Uses of Interface

Packages that use IOFileFilter This package defines utility classes for working with streams, readers, writers and files. This package defines an interface (IOFileFilter) that combines both FileFilter and FilenameFilter

Uses of IOFileFilter in

Methods in with parameters of type IOFileFilter
static Iterator<File> FileUtils.iterateFiles(File directory, IOFileFilter fileFilter, IOFileFilter dirFilter)
          Allows iteration over the files in given directory (and optionally its subdirectories).
static Collection<File> FileUtils.listFiles(File directory, IOFileFilter fileFilter, IOFileFilter dirFilter)
          Finds files within a given directory (and optionally its subdirectories).

Constructors in with parameters of type IOFileFilter
DirectoryWalker(IOFileFilter directoryFilter, IOFileFilter fileFilter, int depthLimit)
          Construct an instance with a directory and a file filter and an optional limit on the depth navigated to.

Uses of IOFileFilter in

Classes in that implement IOFileFilter
 class AbstractFileFilter
          An abstract class which implements the Java FileFilter and FilenameFilter interfaces via the IOFileFilter interface.
 class AgeFileFilter
          Filters files based on a cutoff time, can filter either newer files or files equal to or older.
 class AndFileFilter
          A FileFilter providing conditional AND logic across a list of file filters.
 class CanReadFileFilter
          This filter accepts Files that can be read.
 class CanWriteFileFilter
          This filter accepts Files that can be written to.
 class DelegateFileFilter
          This class turns a Java FileFilter or FilenameFilter into an IO FileFilter.
 class DirectoryFileFilter
          This filter accepts Files that are directories.
 class EmptyFileFilter
          This filter accepts files or directories that are empty.
 class FalseFileFilter
          A file filter that always returns false.
 class FileFileFilter
          This filter accepts Files that are files (not directories).
 class HiddenFileFilter
          This filter accepts Files that are hidden.
 class MagicNumberFileFilter
           File filter for matching files containing a "magic number".
 class NameFileFilter
          Filters filenames for a certain name.
 class NotFileFilter
          This filter produces a logical NOT of the filters specified.
 class OrFileFilter
          A FileFilter providing conditional OR logic across a list of file filters.
 class PrefixFileFilter
          Filters filenames for a certain prefix.
 class RegexFileFilter
          Filters files using supplied regular expression(s).
 class SizeFileFilter
          Filters files based on size, can filter either smaller files or files equal to or larger than a given threshold.
 class SuffixFileFilter
          Filters files based on the suffix (what the filename ends with).
 class TrueFileFilter
          A file filter that always returns true.
 class WildcardFileFilter
          Filters files using the supplied wildcards.
 class WildcardFilter
          Deprecated. Use WilcardFileFilter. Deprecated as this class performs directory filtering which it shouldn't do, but that can't be removed due to compatability.

Fields in declared as IOFileFilter
static IOFileFilter CanReadFileFilter.CAN_READ
          Singleton instance of readable filter
static IOFileFilter CanWriteFileFilter.CAN_WRITE
          Singleton instance of writable filter
static IOFileFilter CanReadFileFilter.CANNOT_READ
          Singleton instance of not readable filter
static IOFileFilter CanWriteFileFilter.CANNOT_WRITE
          Singleton instance of not writable filter
static IOFileFilter DirectoryFileFilter.DIRECTORY
          Singleton instance of directory filter.
static IOFileFilter EmptyFileFilter.EMPTY
          Singleton instance of empty filter
static IOFileFilter FalseFileFilter.FALSE
          Singleton instance of false filter.
static IOFileFilter FileFileFilter.FILE
          Singleton instance of file filter
static IOFileFilter HiddenFileFilter.HIDDEN
          Singleton instance of hidden filter
static IOFileFilter TrueFileFilter.INSTANCE
          Singleton instance of true filter.
static IOFileFilter FalseFileFilter.INSTANCE
          Singleton instance of false filter.
static IOFileFilter DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE
          Singleton instance of directory filter.
static IOFileFilter EmptyFileFilter.NOT_EMPTY
          Singleton instance of not-empty filter
static IOFileFilter CanReadFileFilter.READ_ONLY
          Singleton instance of read-only filter
static IOFileFilter TrueFileFilter.TRUE
          Singleton instance of true filter.
static IOFileFilter HiddenFileFilter.VISIBLE
          Singleton instance of visible filter

Methods in that return IOFileFilter
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.ageFileFilter(Date cutoffDate)
          Returns a filter that returns true if the file was last modified after the specified cutoff date.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.ageFileFilter(Date cutoffDate, boolean acceptOlder)
          Returns a filter that filters files based on a cutoff date.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.ageFileFilter(File cutoffReference)
          Returns a filter that returns true if the file was last modified after the specified reference file.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.ageFileFilter(File cutoffReference, boolean acceptOlder)
          Returns a filter that filters files based on a cutoff reference file.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.ageFileFilter(long cutoff)
          Returns a filter that returns true if the file was last modified after the specified cutoff time.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.ageFileFilter(long cutoff, boolean acceptOlder)
          Returns a filter that filters files based on a cutoff time.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.and(IOFileFilter... filters)
          Returns a filter that ANDs the specified filters.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.andFileFilter(IOFileFilter filter1, IOFileFilter filter2)
          Deprecated. use FileFilterUtils.and(IOFileFilter...)
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.asFileFilter(FileFilter filter)
          Returns an IOFileFilter that wraps the FileFilter instance.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.asFileFilter(FilenameFilter filter)
          Returns an IOFileFilter that wraps the FilenameFilter instance.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.directoryFileFilter()
          Returns a filter that checks if the file is a directory.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.falseFileFilter()
          Returns a filter that always returns false.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.fileFileFilter()
          Returns a filter that checks if the file is a file (and not a directory).
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.magicNumberFileFilter(byte[] magicNumber)
          Returns a filter that accepts files that begin with the provided magic number.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.magicNumberFileFilter(byte[] magicNumber, long offset)
          Returns a filter that accepts files that contains the provided magic number at a specified offset within the file.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.magicNumberFileFilter(String magicNumber)
          Returns a filter that accepts files that begin with the provided magic number.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.magicNumberFileFilter(String magicNumber, long offset)
          Returns a filter that accepts files that contains the provided magic number at a specified offset within the file.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.makeCVSAware(IOFileFilter filter)
          Decorates a filter to make it ignore CVS directories.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.makeDirectoryOnly(IOFileFilter filter)
          Decorates a filter so that it only applies to directories and not to files.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.makeFileOnly(IOFileFilter filter)
          Decorates a filter so that it only applies to files and not to directories.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.makeSVNAware(IOFileFilter filter)
          Decorates a filter to make it ignore SVN directories.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.nameFileFilter(String name)
          Returns a filter that returns true if the filename matches the specified text.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.nameFileFilter(String name, IOCase caseSensitivity)
          Returns a filter that returns true if the filename matches the specified text.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.notFileFilter(IOFileFilter filter)
          Returns a filter that NOTs the specified filter.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.or(IOFileFilter... filters)
          Returns a filter that ORs the specified filters.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.orFileFilter(IOFileFilter filter1, IOFileFilter filter2)
          Deprecated. use FileFilterUtils.or(IOFileFilter...)
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.prefixFileFilter(String prefix)
          Returns a filter that returns true if the filename starts with the specified text.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.prefixFileFilter(String prefix, IOCase caseSensitivity)
          Returns a filter that returns true if the filename starts with the specified text.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.sizeFileFilter(long threshold)
          Returns a filter that returns true if the file is bigger than a certain size.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.sizeFileFilter(long threshold, boolean acceptLarger)
          Returns a filter that filters based on file size.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.sizeRangeFileFilter(long minSizeInclusive, long maxSizeInclusive)
          Returns a filter that accepts files whose size is >= minimum size and <= maximum size.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.suffixFileFilter(String suffix)
          Returns a filter that returns true if the filename ends with the specified text.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.suffixFileFilter(String suffix, IOCase caseSensitivity)
          Returns a filter that returns true if the filename ends with the specified text.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.trueFileFilter()
          Returns a filter that always returns true.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type IOFileFilter
 List<IOFileFilter> OrFileFilter.getFileFilters()
          Returns this conditional file filter's list of file filters.
 List<IOFileFilter> ConditionalFileFilter.getFileFilters()
          Returns this conditional file filter's list of file filters.
 List<IOFileFilter> AndFileFilter.getFileFilters()
          Returns this conditional file filter's list of file filters.
static List<IOFileFilter> FileFilterUtils.toList(IOFileFilter... filters)
          Create a List of file filters.

Methods in with parameters of type IOFileFilter
 void OrFileFilter.addFileFilter(IOFileFilter ioFileFilter)
          Adds the specified file filter to the list of file filters at the end of the list.
 void ConditionalFileFilter.addFileFilter(IOFileFilter ioFileFilter)
          Adds the specified file filter to the list of file filters at the end of the list.
 void AndFileFilter.addFileFilter(IOFileFilter ioFileFilter)
          Adds the specified file filter to the list of file filters at the end of the list.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.and(IOFileFilter... filters)
          Returns a filter that ANDs the specified filters.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.andFileFilter(IOFileFilter filter1, IOFileFilter filter2)
          Deprecated. use FileFilterUtils.and(IOFileFilter...)
static File[] FileFilterUtils.filter(IOFileFilter filter, File... files)
           Applies an IOFileFilter to the provided File objects.
static File[] FileFilterUtils.filter(IOFileFilter filter, Iterable<File> files)
           Applies an IOFileFilter to the provided File objects.
static List<File> FileFilterUtils.filterList(IOFileFilter filter, File... files)
           Applies an IOFileFilter to the provided File objects.
static List<File> FileFilterUtils.filterList(IOFileFilter filter, Iterable<File> files)
           Applies an IOFileFilter to the provided File objects.
static Set<File> FileFilterUtils.filterSet(IOFileFilter filter, File... files)
           Applies an IOFileFilter to the provided File objects.
static Set<File> FileFilterUtils.filterSet(IOFileFilter filter, Iterable<File> files)
           Applies an IOFileFilter to the provided File objects.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.makeCVSAware(IOFileFilter filter)
          Decorates a filter to make it ignore CVS directories.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.makeDirectoryOnly(IOFileFilter filter)
          Decorates a filter so that it only applies to directories and not to files.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.makeFileOnly(IOFileFilter filter)
          Decorates a filter so that it only applies to files and not to directories.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.makeSVNAware(IOFileFilter filter)
          Decorates a filter to make it ignore SVN directories.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.notFileFilter(IOFileFilter filter)
          Returns a filter that NOTs the specified filter.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.or(IOFileFilter... filters)
          Returns a filter that ORs the specified filters.
static IOFileFilter FileFilterUtils.orFileFilter(IOFileFilter filter1, IOFileFilter filter2)
          Deprecated. use FileFilterUtils.or(IOFileFilter...)
 boolean OrFileFilter.removeFileFilter(IOFileFilter ioFileFilter)
          Removes the specified file filter.
 boolean ConditionalFileFilter.removeFileFilter(IOFileFilter ioFileFilter)
          Removes the specified file filter.
 boolean AndFileFilter.removeFileFilter(IOFileFilter ioFileFilter)
          Removes the specified file filter.
static List<IOFileFilter> FileFilterUtils.toList(IOFileFilter... filters)
          Create a List of file filters.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type IOFileFilter
 void OrFileFilter.setFileFilters(List<IOFileFilter> fileFilters)
          Sets the list of file filters, replacing any previously configured file filters on this filter.
 void ConditionalFileFilter.setFileFilters(List<IOFileFilter> fileFilters)
          Sets the list of file filters, replacing any previously configured file filters on this filter.
 void AndFileFilter.setFileFilters(List<IOFileFilter> fileFilters)
          Sets the list of file filters, replacing any previously configured file filters on this filter.

Constructors in with parameters of type IOFileFilter
AndFileFilter(IOFileFilter filter1, IOFileFilter filter2)
          Constructs a new file filter that ANDs the result of two other filters.
NotFileFilter(IOFileFilter filter)
          Constructs a new file filter that NOTs the result of another filter.
OrFileFilter(IOFileFilter filter1, IOFileFilter filter2)
          Constructs a new file filter that ORs the result of two other filters.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type IOFileFilter
AndFileFilter(List<IOFileFilter> fileFilters)
          Constructs a new instance of AndFileFilter with the specified list of filters.
OrFileFilter(List<IOFileFilter> fileFilters)
          Constructs a new instance of OrFileFilter with the specified filters.

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