderException
 Object BeiderMorseEncoder.encode(Object source)
 String BeiderMorseEncoder.encode(String source)

Uses of EncoderException in

Methods in that throw EncoderException
 Object URLCodec.encode(Object obj)
          Encodes an object into its URL safe form.
 Object QuotedPrintableCodec.encode(Object obj)
          Encodes an object into its quoted-printable safe form.
 Object QCodec.encode(Object obj)
          Encodes an object into its quoted-printable form using the default charset.
 Object BCodec.encode(Object value)
          Encodes an object into its Base64 form using the default charset.
 String URLCodec.encode(String str)
          Encodes a string into its URL safe form using the default string charset.
 String QuotedPrintableCodec.encode(String str)
          Encodes a string into its quoted-printable form using the default string charset.
 String QCodec.encode(String str)
          Encodes a string into its quoted-printable form using the default charset.
 String BCodec.encode(String value)
          Encodes a string into its Base64 form using the default charset.
 String QCodec.encode(String str, Charset charset)
          Encodes a string into its quoted-printable form using the specified charset.
 String BCodec.encode(String value, Charset charset)
          Encodes a string into its Base64 form using the specified charset.
 String QCodec.encode(String str, String charset)
          Encodes a string into its quoted-printable form using the specified charset.
 String BCodec.encode(String value, String charset)
          Encodes a string into its Base64 form using the specified charset.

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