Tag Documentation

[tag libraries] [tags]

The following document contains a summary of all theJellytag libraries.

Tag Libraries

[tag libraries] [tags]


A simple interaction tag library so that Jelly scripts can be interactive.


A simple interaction tag library so that Jelly scripts can be interactive.

Tag NameDescription
askJelly Tag that asks the user a question, and puts his answer into a variable,with the attribute "answer". This variable may be reused further as any otherJelly variable.


[tag libraries] [tags]


Jelly Tag that asks the user a question, and puts his answer into a variable,with the attribute "answer". This variable may be reused further as any otherJelly variable.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
answerjava.lang.StringSets the name of the variable that will hold the answer. This defaults to "interact.answer".
completorjava.util.ListSets the list of predefined commands.
defaultjava.lang.StringSets the default answer to the question. If it is present, it will appearinside [].
promptjava.lang.StringSets the prompt that will be displayed before the user's input.
questionjava.lang.StringSets the question to ask to the user. If a "default" attribute ispresent, it will appear inside [].
useHistoryCompletorbooleanWhether the completion should also happen on previouslyentered lines (default true).