Uses of Class

Packages that use Sandbox.Permissions
org.apache.commons.jexl2.introspection Provides high-level introspective services. 

Uses of Sandbox.Permissions in org.apache.commons.jexl2.introspection

Methods in org.apache.commons.jexl2.introspection that return Sandbox.Permissions
 Sandbox.Permissions clazz)
          Creates a new set of permissions based on black lists for methods and properties for a given class.
 Sandbox.Permissions Sandbox.Permissions.execute(String... mnames)
          Adds a list of executable methods names to these permissions.
 Sandbox.Permissions Sandbox.get(String clazz)
          Gets the set of permissions associated to a class.
 Sandbox.Permissions Sandbox.permissions(String clazz, boolean readFlag, boolean writeFlag, boolean executeFlag)
          Creates the set of permissions for a given class.
 Sandbox.Permissions pnames)
          Adds a list of readable property names to these permissions.
 Sandbox.Permissions Sandbox.white(String clazz)
          Creates a new set of permissions based on white lists for methods and properties for a given class.
 Sandbox.Permissions Sandbox.Permissions.write(String... pnames)
          Adds a list of writeable property names to these permissions.

Constructor parameters in org.apache.commons.jexl2.introspection with type arguments of type Sandbox.Permissions
Sandbox(Map<String,Sandbox.Permissions> map)
          Creates a sandbox based on an existing permissions map.

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