Class Substitutor

  extended by org.apache.commons.digester3.Substitutor
Direct Known Subclasses:
CompoundSubstitutor, VariableSubstitutor

public abstract class Substitutor
extends Object

(Logical) Interface for substitution strategies. (It happens to be implemented as a Java abstract class to allow future additions to be made without breaking backwards compatibility.)

Usage: When Digester.setSubstitutor(org.apache.commons.digester3.Substitutor) is set, Digester calls the methods in this interface to create substitute values which will be passed into the Rule implementations. Of course, it is perfectly acceptable for implementations not to make substitutions and simply return the inputs.

Different strategies are supported for attributes and body text.


Constructor Summary
Method Summary
abstract  Attributes substitute(Attributes attributes)
           Substitutes the attributes (before they are passed to the Rule implementations's).
abstract  String substitute(String bodyText)
          Substitutes for the body text.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Substitutor()
Method Detail


public abstract Attributes substitute(Attributes attributes)

Substitutes the attributes (before they are passed to the Rule implementations's).

Digester will only call this method a second time once the original Attributes instance can be safely reused. The implementation is therefore free to reuse the same Attributes instance for all calls.

attributes - the Attributes passed into Digester by the SAX parser, not null (but may be empty)
Attributes to be passed to the Rule implementations. This method may pass back the Attributes passed in. Not null but possibly empty.


public abstract String substitute(String bodyText)
Substitutes for the body text. This method may substitute values into the body text of the elements that Digester parses.

bodyText - the body text (as passed to Digester)
the body text to be passed to the Rule implementations

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