Class EvalContext

  extended byorg.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.EvalContext
All Implemented Interfaces:
ExpressionContext, java.util.Iterator
Direct Known Subclasses:
AncestorContext, AttributeContext, ChildContext, DescendantContext, InitialContext, NamespaceContext, NodeSetContext, ParentContext, PrecedingOrFollowingContext, PredicateContext, RootContext, SelfContext

public abstract class EvalContext
extends java.lang.Object
implements ExpressionContext, java.util.Iterator

An XPath evaluation context. When evaluating a path, a chain of EvalContexts is created, each context in the chain representing a step of the path. Subclasses of EvalContext implement behavior of various XPath axes: "child::", "parent::" etc.

$Revision: 1.30 $ $Date: 2004/03/25 05:42:01 $
Dmitri Plotnikov

Field Summary
private  boolean done
private  boolean hasPerformedIteratorStep
protected  EvalContext parentContext
private  java.util.Iterator pointerIterator
protected  int position
private static java.util.Comparator REVERSE_COMPARATOR
protected  RootContext rootContext
private  boolean startedSetIteration
Constructor Summary
EvalContext(EvalContext parentContext)
Method Summary
private  boolean constructIterator()
 java.util.List getContextNodeList()
          Returns the list of all Pointers in this context for the current position of the parent context.
 Pointer getContextNodePointer()
          Get the current context node.
abstract  NodePointer getCurrentNodePointer()
          Returns the current context node.
 int getCurrentPosition()
 int getDocumentOrder()
          Determines the document order for this context.
 JXPathContext getJXPathContext()
          Get the JXPathContext in which this function is being evaluated.
 NodeSet getNodeSet()
          Returns the list of all Pointers in this context for all positions of the parent contexts.
 int getPosition()
          Returns the current context position.
 RootContext getRootContext()
          Returns the root context of the path, which provides easy access to variables and functions.
 Pointer getSingleNodePointer()
          Returns the first encountered Pointer that matches the current context's criteria.
 java.lang.Object getValue()
          Typically returns the NodeSet by calling getNodeSet(), but will be overridden for contexts that more naturally produce individual values, e.g.
 boolean hasNext()
          Returns true if there are mode nodes matching the context's constraints.
 boolean isChildOrderingRequired()
          Even if this context has the natural ordering and therefore does not require collecting and sorting all nodes prior to returning them, such operation may be required for any child context.
 java.lang.Object next()
          Returns the next node pointer in the context
abstract  boolean nextNode()
          Returns true if there is another object in the current set.
 boolean nextSet()
          Returns true if there is another sets of objects to interate over.
private  void performIteratorStep()
          Moves the iterator forward by one position
 void remove()
          Operation is not supported
 void reset()
          Sets current position = 0, which is the pre-iteration state.
 boolean setPosition(int position)
          Moves the current position to the specified index.
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected EvalContext parentContext


protected RootContext rootContext


protected int position


private boolean startedSetIteration


private boolean done


private boolean hasPerformedIteratorStep


private java.util.Iterator pointerIterator


private static final java.util.Comparator REVERSE_COMPARATOR
Constructor Detail


public EvalContext(EvalContext parentContext)
Method Detail


public Pointer getContextNodePointer()
Description copied from interface: ExpressionContext
Get the current context node.

Specified by:
getContextNodePointer in interface ExpressionContext
The current context node pointer.


public JXPathContext getJXPathContext()
Description copied from interface: ExpressionContext
Get the JXPathContext in which this function is being evaluated.

Specified by:
getJXPathContext in interface ExpressionContext
A list representing the current context nodes.


public int getPosition()
Description copied from interface: ExpressionContext
Returns the current context position.

Specified by:
getPosition in interface ExpressionContext


public int getDocumentOrder()
Determines the document order for this context.

1 ascending order, -1 descending order, 0 - does not require ordering


public boolean isChildOrderingRequired()
Even if this context has the natural ordering and therefore does not require collecting and sorting all nodes prior to returning them, such operation may be required for any child context.


public boolean hasNext()
Returns true if there are mode nodes matching the context's constraints.

Specified by:
hasNext in interface java.util.Iterator


public java.lang.Object next()
Returns the next node pointer in the context

Specified by:
next in interface java.util.Iterator


private void performIteratorStep()
Moves the iterator forward by one position


public void remove()
Operation is not supported

Specified by:
remove in interface java.util.Iterator


private boolean constructIterator()


public java.util.List getContextNodeList()
Returns the list of all Pointers in this context for the current position of the parent context.

Specified by:
getContextNodeList in interface ExpressionContext
A list representing the current context nodes.


public NodeSet getNodeSet()
Returns the list of all Pointers in this context for all positions of the parent contexts. If there was an ongoing iteration over this context, the method should not be called.


public java.lang.Object getValue()
Typically returns the NodeSet by calling getNodeSet(), but will be overridden for contexts that more naturally produce individual values, e.g. VariableContext


public java.lang.String toString()


public RootContext getRootContext()
Returns the root context of the path, which provides easy access to variables and functions.


public void reset()
Sets current position = 0, which is the pre-iteration state.


public int getCurrentPosition()


public Pointer getSingleNodePointer()
Returns the first encountered Pointer that matches the current context's criteria.


public abstract NodePointer getCurrentNodePointer()
Returns the current context node. Undefined before the beginning of the iteration.


public boolean nextSet()
Returns true if there is another sets of objects to interate over. Resets the current position and node.


public abstract boolean nextNode()
Returns true if there is another object in the current set. Switches the current position and node to the next object.


public boolean setPosition(int position)
Moves the current position to the specified index. Used with integer predicates to quickly get to the n'th element of the node set. Returns false if the position is out of the node set range. You can call it with 0 as the position argument to restart the iteration.