Uses of Class

Packages that use Rule
org.apache.commons.digester The xmlrules package provides for XML-based definition of rules for Digester
org.apache.commons.digester.annotations The annotations package provides for Java5 Annotations meta data-based definition of rules for Digester
org.apache.commons.digester.annotations.internal This package contains internal use only classes, users can ignore it. 
org.apache.commons.digester.annotations.spi Contains annotations package SPI definition. 
org.apache.commons.digester.plugins The plugins package provides an easy mechanism whereby new digestion rules can be added dynamically during a digestion. 
org.apache.commons.digester.xmlrules The Digester package lets you configure an XML -> Java object mapping module, which triggers certain actions called rules whenever a particular pattern of nested XML elements is recognized. 

Uses of Rule in org.apache.commons.digester

Subclasses of Rule in org.apache.commons.digester
 class BeanPropertySetterRule
           Rule implements sets a bean property on the top object to the body text.
 class CallMethodRule
          Rule implementation that calls a method on an object on the stack (normally the top/parent object), passing arguments collected from subsequent CallParamRule rules or from the body of this element.
 class CallParamRule
          Rule implementation that saves a parameter for use by a surrounding CallMethodRule.
 class FactoryCreateRule
          Rule implementation that uses an ObjectCreationFactory to create a new object which it pushes onto the object stack.
 class NodeCreateRule
          A rule implementation that creates a DOM Node containing the XML at the element that matched the rule.
 class ObjectCreateRule
          Rule implementation that creates a new object and pushes it onto the object stack.
 class ObjectParamRule
          Rule implementation that saves a parameter for use by a surrounding CallMethodRule.
 class PathCallParamRule
          Rule implementation that saves a parameter containing the Digester matching path for use by a surrounding CallMethodRule.
 class SetNestedPropertiesRule
          Rule implementation that sets properties on the object at the top of the stack, based on child elements with names matching properties on that object.
 class SetNextRule
          Rule implementation that calls a method on the (top-1) (parent) object, passing the top object (child) as an argument.
 class SetPropertiesRule
          Rule implementation that sets properties on the object at the top of the stack, based on attributes with corresponding names.
 class SetPropertyRule
          Rule implementation that sets an individual property on the object at the top of the stack, based on attributes with specified names.
 class SetRootRule
          Rule implementation that calls a method on the root object on the stack, passing the top object (child) as an argument.
 class SetTopRule
          Rule implementation that calls a "set parent" method on the top (child) object, passing the (top-1) (parent) object as an argument.

Fields in org.apache.commons.digester with type parameters of type Rule
protected  HashMap<String,List<Rule>> RulesBase.cache
          The set of registered Rule instances, keyed by the matching pattern.
protected  Stack<List<Rule>> Digester.matches
          Stack whose elements are List objects, each containing a list of Rule objects as returned from Rules.getMatch().
protected  ArrayList<Rule> RulesBase.rules
          The set of registered Rule instances, in the order that they were originally registered.

Methods in org.apache.commons.digester that return types with arguments of type Rule
 List<Rule> WithDefaultsRulesWrapper.getDefaults()
          Gets Rule's which will be fired when the wrapped implementation returns no matches
protected  List<Rule> RulesBase.lookup(String namespaceURI, String pattern)
          Return a List of Rule instances for the specified pattern that also match the specified namespace URI (if any).
 List<Rule> WithDefaultsRulesWrapper.match(String pattern)
 List<Rule> RulesBase.match(String pattern)
          Deprecated. Call match(namespaceURI,pattern) instead.
 List<Rule> Rules.match(String pattern)
          Deprecated. Call match(namespaceURI,pattern) instead.
 List<Rule> AbstractRulesImpl.match(String pattern)
          Deprecated. Call match(namespaceURI,pattern) instead.
 List<Rule> WithDefaultsRulesWrapper.match(String namespaceURI, String pattern)
          Return list of rules matching given pattern.
 List<Rule> RulesBase.match(String namespaceURI, String pattern)
          Return a List of all registered Rule instances that match the specified nesting pattern, or a zero-length List if there are no matches.
 List<Rule> Rules.match(String namespaceURI, String pattern)
          Return a List of all registered Rule instances that match the specified nesting pattern, or a zero-length List if there are no matches.
 List<Rule> RegexRules.match(String namespaceURI, String pattern)
          Finds matching rules by using current regex matching strategy.
 List<Rule> ExtendedBaseRules.match(String namespace, String pattern)
          Return a List of all registered Rule instances that match the specified nesting pattern, or a zero-length List if there are no matches.
abstract  List<Rule> AbstractRulesImpl.match(String namespaceURI, String pattern)
          Return a List of all registered Rule instances that match the specified nesting pattern, or a zero-length List if there are no matches.
 List<Rule> WithDefaultsRulesWrapper.rules()
          Gets all rules
 List<Rule> RulesBase.rules()
          Return a List of all registered Rule instances, or a zero-length List if there are no registered Rule instances.
 List<Rule> Rules.rules()
          Return a List of all registered Rule instances, or a zero-length List if there are no registered Rule instances.
 List<Rule> RegexRules.rules()
          Return a List of all registered Rule instances, or a zero-length List if there are no registered Rule instances.
abstract  List<Rule> AbstractRulesImpl.rules()
          Return a List of all registered Rule instances, or a zero-length List if there are no registered Rule instances.

Methods in org.apache.commons.digester with parameters of type Rule
 void WithDefaultsRulesWrapper.add(String pattern, Rule rule)
          Adds a Rule to be fired on given pattern.
 void RulesBase.add(String pattern, Rule rule)
          Register a new Rule instance matching the specified pattern.
 void Rules.add(String pattern, Rule rule)
          Register a new Rule instance matching the specified pattern.
 void ExtendedBaseRules.add(String pattern, Rule rule)
          Register a new Rule instance matching the specified pattern.
 void AbstractRulesImpl.add(String pattern, Rule rule)
          Registers a new Rule instance matching the specified pattern.
 void WithDefaultsRulesWrapper.addDefault(Rule rule)
          Adds a rule to be fired when wrapped implementation returns no matches
 void Digester.addRule(String pattern, Rule rule)
          Register a new Rule matching the specified pattern.
protected  void RegexRules.registerRule(String pattern, Rule rule)
          Register a new Rule instance matching the specified pattern.
protected abstract  void AbstractRulesImpl.registerRule(String pattern, Rule rule)
          Register rule at given pattern.

Uses of Rule in org.apache.commons.digester.annotations

Classes in org.apache.commons.digester.annotations with type parameters of type Rule
 interface AnnotationRuleProvider<A extends Annotation,E extends AnnotatedElement,R extends Rule>
          An object capable of providing instances of Rule.

Methods in org.apache.commons.digester.annotations with type parameters of type Rule
<A extends Annotation,E extends AnnotatedElement,R extends Rule,T extends AnnotationRuleProvider<A,E,R>>
FromAnnotationsRuleSet.addRuleProvider(String pattern, Class<T> klass, A annotation, E element)
          Builds and register an AnnotationRuleProvider for a specific pattern.
<T extends AnnotationRuleProvider<? extends Annotation,? extends AnnotatedElement,? extends Rule>>
FromAnnotationsRuleSet.getProvider(String pattern, Class<T> providerClass)
          Retrieves a specific instance of the AnnotationRuleProvider for the input pattern.

Method parameters in org.apache.commons.digester.annotations with type arguments of type Rule
 void FromAnnotationsRuleSet.addRuleProvider(String pattern, AnnotationRuleProvider<? extends Annotation,? extends AnnotatedElement,? extends Rule> ruleProvider)
          Register an AnnotationRuleProvider for a specific pattern.

Uses of Rule in org.apache.commons.digester.annotations.internal

Methods in org.apache.commons.digester.annotations.internal with type parameters of type Rule
<T extends AnnotationRuleProvider<? extends Annotation,? extends AnnotatedElement,? extends Rule>>
DefaultAnnotationRuleProviderFactory.newInstance(Class<T> type)
          Return an AnnotationRuleProvider instance of the specified type.

Uses of Rule in org.apache.commons.digester.annotations.spi

Methods in org.apache.commons.digester.annotations.spi with type parameters of type Rule
<T extends AnnotationRuleProvider<? extends Annotation,? extends AnnotatedElement,? extends Rule>>
AnnotationRuleProviderFactory.newInstance(Class<T> type)
          Return an AnnotationRuleProvider instance of the specified type.

Uses of Rule in org.apache.commons.digester.plugins

Subclasses of Rule in org.apache.commons.digester.plugins
 class PluginCreateRule
          Allows the original rules for parsing the configuration file to define points at which plugins are allowed, by configuring a PluginCreateRule with the appropriate pattern.
 class PluginDeclarationRule
          A Digester rule which allows the user to pre-declare a class which is to be referenced later at a plugin point by a PluginCreateRule.

Methods in org.apache.commons.digester.plugins that return types with arguments of type Rule
 List<Rule> PluginRules.match(String path)
          Deprecated. Call match(namespaceURI,pattern) instead.
 List<Rule> PluginRules.match(String namespaceURI, String path)
          Return a List of all registered Rule instances that match the specified nodepath, or a zero-length List if there are no matches.
 List<Rule> PluginRules.rules()
          Return the list of rules registered with this object, in the order they were registered with this object.

Methods in org.apache.commons.digester.plugins with parameters of type Rule
 void PluginRules.add(String pattern, Rule rule)
          Register a new Rule instance matching the specified pattern.

Method parameters in org.apache.commons.digester.plugins with type arguments of type Rule
 void PluginCreateRule.fireBeginMethods(List<Rule> rules, String namespace, String name, Attributes list)
          Duplicate the processing that the Digester does when firing the begin methods of rules.
 void PluginCreateRule.fireEndMethods(List<Rule> rules, String namespaceURI, String name)
          Duplicate the processing that the Digester does when firing the end methods of rules.

Uses of Rule in org.apache.commons.digester.xmlrules

Subclasses of Rule in org.apache.commons.digester.xmlrules
protected  class DigesterRuleParser.SetNestedPropertiesAliasRule
          A rule for adding a attribute-property alias to the custom alias mappings of the containing SetNestedPropertiesRule rule.
protected  class DigesterRuleParser.SetPropertiesAliasRule
          A rule for adding a attribute-property alias to the custom alias mappings of the containing SetPropertiesRule rule.

Methods in org.apache.commons.digester.xmlrules with parameters of type Rule
 void DigesterRuleParser.add(Rule rule)
          Adds a rule the the target digester.

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