Package org.apache.commons.dbcp

Database Connection Pool API.


Interface Summary
ConnectionFactory Abstract factory interface for creating Connections.

Class Summary
AbandonedConfig Deprecated. This will be removed in a future version of DBCP.
AbandonedObjectPool Deprecated. This will be removed in a future version of DBCP.
AbandonedTrace Deprecated. This will be removed in a future version of DBCP.
BasicDataSource Basic implementation of javax.sql.DataSource that is configured via JavaBeans properties.
BasicDataSourceFactory JNDI object factory that creates an instance of BasicDataSource that has been configured based on the RefAddr values of the specified Reference, which must match the names and data types of the BasicDataSource bean properties.
DataSourceConnectionFactory A DataSource-based implementation of ConnectionFactory.
DelegatingCallableStatement A base delegating implementation of CallableStatement.
DelegatingConnection A base delegating implementation of Connection.
DelegatingPreparedStatement A base delegating implementation of PreparedStatement.
DelegatingResultSet A base delegating implementation of ResultSet.
DelegatingStatement A base delegating implementation of Statement.
DriverConnectionFactory A Driver-based implementation of ConnectionFactory.
DriverManagerConnectionFactory A DriverManager-based implementation of ConnectionFactory.
PoolableConnection A delegating connection that, rather than closing the underlying connection, returns itself to an ObjectPool when closed.
PoolableConnectionFactory A PoolableObjectFactory that creates PoolableConnections.
PoolablePreparedStatement A DelegatingPreparedStatement that cooperates with PoolingConnection to implement a pool of PreparedStatements.
PoolingConnection A DelegatingConnection that pools PreparedStatements.
PoolingDataSource A simple DataSource implementation that obtains Connections from the specified ObjectPool.
PoolingDriver A Driver implementation that obtains Connections from a registered ObjectPool.

Exception Summary
DbcpException Deprecated. This will be removed in a future version of DBCP.
SQLNestedException A SQLException subclass containing another Throwable

Package org.apache.commons.dbcp Description

Database Connection Pool API.

Overview in Dialog Form

Q: How do I use the DBCP package?

A: There are two primary ways to access the DBCP pool, as a Driver, or as a DataSource. You'll want to create an instance of PoolingDriver or PoolingDataSource. When using one of these interfaces, you can just use your JDBC objects the way you normally would. Closing a Connection will simply return it to its pool.

Q: But PoolingDriver and PoolingDataSource both expect an ObjectPool as an input. Where do I get one of those?

A: The ObjectPool interface is defined in the org.apache.commons.pool package (Commons-Pool). The org.apache.commons.pool.impl package has a couple of implementations, and you can always create your own.

Q: Ok, I've found an ObjectPool implementation that I think suits my connection pooling needs. But it wants a PoolableObjectFactory. What should I use for that?

A: The DBCP package provides a class for this purpose. It's called PoolableConnectionFactory. It implements the factory and lifecycle methods of PoolableObjectFactory for Connections. But it doesn't create the actual database Connections itself, if uses a ConnectionFactory for that. The PoolableConnectionFactory will take Connections created by the ConnectionFactory and wrap them with classes that implement the pooling behaviour.

Several implementations of ConnectionFactory are provided--one that uses DriverManager to create connections (DriverManagerConnectionFactory), one that uses a Driver to create connections (DriverConnectionFactory), one that uses a DataSource to create connections (DataSourceConnectionFactory).

Q: I think I'm starting to get it, but can you walk me though it again?

A: Sure. Let's assume you want to create a DataSource that pools Connections. Let's also assume that that those pooled Connections should be obtained from the DriverManager. You'll want to create a PoolingDataSource.

The PoolingDataSource uses an underlying ObjectPool to create and store its Connection.

To create a ObjectPool, you'll need a PoolableObjectFactory that creates the actual Connections. That's what PoolableConnectionFactory is for.

To create the PoolableConnectionFactory, you'll need at least two things:

  1. A ConnectionFactory from which the actual database Connections will be obtained.
  2. An empty and factory-less ObjectPool in which the Connections will be stored.
    When you pass an ObjectPool into the PoolableConnectionFactory, it will automatically register itself as the PoolableObjectFactory for that pool.
You can optionally provide a KeyedObjectPoolFactory that will be used to create KeyedObjectPools for pooling PreparedStatements for each Connection.

In code, that might look like this:

GenericObjectPool connectionPool = new GenericObjectPool(null);
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new DriverManagerConnectionFactory("jdbc:some:connect:string", "username", "password");
PoolableConnectionFactory poolableConnectionFactory = new PoolableConnectionFactory(connectionFactory,connectionPool,null,null,false,true);
PoolingDataSource dataSource = new PoolingDataSource(connectionPool);

To create a PoolingDriver, we do the same thing, except that instead of creating a DataSource on the last line, we create a PoolingDriver, and register the connectionPool with it. E.g.,:

GenericObjectPool connectionPool = new GenericObjectPool(null);
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new DriverManagerConnectionFactory("jdbc:some:connect:string", "username", "password");
PoolableConnectionFactory poolableConnectionFactory = new PoolableConnectionFactory(connectionFactory,connectionPool,null,null,false,true);
PoolingDriver driver = new PoolingDriver();

Since the PoolingDriver registers itself with the DriverManager when it is created, now you can just go to the DriverManager to create your Connections, like you normally would:

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:apache:commons:dbcp:example");

Q: Sounds complicated, is there an easier way?

A: If you're using the PoolingDriver, you don't need to do this configuration in code. Instead, you can provide a JOCL document that describes the connection pool, and let the PoolingDriver discover it at runtime.

Specifically, if the PoolingDriver is asked for a Connection from a pool that has not yet been registered, it will look for a named resource from which to read the pool's configuration, and create that pool.

For example, suppose you create a pool named "/eg" from a JOCL document. The "connect string" for this pool will be "jdbc:apache:commons:dbcp:/eg". To do this, you'll need a create a resource (just a file in your classpath) containing a JOCL description of the pool. Specifically, this JOCL document should define a PoolableConnectionFactory from which the pool will be obtained. For example:

<object class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolableConnectionFactory" xmlns="">
   <!-- the first argument is the ConnectionFactory -->
   <object class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.DriverManagerConnectionFactory">
      <string value="jdbc:some:connect:string"/>
      <object class="java.util.Properties" null="true"/>
   <!-- the next argument is the ObjectPool -->
   <object class="org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool">
      <object class="org.apache.commons.pool.PoolableObjectFactory" null="true"/>
      <int value="10"/> <!-- max active -->
      <byte value="1"/> <!-- when exhausted action, 0 = fail, 1 = block, 2 = grow -->
      <long value="2000"/> <!-- max wait -->
      <int value="10"/> <!-- max idle -->
      <boolean value="false"/> <!-- test on borrow -->
      <boolean value="false"/> <!-- test on return -->
      <long value="10000"/> <!-- time between eviction runs -->
      <int value="5"/> <!-- number of connections to test per eviction run -->
      <long value="5000"/> <!-- min evictable idle time -->
      <boolean value="true"/> <!-- test while idle -->
   <!-- the next argument is the KeyedObjectPoolFactory -->
   <object class="org.apache.commons.pool.impl.StackKeyedObjectPoolFactory">
      <int value="5"/> <!-- max idle -->
   <string value="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DUAL"/> <!-- validation query -->
   <boolean value="false"/> <!-- default read only -->
   <boolean value="true"/> <!-- default auto commit -->

Simply save that file somewhere in your classpath as eg.jocl, and the PoolingDriver will find it automatically. You need only register the PoolingDriver (for example, using the jdbc.drivers property), and use the the DriverManager to create your Connections, like you normally would:

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:apache:commons:dbcp:/eg");

(Note that without the leading slash, the pool must be located at org/apache/commons/dbcp/PoolingDriver/eg.jocl within your classpath. See Class.getResource(java.lang.String) for details.)

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