Tag Documentation

[tag libraries] [tags]

The following document contains a summary of all theJellytag libraries.

Tag Libraries

[tag libraries] [tags]


Tags for sending email using the JavaMail API


Tags for sending email using the JavaMail API

Tag NameDescription
emailBasic tag for sending an email. Supports one attachment, multiple to addresses delimited by ";",multiple cc addresses, etc.


[tag libraries] [tags]


Basic tag for sending an email. Supports one attachment, multiple to addresses delimited by ";",multiple cc addresses, etc.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
CCorg.apache.commons.jelly.expression.Expression";" seperated list of people to cc
attachjava.io.FileSet the email attachment for the message. Only 1 attachment is supported right now
encodeXMLbooleanSets whether we should encode the XML body as text or not. The defaultis false so that the body will assumed to be valid XML
fromorg.apache.commons.jelly.expression.ExpressionSet the from address for the message
messageorg.apache.commons.jelly.expression.ExpressionSet the message body. This will override the Jelly tag body
serverorg.apache.commons.jelly.expression.ExpressionSet the smtp server for the message. If not set the systemproperty "mail.smtp.host" will be used.
subjectorg.apache.commons.jelly.expression.ExpressionSet the email subject
toorg.apache.commons.jelly.expression.Expression";" seperated list of people to send to