Tag Documentation

[tag libraries] [tags]

The following document contains a summary of all theJellytag libraries.

Tag Libraries

[tag libraries] [tags]


Tag library which allows the creation of new tags using Jelly script itself.


Tag library which allows the creation of new tags using Jelly script itself.

Tag NameDescription
attributeThis tag is bound onto a Java Bean class. When the tag is invoked a bean will be createdusing the tags attributes.The bean may also have an invoke method called invoke(), run(), execute() or some such methodwhich will be invoked after the bean has been configured.
beanBinds a Java bean to the given named Jelly tag so that the attributes ofthe tag set the bean properties..
classLoaderCreates a new URLClassLoader to dynamicallyload tags froms.
dynaBeanBinds a Java bean to the given named Jelly tag so that the attributes ofthe tag set the bean properties..
extend<extend>is used to extend a dynamic tag defined in an inheriteddynamic tag library

invokeThe <invoke>tag will invoke a given Script instance.It can be used with the <script>tag which defines scriptsas variables that can later be invoked by this <invoke>tag.
invokeBody<invokeBody>tag is used inside a <tag>tag(i.e. the definition of a dynamic tag) to invoke the tags body whenthe tag is invoked.
jellyBeanBinds a Java bean to the given named Jelly tag so that the attributes ofthe tag set the bean properties. After the body of this tag is invokedthen the beans invoke() method will be called, if the bean has one.
script<script>tag is used to assign a Script objectto a variable. The script can then be called whenever the user wishesmaybe from inside an expression or more typically via the <invoke>tag.
super<super>tag is used to invoke a parent tag implementation, whena tag extends an existing tag
tag<tag>is used to define a new tagusing a Jelly script to implement the behaviour of the tag.Parameters can be passed into the new tag using normal XML attributenotations. Inside the body of the tag definition, the attributes canbe accessed as normal Jelly variables.
taglibThe <taglib>tag is used to define a new tag libraryusing a Jelly script. The tag library is identified by its URI.The tags for a taglib are declared using the org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.define.TagTag.You can 'inherit' tags from a previously defined taglib, as well,allowing runtime extension of tag libraries


[tag libraries] [tags]


This tag is bound onto a Java Bean class. When the tag is invoked a bean will be createdusing the tags attributes.The bean may also have an invoke method called invoke(), run(), execute() or some such methodwhich will be invoked after the bean has been configured.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
defaultValueorg.apache.commons.jelly.expression.ExpressionSets the default value of this attribute
namejava.lang.StringSets the name of the attribute
requiredbooleanSets whether this attribute is mandatory or not


Binds a Java bean to the given named Jelly tag so that the attributes ofthe tag set the bean properties..

Attribute NameTypeDescription
classLoaderjava.lang.ClassLoaderSets the ClassLoader to use to load the class.If no value is set then the current threads context classloader is used.
classNamejava.lang.StringSets the Java class name to use for the tag
namejava.lang.StringSets the name of the tag to create
varAttributejava.lang.StringSets the name of the attribute used to define the bean variable that this dynamictag will output its results as. This defaults to 'var' though this propertycan be used to change this if it conflicts with a bean property called 'var'.


Creates a new URLClassLoader to dynamicallyload tags froms.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
classLoaderjava.lang.ClassLoaderSets the ClassLoader to use to load the class.If no value is set then the current threads context classloader is used.
classNamejava.lang.StringSets the Java class name to use for the tag
namejava.lang.StringSets the name of the tag to create
varAttributejava.lang.StringSets the name of the attribute used to define the bean variable that this dynamictag will output its results as. This defaults to 'var' though this propertycan be used to change this if it conflicts with a bean property called 'var'.


Binds a Java bean to the given named Jelly tag so that the attributes ofthe tag set the bean properties..

Attribute NameTypeDescription
dynaClassorg.apache.commons.beanutils.DynaClassSets the org.apache.commons.beanutils.DynaClasswhich will be bound to this dynamic tag.
namejava.lang.StringSets the name of the tag to create
varAttributejava.lang.StringSets the name of the attribute used to define the bean variable that this dynamictag will output its results as. This defaults to 'var' though this propertycan be used to change this if it conflicts with a bean property called 'var'.


<extend>is used to extend a dynamic tag defined in an inheriteddynamic tag library

Attribute NameTypeDescription
namejava.lang.StringSets the name of the tag to create


The <invoke>tag will invoke a given Script instance.It can be used with the <script>tag which defines scriptsas variables that can later be invoked by this <invoke>tag.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
scriptorg.apache.commons.jelly.ScriptSets the Script to be invoked by this tag, which typically has been previouslydefined by the use of the <script>tag.


<invokeBody>tag is used inside a <tag>tag(i.e. the definition of a dynamic tag) to invoke the tags body whenthe tag is invoked.

Attribute NameTypeDescription


Binds a Java bean to the given named Jelly tag so that the attributes ofthe tag set the bean properties. After the body of this tag is invokedthen the beans invoke() method will be called, if the bean has one.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
classLoaderjava.lang.ClassLoaderSets the ClassLoader to use to load the class.If no value is set then the current threads context classloader is used.
classNamejava.lang.StringSets the Java class name to use for the tag
methodjava.lang.StringSets the name of the method to invoke on the bean.This defaults to "run" so that Runnable objects can beinvoked, but this property can be set to whatever is required,such as "execute" or "invoke"
namejava.lang.StringSets the name of the tag to create
varAttributejava.lang.StringSets the name of the attribute used to define the bean variable that this dynamictag will output its results as. This defaults to 'var' though this propertycan be used to change this if it conflicts with a bean property called 'var'.


<script>tag is used to assign a Script objectto a variable. The script can then be called whenever the user wishesmaybe from inside an expression or more typically via the <invoke>tag.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
varjava.lang.StringSets the variable name of the tag to create


<super>tag is used to invoke a parent tag implementation, whena tag extends an existing tag

Attribute NameTypeDescription


<tag>is used to define a new tagusing a Jelly script to implement the behaviour of the tag.Parameters can be passed into the new tag using normal XML attributenotations. Inside the body of the tag definition, the attributes canbe accessed as normal Jelly variables.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
namejava.lang.StringSets the name of the tag to create


The <taglib>tag is used to define a new tag libraryusing a Jelly script. The tag library is identified by its URI.The tags for a taglib are declared using the org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.define.TagTag.You can 'inherit' tags from a previously defined taglib, as well,allowing runtime extension of tag libraries

Attribute NameTypeDescription
inheritbooleanSets whether this dynamic tag should inherit from the current existing tag libraryof the same URI. This feature is enabled by default so that tags can easily besome tags can be overridden in an existing library, such as when making Mock Tags.You can disable this option if you want to disable any tags in the base library,turning them into just normal static XML.
urijava.lang.StringSets the namespace URI to register this new dynamic tag library with