Package org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.compiler

XPath parse tree.


Class Summary
Constant A compile tree element containing a constant number or string.
CoreFunction An element of the compile tree representing one of built-in functions like "position()" or "number()".
CoreOperation The common subclass for tree elements representing core operations like "+", "- ", "*" etc.
CoreOperationAdd Implementation of Expression for the operation "+".
CoreOperationAnd Implementation of Expression for the operation "and".
CoreOperationCompare Common superclass for the implementations of Expression for the operations "=" and "!=".
CoreOperationDivide Implementation of Expression for the operation "div".
CoreOperationEqual Implementation of Expression for the operation "=".
CoreOperationGreaterThan Implementation of Expression for the operation ">".
CoreOperationGreaterThanOrEqual Implementation of Expression for the operation ">=".
CoreOperationLessThan Implementation of Expression for the operation "<".
CoreOperationLessThanOrEqual Implementation of Expression for the operation "<=".
CoreOperationMod Implementation of Expression for the operation "mod".
CoreOperationMultiply Implementation of Expression for the operation "*".
CoreOperationNegate Implementation of Expression for the operation unary "-".
CoreOperationNotEqual Implementation of Expression for the operation "!=".
CoreOperationOr Implementation of Expression for the operation "or".
CoreOperationSubtract Implementation of Expression for the operation "-".
CoreOperationUnion Implementation of Expression for the operation "|".
Expression Common superclass for several types of nodes in the parse tree.
ExpressionPath An element of the parse tree that represents an expression path, which is a path that starts with an expression like a function call: getFoo(.) /bar.
ExtensionFunction Represents an element of the parse tree representing an extension function call.
NameAttributeTest Captures the foo[@name=expr] expression.
VariableReference An element of the compile tree holding a variable reference.

Package org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.compiler Description

XPath parse tree. TreeCompiler is the class responsible for the construction of a parse tree out of individual elements.