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1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *
10   *
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
17  package org.apache.commons.geometry.examples.tutorials.bsp;
19  import;
20  import java.util.Deque;
21  import java.util.HashMap;
22  import java.util.LinkedList;
23  import java.util.List;
24  import java.util.Map;
26  import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
27  import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
28  import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
29  import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
30  import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
31  import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
32  import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
33  import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
34  import;
36  import org.apache.commons.geometry.core.partitioning.HyperplaneConvexSubset;
37  import org.apache.commons.geometry.core.partitioning.bsp.BSPTreeVisitor;
38  import org.apache.commons.geometry.core.partitioning.bsp.RegionCutBoundary;
39  import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.twod.AffineTransformMatrix2D;
40  import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.twod.Bounds2D;
41  import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.twod.LineConvexSubset;
42  import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.twod.PolarCoordinates;
43  import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.twod.RegionBSPTree2D;
44  import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.twod.RegionBSPTree2D.RegionNode2D;
45  import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.twod.Vector2D;
46  import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.twod.path.LinePath;
47  import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.twod.shape.Parallelogram;
48  import org.apache.commons.numbers.core.Precision;
49  import org.w3c.dom.Document;
50  import org.w3c.dom.Element;
52  /** Class for writing SVG visualizations of 2D BSP trees.
53   */
54  public class BSPTreeSVGWriter {
56      /** SVG XML namespace. */
57      private static final String SVG_NAMESPACE = "";
59      /** SVG version. */
60      private static final String SVG_VERSION = "1.1";
62      /** Property key used to set the indent level of the output xml. */
63      private static final String INDENT_AMOUNT_KEY = "{}indent-amount";
65      /** Indent amount for the output xml. */
66      private static final int INDENT_AMOUNT = 4;
68      /** String containing default node name characters. */
69      private static final String DEFAULT_NODE_NAMES = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
71      /** Id used for the geometry area clip path. */
72      private static final String GEOMETRY_AREA_CLIP_PATH_ID = "geometry-area";
74      /** Path string command to move to a point. */
75      private static final char PATH_MOVE_TO = 'M';
77      /** Path string command to draw a line to a point. */
78      private static final char PATH_LINE_TO = 'L';
80      /** Space character. */
81      private static final char SPACE = ' ';
83      /** Name of the SVG "rect" element. */
84      private static final String RECT_ELEMENT = "rect";
86      /** Name of the SVG "path" element. */
87      private static final String PATH_ELEMENT = "path";
89      /** Name of the "class" attribute. */
90      private static final String CLASS_ATTR = "class";
92      /** Name of the "width" attribute. */
93      private static final String WIDTH_ATTR = "width";
95      /** Name of the "height" attribute. */
96      private static final String HEIGHT_ATTR = "height";
98      /** Name of the "x" attribute. */
99      private static final String X_ATTR = "x";
101     /** Name of the "y" attribute. */
102     private static final String Y_ATTR = "y";
104     /** CSS style string for the generated SVG. */
105     private static final String STYLE =
106         "text { font-size: 14px; } " +
107         ".node-name { text-anchor: middle; font-family: \"Courier New\", Courier, monospace; } " +
108         ".geometry-border { fill: none; stroke: gray; stroke-width: 1; } " +
109         ".arrow { fill: none; stroke: blue; stroke-width: 1; } " +
110         ".cut { fill: none; stroke: blue; stroke-width: 1; stroke-dasharray: 5,3; } " +
111         ".region-boundary { stroke: orange; stroke-width: 2; } " +
112         ".inside { fill: #aaa; opacity: 0.2; } " +
113         ".tree-path { fill: none; stroke: gray; stroke-width: 1; } " +
114         ".inside-node { font-weight: bold; }";
116     /** The width of the SVG. */
117     private static final int WIDTH = 750;
119     /** The height of the SVG. */
120     private static final int HEIGHT = 375;
122     /** The margin used in the SVG. */
123     private static final int MARGIN = 5;
125     /** Amount of the overall width of the SVG to use for the geometry area. */
126     private static final double GEOMETRY_AREA_WIDTH_FACTOR = 0.5;
128     /** Amount of the overall width of the SVG to use for the tree structure area. */
129     private static final double TREE_AREA_WIDTH_FACTOR = 1.0 - GEOMETRY_AREA_WIDTH_FACTOR;
131     /** Angle that arrow heads on lines make with the direction of the line. */
132     private static final double ARROW_ANGLE = 0.8 * Math.PI;
134     /** Length of arrow head lines. */
135     private static final double ARROW_LENGTH = 8;
137     /** Distance between levels of the tree in the tree structure display. */
138     private static final double TREE_VERTICAL_SPACING = 45;
140     /** Line end margin used in the lines between nodes in the tree structure display. */
141     private static final double TREE_LINE_MARGIN = 10;
143     /** Precision context used for floating point comparisons. */
144     private static final Precision.DoubleEquivalence PRECISION = Precision.doubleEquivalenceOfEpsilon(1e-6);
146     /** Geometry bounds; only geometry within these bounds is rendered. */
147     private final Bounds2D bounds;
149     /** Factor determining how much of the available horizontal width for a node should be used to
150      * offset it from its parent.
151      */
152     private double treeParentOffsetFactor = 0.25;
154     /** Minimum horizontal offset for tree nodes from their parents. */
155     private double treeParentXOffsetMin = 0;
157     /** Construct a new instance that will render regions within the given bounds.
158      * @param bounds bounds used to determine what output
159      */
160     public BSPTreeSVGWriter(final Bounds2D bounds) {
161         this.bounds = bounds;
162     }
164     /** Set the offset factor determining how much of the available horizontal width for
165      * a node should be used to offset it from its parent.
166      * @param treeParentOffsetFactor offset factor
167      */
168     public void setTreeParentOffsetFactor(final double treeParentOffsetFactor) {
169         this.treeParentOffsetFactor = treeParentOffsetFactor;
170     }
172     /** Set the minimum horizontal offset for tree nodes from their parents.
173      * @param treeParentXOffsetMin minimum offset
174      */
175     public void setTreeParentXOffsetMin(final double treeParentXOffsetMin) {
176         this.treeParentXOffsetMin = treeParentXOffsetMin;
177     }
179     /** Write an SVG visualization of the given BSP tree. Default names are assigned to the tree nodes.
180      * @param tree tree to output
181      * @param file path of the svg file to write
182      */
183     public void write(final RegionBSPTree2D tree, final File file) {
184         final Deque<RegionNode2D> nodeQueue = new LinkedList<>();
185         nodeQueue.add(tree.getRoot());
187         final Map<RegionNode2D, String> nodeNames = new HashMap<>();
189         final String names = DEFAULT_NODE_NAMES;
190         RegionNode2D node;
191         for (int i = 0; i < names.length() && !nodeQueue.isEmpty(); ++i) {
192             node = nodeQueue.removeFirst();
194             nodeNames.put(node, names.substring(i, i + 1));
196             if (node.isInternal()) {
197                 nodeQueue.add(node.getMinus());
198                 nodeQueue.add(node.getPlus());
199             }
200         }
202         write(tree, nodeNames, file);
203     }
205     /** Write an SVG visualization of the given BSP tree.
206      * @param tree tree to output
207      * @param nodeNames map of node instances to the names that should be used for them in the svg
208      * @param file path of the svg file to write
209      */
210     public void write(final RegionBSPTree2D tree, final Map<RegionNode2D, String> nodeNames, final File file) {
211         try {
212             final DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
213             final DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
215             final Document doc = docBuilder.newDocument();
217             // create the svg element
218             final Element root = svgElement("svg", doc);
219             doc.appendChild(root);
221             root.setAttribute("version", SVG_VERSION);
222             root.setAttribute(WIDTH_ATTR, String.valueOf(WIDTH));
223             root.setAttribute(HEIGHT_ATTR, String.valueOf(HEIGHT));
225             // add a defs element for later use
226             final Element defs = svgElement("defs", doc);
227             root.appendChild(defs);
229             // add a style element
230             final Element style = svgElement("style", doc);
231             root.appendChild(style);
232             style.setTextContent(STYLE);
234             // write the tree
235             writeTreeGeometryArea(tree, nodeNames, root, defs, doc);
236             writeTreeStructureArea(tree, nodeNames, root, doc);
238             // output to the target file
239             final TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
240             final Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
241             transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
242             transformer.setOutputProperty(INDENT_AMOUNT_KEY, String.valueOf(INDENT_AMOUNT));
244             final DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc);
245             final StreamResult target = new StreamResult(file);
247             transformer.transform(source, target);
249         } catch (final ParserConfigurationException | TransformerException e) {
250             // throw as a runtime exception for convenience
251             throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create SVG", e);
252         }
253     }
255     /** Write the svg area containing the visual representation of the tree geometry.
256      * @param tree tree to write
257      * @param nodeNames map of nodes to the names that should be used to identify them
258      * @param root root svg element
259      * @param defs svg defs element
260      * @param doc xml document
261      */
262     private void writeTreeGeometryArea(final RegionBSPTree2D tree, final Map<RegionNode2D, String> nodeNames,
263             final Element root, final Element defs, final Document doc) {
264         final double geometrySvgX = MARGIN;
265         final double geometrySvgY = MARGIN;
266         final double geometrySvgWidth = (GEOMETRY_AREA_WIDTH_FACTOR * WIDTH) - (2 * MARGIN);
267         final double geometrySvgHeight = HEIGHT - (2 * MARGIN);
269         defineClipRect(GEOMETRY_AREA_CLIP_PATH_ID,
270                 geometrySvgX, geometrySvgY,
271                 geometrySvgWidth, geometrySvgHeight,
272                 defs, doc);
274         // create the box containing the 2D content
275         final Element geometryGroup = svgElement("g", doc);
276         root.appendChild(geometryGroup);
277         geometryGroup.setAttribute(CLASS_ATTR, "geometry");
278         geometryGroup.setAttribute("clip-path", "url(#" + GEOMETRY_AREA_CLIP_PATH_ID + ")");
280         // set up the transform so we can write geometry elements with their natural coordinates
281         final AffineTransformMatrix2D transform = computeGeometryTransform(bounds, geometrySvgX, geometrySvgY,
282                 geometrySvgWidth, geometrySvgHeight);
284         // add the tree geometry
285         tree.accept(new TreeGeometryVisitor(transform, nodeNames, geometryGroup, doc));
287         // create a box outlining the geometry area
288         final Element border = svgElement(RECT_ELEMENT, doc);
289         border.setAttribute(CLASS_ATTR, "geometry-border");
290         floatAttr(border, X_ATTR, geometrySvgX);
291         floatAttr(border, Y_ATTR, geometrySvgY);
292         floatAttr(border, WIDTH_ATTR, geometrySvgWidth);
293         floatAttr(border, HEIGHT_ATTR, geometrySvgHeight);
295         root.appendChild(border);
297     }
299     /** Write the svg area containing the visual representation of the tree structure.
300      * @param tree tree to write
301      * @param nodeNames map of nodes to the names that should be used to identify them
302      * @param root svg root element
303      * @param doc xml document
304      */
305     private void writeTreeStructureArea(final RegionBSPTree2D tree, final Map<RegionNode2D, String> nodeNames,
306             final Element root, final Document doc) {
307         final Element treeGroup = svgElement("g", doc);
308         root.appendChild(treeGroup);
309         treeGroup.setAttribute(CLASS_ATTR, "tree");
311         final double offsetX = ((1 - TREE_AREA_WIDTH_FACTOR) * WIDTH) + MARGIN;
312         final double offsetY = MARGIN;
314         final double svgWidth = (TREE_AREA_WIDTH_FACTOR * WIDTH) - (2 * MARGIN);
315         final double svgHeight = HEIGHT - (2 * MARGIN);
317         treeGroup.setAttribute("transform", "translate(" + offsetX + " " + offsetY + ")");
319         tree.accept(new TreeStructureVisitor(tree.height(), svgWidth, svgHeight, nodeNames, treeGroup, doc));
320     }
322     /** Compute the transform required to convert from the geometry coordinate system given in {@code bounds}
323      * to the one defined by the given svg coordinates. The y-axis from the geometry is oriented to point
324      * upwards in the svg.
325      * @param bounds the bounds of the geometry
326      * @param svgX x coordinate in the upper-left corner of the svg target box
327      * @param svgY y coordinate in the upper-left corner of the svg target box
328      * @param svgWidth width of the svg target box
329      * @param svgHeight height of the svg target box
330      * @return a transform converting from geometry space to svg space
331      */
332     private static AffineTransformMatrix2D computeGeometryTransform(final Bounds2D bounds,
333             final double svgX, final double svgY, final double svgWidth, final double svgHeight) {
335         final Vector2D boundsDiagonal = bounds.getDiagonal();
337         return AffineTransformMatrix2D
338             .createTranslation(bounds.getMin().negate())
339             .scale(svgWidth / boundsDiagonal.getX(), -svgHeight / boundsDiagonal.getY())
340             .translate(svgX, svgY + svgHeight);
341     }
343     /** Define an SVG clipping rectangle.
344      * @param id id of the clipping rectangle to add
345      * @param x x coordinate of the clipping rectangle
346      * @param y y coordinate of the clipping rectangle
347      * @param svgWidth width of the clipping rectangle
348      * @param svgHeight height of the clipping rectangle
349      * @param defs svg "defs" element
350      * @param doc xml document
351      */
352     private void defineClipRect(final String id, final double x, final double y,
353             final double svgWidth, final double svgHeight, final Element defs, final Document doc) {
355         final Element clipPath = svgElement("clipPath", doc);
356         clipPath.setAttribute("id", id);
358         defs.appendChild(clipPath);
360         final Element rect = svgElement(RECT_ELEMENT, doc);
361         floatAttr(rect, X_ATTR, x);
362         floatAttr(rect, Y_ATTR, y);
363         floatAttr(rect, WIDTH_ATTR, svgWidth);
364         floatAttr(rect, HEIGHT_ATTR, svgHeight);
366         clipPath.appendChild(rect);
367     }
369     /** Convenience method for setting a floating-point attribute on an element.
370      * @param element element to set the attribute on
371      * @param name name of the attribute to set
372      * @param value value of the attribute to set
373      */
374     private static void floatAttr(final Element element, final String name, final double value) {
375         element.setAttribute(name, String.valueOf(value));
376     }
378     /** Convenience method for creating an element from the svg namespace.
379      * @param name the name of the element
380      * @param doc document to create the element in
381      * @return the element from the svg namespace
382      */
383     private static Element svgElement(final String name, final Document doc) {
384         return doc.createElementNS(SVG_NAMESPACE, name);
385     }
387     /** Base class for BSP tree visitors that output SVG content.
388      */
389     private abstract class AbstractSVGTreeVisitor implements BSPTreeVisitor<Vector2D, RegionNode2D> {
391         /** Map of nodes to the names that should be used to identify them. */
392         private final Map<RegionNode2D, String> nodeNames;
394         /** Parent SVG element to append new elements to. */
395         private final Element parent;
397         /** Xml document. */
398         private final Document doc;
400         /** Number of nodes visited so far. */
401         private int count = 0;
403         /** Construct a new instance.
404          * @param nodeNames map of nodes ot the names that should be used to identify them
405          * @param parent parent SVG element
406          * @param doc xml document
407          */
408         AbstractSVGTreeVisitor(final Map<RegionNode2D, String> nodeNames, final Element parent, final Document doc) {
409             this.nodeNames = nodeNames;
410             this.parent = parent;
411             this.doc = doc;
412         }
414         /** {@inheritDoc} */
415         @Override
416         public Order visitOrder(final RegionNode2D internalNode) {
417             return Order.NODE_MINUS_PLUS;
418         }
420         /** {@inheritDoc} */
421         @Override
422         public Result visit(final RegionNode2D node) {
423             ++count;
425             final String name = (nodeNames != null && nodeNames.containsKey(node)) ?
426                     nodeNames.get(node) :
427                     String.valueOf(count);
429             visitNode(name, node);
431             return Result.CONTINUE;
432         }
434         /** Create a new svg element with the given name and append it to the parent node.
435          * @param name name of the element
436          * @return the created element, already appended to the parent
437          */
438         protected Element createChild(final String name) {
439             final Element child = createElement(name);
440             parent.appendChild(child);
442             return child;
443         }
445         /** Create an svg element with the given name. The element is <em>not</em> appended to the
446          * parent node.
447          * @param name name of the element
448          * @return the created element
449          */
450         protected Element createElement(final String name) {
451             return svgElement(name, doc);
452         }
454         /** Create an SVG text element containing the name of a tree node. The returned element is
455          * <em>not</em> appended to the parent.
456          * @param name name of the tree node
457          * @param svgPt location to place the text
458          * @return text element containing the given node name
459          */
460         protected Element createNodeNameElement(final String name, final Vector2D svgPt) {
461             final Element text = createElement("text");
462             text.setAttribute(CLASS_ATTR, "node-name");
463             text.setAttribute("dominant-baseline", "middle");
464             floatAttr(text, X_ATTR, svgPt.getX());
465             floatAttr(text, Y_ATTR, svgPt.getY());
466             text.setTextContent(name);
468             return text;
469         }
471         /** Create a path element representing a line from {@code svgStart} to {@code svgEnd}.
472          * @param className class name to place on the element
473          * @param svgStart start point
474          * @param svgEnd end point
475          * @return path element
476          */
477         protected Element createPathElement(final String className, final Vector2D svgStart, final Vector2D svgEnd) {
478             final Element path = createElement(PATH_ELEMENT);
479             path.setAttribute(CLASS_ATTR, className);
481             final StringBuilder pathStr = new StringBuilder();
482             pathStr.append(PATH_MOVE_TO)
483                 .append(pointString(svgStart))
484                 .append(SPACE)
485                 .append(PATH_LINE_TO)
486                 .append(pointString(svgEnd));
488             path.setAttribute("d", pathStr.toString());
490             return path;
491         }
493         /** Create a string containing the coordinates of the given point in the format used by the SVG
494          * {@code path} element.
495          * @param pt point to represent as an SVG string
496          * @return SVG string representation of the point
497          */
498         protected String pointString(final Vector2D pt) {
499             return pt.getX() + " " + pt.getY();
500         }
502         /** Visit a node in the tree.
503          * @param name the name for the node in the visualization
504          * @param node the node being visited
505          */
506         protected abstract void visitNode(String name, RegionNode2D node);
507     }
509     /** BSP tree visitor that outputs SVG representing the tree geometry.
510      */
511     private final class TreeGeometryVisitor extends AbstractSVGTreeVisitor {
513         /** The geometry bounds as a region instance. */
514         private final Parallelogram boundsRegion;
516         /** Transform converting from geometry space to SVG space. */
517         private final AffineTransformMatrix2D transform;
519         /** Group element containing the tree geometry paths. */
520         private final Element pathGroup;
522         /** Group element containing the tree node labels. */
523         private final Element labelGroup;
525         /** Construct a new instance for generating SVG geometry content.
526          * @param transform transform converting from geometry space to SVG space
527          * @param nodeNames map of nodes to the names that should be used to identify them
528          * @param parent parent SVG element
529          * @param doc xml document
530          */
531         TreeGeometryVisitor(final AffineTransformMatrix2D transform, final Map<RegionNode2D, String> nodeNames,
532                 final Element parent, final Document doc) {
533             super(nodeNames, parent, doc);
535             this.boundsRegion = bounds.toRegion(PRECISION);
537             this.transform = transform;
539             // place the label group after the geometry group so the labels appear on top
540             this.pathGroup = svgElement("g", doc);
541             pathGroup.setAttribute(CLASS_ATTR, "paths");
542             parent.appendChild(pathGroup);
544             this.labelGroup = svgElement("g", doc);
545             labelGroup.setAttribute(CLASS_ATTR, "labels");
546             parent.appendChild(labelGroup);
547         }
549         /** {@inheritDoc} */
550         @Override
551         protected void visitNode(final String name, final RegionNode2D node) {
552             if (node.isLeaf()) {
553                 visitLeafNode(name, node);
554             } else {
555                 visitInternalNode(name, node);
556             }
557         }
559         /** Visit a leaf node.
560          * @param name name of the node
561          * @param node the leaf node
562          */
563         private void visitLeafNode(final String name, final RegionNode2D node) {
564             final RegionBSPTree2D tree = node.getNodeRegion().toTree();
565             tree.intersection(boundsRegion.toTree());
567             final Vector2D svgCentroid = toSvgSpace(tree.getCentroid());
569             labelGroup.appendChild(createNodeNameElement(name, svgCentroid));
571             if (node.isInside()) {
572                 for (final LinePath linePath : tree.getBoundaryPaths()) {
573                     final Element path = createElement(PATH_ELEMENT);
574                     pathGroup.appendChild(path);
575                     path.setAttribute(CLASS_ATTR, "inside");
577                     final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
579                     for (final Vector2D pt : linePath.getVertexSequence()) {
580                         if (sb.length() < 1) {
581                             sb.append(PATH_MOVE_TO);
582                         } else {
583                             sb.append(SPACE)
584                                 .append(PATH_LINE_TO);
585                         }
587                         sb.append(pointString(toSvgSpace(pt)));
588                     }
590                     path.setAttribute("d", sb.toString());
591                 }
592             }
593         }
595         /** Visit an internal node.
596          * @param name name of the node
597          * @param node the internal node
598          */
599         private void visitInternalNode(final String name, final RegionNode2D node) {
600             final LineConvexSubset trimmedCut = boundsRegion.trim(node.getCut());
602             final Vector2D svgStart = toSvgSpace(trimmedCut.getStartPoint());
603             final Vector2D svgEnd = toSvgSpace(trimmedCut.getEndPoint());
605             final Vector2D svgMid = svgStart.lerp(svgEnd, 0.5);
607             labelGroup.appendChild(createNodeNameElement(name, svgMid));
609             pathGroup.appendChild(createPathElement("cut", svgStart, svgEnd));
611             final String arrowPathString = createCutArrowPathString(svgStart, svgEnd);
612             if (arrowPathString != null) {
613                 final Element arrowPath = createElement(PATH_ELEMENT);
614                 pathGroup.appendChild(arrowPath);
615                 arrowPath.setAttribute(CLASS_ATTR, "arrow");
616                 arrowPath.setAttribute("d", arrowPathString);
617             }
619             final RegionCutBoundary<Vector2D> boundary = node.getCutBoundary();
620             if (boundary != null) {
621                 addRegionBoundaries(boundary.getInsideFacing());
622                 addRegionBoundaries(boundary.getOutsideFacing());
623             }
624         }
626         /** Add path elements for the given list of region boundaries.
627          * @param boundaries boundaries to add path elements for
628          */
629         private void addRegionBoundaries(final List<HyperplaneConvexSubset<Vector2D>> boundaries) {
630             LineConvexSubset trimmed;
631             for (final HyperplaneConvexSubset<Vector2D> boundary : boundaries) {
632                 trimmed = boundsRegion.trim(boundary);
634                 if (trimmed != null) {
635                     pathGroup.appendChild(createPathElement(
636                             "region-boundary",
637                             toSvgSpace(trimmed.getStartPoint()),
638                             toSvgSpace(trimmed.getEndPoint())));
639                 }
640             }
641         }
643         /** Create an SVG path string defining an arrow head for the line segment that extends from
644          * {@code svgStart} to {@code svgEnd}.
645          * @param svgStart line segment start point
646          * @param svgEnd line segment end point
647          * @return an SVG path string defining an arrow head for the line segment
648          */
649         private String createCutArrowPathString(final Vector2D svgStart, final Vector2D svgEnd) {
650             final Vector2D dir = svgStart.vectorTo(svgEnd);
651             if (!dir.eq(Vector2D.ZERO, PRECISION)) {
653                 final double az = Math.atan2(dir.getY(), dir.getX());
654                 final Vector2D upperArrowPt = PolarCoordinates
655                         .toCartesian(ARROW_LENGTH, az + ARROW_ANGLE)
656                         .add(svgEnd);
658                 final Vector2D lowerArrowPt = PolarCoordinates
659                         .toCartesian(ARROW_LENGTH, az - ARROW_ANGLE)
660                         .add(svgEnd);
662                 final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
663                 sb.append(PATH_MOVE_TO)
664                     .append(pointString(upperArrowPt))
665                     .append(SPACE)
666                     .append(PATH_LINE_TO)
667                     .append(pointString(svgEnd))
668                     .append(SPACE)
669                     .append(PATH_LINE_TO)
670                     .append(pointString(lowerArrowPt));
672                 return sb.toString();
673             }
675             return null;
676         }
678         /** Convert the given point in geometry space to SVG space.
679          * @param pt point in geometry space to convert
680          * @return point in SVG space
681          */
682         private Vector2D toSvgSpace(final Vector2D pt) {
683             return transform.apply(pt);
684         }
685     }
687     /** BSP tree visitor that outputs SVG representing the tree structure.
688      */
689     private final class TreeStructureVisitor extends AbstractSVGTreeVisitor {
691         /** Top of the content area. */
692         private final double svgTop;
694         /** Width of the content area. */
695         private final double svgWidth;
697         /** Map of nodes to their rendered locations in the content area. */
698         private final Map<RegionNode2D, Vector2D> nodeLocations = new HashMap<>();
700         /** Construct a new instance for rendering a representation of the structure of a BSP tree.
701          * @param treeNodeHeight the height of the BSP tree
702          * @param svgWidth available SVG width for the content
703          * @param svgHeight available SVG height for the content
704          * @param nodeNames map of nodes to the names that should be used to identify them
705          * @param parent parent SVG element
706          * @param doc xml document
707          */
708         TreeStructureVisitor(final int treeNodeHeight, final double svgWidth, final double svgHeight,
709                 final Map<RegionNode2D, String> nodeNames, final Element parent, final Document doc) {
710             super(nodeNames, parent, doc);
712             final double requiredSvgHeight = treeNodeHeight * TREE_VERTICAL_SPACING;
713             final double svgMid = 0.5 * svgHeight;
715             this.svgTop = svgMid - (0.5 * requiredSvgHeight);
716             this.svgWidth = svgWidth;
717         }
719         /** {@inheritDoc} */
720         @Override
721         protected void visitNode(final String name, final RegionNode2D node) {
722             final Vector2D loc = getNodeLocation(node);
723             nodeLocations.put(node, loc);
725             final Element nodeGroup = createChild("g");
726             nodeGroup.setAttribute(CLASS_ATTR, getNodeClassNames(name, node));
728             nodeGroup.appendChild(createNodeNameElement(name, loc));
730             final Vector2D parentLoc = nodeLocations.get(node.getParent());
731             if (parentLoc != null) {
732                 final Vector2D offset = loc.vectorTo(parentLoc).withNorm(TREE_LINE_MARGIN);
733                 nodeGroup.appendChild(createPathElement("tree-path", loc.add(offset), parentLoc.subtract(offset)));
734             }
735         }
737         /** Get a string containing the class names that should be used for the given node.
738          * @param name name of the node
739          * @param node the node
740          * @return a string containing the class names that should be used for the given node
741          */
742         private String getNodeClassNames(final String name, final RegionNode2D node) {
743             final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
744             sb.append("node-").append(name);
746             if (node.isLeaf()) {
747                 sb.append(SPACE)
748                     .append(node.isInside() ? "inside-node" : "outside-node");
749             }
751             return sb.toString();
752         }
754         /** Get the SVG location where the visual representation of the given node should be rendered.
755          * @param node the node to determine the location for
756          * @return the SVG location where the node should be rendered
757          */
758         private Vector2D getNodeLocation(final RegionNode2D node) {
759             // find the node parent
760             final RegionNode2D parent = node.getParent();
761             final Vector2D parentLoc = nodeLocations.get(parent);
762             if (parentLoc == null) {
763                 // this is the root node
764                 return Vector2D.of(
765                         0.5 * svgWidth,
766                         svgTop);
767             } else {
768                 // align with the parent
769                 double parentXOffset = Math.max(
770                         treeParentOffsetFactor * (svgWidth / (1 << parent.depth())),
771                         treeParentXOffsetMin);
772                 if (node.isMinus()) {
773                     parentXOffset = -parentXOffset;
774                 }
776                 return Vector2D.of(
777                             parentLoc.getX() + parentXOffset,
778                             parentLoc.getY() + TREE_VERTICAL_SPACING
779                         );
780             }
781         }
782     }
783 }