Class ConfigurationNodeVisitorAdapter<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the nodes processed by this visitor
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

A simple adapter class that simplifies writing custom node visitor implementations.

This class provides dummy implementations for the methods defined in the ConfigurationNodeVisitor interface. Derived classes only need to override the methods they really need.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • terminate

      public boolean terminate()
      Returns a flag whether the current visit process should be aborted. This method allows a visitor implementation to state that it does not need any further data. It may be used e.g. by visitors that search for a certain node in the hierarchy. After that node was found, there is no need to process the remaining nodes, too. This method is called after each visited node. A result of true indicates that the current iteration is to be aborted. This implementation returns always false; this means that all nodes in the current hierarchy are traversed.
      Specified by:
      terminate in interface ConfigurationNodeVisitor<T>
      a flag if the visit process should be stopped
    • visitAfterChildren

      public void visitAfterChildren(T node, NodeHandler<T> handler)
      Visits the specified node after after its children - if existing - have been processed. Empty dummy implementation of this interface method.
      Specified by:
      visitAfterChildren in interface ConfigurationNodeVisitor<T>
      node - the node to be visited
      handler - the NodeHandler
    • visitBeforeChildren

      public void visitBeforeChildren(T node, NodeHandler<T> handler)
      Visits the specified node before the children of this node - if existing - are processed. Empty dummy implementation of this interface method.
      Specified by:
      visitBeforeChildren in interface ConfigurationNodeVisitor<T>
      node - the node to be visited
      handler - the NodeHandler