Uses of Class

Packages that use PluginException
org.apache.commons.digester.plugins The plugins package provides an easy mechanism whereby new digestion rules can be added dynamically during a digestion. 
org.apache.commons.digester.plugins.strategies The plugins.strategies package contains "rule-finding" strategy classes, and their associated "helper" loader classes. 

Uses of PluginException in org.apache.commons.digester.plugins

Subclasses of PluginException in org.apache.commons.digester.plugins
 class PluginInvalidInputException
          Thrown when an error occurs due to bad data in the file being parsed.

Methods in org.apache.commons.digester.plugins that throw PluginException
abstract  void RuleLoader.addRules(Digester d, String path)
          Configures the digester with custom rules for some plugged-in class.
 void Declaration.configure(Digester digester, String pattern)
          Attempt to load custom rules for the target class at the specified pattern.
static void PluginDeclarationRule.declarePlugin(Digester digester, Properties props)
abstract  RuleLoader RuleFinder.findLoader(Digester d, Class<?> pluginClass, Properties p)
          Apply the finder algorithm to attempt to locate a source of digester rules for the specified plugin class.
 RuleLoader PluginManager.findLoader(Digester digester, String id, Class<?> pluginClass, Properties props)
          Given a plugin class and some associated properties, scan the list of known RuleFinder instances until one detects a source of custom rules for this plugin (aka a RuleLoader).
 void Declaration.init(Digester digester, PluginManager pm)
          Must be called exactly once, and must be called before any call to the configure method.
abstract  Rules RulesFactory.newRules(Digester d, Class<?> pluginClass)
          Return an instance of some Rules implementation that the plugged-in class shall use to match its private parsing rules.

Uses of PluginException in org.apache.commons.digester.plugins.strategies

Methods in org.apache.commons.digester.plugins.strategies that throw PluginException
 void LoaderFromStream.addRules(Digester d, String path)
          Add the rules previously loaded from the input stream into the specified digester.
 void LoaderFromClass.addRules(Digester d, String path)
          Just invoke the target method.
 RuleLoader FinderFromResource.findLoader(Digester d, Class<?> pluginClass, Properties p)
          If there exists a property with the name matching constructor param resourceAttr, then load that file, run it through the xmlrules module and return an object encapsulating those rules.
 RuleLoader FinderFromMethod.findLoader(Digester d, Class<?> pluginClass, Properties p)
          If there exists a property with the name matching constructor param methodAttr, then locate the appropriate Method on the plugin class and return an object encapsulating that info.
 RuleLoader FinderFromFile.findLoader(Digester d, Class<?> pluginClass, Properties p)
          If there exists a property with the name specified in the constructor, then load that file, run it through the xmlrules module and return an object encapsulating those rules.
 RuleLoader FinderFromDfltResource.findLoader(Digester d, Class<?> pluginClass, Properties p)
          If there exists a resource file whose name is equal to the plugin class name + the suffix specified in the constructor, then load that file, run it through the xmlrules module and return an object encapsulating those rules.
 RuleLoader FinderFromDfltMethod.findLoader(Digester d, Class<?> pluginClass, Properties p)
          If there exists on the plugin class a method with name matching the constructor's methodName value then locate the appropriate Method on the plugin class and return an object encapsulating that info.
 RuleLoader FinderFromDfltClass.findLoader(Digester digester, Class<?> pluginClass, Properties p)
          If there exists a class whose name is the plugin class name + the suffix specified to the constructor, then load that class, locate the appropriate rules-adding method on that class, and return an object encapsulating that info.
 RuleLoader FinderFromClass.findLoader(Digester digester, Class<?> pluginClass, Properties p)
          If there exists a property with the name matching constructor param ruleClassAttr, then load the specified class, locate the appropriate rules-adding method on that class, and return an object encapsulating that info.
static RuleLoader FinderFromResource.loadRules(Digester d, Class<?> pluginClass, InputStream is, String resourceName)
          Open the specified resource file (ie a file in the classpath, including being within a jar in the classpath), run it through the xmlrules module and return an object encapsulating those rules.
static Method LoaderFromClass.locateMethod(Class<?> rulesClass, String methodName)
          Find a method on the specified class whose name matches methodName, and whose signature is: public static void foo(Digester d, String patternPrefix);.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.digester.plugins.strategies that throw PluginException
LoaderFromClass(Class<?> rulesClass, String methodName)

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