Class ClassUtils

  extended byorg.apache.commons.lang.ClassUtils

public class ClassUtils
extends Object

Operates on classes without using reflection.

This class handles invalid null inputs as best it can. Each method documents its behaviour in more detail.

$Id: 161243 2005-04-14 04:30:28Z ggregory $
Stephen Colebourne, Gary Gregory, Norm Deane

Field Summary
          The inner class separator String: "$".
          The inner class separator character: '$' == 36.
          The package separator String: ".".
          The package separator character: '.' == 46.
Constructor Summary
          ClassUtils instances should NOT be constructed in standard programming.
Method Summary
static List convertClassesToClassNames(List classes)
          Given a List of Class objects, this method converts them into class names.
static List convertClassNamesToClasses(List classNames)
          Given a List of class names, this method converts them into classes.
static List getAllInterfaces(Class cls)
          Gets a List of all interfaces implemented by the given class and its superclasses.
static List getAllSuperclasses(Class cls)
          Gets a List of superclasses for the given class.
static String getPackageName(Class cls)
          Gets the package name of a Class.
static String getPackageName(Object object, String valueIfNull)
          Gets the package name of an Object.
static String getPackageName(String className)
          Gets the package name from a String.
static String getShortClassName(Class cls)
          Gets the class name minus the package name from a Class.
static String getShortClassName(Object object, String valueIfNull)
          Gets the class name minus the package name for an Object.
static String getShortClassName(String className)
          Gets the class name minus the package name from a String.
static boolean isAssignable(Class[] classArray, Class[] toClassArray)
          Checks if an array of Classes can be assigned to another array of Classes.
static boolean isAssignable(Class cls, Class toClass)
          Checks if one Class can be assigned to a variable of another Class.
static boolean isInnerClass(Class cls)
          Is the specified class an inner class or static nested class.
static Class[] primitivesToWrappers(Class[] classes)
          Converts the specified array of primitive Class objects to an array of its corresponding wrapper Class objects.
static Class primitiveToWrapper(Class cls)
          Converts the specified primitive Class object to its corresponding wrapper Class object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final char PACKAGE_SEPARATOR_CHAR

The package separator character: '.' == 46.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PACKAGE_SEPARATOR

The package separator String: ".".


public static final char INNER_CLASS_SEPARATOR_CHAR

The inner class separator character: '$' == 36.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String INNER_CLASS_SEPARATOR

The inner class separator String: "$".

Constructor Detail


public ClassUtils()

ClassUtils instances should NOT be constructed in standard programming. Instead, the class should be used as ClassUtils.getShortClassName(cls).

This constructor is public to permit tools that require a JavaBean instance to operate.

Method Detail


public static String getShortClassName(Object object,
                                       String valueIfNull)

Gets the class name minus the package name for an Object.

object - the class to get the short name for, may be null
valueIfNull - the value to return if null
the class name of the object without the package name, or the null value


public static String getShortClassName(Class cls)

Gets the class name minus the package name from a Class.

cls - the class to get the short name for.
the class name without the package name or an empty string


public static String getShortClassName(String className)

Gets the class name minus the package name from a String.

The string passed in is assumed to be a class name - it is not checked.

className - the className to get the short name for
the class name of the class without the package name or an empty string


public static String getPackageName(Object object,
                                    String valueIfNull)

Gets the package name of an Object.

object - the class to get the package name for, may be null
valueIfNull - the value to return if null
the package name of the object, or the null value


public static String getPackageName(Class cls)

Gets the package name of a Class.

cls - the class to get the package name for, may be null.
the package name or an empty string


public static String getPackageName(String className)

Gets the package name from a String.

The string passed in is assumed to be a class name - it is not checked.

If the class is unpackaged, return an empty string.

className - the className to get the package name for, may be null
the package name or an empty string


public static List getAllSuperclasses(Class cls)

Gets a List of superclasses for the given class.

cls - the class to look up, may be null
the List of superclasses in order going up from this one null if null input


public static List getAllInterfaces(Class cls)

Gets a List of all interfaces implemented by the given class and its superclasses.

The order is determined by looking through each interface in turn as declared in the source file and following its hierarchy up. Then each superclass is considered in the same way. Later duplicates are ignored, so the order is maintained.

cls - the class to look up, may be null
the List of interfaces in order, null if null input


public static List convertClassNamesToClasses(List classNames)

Given a List of class names, this method converts them into classes.

A new List is returned. If the class name cannot be found, null is stored in the List. If the class name in the List is null, null is stored in the output List.

classNames - the classNames to change
a List of Class objects corresponding to the class names, null if null input
ClassCastException - if classNames contains a non String entry


public static List convertClassesToClassNames(List classes)

Given a List of Class objects, this method converts them into class names.

A new List is returned. null objects will be copied into the returned list as null.

classes - the classes to change
a List of class names corresponding to the Class objects, null if null input
ClassCastException - if classes contains a non-Class entry


public static boolean isAssignable(Class[] classArray,
                                   Class[] toClassArray)

Checks if an array of Classes can be assigned to another array of Classes.

This method calls isAssignable for each Class pair in the input arrays. It can be used to check if a set of arguments (the first parameter) are suitably compatible with a set of method parameter types (the second parameter).

Unlike the Class.isAssignableFrom(java.lang.Class) method, this method takes into account widenings of primitive classes and nulls.

Primitive widenings allow an int to be assigned to a long, float or double. This method returns the correct result for these cases.

Null may be assigned to any reference type. This method will return true if null is passed in and the toClass is non-primitive.

Specifically, this method tests whether the type represented by the specified Class parameter can be converted to the type represented by this Class object via an identity conversion widening primitive or widening reference conversion. See The Java Language Specification, sections 5.1.1, 5.1.2 and 5.1.4 for details.

classArray - the array of Classes to check, may be null
toClassArray - the array of Classes to try to assign into, may be null
true if assignment possible


public static boolean isAssignable(Class cls,
                                   Class toClass)

Checks if one Class can be assigned to a variable of another Class.

Unlike the Class.isAssignableFrom(java.lang.Class) method, this method takes into account widenings of primitive classes and nulls.

Primitive widenings allow an int to be assigned to a long, float or double. This method returns the correct result for these cases.

Null may be assigned to any reference type. This method will return true if null is passed in and the toClass is non-primitive.

Specifically, this method tests whether the type represented by the specified Class parameter can be converted to the type represented by this Class object via an identity conversion widening primitive or widening reference conversion. See The Java Language Specification, sections 5.1.1, 5.1.2 and 5.1.4 for details.

cls - the Class to check, may be null
toClass - the Class to try to assign into, returns false if null
true if assignment possible


public static Class primitiveToWrapper(Class cls)

Converts the specified primitive Class object to its corresponding wrapper Class object.

cls - the class to convert, may be null
the wrapper class for cls or cls if cls is not a primitive. null if null input.


public static Class[] primitivesToWrappers(Class[] classes)

Converts the specified array of primitive Class objects to an array of its corresponding wrapper Class objects.

classes - the class array to convert, may be null or empty
an array which contains for each given class, the wrapper class or the original class if class is not a primitive. null if null input. Empty array if an empty array passed in.


public static boolean isInnerClass(Class cls)

Is the specified class an inner class or static nested class.

cls - the class to check, may be null
true if the class is an inner or static nested class, false if not or null

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