Class FileSystemLocationStrategy

All Implemented Interfaces:

A specialized implementation of FileLocationStrategy which uses the passed in FileSystem to locate a file.

This strategy implementation ignores the URL of the passed in FileLocator and operates on its base path and file name. These properties are passed to the locateFromURL() method of FileSystem. So the burden of resolving the file is delegated to the FileSystem.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • locate

      public URL locate(FileSystem fileSystem, FileLocator locator)
      Tries to locate the specified file. The method also expects the FileSystem to be used. Note that the FileLocator object may also contain a FileSystem, but this is optional. The passed in FileSystem should be used, and callers must not pass a null reference for this argument. A concrete implementation has to evaluate the properties stored in the FileLocator object and try to match them to an existing file. If this can be done, a corresponding URL is returned. Otherwise, result is null. Implementations should not throw an exception (unless parameters are null) as there might be alternative strategies which can find the file in question. This implementation delegates to the FileSystem.
      Specified by:
      locate in interface FileLocationStrategy
      fileSystem - the FileSystem to be used for this operation
      locator - the object describing the file to be located
      a URL pointing to the referenced file if location was successful; null if the file could not be resolved