Class ImmutableNode.Builder

Enclosing class:

public static final class ImmutableNode.Builder extends Object

A builder class for creating instances of ImmutableNode.

This class can be used to set all properties of an immutable node instance. Eventually call the create() method to obtain the resulting instance.

Implementation note: This class is not thread-safe. It is intended to be used to define a single node instance only.

  • Constructor Details

    • Builder

      public Builder()
      Creates a new instance of Builder which does not contain any property definitions yet.
    • Builder

      public Builder(int childCount)
      Creates a new instance of Builder and sets the number of expected child nodes. Using this constructor helps the class to create a properly sized list for the child nodes to be added.
      childCount - the number of child nodes
  • Method Details

    • addAttribute

      Adds an attribute to this builder. The passed in attribute key and value are stored in an internal map. If there is already an attribute with this name, it is overridden.
      name - the attribute name
      value - the attribute value
      a reference to this object for method chaining
    • addAttributes

      Adds all attributes of the given map to this builder. This method works like addAttribute(String, Object), but it allows setting multiple attributes at once.
      attrs - the map with attributes to be added (may be null
      a reference to this object for method chaining
    • addChild

      Adds a child node to this builder. The passed in node becomes a child of the newly created node. If it is null, it is ignored.
      c - the child node (must not be null)
      a reference to this object for method chaining
    • addChildren

      Adds multiple child nodes to this builder. This method works like addChild(ImmutableNode), but it allows setting a number of child nodes at once.
      children - a collection with the child nodes to be added
      a reference to this object for method chaining
    • create

      Creates a new ImmutableNode instance based on the properties set for this builder.
      the newly created ImmutableNode
    • name

      Sets the name of the node to be created.
      n - the node name
      a reference to this object for method chaining
    • value

      Sets the value of the node to be created.
      v - the value
      a reference to this object for method chaining