Package org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.axes

Implementations of EvalContext used for different XPath axes (child::, parent:: etc).


Class Summary
AncestorContext EvalContext that walks the "ancestor::" and "ancestor-or-self::" axes.
AttributeContext EvalContext that walks the "attribute::" axis.
ChildContext EvalContext that can walk the "child::", "following-sibling::" and "preceding-sibling::" axes.
DescendantContext An EvalContext that walks the "descendant::" and "descendant-or-self::" axes.
InitialContext A single-set EvalContext that provides access to the current node of the parent context and nothing else.
NamespaceContext EvalContext that walks the "namespace::" axis.
ParentContext EvalContext that walks the "parent::" axis.
PrecedingOrFollowingContext EvalContext that walks the "preceding::" and "following::" axes.
PredicateContext EvalContext that checks predicates.
RootContext EvalContext that is used to hold the root node for the path traversal.
SelfContext EvalContext that returns the current node from the parent context if the test succeeds.
SimplePathInterpreter An evaluation mechanism for simple XPaths, which is much faster than the usual process.
UnionContext EvalContext that represents a union between other contexts - result of a union operation like (a | b)

Package org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.axes Description

Implementations of EvalContext used for different XPath axes (child::, parent:: etc). In order to evaluate a path, RI creates a chain of EvalContexts, one for each step in the path.

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