Uses of Class

Packages that use Operation
org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.compiler XPath parse tree. 

Uses of Operation in org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.compiler

Subclasses of Operation in org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.compiler
 class CoreFunction
          An element of the compile tree representing one of built-in functions like "position()" or "number()".
 class CoreOperation
          The common subclass for tree elements representing core operations like "+", "- ", "*" etc.
 class CoreOperationAdd
          Implementation of Expression for the operation "+".
 class CoreOperationAnd
          Implementation of Expression for the operation "and".
 class CoreOperationCompare
          Common superclass for the implementations of Expression for the operations "=" and "!=".
 class CoreOperationDivide
          Implementation of Expression for the operation "div".
 class CoreOperationEqual
          Implementation of Expression for the operation "=".
 class CoreOperationGreaterThan
          Implementation of Expression for the operation ">".
 class CoreOperationGreaterThanOrEqual
          Implementation of Expression for the operation ">=".
 class CoreOperationLessThan
          Implementation of Expression for the operation "<".
 class CoreOperationLessThanOrEqual
          Implementation of Expression for the operation "<=".
 class CoreOperationMod
          Implementation of Expression for the operation "mod".
 class CoreOperationMultiply
          Implementation of Expression for the operation "*".
 class CoreOperationNegate
          Implementation of Expression for the operation unary "-".
 class CoreOperationNotEqual
          Implementation of Expression for the operation "!=".
 class CoreOperationOr
          Implementation of Expression for the operation "or".
 class CoreOperationSubtract
          Implementation of Expression for the operation "-".
 class CoreOperationUnion
          Implementation of Expression for the operation "|".
 class ExtensionFunction
          Represents an element of the parse tree representing an extension function call.
 class NameAttributeTest
          Captures the foo[@name=expr] expression.

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