Class CatalogResolver

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CatalogResolver extends Object implements EntityResolver
Thin wrapper around xml commons CatalogResolver to allow list of catalogs to be provided.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getLogger

      Gets the logger used by this configuration object.
      the logger
    • resolveEntity

      public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId) throws SAXException

      Implements the resolveEntity method for the SAX interface.

      Presented with an optional public identifier and a system identifier, this function attempts to locate a mapping in the catalogs.

      If such a mapping is found, the resolver attempts to open the mapped value as an InputSource and return it. Exceptions are ignored and null is returned if the mapped value cannot be opened as an input source.

      If no mapping is found (or an error occurs attempting to open the mapped value as an input source), null is returned and the system will use the specified system identifier as if no entityResolver was specified.

      Specified by:
      resolveEntity in interface EntityResolver
      publicId - The public identifier for the entity in question. This may be null.
      systemId - The system identifier for the entity in question. XML requires a system identifier on all external entities, so this value is always specified.
      An InputSource for the mapped identifier, or null.
      SAXException - if an error occurs.
    • setBaseDir

      public void setBaseDir(String baseDir)
      Sets the base path.
      baseDir - The base path String.
    • setCatalogFiles

      public void setCatalogFiles(String catalogs)
      Sets the list of catalog file names
      catalogs - The delimited list of catalog files.
    • setDebug

      public void setDebug(boolean debug)
      Enables debug logging of xml-commons Catalog processing.
      debug - True if debugging should be enabled, false otherwise.
    • setFileSystem

      public void setFileSystem(FileSystem fileSystem)
      Sets the FileSystem.
      fileSystem - The FileSystem.
    • setInterpolator

      Sets the ConfigurationInterpolator.
      ci - the ConfigurationInterpolator
    • setLogger

      public void setLogger(ConfigurationLogger log)
      Allows setting the logger to be used by this object. This method makes it possible for clients to exactly control logging behavior. Per default a logger is set that will ignore all log messages. Derived classes that want to enable logging should call this method during their initialization with the logger to be used. Passing in null as argument disables logging.
      log - the new logger