Tag Documentation

[tag libraries] [tags]

The following document contains a summary of all theJellytag libraries.

Tag Libraries

[tag libraries] [tags]


A tag library for using Ant tasks within Jelly

Jelly can be invoked inside Ant and this tag library allows Ant tasks to be invoked from insideJelly. This allows Jelly to be used for more 'scripting' style targets, such as parsing XML databases,working with custom java beans, doing SQL, the use of JSTL and so forth.


A tag library for using Ant tasks within Jelly

Jelly can be invoked inside Ant and this tag library allows Ant tasks to be invoked from insideJelly. This allows Jelly to be used for more 'scripting' style targets, such as parsing XML databases,working with custom java beans, doing SQL, the use of JSTL and so forth.

Tag NameDescription
antTag supporting ant's Tasks as well asdynamic runtime behaviour for 'unknown' tags.
fileScannerA tag which creates a new FileScanner bean instance that can be used toiterate over fileSets
setPropertyTag which sets an attribute on the parent Ant Task if the given value is not null.This can be useful when setting parameters on Ant tasks, only if they have been specifiedvia some well defined property, otherwise allowing the inbuilt default to be used.


[tag libraries] [tags]


Tag supporting ant's Tasks as well asdynamic runtime behaviour for 'unknown' tags.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
objectjava.lang.ObjectSet the object underlying this tag.


A tag which creates a new FileScanner bean instance that can be used toiterate over fileSets

Attribute NameTypeDescription
varjava.lang.StringSets the name of the variable exported by this tag


Tag which sets an attribute on the parent Ant Task if the given value is not null.This can be useful when setting parameters on Ant tasks, only if they have been specifiedvia some well defined property, otherwise allowing the inbuilt default to be used.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
defaultjava.lang.ObjectSets the default value to be used if the specified value is empty.
namejava.lang.StringSets the name of the Ant task property to set.
valuejava.lang.ObjectSets the value of the Ant task property to set.