Class LockingVisitors.StampedLockVisitor<O>

Type Parameters:
O - The locked (hidden) objects type.
Enclosing class:

This class implements a wrapper for a locked (hidden) object, and provides the means to access it. The basic idea is that the user code forsakes all references to the locked object, using only the wrapper object, and the accessor methods LockingVisitors.LockVisitor.acceptReadLocked(FailableConsumer), LockingVisitors.LockVisitor.acceptWriteLocked(FailableConsumer), LockingVisitors.LockVisitor.applyReadLocked(FailableFunction), and LockingVisitors.LockVisitor.applyWriteLocked(FailableFunction). By doing so, the necessary protections are guaranteed.
  • Constructor Details

    • StampedLockVisitor

      protected StampedLockVisitor(O object, StampedLock stampedLock)
      Creates a new instance with the given locked object. This constructor is supposed to be used for subclassing only. In general, it is suggested to use LockingVisitors.stampedLockVisitor(Object) instead.
      object - The locked (hidden) object. The caller is supposed to drop all references to the locked object.
      stampedLock - the lock to use.