
Class ObjectParamRule

    • Field Detail

      • paramIndex

        protected int paramIndex
        The zero-relative index of the parameter we are saving.
      • param

        protected Object param
        The parameter we wish to pass to the method call
    • Constructor Detail

      • ObjectParamRule

        public ObjectParamRule(int paramIndex,
                       Object param)
        Construct a "call parameter" rule that will save the given Object as the parameter value.
        paramIndex - The zero-relative parameter number
        param - the parameter to pass along
      • ObjectParamRule

        public ObjectParamRule(int paramIndex,
                       String attributeName,
                       Object param)
        Construct a "call parameter" rule that will save the given Object as the parameter value, provided that the specified attribute exists.
        paramIndex - The zero-relative parameter number
        attributeName - The name of the attribute to match
        param - the parameter to pass along
    • Method Detail

      • begin

        public void begin(String namespace,
                 String name,
                 Attributes attributes)
                   throws Exception
        This method is called when the beginning of a matching XML element is encountered.
        begin in class Rule
        namespace - the namespace URI of the matching element, or an empty string if the parser is not namespace aware or the element has no namespace
        name - the local name if the parser is namespace aware, or just the element name otherwise
        attributes - The attribute list of this element
        Exception - if any error occurs

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