Class Memoizer<I,O>

Type Parameters:
I - the type of the input to the calculation
O - the type of the output of the calculation
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Memoizer<I,O> extends Object implements Computable<I,O>
Definition of an interface for a wrapper around a calculation that takes a single parameter and returns a result. The results for the calculation will be cached for future requests.

This is not a fully functional cache, there is no way of limiting or removing results once they have been generated. However, it is possible to get the implementation to regenerate the result for a given parameter, if an error was thrown during the previous calculation, by setting the option during the construction of the class. If this is not set the class will return the cached exception.

Thanks go to Brian Goetz, Tim Peierls and the members of JCP JSR-166 Expert Group for coming up with the original implementation of the class. It was also published within Java Concurrency in Practice as a sample.

  • Constructor Summary

    Memoizer(Function<I,O> function)
    Constructs a Memoizer for the provided Function calculation.
    Memoizer(Function<I,O> function, boolean recalculate)
    Constructs a Memoizer for the provided Function calculation, with the option of whether a Function that experiences an error should recalculate on subsequent calls or return the same cached exception.
    Memoizer(Computable<I,O> computable)
    Constructs a Memoizer for the provided Computable calculation.
    Memoizer(Computable<I,O> computable, boolean recalculate)
    Constructs a Memoizer for the provided Computable calculation, with the option of whether a Computation that experiences an error should recalculate on subsequent calls or return the same cached exception.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    compute(I arg)
    This method will return the result of the calculation and cache it, if it has not previously been calculated.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Memoizer

      public Memoizer(Computable<I,O> computable)
      Constructs a Memoizer for the provided Computable calculation.

      If a calculation throws an exception for any reason, this exception will be cached and returned for all future calls with the provided parameter.

      computable - the computation whose results should be memorized
    • Memoizer

      public Memoizer(Computable<I,O> computable, boolean recalculate)
      Constructs a Memoizer for the provided Computable calculation, with the option of whether a Computation that experiences an error should recalculate on subsequent calls or return the same cached exception.
      computable - the computation whose results should be memorized
      recalculate - determines whether the computation should be recalculated on subsequent calls if the previous call failed
    • Memoizer

      public Memoizer(Function<I,O> function)
      Constructs a Memoizer for the provided Function calculation.

      If a calculation throws an exception for any reason, this exception will be cached and returned for all future calls with the provided parameter.

      function - the function whose results should be memorized
    • Memoizer

      public Memoizer(Function<I,O> function, boolean recalculate)
      Constructs a Memoizer for the provided Function calculation, with the option of whether a Function that experiences an error should recalculate on subsequent calls or return the same cached exception.
      function - the computation whose results should be memorized
      recalculate - determines whether the computation should be recalculated on subsequent calls if the previous call failed
  • Method Details

    • compute

      public O compute(I arg) throws InterruptedException
      This method will return the result of the calculation and cache it, if it has not previously been calculated.

      This cache will also cache exceptions that occur during the computation if the recalculate parameter in the constructor was set to false, or not set. Otherwise, if an exception happened on the previous calculation, the method will attempt again to generate a value.

      Specified by:
      compute in interface Computable<I,O>
      arg - the argument for the calculation
      the result of the calculation
      InterruptedException - thrown if the calculation is interrupted