summary] [
package list] [
test cases]
Tests | Errors | Failures | Success rate | Time(s) |
38 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 8,52 |
failuresare anticipated and checked for with assertions while
errorsare unanticipated.
summary] [
package list] [
test cases]
| testImportResources | 1,35 |
| testImportResourcesCompiled | 0,05 |
| testImportResourcesFromUncompiledScript | 0,04 |
| testUriParse | 0,38 |
| testBodyParse | 0,00 |
| testTextParse | 0,03 |
| testElementAndAttribute | 0,03 |
| testBadElementAndAttribute | 0,01 |
| assertXPathTests | 0,07 |
| assertXPathWithNamespaceTests | 0,02 |
| testXpathSorting | 0,16 |
| testCommentWithLexical | 0,03 |
| testCommentWithoutLexical | 0,01 |
| testCommentWithTextAttributeWithLexical | 0,00 |
| testFileParse | 0,04 |
| testSetSingleNodeAndAsString | 0,03 |
| testSetStringLists | 0,01 |
| testEntities | 0,07 |
| testParser | 0,48 |
| testUnitTests | 1,12 |
| testExpressions | 0,17 |
| testParse | 0,03 |
| testElementWithNameSpace | 0,03 |
| testElementWithNameSpaceError | 0,10 |
| testNamespaceReplace | 0,05 |
| testAttributeNameSpaceDuplicatedNS | 0,03 |
| testAttributeNameSpace | 0,02 |
| testAttributeNameSpaceDefaultNS | 0,04 |
| testAttributeNameSpaceWithInnerElements | 0,02 |
| testTransform | 0,33 |
| testTransformAllInLine | 0,05 |
| testTransformParams | 0,16 |
| testTransformParamsInLine | 0,05 |
| testTransformSAXOutput | 0,04 |
| testTransformSAXOutputNestedTransforms | 0,39 |
| testTransformSchematron | 0,73 |
| testTransformXmlVar | 0,23 |
| testDoctype | 0,01 |