Operations on String
that are
The StringUtils
class defines certain words related to
String handling.
)' '
, char 32)Character.isWhitespace(char)
handles null
input Strings quietly.
That is to say that a null
input will return null
Where a boolean
or int
is being returned
details vary by method.
A side effect of the null
handling is that a
should be considered a bug in
(except for deprecated methods).
Methods in this class give sample code to explain their operation.
The symbol *
is used to indicate any input including null
Field Summary | |
static java.lang.String |
The empty String "" . |
static int |
Represents a failed index search. |
Constructor Summary | |
StringUtils instances should NOT be constructed in
standard programming. |
Method Summary | |
static java.lang.String |
abbreviate(java.lang.String str,
int maxWidth)
Abbreviates a String using ellipses. |
static java.lang.String |
abbreviate(java.lang.String str,
int offset,
int maxWidth)
Abbreviates a String using ellipses. |
static java.lang.String |
capitalise(java.lang.String str)
Deprecated. Use the standardly named capitalize(String) .
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. |
static java.lang.String |
capitaliseAllWords(java.lang.String str)
Deprecated. Use the relocated WordUtils.capitalize(String) .
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. |
static java.lang.String |
capitalize(java.lang.String str)
Capitalizes a String changing the first letter to title case as per Character.toTitleCase(char) . |
static java.lang.String |
center(java.lang.String str,
int size)
Centers a String in a larger String of size size
using the space character (' '). |
static java.lang.String |
center(java.lang.String str,
int size,
char padChar)
Centers a String in a larger String of size size . |
static java.lang.String |
center(java.lang.String str,
int size,
java.lang.String padStr)
Centers a String in a larger String of size size . |
static java.lang.String |
chomp(java.lang.String str)
Removes one newline from end of a String if it's there, otherwise leave it alone. |
static java.lang.String |
chomp(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String separator)
Removes separator from the end of
str if it's there, otherwise leave it alone. |
static java.lang.String |
chompLast(java.lang.String str)
Deprecated. Use chomp(String) instead.
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. |
static java.lang.String |
chompLast(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String sep)
Deprecated. Use chomp(String,String) instead.
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. |
static java.lang.String |
chop(java.lang.String str)
Remove the last character from a String. |
static java.lang.String |
chopNewline(java.lang.String str)
Deprecated. Use chomp(String) instead.
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. |
static java.lang.String |
clean(java.lang.String str)
Deprecated. Use the clearer named trimToEmpty(String) .
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. |
static java.lang.String |
concatenate(java.lang.Object[] array)
Deprecated. Use the better named join(Object[]) instead.
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. |
static boolean |
contains(java.lang.String str,
char searchChar)
Checks if String contains a search character, handling null . |
static boolean |
contains(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String searchStr)
Checks if String contains a search String, handling null . |
static boolean |
containsAny(java.lang.String str,
char[] searchChars)
Checks if the String contains any character in the given set of characters. |
static boolean |
containsAny(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String searchChars)
Checks if the String contains any character in the given set of characters. |
static boolean |
containsIgnoreCase(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String searchStr)
Checks if String contains a search String irrespective of case, handling null . |
static boolean |
containsNone(java.lang.String str,
char[] invalidChars)
Checks that the String does not contain certain characters. |
static boolean |
containsNone(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String invalidChars)
Checks that the String does not contain certain characters. |
static boolean |
containsOnly(java.lang.String str,
char[] valid)
Checks if the String contains only certain characters. |
static boolean |
containsOnly(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String validChars)
Checks if the String contains only certain characters. |
static int |
countMatches(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String sub)
Counts how many times the substring appears in the larger String. |
static java.lang.String |
defaultIfEmpty(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String defaultStr)
Returns either the passed in String, or if the String is empty or null , the value of defaultStr . |
static java.lang.String |
defaultString(java.lang.String str)
Returns either the passed in String, or if the String is null , an empty String (""). |
static java.lang.String |
defaultString(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String defaultStr)
Returns either the passed in String, or if the String is null , the value of defaultStr . |
static java.lang.String |
deleteSpaces(java.lang.String str)
Deprecated. Use the better localized deleteWhitespace(String) .
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. |
static java.lang.String |
deleteWhitespace(java.lang.String str)
Deletes all whitespaces from a String as defined by Character.isWhitespace(char) . |
static java.lang.String |
difference(java.lang.String str1,
java.lang.String str2)
Compares two Strings, and returns the portion where they differ. |
static boolean |
endsWith(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String suffix)
Check if a String ends with a specified suffix. |
static boolean |
endsWithIgnoreCase(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String suffix)
Case insensitive check if a String ends with a specified suffix. |
static boolean |
equals(java.lang.String str1,
java.lang.String str2)
Compares two Strings, returning true if they are equal. |
static boolean |
equalsIgnoreCase(java.lang.String str1,
java.lang.String str2)
Compares two Strings, returning true if they are equal ignoring
the case. |
static java.lang.String |
escape(java.lang.String str)
Deprecated. Use StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(String)
This method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0 |
static java.lang.String |
getChomp(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String sep)
Deprecated. Use substringAfterLast(String, String) instead
(although this doesn't include the separator)
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. |
static java.lang.String |
getCommonPrefix(java.lang.String[] strs)
Compares all Strings in an array and returns the initial sequence of characters that is common to all of them. |
static int |
getLevenshteinDistance(java.lang.String s,
java.lang.String t)
Find the Levenshtein distance between two Strings. |
static java.lang.String |
getNestedString(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String tag)
Deprecated. Use the better named substringBetween(String, String) .
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. |
static java.lang.String |
getNestedString(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String open,
java.lang.String close)
Deprecated. Use the better named substringBetween(String, String, String) .
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. |
static java.lang.String |
getPrechomp(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String sep)
Deprecated. Use substringBefore(String,String) instead
(although this doesn't include the separator).
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. |
static int |
indexOf(java.lang.String str,
char searchChar)
Finds the first index within a String, handling null . |
static int |
indexOf(java.lang.String str,
char searchChar,
int startPos)
Finds the first index within a String from a start position, handling null . |
static int |
indexOf(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String searchStr)
Finds the first index within a String, handling null . |
static int |
indexOf(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String searchStr,
int startPos)
Finds the first index within a String, handling null . |
static int |
indexOfAny(java.lang.String str,
char[] searchChars)
Search a String to find the first index of any character in the given set of characters. |
static int |
indexOfAny(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String searchChars)
Search a String to find the first index of any character in the given set of characters. |
static int |
indexOfAny(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String[] searchStrs)
Find the first index of any of a set of potential substrings. |
static int |
indexOfAnyBut(java.lang.String str,
char[] searchChars)
Search a String to find the first index of any character not in the given set of characters. |
static int |
indexOfAnyBut(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String searchChars)
Search a String to find the first index of any character not in the given set of characters. |
static int |
indexOfDifference(java.lang.String[] strs)
Compares all Strings in an array and returns the index at which the Strings begin to differ. |
static int |
indexOfDifference(java.lang.String str1,
java.lang.String str2)
Compares two Strings, and returns the index at which the Strings begin to differ. |
static boolean |
isAlpha(java.lang.String str)
Checks if the String contains only unicode letters. |
static boolean |
isAlphanumeric(java.lang.String str)
Checks if the String contains only unicode letters or digits. |
static boolean |
isAlphanumericSpace(java.lang.String str)
Checks if the String contains only unicode letters, digits or space ( ' ' ). |
static boolean |
isAlphaSpace(java.lang.String str)
Checks if the String contains only unicode letters and space (' '). |
static boolean |
isAsciiPrintable(java.lang.String str)
Checks if the string contains only ASCII printable characters. |
static boolean |
isBlank(java.lang.String str)
Checks if a String is whitespace, empty ("") or null. |
static boolean |
isEmpty(java.lang.String str)
Checks if a String is empty ("") or null. |
static boolean |
isNotBlank(java.lang.String str)
Checks if a String is not empty (""), not null and not whitespace only. |
static boolean |
isNotEmpty(java.lang.String str)
Checks if a String is not empty ("") and not null. |
static boolean |
isNumeric(java.lang.String str)
Checks if the String contains only unicode digits. |
static boolean |
isNumericSpace(java.lang.String str)
Checks if the String contains only unicode digits or space ( ' ' ). |
static boolean |
isWhitespace(java.lang.String str)
Checks if the String contains only whitespace. |
static java.lang.String |
join(java.util.Collection collection,
char separator)
Joins the elements of the provided Collection into
a single String containing the provided elements. |
static java.lang.String |
join(java.util.Collection collection,
java.lang.String separator)
Joins the elements of the provided Collection into
a single String containing the provided elements. |
static java.lang.String |
join(java.util.Iterator iterator,
char separator)
Joins the elements of the provided Iterator into
a single String containing the provided elements. |
static java.lang.String |
join(java.util.Iterator iterator,
java.lang.String separator)
Joins the elements of the provided Iterator into
a single String containing the provided elements. |
static java.lang.String |
join(java.lang.Object[] array)
Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String containing the provided list of elements. |
static java.lang.String |
join(java.lang.Object[] array,
char separator)
Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String containing the provided list of elements. |
static java.lang.String |
join(java.lang.Object[] array,
char separator,
int startIndex,
int endIndex)
Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String containing the provided list of elements. |
static java.lang.String |
join(java.lang.Object[] array,
java.lang.String separator)
Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String containing the provided list of elements. |
static java.lang.String |
join(java.lang.Object[] array,
java.lang.String separator,
int startIndex,
int endIndex)
Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String containing the provided list of elements. |
static int |
lastIndexOf(java.lang.String str,
char searchChar)
Finds the last index within a String, handling null . |
static int |
lastIndexOf(java.lang.String str,
char searchChar,
int startPos)
Finds the last index within a String from a start position, handling null . |
static int |
lastIndexOf(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String searchStr)
Finds the last index within a String, handling null . |
static int |
lastIndexOf(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String searchStr,
int startPos)
Finds the first index within a String, handling null . |
static int |
lastIndexOfAny(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String[] searchStrs)
Find the latest index of any of a set of potential substrings. |
static java.lang.String |
left(java.lang.String str,
int len)
Gets the leftmost len characters of a String. |
static java.lang.String |
leftPad(java.lang.String str,
int size)
Left pad a String with spaces (' '). |
static java.lang.String |
leftPad(java.lang.String str,
int size,
char padChar)
Left pad a String with a specified character. |
static java.lang.String |
leftPad(java.lang.String str,
int size,
java.lang.String padStr)
Left pad a String with a specified String. |
static int |
length(java.lang.String str)
Gets a String's length or 0 if the String is null . |
static java.lang.String |
lowerCase(java.lang.String str)
Converts a String to lower case as per String.toLowerCase() . |
static java.lang.String |
mid(java.lang.String str,
int pos,
int len)
Gets len characters from the middle of a String. |
static int |
ordinalIndexOf(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String searchStr,
int ordinal)
Finds the n-th index within a String, handling null . |
static java.lang.String |
overlay(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String overlay,
int start,
int end)
Overlays part of a String with another String. |
static java.lang.String |
overlayString(java.lang.String text,
java.lang.String overlay,
int start,
int end)
Deprecated. Use better named overlay(String, String, int, int) instead.
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. |
static java.lang.String |
prechomp(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String sep)
Deprecated. Use substringAfter(String,String) instead.
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. |
static java.lang.String |
remove(java.lang.String str,
char remove)
Removes all occurrences of a character from within the source string. |
static java.lang.String |
remove(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String remove)
Removes all occurrences of a substring from within the source string. |
static java.lang.String |
removeEnd(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String remove)
Removes a substring only if it is at the end of a source string, otherwise returns the source string. |
static java.lang.String |
removeEndIgnoreCase(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String remove)
Case insensitive removal of a substring if it is at the end of a source string, otherwise returns the source string. |
static java.lang.String |
removeStart(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String remove)
Removes a substring only if it is at the begining of a source string, otherwise returns the source string. |
static java.lang.String |
removeStartIgnoreCase(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String remove)
Case insensitive removal of a substring if it is at the begining of a source string, otherwise returns the source string. |
static java.lang.String |
repeat(java.lang.String str,
int repeat)
Repeat a String repeat times to form a
new String. |
static java.lang.String |
replace(java.lang.String text,
java.lang.String searchString,
java.lang.String replacement)
Replaces all occurrences of a String within another String. |
static java.lang.String |
replace(java.lang.String text,
java.lang.String searchString,
java.lang.String replacement,
int max)
Replaces a String with another String inside a larger String, for the first max values of the search String. |
static java.lang.String |
replaceChars(java.lang.String str,
char searchChar,
char replaceChar)
Replaces all occurrences of a character in a String with another. |
static java.lang.String |
replaceChars(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String searchChars,
java.lang.String replaceChars)
Replaces multiple characters in a String in one go. |
static java.lang.String |
replaceEach(java.lang.String text,
java.lang.String[] searchList,
java.lang.String[] replacementList)
Replaces all occurrences of Strings within another String. |
static java.lang.String |
replaceEachRepeatedly(java.lang.String text,
java.lang.String[] searchList,
java.lang.String[] replacementList)
Replaces all occurrences of Strings within another String. |
static java.lang.String |
replaceOnce(java.lang.String text,
java.lang.String searchString,
java.lang.String replacement)
Replaces a String with another String inside a larger String, once. |
static java.lang.String |
reverse(java.lang.String str)
Reverses a String as per StringBuffer.reverse() . |
static java.lang.String |
reverseDelimited(java.lang.String str,
char separatorChar)
Reverses a String that is delimited by a specific character. |
static java.lang.String |
reverseDelimitedString(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String separatorChars)
Deprecated. Use reverseDelimited(String, char) instead.
This method is broken as the join doesn't know which char to use.
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. |
static java.lang.String |
right(java.lang.String str,
int len)
Gets the rightmost len characters of a String. |
static java.lang.String |
rightPad(java.lang.String str,
int size)
Right pad a String with spaces (' '). |
static java.lang.String |
rightPad(java.lang.String str,
int size,
char padChar)
Right pad a String with a specified character. |
static java.lang.String |
rightPad(java.lang.String str,
int size,
java.lang.String padStr)
Right pad a String with a specified String. |
static java.lang.String[] |
split(java.lang.String str)
Splits the provided text into an array, using whitespace as the separator. |
static java.lang.String[] |
split(java.lang.String str,
char separatorChar)
Splits the provided text into an array, separator specified. |
static java.lang.String[] |
split(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String separatorChars)
Splits the provided text into an array, separators specified. |
static java.lang.String[] |
split(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String separatorChars,
int max)
Splits the provided text into an array with a maximum length, separators specified. |
static java.lang.String[] |
splitByCharacterType(java.lang.String str)
Splits a String by Character type as returned by java.lang.Character.getType(char) . |
static java.lang.String[] |
splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase(java.lang.String str)
Splits a String by Character type as returned by java.lang.Character.getType(char) . |
static java.lang.String[] |
splitByWholeSeparator(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String separator)
Splits the provided text into an array, separator string specified. |
static java.lang.String[] |
splitByWholeSeparator(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String separator,
int max)
Splits the provided text into an array, separator string specified. |
static java.lang.String[] |
splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String separator)
Splits the provided text into an array, separator string specified. |
static java.lang.String[] |
splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String separator,
int max)
Splits the provided text into an array, separator string specified. |
static java.lang.String[] |
splitPreserveAllTokens(java.lang.String str)
Splits the provided text into an array, using whitespace as the separator, preserving all tokens, including empty tokens created by adjacent separators. |
static java.lang.String[] |
splitPreserveAllTokens(java.lang.String str,
char separatorChar)
Splits the provided text into an array, separator specified, preserving all tokens, including empty tokens created by adjacent separators. |
static java.lang.String[] |
splitPreserveAllTokens(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String separatorChars)
Splits the provided text into an array, separators specified, preserving all tokens, including empty tokens created by adjacent separators. |
static java.lang.String[] |
splitPreserveAllTokens(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String separatorChars,
int max)
Splits the provided text into an array with a maximum length, separators specified, preserving all tokens, including empty tokens created by adjacent separators. |
static boolean |
startsWith(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String prefix)
Check if a String starts with a specified prefix. |
static boolean |
startsWithIgnoreCase(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String prefix)
Case insensitive check if a String starts with a specified prefix. |
static java.lang.String |
strip(java.lang.String str)
Strips whitespace from the start and end of a String. |
static java.lang.String |
strip(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String stripChars)
Strips any of a set of characters from the start and end of a String. |
static java.lang.String[] |
stripAll(java.lang.String[] strs)
Strips whitespace from the start and end of every String in an array. |
static java.lang.String[] |
stripAll(java.lang.String[] strs,
java.lang.String stripChars)
Strips any of a set of characters from the start and end of every String in an array. |
static java.lang.String |
stripEnd(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String stripChars)
Strips any of a set of characters from the end of a String. |
static java.lang.String |
stripStart(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String stripChars)
Strips any of a set of characters from the start of a String. |
static java.lang.String |
stripToEmpty(java.lang.String str)
Strips whitespace from the start and end of a String returning an empty String if null input. |
static java.lang.String |
stripToNull(java.lang.String str)
Strips whitespace from the start and end of a String returning null if the String is empty ("") after the strip. |
static java.lang.String |
substring(java.lang.String str,
int start)
Gets a substring from the specified String avoiding exceptions. |
static java.lang.String |
substring(java.lang.String str,
int start,
int end)
Gets a substring from the specified String avoiding exceptions. |
static java.lang.String |
substringAfter(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String separator)
Gets the substring after the first occurrence of a separator. |
static java.lang.String |
substringAfterLast(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String separator)
Gets the substring after the last occurrence of a separator. |
static java.lang.String |
substringBefore(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String separator)
Gets the substring before the first occurrence of a separator. |
static java.lang.String |
substringBeforeLast(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String separator)
Gets the substring before the last occurrence of a separator. |
static java.lang.String |
substringBetween(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String tag)
Gets the String that is nested in between two instances of the same String. |
static java.lang.String |
substringBetween(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String open,
java.lang.String close)
Gets the String that is nested in between two Strings. |
static java.lang.String[] |
substringsBetween(java.lang.String str,
java.lang.String open,
java.lang.String close)
Searches a String for substrings delimited by a start and end tag, returning all matching substrings in an array. |
static java.lang.String |
swapCase(java.lang.String str)
Swaps the case of a String changing upper and title case to lower case, and lower case to upper case. |
static java.lang.String |
trim(java.lang.String str)
Removes control characters (char <= 32) from both ends of this String, handling null by returning
null . |
static java.lang.String |
trimToEmpty(java.lang.String str)
Removes control characters (char <= 32) from both ends of this String returning an empty String ("") if the String is empty ("") after the trim or if it is null . |
static java.lang.String |
trimToNull(java.lang.String str)
Removes control characters (char <= 32) from both ends of this String returning null if the String is
empty ("") after the trim or if it is null . |
static java.lang.String |
uncapitalise(java.lang.String str)
Deprecated. Use the standardly named uncapitalize(String) .
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. |
static java.lang.String |
uncapitalize(java.lang.String str)
Uncapitalizes a String changing the first letter to title case as per Character.toLowerCase(char) . |
static java.lang.String |
upperCase(java.lang.String str)
Converts a String to upper case as per String.toUpperCase() . |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Field Detail |
public static final java.lang.String EMPTY
public static final int INDEX_NOT_FOUND
Constructor Detail |
public StringUtils()
instances should NOT be constructed in
standard programming. Instead, the class should be used as
StringUtils.trim(" foo ");
This constructor is public to permit tools that require a JavaBean instance to operate.
Method Detail |
public static boolean isEmpty(java.lang.String str)
Checks if a String is empty ("") or null.
StringUtils.isEmpty(null) = true StringUtils.isEmpty("") = true StringUtils.isEmpty(" ") = false StringUtils.isEmpty("bob") = false StringUtils.isEmpty(" bob ") = false
NOTE: This method changed in Lang version 2.0. It no longer trims the String. That functionality is available in isBlank().
- the String to check, may be null
if the String is empty or nullpublic static boolean isNotEmpty(java.lang.String str)
Checks if a String is not empty ("") and not null.
StringUtils.isNotEmpty(null) = false StringUtils.isNotEmpty("") = false StringUtils.isNotEmpty(" ") = true StringUtils.isNotEmpty("bob") = true StringUtils.isNotEmpty(" bob ") = true
- the String to check, may be null
if the String is not empty and not nullpublic static boolean isBlank(java.lang.String str)
Checks if a String is whitespace, empty ("") or null.
StringUtils.isBlank(null) = true StringUtils.isBlank("") = true StringUtils.isBlank(" ") = true StringUtils.isBlank("bob") = false StringUtils.isBlank(" bob ") = false
- the String to check, may be null
if the String is null, empty or whitespacepublic static boolean isNotBlank(java.lang.String str)
Checks if a String is not empty (""), not null and not whitespace only.
StringUtils.isNotBlank(null) = false StringUtils.isNotBlank("") = false StringUtils.isNotBlank(" ") = false StringUtils.isNotBlank("bob") = true StringUtils.isNotBlank(" bob ") = true
- the String to check, may be null
if the String is
not empty and not null and not whitespacepublic static java.lang.String clean(java.lang.String str)
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0.
Removes control characters (char <= 32) from both
ends of this String, handling null
by returning
an empty String ("").
StringUtils.clean(null) = "" StringUtils.clean("") = "" StringUtils.clean("abc") = "abc" StringUtils.clean(" abc ") = "abc" StringUtils.clean(" ") = ""
- the String to clean, may be null
public static java.lang.String trim(java.lang.String str)
Removes control characters (char <= 32) from both
ends of this String, handling null
by returning
The String is trimmed using String.trim()
Trim removes start and end characters <= 32.
To strip whitespace use strip(String)
To trim your choice of characters, use the
strip(String, String)
StringUtils.trim(null) = null StringUtils.trim("") = "" StringUtils.trim(" ") = "" StringUtils.trim("abc") = "abc" StringUtils.trim(" abc ") = "abc"
- the String to be trimmed, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String trimToNull(java.lang.String str)
Removes control characters (char <= 32) from both
ends of this String returning null
if the String is
empty ("") after the trim or if it is null
The String is trimmed using String.trim()
Trim removes start and end characters <= 32.
To strip whitespace use stripToNull(String)
StringUtils.trimToNull(null) = null StringUtils.trimToNull("") = null StringUtils.trimToNull(" ") = null StringUtils.trimToNull("abc") = "abc" StringUtils.trimToNull(" abc ") = "abc"
- the String to be trimmed, may be null
if only chars <= 32, empty or null String inputpublic static java.lang.String trimToEmpty(java.lang.String str)
Removes control characters (char <= 32) from both
ends of this String returning an empty String ("") if the String
is empty ("") after the trim or if it is null
The String is trimmed using String.trim()
Trim removes start and end characters <= 32.
To strip whitespace use stripToEmpty(String)
StringUtils.trimToEmpty(null) = "" StringUtils.trimToEmpty("") = "" StringUtils.trimToEmpty(" ") = "" StringUtils.trimToEmpty("abc") = "abc" StringUtils.trimToEmpty(" abc ") = "abc"
- the String to be trimmed, may be null
inputpublic static java.lang.String strip(java.lang.String str)
Strips whitespace from the start and end of a String.
This is similar to trim(String)
but removes whitespace.
Whitespace is defined by Character.isWhitespace(char)
A null
input String returns null
StringUtils.strip(null) = null StringUtils.strip("") = "" StringUtils.strip(" ") = "" StringUtils.strip("abc") = "abc" StringUtils.strip(" abc") = "abc" StringUtils.strip("abc ") = "abc" StringUtils.strip(" abc ") = "abc" StringUtils.strip(" ab c ") = "ab c"
- the String to remove whitespace from, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String stripToNull(java.lang.String str)
Strips whitespace from the start and end of a String returning
if the String is empty ("") after the strip.
This is similar to trimToNull(String)
but removes whitespace.
Whitespace is defined by Character.isWhitespace(char)
StringUtils.stripToNull(null) = null StringUtils.stripToNull("") = null StringUtils.stripToNull(" ") = null StringUtils.stripToNull("abc") = "abc" StringUtils.stripToNull(" abc") = "abc" StringUtils.stripToNull("abc ") = "abc" StringUtils.stripToNull(" abc ") = "abc" StringUtils.stripToNull(" ab c ") = "ab c"
- the String to be stripped, may be null
if whitespace, empty or null String inputpublic static java.lang.String stripToEmpty(java.lang.String str)
Strips whitespace from the start and end of a String returning
an empty String if null
This is similar to trimToEmpty(String)
but removes whitespace.
Whitespace is defined by Character.isWhitespace(char)
StringUtils.stripToEmpty(null) = "" StringUtils.stripToEmpty("") = "" StringUtils.stripToEmpty(" ") = "" StringUtils.stripToEmpty("abc") = "abc" StringUtils.stripToEmpty(" abc") = "abc" StringUtils.stripToEmpty("abc ") = "abc" StringUtils.stripToEmpty(" abc ") = "abc" StringUtils.stripToEmpty(" ab c ") = "ab c"
- the String to be stripped, may be null
inputpublic static java.lang.String strip(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String stripChars)
Strips any of a set of characters from the start and end of a String.
This is similar to String.trim()
but allows the characters
to be stripped to be controlled.
A null
input String returns null
An empty string ("") input returns the empty string.
If the stripChars String is null
, whitespace is
stripped as defined by Character.isWhitespace(char)
Alternatively use strip(String)
StringUtils.strip(null, *) = null StringUtils.strip("", *) = "" StringUtils.strip("abc", null) = "abc" StringUtils.strip(" abc", null) = "abc" StringUtils.strip("abc ", null) = "abc" StringUtils.strip(" abc ", null) = "abc" StringUtils.strip(" abcyx", "xyz") = " abc"
- the String to remove characters from, may be nullstripChars
- the characters to remove, null treated as whitespace
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String stripStart(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String stripChars)
Strips any of a set of characters from the start of a String.
A null
input String returns null
An empty string ("") input returns the empty string.
If the stripChars String is null
, whitespace is
stripped as defined by Character.isWhitespace(char)
StringUtils.stripStart(null, *) = null StringUtils.stripStart("", *) = "" StringUtils.stripStart("abc", "") = "abc" StringUtils.stripStart("abc", null) = "abc" StringUtils.stripStart(" abc", null) = "abc" StringUtils.stripStart("abc ", null) = "abc " StringUtils.stripStart(" abc ", null) = "abc " StringUtils.stripStart("yxabc ", "xyz") = "abc "
- the String to remove characters from, may be nullstripChars
- the characters to remove, null treated as whitespace
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String stripEnd(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String stripChars)
Strips any of a set of characters from the end of a String.
A null
input String returns null
An empty string ("") input returns the empty string.
If the stripChars String is null
, whitespace is
stripped as defined by Character.isWhitespace(char)
StringUtils.stripEnd(null, *) = null StringUtils.stripEnd("", *) = "" StringUtils.stripEnd("abc", "") = "abc" StringUtils.stripEnd("abc", null) = "abc" StringUtils.stripEnd(" abc", null) = " abc" StringUtils.stripEnd("abc ", null) = "abc" StringUtils.stripEnd(" abc ", null) = " abc" StringUtils.stripEnd(" abcyx", "xyz") = " abc"
- the String to remove characters from, may be nullstripChars
- the characters to remove, null treated as whitespace
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String[] stripAll(java.lang.String[] strs)
Strips whitespace from the start and end of every String in an array.
Whitespace is defined by Character.isWhitespace(char)
A new array is returned each time, except for length zero.
A null
array will return null
An empty array will return itself.
A null
array entry will be ignored.
StringUtils.stripAll(null) = null StringUtils.stripAll([]) = [] StringUtils.stripAll(["abc", " abc"]) = ["abc", "abc"] StringUtils.stripAll(["abc ", null]) = ["abc", null]
- the array to remove whitespace from, may be null
if null array inputpublic static java.lang.String[] stripAll(java.lang.String[] strs, java.lang.String stripChars)
Strips any of a set of characters from the start and end of every String in an array.
Whitespace is defined byCharacter.isWhitespace(char)
A new array is returned each time, except for length zero.
A null
array will return null
An empty array will return itself.
A null
array entry will be ignored.
A null
stripChars will strip whitespace as defined by
StringUtils.stripAll(null, *) = null StringUtils.stripAll([], *) = [] StringUtils.stripAll(["abc", " abc"], null) = ["abc", "abc"] StringUtils.stripAll(["abc ", null], null) = ["abc", null] StringUtils.stripAll(["abc ", null], "yz") = ["abc ", null] StringUtils.stripAll(["yabcz", null], "yz") = ["abc", null]
- the array to remove characters from, may be nullstripChars
- the characters to remove, null treated as whitespace
if null array inputpublic static boolean equals(java.lang.String str1, java.lang.String str2)
Compares two Strings, returning true
if they are equal.
s are handled without exceptions. Two null
references are considered to be equal. The comparison is case sensitive.
StringUtils.equals(null, null) = true StringUtils.equals(null, "abc") = false StringUtils.equals("abc", null) = false StringUtils.equals("abc", "abc") = true StringUtils.equals("abc", "ABC") = false
- the first String, may be nullstr2
- the second String, may be null
if the Strings are equal, case sensitive, or
both null
public static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(java.lang.String str1, java.lang.String str2)
Compares two Strings, returning true
if they are equal ignoring
the case.
s are handled without exceptions. Two null
references are considered equal. Comparison is case insensitive.
StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(null, null) = true StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(null, "abc") = false StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("abc", null) = false StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("abc", "abc") = true StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("abc", "ABC") = true
- the first String, may be nullstr2
- the second String, may be null
if the Strings are equal, case insensitive, or
both null
public static int indexOf(java.lang.String str, char searchChar)
Finds the first index within a String, handling null
This method uses String.indexOf(int)
A null
or empty ("") String will return -1
StringUtils.indexOf(null, *) = -1 StringUtils.indexOf("", *) = -1 StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", 'a') = 0 StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", 'b') = 2
- the String to check, may be nullsearchChar
- the character to find
string inputpublic static int indexOf(java.lang.String str, char searchChar, int startPos)
Finds the first index within a String from a start position,
handling null
This method uses String.indexOf(int, int)
A null
or empty ("") String will return -1
A negative start position is treated as zero.
A start position greater than the string length returns -1
StringUtils.indexOf(null, *, *) = -1 StringUtils.indexOf("", *, *) = -1 StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', 0) = 2 StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', 3) = 5 StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', 9) = -1 StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', -1) = 2
- the String to check, may be nullsearchChar
- the character to findstartPos
- the start position, negative treated as zero
string inputpublic static int indexOf(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String searchStr)
Finds the first index within a String, handling null
This method uses String.indexOf(String)
A null
String will return -1
StringUtils.indexOf(null, *) = -1 StringUtils.indexOf(*, null) = -1 StringUtils.indexOf("", "") = 0 StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "a") = 0 StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "b") = 2 StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "ab") = 1 StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "") = 0
- the String to check, may be nullsearchStr
- the String to find, may be null
string inputpublic static int ordinalIndexOf(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String searchStr, int ordinal)
Finds the n-th index within a String, handling null
This method uses String.indexOf(String)
A null
String will return -1
StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf(null, *, *) = -1 StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf(*, null, *) = -1 StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("", "", *) = 0 StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "a", 1) = 0 StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "a", 2) = 1 StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 1) = 2 StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 2) = 5 StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "ab", 1) = 1 StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "ab", 2) = 4 StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "", 1) = 0 StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "", 2) = 0
- the String to check, may be nullsearchStr
- the String to find, may be nullordinal
- the n-th searchStr
to find
) if no match or null
string inputpublic static int indexOf(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String searchStr, int startPos)
Finds the first index within a String, handling null
This method uses String.indexOf(String, int)
A null
String will return -1
A negative start position is treated as zero.
An empty ("") search String always matches.
A start position greater than the string length only matches
an empty search String.
StringUtils.indexOf(null, *, *) = -1 StringUtils.indexOf(*, null, *) = -1 StringUtils.indexOf("", "", 0) = 0 StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "a", 0) = 0 StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 0) = 2 StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "ab", 0) = 1 StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 3) = 5 StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 9) = -1 StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "b", -1) = 2 StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "", 2) = 2 StringUtils.indexOf("abc", "", 9) = 3
- the String to check, may be nullsearchStr
- the String to find, may be nullstartPos
- the start position, negative treated as zero
string inputpublic static int lastIndexOf(java.lang.String str, char searchChar)
Finds the last index within a String, handling null
This method uses String.lastIndexOf(int)
A null
or empty ("") String will return -1
StringUtils.lastIndexOf(null, *) = -1 StringUtils.lastIndexOf("", *) = -1 StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", 'a') = 7 StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", 'b') = 5
- the String to check, may be nullsearchChar
- the character to find
string inputpublic static int lastIndexOf(java.lang.String str, char searchChar, int startPos)
Finds the last index within a String from a start position,
handling null
This method uses String.lastIndexOf(int, int)
A null
or empty ("") String will return -1
A negative start position returns -1
A start position greater than the string length searches the whole string.
StringUtils.lastIndexOf(null, *, *) = -1 StringUtils.lastIndexOf("", *, *) = -1 StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', 8) = 5 StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', 4) = 2 StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', 0) = -1 StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', 9) = 5 StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', -1) = -1 StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", 'a', 0) = 0
- the String to check, may be nullsearchChar
- the character to findstartPos
- the start position
string inputpublic static int lastIndexOf(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String searchStr)
Finds the last index within a String, handling null
This method uses String.lastIndexOf(String)
A null
String will return -1
StringUtils.lastIndexOf(null, *) = -1 StringUtils.lastIndexOf(*, null) = -1 StringUtils.lastIndexOf("", "") = 0 StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "a") = 0 StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b") = 2 StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "ab") = 1 StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "") = 8
- the String to check, may be nullsearchStr
- the String to find, may be null
string inputpublic static int lastIndexOf(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String searchStr, int startPos)
Finds the first index within a String, handling null
This method uses String.lastIndexOf(String, int)
A null
String will return -1
A negative start position returns -1
An empty ("") search String always matches unless the start position is negative.
A start position greater than the string length searches the whole string.
StringUtils.lastIndexOf(null, *, *) = -1 StringUtils.lastIndexOf(*, null, *) = -1 StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "a", 8) = 7 StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 8) = 5 StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "ab", 8) = 4 StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 9) = 5 StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b", -1) = -1 StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "a", 0) = 0 StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 0) = -1
- the String to check, may be nullsearchStr
- the String to find, may be nullstartPos
- the start position, negative treated as zero
string inputpublic static boolean contains(java.lang.String str, char searchChar)
Checks if String contains a search character, handling null
This method uses String.indexOf(int)
A null
or empty ("") String will return false
StringUtils.contains(null, *) = false StringUtils.contains("", *) = false StringUtils.contains("abc", 'a') = true StringUtils.contains("abc", 'z') = false
- the String to check, may be nullsearchChar
- the character to find
string inputpublic static boolean contains(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String searchStr)
Checks if String contains a search String, handling null
This method uses String.indexOf(String)
A null
String will return false
StringUtils.contains(null, *) = false StringUtils.contains(*, null) = false StringUtils.contains("", "") = true StringUtils.contains("abc", "") = true StringUtils.contains("abc", "a") = true StringUtils.contains("abc", "z") = false
- the String to check, may be nullsearchStr
- the String to find, may be null
string inputpublic static boolean containsIgnoreCase(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String searchStr)
Checks if String contains a search String irrespective of case,
handling null
. This method uses
contains(String, String)
A null
String will return false
StringUtils.contains(null, *) = false StringUtils.contains(*, null) = false StringUtils.contains("", "") = true StringUtils.contains("abc", "") = true StringUtils.contains("abc", "a") = true StringUtils.contains("abc", "z") = false StringUtils.contains("abc", "A") = true StringUtils.contains("abc", "Z") = false
- the String to check, may be nullsearchStr
- the String to find, may be null
string inputpublic static int indexOfAny(java.lang.String str, char[] searchChars)
Search a String to find the first index of any character in the given set of characters.
A null
String will return -1
A null
or zero length search array will return -1
StringUtils.indexOfAny(null, *) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfAny("", *) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfAny(*, null) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfAny(*, []) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfAny("zzabyycdxx",['z','a']) = 0 StringUtils.indexOfAny("zzabyycdxx",['b','y']) = 3 StringUtils.indexOfAny("aba", ['z']) = -1
- the String to check, may be nullsearchChars
- the chars to search for, may be null
public static int indexOfAny(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String searchChars)
Search a String to find the first index of any character in the given set of characters.
A null
String will return -1
A null
search string will return -1
StringUtils.indexOfAny(null, *) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfAny("", *) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfAny(*, null) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfAny(*, "") = -1 StringUtils.indexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", "za") = 0 StringUtils.indexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", "by") = 3 StringUtils.indexOfAny("aba","z") = -1
- the String to check, may be nullsearchChars
- the chars to search for, may be null
public static boolean containsAny(java.lang.String str, char[] searchChars)
Checks if the String contains any character in the given set of characters.
A null
String will return false
A null
or zero length search array will return false
StringUtils.containsAny(null, *) = false StringUtils.containsAny("", *) = false StringUtils.containsAny(*, null) = false StringUtils.containsAny(*, []) = false StringUtils.containsAny("zzabyycdxx",['z','a']) = true StringUtils.containsAny("zzabyycdxx",['b','y']) = true StringUtils.containsAny("aba", ['z']) = false
- the String to check, may be nullsearchChars
- the chars to search for, may be null
if any of the chars are found,
if no match or null inputpublic static boolean containsAny(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String searchChars)
Checks if the String contains any character in the given set of characters.
A null
String will return false
. A null
search string will return
StringUtils.containsAny(null, *) = false StringUtils.containsAny("", *) = false StringUtils.containsAny(*, null) = false StringUtils.containsAny(*, "") = false StringUtils.containsAny("zzabyycdxx", "za") = true StringUtils.containsAny("zzabyycdxx", "by") = true StringUtils.containsAny("aba","z") = false
- the String to check, may be nullsearchChars
- the chars to search for, may be null
if any of the chars are found, false
if no match or null inputpublic static int indexOfAnyBut(java.lang.String str, char[] searchChars)
Search a String to find the first index of any character not in the given set of characters.
A null
String will return -1
A null
or zero length search array will return -1
StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut(null, *) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut("", *) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut(*, null) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut(*, []) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut("zzabyycdxx",'za') = 3 StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut("zzabyycdxx", '') = 0 StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut("aba", 'ab') = -1
- the String to check, may be nullsearchChars
- the chars to search for, may be null
public static int indexOfAnyBut(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String searchChars)
Search a String to find the first index of any character not in the given set of characters.
A null
String will return -1
A null
search string will return -1
StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut(null, *) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut("", *) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut(*, null) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut(*, "") = -1 StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut("zzabyycdxx", "za") = 3 StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut("zzabyycdxx", "") = 0 StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut("aba","ab") = -1
- the String to check, may be nullsearchChars
- the chars to search for, may be null
public static boolean containsOnly(java.lang.String str, char[] valid)
Checks if the String contains only certain characters.
A null
String will return false
A null
valid character array will return false
An empty String ("") always returns true
StringUtils.containsOnly(null, *) = false StringUtils.containsOnly(*, null) = false StringUtils.containsOnly("", *) = true StringUtils.containsOnly("ab", '') = false StringUtils.containsOnly("abab", 'abc') = true StringUtils.containsOnly("ab1", 'abc') = false StringUtils.containsOnly("abz", 'abc') = false
- the String to check, may be nullvalid
- an array of valid chars, may be null
public static boolean containsOnly(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String validChars)
Checks if the String contains only certain characters.
A null
String will return false
A null
valid character String will return false
An empty String ("") always returns true
StringUtils.containsOnly(null, *) = false StringUtils.containsOnly(*, null) = false StringUtils.containsOnly("", *) = true StringUtils.containsOnly("ab", "") = false StringUtils.containsOnly("abab", "abc") = true StringUtils.containsOnly("ab1", "abc") = false StringUtils.containsOnly("abz", "abc") = false
- the String to check, may be nullvalidChars
- a String of valid chars, may be null
public static boolean containsNone(java.lang.String str, char[] invalidChars)
Checks that the String does not contain certain characters.
A null
String will return true
A null
invalid character array will return true
An empty String ("") always returns true.
StringUtils.containsNone(null, *) = true StringUtils.containsNone(*, null) = true StringUtils.containsNone("", *) = true StringUtils.containsNone("ab", '') = true StringUtils.containsNone("abab", 'xyz') = true StringUtils.containsNone("ab1", 'xyz') = true StringUtils.containsNone("abz", 'xyz') = false
- the String to check, may be nullinvalidChars
- an array of invalid chars, may be null
public static boolean containsNone(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String invalidChars)
Checks that the String does not contain certain characters.
A null
String will return true
A null
invalid character array will return true
An empty String ("") always returns true.
StringUtils.containsNone(null, *) = true StringUtils.containsNone(*, null) = true StringUtils.containsNone("", *) = true StringUtils.containsNone("ab", "") = true StringUtils.containsNone("abab", "xyz") = true StringUtils.containsNone("ab1", "xyz") = true StringUtils.containsNone("abz", "xyz") = false
- the String to check, may be nullinvalidChars
- a String of invalid chars, may be null
public static int indexOfAny(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String[] searchStrs)
Find the first index of any of a set of potential substrings.
A null
String will return -1
A null
or zero length search array will return -1
A null
search array entry will be ignored, but a search
array containing "" will return 0
if str
is not
null. This method uses String.indexOf(String)
StringUtils.indexOfAny(null, *) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfAny(*, null) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfAny(*, []) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["ab","cd"]) = 2 StringUtils.indexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["cd","ab"]) = 2 StringUtils.indexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["mn","op"]) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["zab","aby"]) = 1 StringUtils.indexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", [""]) = 0 StringUtils.indexOfAny("", [""]) = 0 StringUtils.indexOfAny("", ["a"]) = -1
- the String to check, may be nullsearchStrs
- the Strings to search for, may be null
public static int lastIndexOfAny(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String[] searchStrs)
Find the latest index of any of a set of potential substrings.
A null
String will return -1
A null
search array will return -1
A null
or zero length search array entry will be ignored,
but a search array containing "" will return the length of str
if str
is not null. This method uses String.indexOf(String)
StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny(null, *) = -1 StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny(*, null) = -1 StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny(*, []) = -1 StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny(*, [null]) = -1 StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["ab","cd"]) = 6 StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["cd","ab"]) = 6 StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["mn","op"]) = -1 StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["mn","op"]) = -1 StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["mn",""]) = 10
- the String to check, may be nullsearchStrs
- the Strings to search for, may be null
public static java.lang.String substring(java.lang.String str, int start)
Gets a substring from the specified String avoiding exceptions.
A negative start position can be used to start n
characters from the end of the String.
A null
String will return null
An empty ("") String will return "".
StringUtils.substring(null, *) = null StringUtils.substring("", *) = "" StringUtils.substring("abc", 0) = "abc" StringUtils.substring("abc", 2) = "c" StringUtils.substring("abc", 4) = "" StringUtils.substring("abc", -2) = "bc" StringUtils.substring("abc", -4) = "abc"
- the String to get the substring from, may be nullstart
- the position to start from, negative means
count back from the end of the String by this many characters
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String substring(java.lang.String str, int start, int end)
Gets a substring from the specified String avoiding exceptions.
A negative start position can be used to start/end n
characters from the end of the String.
The returned substring starts with the character in the start
position and ends before the end
position. All position counting is
zero-based -- i.e., to start at the beginning of the string use
start = 0
. Negative start and end positions can be used to
specify offsets relative to the end of the String.
If start
is not strictly to the left of end
, ""
is returned.
StringUtils.substring(null, *, *) = null StringUtils.substring("", * , *) = ""; StringUtils.substring("abc", 0, 2) = "ab" StringUtils.substring("abc", 2, 0) = "" StringUtils.substring("abc", 2, 4) = "c" StringUtils.substring("abc", 4, 6) = "" StringUtils.substring("abc", 2, 2) = "" StringUtils.substring("abc", -2, -1) = "b" StringUtils.substring("abc", -4, 2) = "ab"
- the String to get the substring from, may be nullstart
- the position to start from, negative means
count back from the end of the String by this many charactersend
- the position to end at (exclusive), negative means
count back from the end of the String by this many characters
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String left(java.lang.String str, int len)
Gets the leftmost len
characters of a String.
If len
characters are not available, or the
String is null
, the String will be returned without
an exception. An exception is thrown if len is negative.
StringUtils.left(null, *) = null StringUtils.left(*, -ve) = "" StringUtils.left("", *) = "" StringUtils.left("abc", 0) = "" StringUtils.left("abc", 2) = "ab" StringUtils.left("abc", 4) = "abc"
- the String to get the leftmost characters from, may be nulllen
- the length of the required String, must be zero or positive
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String right(java.lang.String str, int len)
Gets the rightmost len
characters of a String.
If len
characters are not available, or the String
is null
, the String will be returned without an
an exception. An exception is thrown if len is negative.
StringUtils.right(null, *) = null StringUtils.right(*, -ve) = "" StringUtils.right("", *) = "" StringUtils.right("abc", 0) = "" StringUtils.right("abc", 2) = "bc" StringUtils.right("abc", 4) = "abc"
- the String to get the rightmost characters from, may be nulllen
- the length of the required String, must be zero or positive
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String mid(java.lang.String str, int pos, int len)
Gets len
characters from the middle of a String.
If len
characters are not available, the remainder
of the String will be returned without an exception. If the
String is null
, null
will be returned.
An exception is thrown if len is negative.
StringUtils.mid(null, *, *) = null StringUtils.mid(*, *, -ve) = "" StringUtils.mid("", 0, *) = "" StringUtils.mid("abc", 0, 2) = "ab" StringUtils.mid("abc", 0, 4) = "abc" StringUtils.mid("abc", 2, 4) = "c" StringUtils.mid("abc", 4, 2) = "" StringUtils.mid("abc", -2, 2) = "ab"
- the String to get the characters from, may be nullpos
- the position to start from, negative treated as zerolen
- the length of the required String, must be zero or positive
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String substringBefore(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String separator)
Gets the substring before the first occurrence of a separator. The separator is not returned.
A null
string input will return null
An empty ("") string input will return the empty string.
A null
separator will return the input string.
StringUtils.substringBefore(null, *) = null StringUtils.substringBefore("", *) = "" StringUtils.substringBefore("abc", "a") = "" StringUtils.substringBefore("abcba", "b") = "a" StringUtils.substringBefore("abc", "c") = "ab" StringUtils.substringBefore("abc", "d") = "abc" StringUtils.substringBefore("abc", "") = "" StringUtils.substringBefore("abc", null) = "abc"
- the String to get a substring from, may be nullseparator
- the String to search for, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String substringAfter(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String separator)
Gets the substring after the first occurrence of a separator. The separator is not returned.
A null
string input will return null
An empty ("") string input will return the empty string.
A null
separator will return the empty string if the
input string is not null
StringUtils.substringAfter(null, *) = null StringUtils.substringAfter("", *) = "" StringUtils.substringAfter(*, null) = "" StringUtils.substringAfter("abc", "a") = "bc" StringUtils.substringAfter("abcba", "b") = "cba" StringUtils.substringAfter("abc", "c") = "" StringUtils.substringAfter("abc", "d") = "" StringUtils.substringAfter("abc", "") = "abc"
- the String to get a substring from, may be nullseparator
- the String to search for, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String substringBeforeLast(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String separator)
Gets the substring before the last occurrence of a separator. The separator is not returned.
A null
string input will return null
An empty ("") string input will return the empty string.
An empty or null
separator will return the input string.
StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(null, *) = null StringUtils.substringBeforeLast("", *) = "" StringUtils.substringBeforeLast("abcba", "b") = "abc" StringUtils.substringBeforeLast("abc", "c") = "ab" StringUtils.substringBeforeLast("a", "a") = "" StringUtils.substringBeforeLast("a", "z") = "a" StringUtils.substringBeforeLast("a", null) = "a" StringUtils.substringBeforeLast("a", "") = "a"
- the String to get a substring from, may be nullseparator
- the String to search for, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String substringAfterLast(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String separator)
Gets the substring after the last occurrence of a separator. The separator is not returned.
A null
string input will return null
An empty ("") string input will return the empty string.
An empty or null
separator will return the empty string if
the input string is not null
StringUtils.substringAfterLast(null, *) = null StringUtils.substringAfterLast("", *) = "" StringUtils.substringAfterLast(*, "") = "" StringUtils.substringAfterLast(*, null) = "" StringUtils.substringAfterLast("abc", "a") = "bc" StringUtils.substringAfterLast("abcba", "b") = "a" StringUtils.substringAfterLast("abc", "c") = "" StringUtils.substringAfterLast("a", "a") = "" StringUtils.substringAfterLast("a", "z") = ""
- the String to get a substring from, may be nullseparator
- the String to search for, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String substringBetween(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String tag)
Gets the String that is nested in between two instances of the same String.
A null
input String returns null
A null
tag returns null
StringUtils.substringBetween(null, *) = null StringUtils.substringBetween("", "") = "" StringUtils.substringBetween("", "tag") = null StringUtils.substringBetween("tagabctag", null) = null StringUtils.substringBetween("tagabctag", "") = "" StringUtils.substringBetween("tagabctag", "tag") = "abc"
- the String containing the substring, may be nulltag
- the String before and after the substring, may be null
if no matchpublic static java.lang.String substringBetween(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String open, java.lang.String close)
Gets the String that is nested in between two Strings. Only the first match is returned.
A null
input String returns null
A null
open/close returns null
(no match).
An empty ("") open and close returns an empty string.
StringUtils.substringBetween("wx[b]yz", "[", "]") = "b" StringUtils.substringBetween(null, *, *) = null StringUtils.substringBetween(*, null, *) = null StringUtils.substringBetween(*, *, null) = null StringUtils.substringBetween("", "", "") = "" StringUtils.substringBetween("", "", "]") = null StringUtils.substringBetween("", "[", "]") = null StringUtils.substringBetween("yabcz", "", "") = "" StringUtils.substringBetween("yabcz", "y", "z") = "abc" StringUtils.substringBetween("yabczyabcz", "y", "z") = "abc"
- the String containing the substring, may be nullopen
- the String before the substring, may be nullclose
- the String after the substring, may be null
if no matchpublic static java.lang.String[] substringsBetween(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String open, java.lang.String close)
Searches a String for substrings delimited by a start and end tag, returning all matching substrings in an array.
A null
input String returns null
A null
open/close returns null
(no match).
An empty ("") open/close returns null
(no match).
StringUtils.substringsBetween("[a][b][c]", "[", "]") = ["a","b","c"] StringUtils.substringsBetween(null, *, *) = null StringUtils.substringsBetween(*, null, *) = null StringUtils.substringsBetween(*, *, null) = null StringUtils.substringsBetween("", "[", "]") = []
- the String containing the substrings, null returns null, empty returns emptyopen
- the String identifying the start of the substring, empty returns nullclose
- the String identifying the end of the substring, empty returns null
if no matchpublic static java.lang.String getNestedString(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String tag)
substringBetween(String, String)
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0.
Gets the String that is nested in between two instances of the same String.
A null
input String returns null
A null
tag returns null
StringUtils.getNestedString(null, *) = null StringUtils.getNestedString("", "") = "" StringUtils.getNestedString("", "tag") = null StringUtils.getNestedString("tagabctag", null) = null StringUtils.getNestedString("tagabctag", "") = "" StringUtils.getNestedString("tagabctag", "tag") = "abc"
- the String containing nested-string, may be nulltag
- the String before and after nested-string, may be null
if no matchpublic static java.lang.String getNestedString(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String open, java.lang.String close)
substringBetween(String, String, String)
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0.
Gets the String that is nested in between two Strings. Only the first match is returned.
A null
input String returns null
A null
open/close returns null
(no match).
An empty ("") open/close returns an empty string.
StringUtils.getNestedString(null, *, *) = null StringUtils.getNestedString("", "", "") = "" StringUtils.getNestedString("", "", "tag") = null StringUtils.getNestedString("", "tag", "tag") = null StringUtils.getNestedString("yabcz", null, null) = null StringUtils.getNestedString("yabcz", "", "") = "" StringUtils.getNestedString("yabcz", "y", "z") = "abc" StringUtils.getNestedString("yabczyabcz", "y", "z") = "abc"
- the String containing nested-string, may be nullopen
- the String before nested-string, may be nullclose
- the String after nested-string, may be null
if no matchpublic static java.lang.String[] split(java.lang.String str)
Splits the provided text into an array, using whitespace as the
Whitespace is defined by Character.isWhitespace(char)
The separator is not included in the returned String array. Adjacent separators are treated as one separator. For more control over the split use the StrTokenizer class.
A null
input String returns null
StringUtils.split(null) = null StringUtils.split("") = [] StringUtils.split("abc def") = ["abc", "def"] StringUtils.split("abc def") = ["abc", "def"] StringUtils.split(" abc ") = ["abc"]
- the String to parse, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String[] split(java.lang.String str, char separatorChar)
Splits the provided text into an array, separator specified. This is an alternative to using StringTokenizer.
The separator is not included in the returned String array. Adjacent separators are treated as one separator. For more control over the split use the StrTokenizer class.
A null
input String returns null
StringUtils.split(null, *) = null StringUtils.split("", *) = [] StringUtils.split("a.b.c", '.') = ["a", "b", "c"] StringUtils.split("a..b.c", '.') = ["a", "b", "c"] StringUtils.split("a:b:c", '.') = ["a:b:c"] StringUtils.split("a b c", ' ') = ["a", "b", "c"]
- the String to parse, may be nullseparatorChar
- the character used as the delimiter
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String[] split(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String separatorChars)
Splits the provided text into an array, separators specified. This is an alternative to using StringTokenizer.
The separator is not included in the returned String array. Adjacent separators are treated as one separator. For more control over the split use the StrTokenizer class.
A null
input String returns null
A null
separatorChars splits on whitespace.
StringUtils.split(null, *) = null StringUtils.split("", *) = [] StringUtils.split("abc def", null) = ["abc", "def"] StringUtils.split("abc def", " ") = ["abc", "def"] StringUtils.split("abc def", " ") = ["abc", "def"] StringUtils.split("ab:cd:ef", ":") = ["ab", "cd", "ef"]
- the String to parse, may be nullseparatorChars
- the characters used as the delimiters,
splits on whitespace
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String[] split(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String separatorChars, int max)
Splits the provided text into an array with a maximum length, separators specified.
The separator is not included in the returned String array. Adjacent separators are treated as one separator.
A null
input String returns null
A null
separatorChars splits on whitespace.
If more than max
delimited substrings are found, the last
returned string includes all characters after the first max - 1
returned strings (including separator characters).
StringUtils.split(null, *, *) = null StringUtils.split("", *, *) = [] StringUtils.split("ab de fg", null, 0) = ["ab", "cd", "ef"] StringUtils.split("ab de fg", null, 0) = ["ab", "cd", "ef"] StringUtils.split("ab:cd:ef", ":", 0) = ["ab", "cd", "ef"] StringUtils.split("ab:cd:ef", ":", 2) = ["ab", "cd:ef"]
- the String to parse, may be nullseparatorChars
- the characters used as the delimiters,
splits on whitespacemax
- the maximum number of elements to include in the
array. A zero or negative value implies no limit
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String[] splitByWholeSeparator(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String separator)
Splits the provided text into an array, separator string specified.
The separator(s) will not be included in the returned String array. Adjacent separators are treated as one separator.
A null
input String returns null
A null
separator splits on whitespace.
StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(null, *) = null StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator("", *) = [] StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator("ab de fg", null) = ["ab", "de", "fg"] StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator("ab de fg", null) = ["ab", "de", "fg"] StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator("ab:cd:ef", ":") = ["ab", "cd", "ef"] StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator("ab-!-cd-!-ef", "-!-") = ["ab", "cd", "ef"]
- the String to parse, may be nullseparator
- String containing the String to be used as a delimiter,
splits on whitespace
if null String was inputpublic static java.lang.String[] splitByWholeSeparator(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String separator, int max)
Splits the provided text into an array, separator string specified.
Returns a maximum of max
The separator(s) will not be included in the returned String array. Adjacent separators are treated as one separator.
A null
input String returns null
A null
separator splits on whitespace.
StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(null, *, *) = null StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator("", *, *) = [] StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator("ab de fg", null, 0) = ["ab", "de", "fg"] StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator("ab de fg", null, 0) = ["ab", "de", "fg"] StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator("ab:cd:ef", ":", 2) = ["ab", "cd:ef"] StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator("ab-!-cd-!-ef", "-!-", 5) = ["ab", "cd", "ef"] StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator("ab-!-cd-!-ef", "-!-", 2) = ["ab", "cd-!-ef"]
- the String to parse, may be nullseparator
- String containing the String to be used as a delimiter,
splits on whitespacemax
- the maximum number of elements to include in the returned
array. A zero or negative value implies no limit.
if null String was inputpublic static java.lang.String[] splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String separator)
Splits the provided text into an array, separator string specified.
The separator is not included in the returned String array. Adjacent separators are treated as separators for empty tokens. For more control over the split use the StrTokenizer class.
A null
input String returns null
A null
separator splits on whitespace.
StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens(null, *) = null StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens("", *) = [] StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens("ab de fg", null) = ["ab", "de", "fg"] StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens("ab de fg", null) = ["ab", "", "", "de", "fg"] StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens("ab:cd:ef", ":") = ["ab", "cd", "ef"] StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens("ab-!-cd-!-ef", "-!-") = ["ab", "cd", "ef"]
- the String to parse, may be nullseparator
- String containing the String to be used as a delimiter,
splits on whitespace
if null String was inputpublic static java.lang.String[] splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String separator, int max)
Splits the provided text into an array, separator string specified.
Returns a maximum of max
The separator is not included in the returned String array. Adjacent separators are treated as separators for empty tokens. For more control over the split use the StrTokenizer class.
A null
input String returns null
A null
separator splits on whitespace.
StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens(null, *, *) = null StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens("", *, *) = [] StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens("ab de fg", null, 0) = ["ab", "de", "fg"] StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens("ab de fg", null, 0) = ["ab", "", "", "de", "fg"] StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens("ab:cd:ef", ":", 2) = ["ab", "cd:ef"] StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens("ab-!-cd-!-ef", "-!-", 5) = ["ab", "cd", "ef"] StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens("ab-!-cd-!-ef", "-!-", 2) = ["ab", "cd-!-ef"]
- the String to parse, may be nullseparator
- String containing the String to be used as a delimiter,
splits on whitespacemax
- the maximum number of elements to include in the returned
array. A zero or negative value implies no limit.
if null String was inputpublic static java.lang.String[] splitPreserveAllTokens(java.lang.String str)
Splits the provided text into an array, using whitespace as the
separator, preserving all tokens, including empty tokens created by
adjacent separators. This is an alternative to using StringTokenizer.
Whitespace is defined by Character.isWhitespace(char)
The separator is not included in the returned String array. Adjacent separators are treated as separators for empty tokens. For more control over the split use the StrTokenizer class.
A null
input String returns null
StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(null) = null StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("") = [] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("abc def") = ["abc", "def"] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("abc def") = ["abc", "", "def"] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(" abc ") = ["", "abc", ""]
- the String to parse, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String[] splitPreserveAllTokens(java.lang.String str, char separatorChar)
Splits the provided text into an array, separator specified, preserving all tokens, including empty tokens created by adjacent separators. This is an alternative to using StringTokenizer.
The separator is not included in the returned String array. Adjacent separators are treated as separators for empty tokens. For more control over the split use the StrTokenizer class.
A null
input String returns null
StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(null, *) = null StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("", *) = [] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("a.b.c", '.') = ["a", "b", "c"] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("a..b.c", '.') = ["a", "", "b", "c"] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("a:b:c", '.') = ["a:b:c"] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("a\tb\nc", null) = ["a", "b", "c"] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("a b c", ' ') = ["a", "b", "c"] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("a b c ", ' ') = ["a", "b", "c", ""] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("a b c ", ' ') = ["a", "b", "c", "", ""] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(" a b c", ' ') = ["", a", "b", "c"] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(" a b c", ' ') = ["", "", a", "b", "c"] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(" a b c ", ' ') = ["", a", "b", "c", ""]
- the String to parse, may be null
- the character used as the delimiter,
splits on whitespace
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String[] splitPreserveAllTokens(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String separatorChars)
Splits the provided text into an array, separators specified, preserving all tokens, including empty tokens created by adjacent separators. This is an alternative to using StringTokenizer.
The separator is not included in the returned String array. Adjacent separators are treated as separators for empty tokens. For more control over the split use the StrTokenizer class.
A null
input String returns null
A null
separatorChars splits on whitespace.
StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(null, *) = null StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("", *) = [] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("abc def", null) = ["abc", "def"] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("abc def", " ") = ["abc", "def"] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("abc def", " ") = ["abc", "", def"] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab:cd:ef", ":") = ["ab", "cd", "ef"] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab:cd:ef:", ":") = ["ab", "cd", "ef", ""] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab:cd:ef::", ":") = ["ab", "cd", "ef", "", ""] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab::cd:ef", ":") = ["ab", "", cd", "ef"] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(":cd:ef", ":") = ["", cd", "ef"] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("::cd:ef", ":") = ["", "", cd", "ef"] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(":cd:ef:", ":") = ["", cd", "ef", ""]
- the String to parse, may be null
- the characters used as the delimiters,
splits on whitespace
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String[] splitPreserveAllTokens(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String separatorChars, int max)
Splits the provided text into an array with a maximum length, separators specified, preserving all tokens, including empty tokens created by adjacent separators.
The separator is not included in the returned String array. Adjacent separators are treated as separators for empty tokens. Adjacent separators are treated as one separator.
A null
input String returns null
A null
separatorChars splits on whitespace.
If more than max
delimited substrings are found, the last
returned string includes all characters after the first max - 1
returned strings (including separator characters).
StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(null, *, *) = null StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("", *, *) = [] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab de fg", null, 0) = ["ab", "cd", "ef"] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab de fg", null, 0) = ["ab", "cd", "ef"] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab:cd:ef", ":", 0) = ["ab", "cd", "ef"] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab:cd:ef", ":", 2) = ["ab", "cd:ef"] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab de fg", null, 2) = ["ab", " de fg"] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab de fg", null, 3) = ["ab", "", " de fg"] StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab de fg", null, 4) = ["ab", "", "", "de fg"]
- the String to parse, may be null
- the characters used as the delimiters,
splits on whitespacemax
- the maximum number of elements to include in the
array. A zero or negative value implies no limit
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String[] splitByCharacterType(java.lang.String str)
Splits a String by Character type as returned by
. Groups of contiguous
characters of the same type are returned as complete tokens.
StringUtils.splitByCharacterType(null) = null StringUtils.splitByCharacterType("") = [] StringUtils.splitByCharacterType("ab de fg") = ["ab", " ", "de", " ", "fg"] StringUtils.splitByCharacterType("ab de fg") = ["ab", " ", "de", " ", "fg"] StringUtils.splitByCharacterType("ab:cd:ef") = ["ab", ":", "cd", ":", "ef"] StringUtils.splitByCharacterType("number5") = ["number", "5"] StringUtils.splitByCharacterType("fooBar") = ["foo", "B", "ar"] StringUtils.splitByCharacterType("foo200Bar") = ["foo", "200", "B", "ar"] StringUtils.splitByCharacterType("ASFRules") = ["ASFR", "ules"]
- the String to split, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String[] splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase(java.lang.String str)
Splits a String by Character type as returned by
. Groups of contiguous
characters of the same type are returned as complete tokens, with the
following exception: the character of type
, if any, immediately
preceding a token of type Character.LOWERCASE_LETTER
will belong to the following token rather than to the preceding, if any,
StringUtils.splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase(null) = null StringUtils.splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase("") = [] StringUtils.splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase("ab de fg") = ["ab", " ", "de", " ", "fg"] StringUtils.splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase("ab de fg") = ["ab", " ", "de", " ", "fg"] StringUtils.splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase("ab:cd:ef") = ["ab", ":", "cd", ":", "ef"] StringUtils.splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase("number5") = ["number", "5"] StringUtils.splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase("fooBar") = ["foo", "Bar"] StringUtils.splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase("foo200Bar") = ["foo", "200", "Bar"] StringUtils.splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase("ASFRules") = ["ASF", "Rules"]
- the String to split, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String concatenate(java.lang.Object[] array)
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0.
Concatenates elements of an array into a single String. Null objects or empty strings within the array are represented by empty strings.
StringUtils.concatenate(null) = null StringUtils.concatenate([]) = "" StringUtils.concatenate([null]) = "" StringUtils.concatenate(["a", "b", "c"]) = "abc" StringUtils.concatenate([null, "", "a"]) = "a"
- the array of values to concatenate, may be null
if null array inputpublic static java.lang.String join(java.lang.Object[] array)
Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String containing the provided list of elements.
No separator is added to the joined String. Null objects or empty strings within the array are represented by empty strings.
StringUtils.join(null) = null StringUtils.join([]) = "" StringUtils.join([null]) = "" StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"]) = "abc" StringUtils.join([null, "", "a"]) = "a"
- the array of values to join together, may be null
if null array inputpublic static java.lang.String join(java.lang.Object[] array, char separator)
Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String containing the provided list of elements.
No delimiter is added before or after the list. Null objects or empty strings within the array are represented by empty strings.
StringUtils.join(null, *) = null StringUtils.join([], *) = "" StringUtils.join([null], *) = "" StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], ';') = "a;b;c" StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], null) = "abc" StringUtils.join([null, "", "a"], ';') = ";;a"
- the array of values to join together, may be nullseparator
- the separator character to use
if null array inputpublic static java.lang.String join(java.lang.Object[] array, char separator, int startIndex, int endIndex)
Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String containing the provided list of elements.
No delimiter is added before or after the list. Null objects or empty strings within the array are represented by empty strings.
StringUtils.join(null, *) = null StringUtils.join([], *) = "" StringUtils.join([null], *) = "" StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], ';') = "a;b;c" StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], null) = "abc" StringUtils.join([null, "", "a"], ';') = ";;a"
- the array of values to join together, may be nullseparator
- the separator character to usestartIndex
- the first index to start joining from. It is
an error to pass in an end index past the end of the arrayendIndex
- the index to stop joining from (exclusive). It is
an error to pass in an end index past the end of the array
if null array inputpublic static java.lang.String join(java.lang.Object[] array, java.lang.String separator)
Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String containing the provided list of elements.
No delimiter is added before or after the list.
A null
separator is the same as an empty String ("").
Null objects or empty strings within the array are represented by
empty strings.
StringUtils.join(null, *) = null StringUtils.join([], *) = "" StringUtils.join([null], *) = "" StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], "--") = "a--b--c" StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], null) = "abc" StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], "") = "abc" StringUtils.join([null, "", "a"], ',') = ",,a"
- the array of values to join together, may be nullseparator
- the separator character to use, null treated as ""
if null array inputpublic static java.lang.String join(java.lang.Object[] array, java.lang.String separator, int startIndex, int endIndex)
Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String containing the provided list of elements.
No delimiter is added before or after the list.
A null
separator is the same as an empty String ("").
Null objects or empty strings within the array are represented by
empty strings.
StringUtils.join(null, *) = null StringUtils.join([], *) = "" StringUtils.join([null], *) = "" StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], "--") = "a--b--c" StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], null) = "abc" StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], "") = "abc" StringUtils.join([null, "", "a"], ',') = ",,a"
- the array of values to join together, may be nullseparator
- the separator character to use, null treated as ""startIndex
- the first index to start joining from. It is
an error to pass in an end index past the end of the arrayendIndex
- the index to stop joining from (exclusive). It is
an error to pass in an end index past the end of the array
if null array inputpublic static java.lang.String join(java.util.Iterator iterator, char separator)
Joins the elements of the provided Iterator
a single String containing the provided elements.
No delimiter is added before or after the list. Null objects or empty strings within the iteration are represented by empty strings.
See the examples here: join(Object[],char)
- the Iterator
of values to join together, may be nullseparator
- the separator character to use
if null iterator inputpublic static java.lang.String join(java.util.Iterator iterator, java.lang.String separator)
Joins the elements of the provided Iterator
a single String containing the provided elements.
No delimiter is added before or after the list.
A null
separator is the same as an empty String ("").
See the examples here: join(Object[],String)
- the Iterator
of values to join together, may be nullseparator
- the separator character to use, null treated as ""
if null iterator inputpublic static java.lang.String join(java.util.Collection collection, char separator)
Joins the elements of the provided Collection
a single String containing the provided elements.
No delimiter is added before or after the list. Null objects or empty strings within the iteration are represented by empty strings.
See the examples here: join(Object[],char)
- the Collection
of values to join together, may be nullseparator
- the separator character to use
if null iterator inputpublic static java.lang.String join(java.util.Collection collection, java.lang.String separator)
Joins the elements of the provided Collection
a single String containing the provided elements.
No delimiter is added before or after the list.
A null
separator is the same as an empty String ("").
See the examples here: join(Object[],String)
- the Collection
of values to join together, may be nullseparator
- the separator character to use, null treated as ""
if null iterator inputpublic static java.lang.String deleteSpaces(java.lang.String str)
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0.
Deletes all 'space' characters from a String as defined by
This is the only StringUtils method that uses the
definition. You are advised to use
instead as whitespace is much
better localized.
StringUtils.deleteSpaces(null) = null StringUtils.deleteSpaces("") = "" StringUtils.deleteSpaces("abc") = "abc" StringUtils.deleteSpaces(" \t abc \n ") = "abc" StringUtils.deleteSpaces("ab c") = "abc" StringUtils.deleteSpaces("a\nb\tc ") = "abc"
Spaces are defined as {' ', '\t', '\r', '\n', '\b'}
in line with the deprecated isSpace
- the String to delete spaces from, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String deleteWhitespace(java.lang.String str)
Deletes all whitespaces from a String as defined by
StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(null) = null StringUtils.deleteWhitespace("") = "" StringUtils.deleteWhitespace("abc") = "abc" StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(" ab c ") = "abc"
- the String to delete whitespace from, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String removeStart(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String remove)
Removes a substring only if it is at the begining of a source string, otherwise returns the source string.
A null
source string will return null
An empty ("") source string will return the empty string.
A null
search string will return the source string.
StringUtils.removeStart(null, *) = null StringUtils.removeStart("", *) = "" StringUtils.removeStart(*, null) = * StringUtils.removeStart("www.domain.com", "www.") = "domain.com" StringUtils.removeStart("domain.com", "www.") = "domain.com" StringUtils.removeStart("www.domain.com", "domain") = "www.domain.com" StringUtils.removeStart("abc", "") = "abc"
- the source String to search, may be nullremove
- the String to search for and remove, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String removeStartIgnoreCase(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String remove)
Case insensitive removal of a substring if it is at the begining of a source string, otherwise returns the source string.
A null
source string will return null
An empty ("") source string will return the empty string.
A null
search string will return the source string.
StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(null, *) = null StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase("", *) = "" StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(*, null) = * StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase("www.domain.com", "www.") = "domain.com" StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase("www.domain.com", "WWW.") = "domain.com" StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase("domain.com", "www.") = "domain.com" StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase("www.domain.com", "domain") = "www.domain.com" StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase("abc", "") = "abc"
- the source String to search, may be nullremove
- the String to search for (case insensitive) and remove, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String removeEnd(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String remove)
Removes a substring only if it is at the end of a source string, otherwise returns the source string.
A null
source string will return null
An empty ("") source string will return the empty string.
A null
search string will return the source string.
StringUtils.removeEnd(null, *) = null StringUtils.removeEnd("", *) = "" StringUtils.removeEnd(*, null) = * StringUtils.removeEnd("www.domain.com", ".com.") = "www.domain.com" StringUtils.removeEnd("www.domain.com", ".com") = "www.domain" StringUtils.removeEnd("www.domain.com", "domain") = "www.domain.com" StringUtils.removeEnd("abc", "") = "abc"
- the source String to search, may be nullremove
- the String to search for and remove, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String removeEndIgnoreCase(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String remove)
Case insensitive removal of a substring if it is at the end of a source string, otherwise returns the source string.
A null
source string will return null
An empty ("") source string will return the empty string.
A null
search string will return the source string.
StringUtils.removeEnd(null, *) = null StringUtils.removeEnd("", *) = "" StringUtils.removeEnd(*, null) = * StringUtils.removeEnd("www.domain.com", ".com.") = "www.domain.com." StringUtils.removeEnd("www.domain.com", ".com") = "www.domain" StringUtils.removeEnd("www.domain.com", "domain") = "www.domain.com" StringUtils.removeEnd("abc", "") = "abc"
- the source String to search, may be nullremove
- the String to search for (case insensitive) and remove, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String remove(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String remove)
Removes all occurrences of a substring from within the source string.
A null
source string will return null
An empty ("") source string will return the empty string.
A null
remove string will return the source string.
An empty ("") remove string will return the source string.
StringUtils.remove(null, *) = null StringUtils.remove("", *) = "" StringUtils.remove(*, null) = * StringUtils.remove(*, "") = * StringUtils.remove("queued", "ue") = "qd" StringUtils.remove("queued", "zz") = "queued"
- the source String to search, may be nullremove
- the String to search for and remove, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String remove(java.lang.String str, char remove)
Removes all occurrences of a character from within the source string.
A null
source string will return null
An empty ("") source string will return the empty string.
StringUtils.remove(null, *) = null StringUtils.remove("", *) = "" StringUtils.remove("queued", 'u') = "qeed" StringUtils.remove("queued", 'z') = "queued"
- the source String to search, may be nullremove
- the char to search for and remove, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String replaceOnce(java.lang.String text, java.lang.String searchString, java.lang.String replacement)
Replaces a String with another String inside a larger String, once.
A null
reference passed to this method is a no-op.
StringUtils.replaceOnce(null, *, *) = null StringUtils.replaceOnce("", *, *) = "" StringUtils.replaceOnce("any", null, *) = "any" StringUtils.replaceOnce("any", *, null) = "any" StringUtils.replaceOnce("any", "", *) = "any" StringUtils.replaceOnce("aba", "a", null) = "aba" StringUtils.replaceOnce("aba", "a", "") = "ba" StringUtils.replaceOnce("aba", "a", "z") = "zba"
- text to search and replace in, may be nullsearchString
- the String to search for, may be nullreplacement
- the String to replace with, may be null
if null String inputreplace(String text, String searchString, String replacement, int max)
public static java.lang.String replace(java.lang.String text, java.lang.String searchString, java.lang.String replacement)
Replaces all occurrences of a String within another String.
A null
reference passed to this method is a no-op.
StringUtils.replace(null, *, *) = null StringUtils.replace("", *, *) = "" StringUtils.replace("any", null, *) = "any" StringUtils.replace("any", *, null) = "any" StringUtils.replace("any", "", *) = "any" StringUtils.replace("aba", "a", null) = "aba" StringUtils.replace("aba", "a", "") = "b" StringUtils.replace("aba", "a", "z") = "zbz"
- text to search and replace in, may be nullsearchString
- the String to search for, may be nullreplacement
- the String to replace it with, may be null
if null String inputreplace(String text, String searchString, String replacement, int max)
public static java.lang.String replace(java.lang.String text, java.lang.String searchString, java.lang.String replacement, int max)
Replaces a String with another String inside a larger String,
for the first max
values of the search String.
A null
reference passed to this method is a no-op.
StringUtils.replace(null, *, *, *) = null StringUtils.replace("", *, *, *) = "" StringUtils.replace("any", null, *, *) = "any" StringUtils.replace("any", *, null, *) = "any" StringUtils.replace("any", "", *, *) = "any" StringUtils.replace("any", *, *, 0) = "any" StringUtils.replace("abaa", "a", null, -1) = "abaa" StringUtils.replace("abaa", "a", "", -1) = "b" StringUtils.replace("abaa", "a", "z", 0) = "abaa" StringUtils.replace("abaa", "a", "z", 1) = "zbaa" StringUtils.replace("abaa", "a", "z", 2) = "zbza" StringUtils.replace("abaa", "a", "z", -1) = "zbzz"
- text to search and replace in, may be nullsearchString
- the String to search for, may be nullreplacement
- the String to replace it with, may be nullmax
- maximum number of values to replace, or -1
if no maximum
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String replaceEach(java.lang.String text, java.lang.String[] searchList, java.lang.String[] replacementList)
Replaces all occurrences of Strings within another String.
A null
reference passed to this method is a no-op, or if
any "search string" or "string to replace" is null, that replace will be
ignored. This will not repeat. For repeating replaces, call the
overloaded method.
StringUtils.replaceEach(null, *, *) = null StringUtils.replaceEach("", *, *) = "" StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", null, null) = "aba" StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[0], null) = "aba" StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", null, new String[0]) = "aba" StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{"a"}, null) = "aba" StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{"a"}, new String[]{""}) = "b" StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{null}, new String[]{"a"}) = "aba" StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"w", "t"}) = "wcte" (example of how it does not repeat) StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "t"}) = "dcte"
- text to search and replace in, no-op if nullsearchList
- the Strings to search for, no-op if nullreplacementList
- the Strings to replace them with, no-op if null
null String input
- if the lengths of the arrays are not the same (null is ok,
and/or size 0)public static java.lang.String replaceEachRepeatedly(java.lang.String text, java.lang.String[] searchList, java.lang.String[] replacementList)
Replaces all occurrences of Strings within another String.
A null
reference passed to this method is a no-op, or if
any "search string" or "string to replace" is null, that replace will be
ignored. This will not repeat. For repeating replaces, call the
overloaded method.
StringUtils.replaceEach(null, *, *, *) = null StringUtils.replaceEach("", *, *, *) = "" StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", null, null, *) = "aba" StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[0], null, *) = "aba" StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", null, new String[0], *) = "aba" StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{"a"}, null, *) = "aba" StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{"a"}, new String[]{""}, *) = "b" StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{null}, new String[]{"a"}, *) = "aba" StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"w", "t"}, *) = "wcte" (example of how it repeats) StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "t"}, false) = "dcte" StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "t"}, true) = "tcte" StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "ab"}, true) = IllegalArgumentException StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "ab"}, false) = "dcabe"
- text to search and replace in, no-op if nullsearchList
- the Strings to search for, no-op if nullreplacementList
- the Strings to replace them with, no-op if null
null String input
- if the search is repeating and there is an endless loop due
to outputs of one being inputs to another
- if the lengths of the arrays are not the same (null is ok,
and/or size 0)public static java.lang.String replaceChars(java.lang.String str, char searchChar, char replaceChar)
Replaces all occurrences of a character in a String with another.
This is a null-safe version of String.replace(char, char)
A null
string input returns null
An empty ("") string input returns an empty string.
StringUtils.replaceChars(null, *, *) = null StringUtils.replaceChars("", *, *) = "" StringUtils.replaceChars("abcba", 'b', 'y') = "aycya" StringUtils.replaceChars("abcba", 'z', 'y') = "abcba"
- String to replace characters in, may be nullsearchChar
- the character to search for, may be nullreplaceChar
- the character to replace, may be null
if null string inputpublic static java.lang.String replaceChars(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String searchChars, java.lang.String replaceChars)
Replaces multiple characters in a String in one go. This method can also be used to delete characters.
For example:
replaceChars("hello", "ho", "jy") = jelly
A null
string input returns null
An empty ("") string input returns an empty string.
A null or empty set of search characters returns the input string.
The length of the search characters should normally equal the length of the replace characters. If the search characters is longer, then the extra search characters are deleted. If the search characters is shorter, then the extra replace characters are ignored.
StringUtils.replaceChars(null, *, *) = null StringUtils.replaceChars("", *, *) = "" StringUtils.replaceChars("abc", null, *) = "abc" StringUtils.replaceChars("abc", "", *) = "abc" StringUtils.replaceChars("abc", "b", null) = "ac" StringUtils.replaceChars("abc", "b", "") = "ac" StringUtils.replaceChars("abcba", "bc", "yz") = "ayzya" StringUtils.replaceChars("abcba", "bc", "y") = "ayya" StringUtils.replaceChars("abcba", "bc", "yzx") = "ayzya"
- String to replace characters in, may be nullsearchChars
- a set of characters to search for, may be nullreplaceChars
- a set of characters to replace, may be null
if null string inputpublic static java.lang.String overlayString(java.lang.String text, java.lang.String overlay, int start, int end)
overlay(String, String, int, int)
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0.
Overlays part of a String with another String.
StringUtils.overlayString(null, *, *, *) = NullPointerException StringUtils.overlayString(*, null, *, *) = NullPointerException StringUtils.overlayString("", "abc", 0, 0) = "abc" StringUtils.overlayString("abcdef", null, 2, 4) = "abef" StringUtils.overlayString("abcdef", "", 2, 4) = "abef" StringUtils.overlayString("abcdef", "zzzz", 2, 4) = "abzzzzef" StringUtils.overlayString("abcdef", "zzzz", 4, 2) = "abcdzzzzcdef" StringUtils.overlayString("abcdef", "zzzz", -1, 4) = IndexOutOfBoundsException StringUtils.overlayString("abcdef", "zzzz", 2, 8) = IndexOutOfBoundsException
- the String to do overlaying in, may be nulloverlay
- the String to overlay, may be nullstart
- the position to start overlaying at, must be validend
- the position to stop overlaying before, must be valid
if null String input
- if text or overlay is null
- if either position is invalidpublic static java.lang.String overlay(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String overlay, int start, int end)
Overlays part of a String with another String.
A null
string input returns null
A negative index is treated as zero.
An index greater than the string length is treated as the string length.
The start index is always the smaller of the two indices.
StringUtils.overlay(null, *, *, *) = null StringUtils.overlay("", "abc", 0, 0) = "abc" StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", null, 2, 4) = "abef" StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "", 2, 4) = "abef" StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "", 4, 2) = "abef" StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "zzzz", 2, 4) = "abzzzzef" StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "zzzz", 4, 2) = "abzzzzef" StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "zzzz", -1, 4) = "zzzzef" StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "zzzz", 2, 8) = "abzzzz" StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "zzzz", -2, -3) = "zzzzabcdef" StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "zzzz", 8, 10) = "abcdefzzzz"
- the String to do overlaying in, may be nulloverlay
- the String to overlay, may be nullstart
- the position to start overlaying atend
- the position to stop overlaying before
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String chomp(java.lang.String str)
Removes one newline from end of a String if it's there,
otherwise leave it alone. A newline is "\n
", or "\r\n
NOTE: This method changed in 2.0. It now more closely matches Perl chomp.
StringUtils.chomp(null) = null StringUtils.chomp("") = "" StringUtils.chomp("abc \r") = "abc " StringUtils.chomp("abc\n") = "abc" StringUtils.chomp("abc\r\n") = "abc" StringUtils.chomp("abc\r\n\r\n") = "abc\r\n" StringUtils.chomp("abc\n\r") = "abc\n" StringUtils.chomp("abc\n\rabc") = "abc\n\rabc" StringUtils.chomp("\r") = "" StringUtils.chomp("\n") = "" StringUtils.chomp("\r\n") = ""
- the String to chomp a newline from, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String chomp(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String separator)
Removes separator
from the end of
if it's there, otherwise leave it alone.
NOTE: This method changed in version 2.0.
It now more closely matches Perl chomp.
For the previous behavior, use substringBeforeLast(String, String)
This method uses String.endsWith(String)
StringUtils.chomp(null, *) = null StringUtils.chomp("", *) = "" StringUtils.chomp("foobar", "bar") = "foo" StringUtils.chomp("foobar", "baz") = "foobar" StringUtils.chomp("foo", "foo") = "" StringUtils.chomp("foo ", "foo") = "foo " StringUtils.chomp(" foo", "foo") = " " StringUtils.chomp("foo", "foooo") = "foo" StringUtils.chomp("foo", "") = "foo" StringUtils.chomp("foo", null) = "foo"
- the String to chomp from, may be nullseparator
- separator String, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String chompLast(java.lang.String str)
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0.
Remove any "\n" if and only if it is at the end of the supplied String.
- the String to chomp from, must not be null
- if str is null
public static java.lang.String chompLast(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String sep)
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0.
Remove a value if and only if the String ends with that value.
- the String to chomp from, must not be nullsep
- the String to chomp, must not be null
- if str or sep is null
public static java.lang.String getChomp(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String sep)
substringAfterLast(String, String)
(although this doesn't include the separator)
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0.
Remove everything and return the last value of a supplied String, and everything after it from a String.
- the String to chomp from, must not be nullsep
- the String to chomp, must not be null
- if str or sep is null
public static java.lang.String prechomp(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String sep)
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0.
Remove the first value of a supplied String, and everything before it from a String.
- the String to chomp from, must not be nullsep
- the String to chomp, must not be null
- if str or sep is null
public static java.lang.String getPrechomp(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String sep)
(although this doesn't include the separator).
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0.
Remove and return everything before the first value of a supplied String from another String.
- the String to chomp from, must not be nullsep
- the String to chomp, must not be null
- if str or sep is null
public static java.lang.String chop(java.lang.String str)
Remove the last character from a String.
If the String ends in \r\n
, then remove both
of them.
StringUtils.chop(null) = null StringUtils.chop("") = "" StringUtils.chop("abc \r") = "abc " StringUtils.chop("abc\n") = "abc" StringUtils.chop("abc\r\n") = "abc" StringUtils.chop("abc") = "ab" StringUtils.chop("abc\nabc") = "abc\nab" StringUtils.chop("a") = "" StringUtils.chop("\r") = "" StringUtils.chop("\n") = "" StringUtils.chop("\r\n") = ""
- the String to chop last character from, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String chopNewline(java.lang.String str)
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0.
Removes \n
from end of a String if it's there.
If a \r
precedes it, then remove that too.
- the String to chop a newline from, must not be null
- if str is null
public static java.lang.String escape(java.lang.String str)
This method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0
Escapes any values it finds into their String form.
So a tab becomes the characters '\\'
As of Lang 2.0, this calls StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(String)
behind the scenes.
- String to escape values in
- if str is null
public static java.lang.String repeat(java.lang.String str, int repeat)
Repeat a String repeat
times to form a
new String.
StringUtils.repeat(null, 2) = null StringUtils.repeat("", 0) = "" StringUtils.repeat("", 2) = "" StringUtils.repeat("a", 3) = "aaa" StringUtils.repeat("ab", 2) = "abab" StringUtils.repeat("a", -2) = ""
- the String to repeat, may be nullrepeat
- number of times to repeat str, negative treated as zero
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String rightPad(java.lang.String str, int size)
Right pad a String with spaces (' ').
The String is padded to the size of size
StringUtils.rightPad(null, *) = null StringUtils.rightPad("", 3) = " " StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 3) = "bat" StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 5) = "bat " StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 1) = "bat" StringUtils.rightPad("bat", -1) = "bat"
- the String to pad out, may be nullsize
- the size to pad to
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String rightPad(java.lang.String str, int size, char padChar)
Right pad a String with a specified character.
The String is padded to the size of size
StringUtils.rightPad(null, *, *) = null StringUtils.rightPad("", 3, 'z') = "zzz" StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 3, 'z') = "bat" StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 5, 'z') = "batzz" StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 1, 'z') = "bat" StringUtils.rightPad("bat", -1, 'z') = "bat"
- the String to pad out, may be nullsize
- the size to pad topadChar
- the character to pad with
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String rightPad(java.lang.String str, int size, java.lang.String padStr)
Right pad a String with a specified String.
The String is padded to the size of size
StringUtils.rightPad(null, *, *) = null StringUtils.rightPad("", 3, "z") = "zzz" StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 3, "yz") = "bat" StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 5, "yz") = "batyz" StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 8, "yz") = "batyzyzy" StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 1, "yz") = "bat" StringUtils.rightPad("bat", -1, "yz") = "bat" StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 5, null) = "bat " StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 5, "") = "bat "
- the String to pad out, may be nullsize
- the size to pad topadStr
- the String to pad with, null or empty treated as single space
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String leftPad(java.lang.String str, int size)
Left pad a String with spaces (' ').
The String is padded to the size of size
StringUtils.leftPad(null, *) = null StringUtils.leftPad("", 3) = " " StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 3) = "bat" StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 5) = " bat" StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 1) = "bat" StringUtils.leftPad("bat", -1) = "bat"
- the String to pad out, may be nullsize
- the size to pad to
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String leftPad(java.lang.String str, int size, char padChar)
Left pad a String with a specified character.
Pad to a size of size
StringUtils.leftPad(null, *, *) = null StringUtils.leftPad("", 3, 'z') = "zzz" StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 3, 'z') = "bat" StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 5, 'z') = "zzbat" StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 1, 'z') = "bat" StringUtils.leftPad("bat", -1, 'z') = "bat"
- the String to pad out, may be nullsize
- the size to pad topadChar
- the character to pad with
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String leftPad(java.lang.String str, int size, java.lang.String padStr)
Left pad a String with a specified String.
Pad to a size of size
StringUtils.leftPad(null, *, *) = null StringUtils.leftPad("", 3, "z") = "zzz" StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 3, "yz") = "bat" StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 5, "yz") = "yzbat" StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 8, "yz") = "yzyzybat" StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 1, "yz") = "bat" StringUtils.leftPad("bat", -1, "yz") = "bat" StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 5, null) = " bat" StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 5, "") = " bat"
- the String to pad out, may be nullsize
- the size to pad topadStr
- the String to pad with, null or empty treated as single space
if null String inputpublic static int length(java.lang.String str)
if the String is null
- a String or null
if the String is null
.public static java.lang.String center(java.lang.String str, int size)
Centers a String in a larger String of size size
using the space character (' ').
If the size is less than the String length, the String is returned.
A null
String returns null
A negative size is treated as zero.
Equivalent to center(str, size, " ")
StringUtils.center(null, *) = null StringUtils.center("", 4) = " " StringUtils.center("ab", -1) = "ab" StringUtils.center("ab", 4) = " ab " StringUtils.center("abcd", 2) = "abcd" StringUtils.center("a", 4) = " a "
- the String to center, may be nullsize
- the int size of new String, negative treated as zero
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String center(java.lang.String str, int size, char padChar)
Centers a String in a larger String of size size
Uses a supplied character as the value to pad the String with.
If the size is less than the String length, the String is returned.
A null
String returns null
A negative size is treated as zero.
StringUtils.center(null, *, *) = null StringUtils.center("", 4, ' ') = " " StringUtils.center("ab", -1, ' ') = "ab" StringUtils.center("ab", 4, ' ') = " ab" StringUtils.center("abcd", 2, ' ') = "abcd" StringUtils.center("a", 4, ' ') = " a " StringUtils.center("a", 4, 'y') = "yayy"
- the String to center, may be nullsize
- the int size of new String, negative treated as zeropadChar
- the character to pad the new String with
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String center(java.lang.String str, int size, java.lang.String padStr)
Centers a String in a larger String of size size
Uses a supplied String as the value to pad the String with.
If the size is less than the String length, the String is returned.
A null
String returns null
A negative size is treated as zero.
StringUtils.center(null, *, *) = null StringUtils.center("", 4, " ") = " " StringUtils.center("ab", -1, " ") = "ab" StringUtils.center("ab", 4, " ") = " ab" StringUtils.center("abcd", 2, " ") = "abcd" StringUtils.center("a", 4, " ") = " a " StringUtils.center("a", 4, "yz") = "yayz" StringUtils.center("abc", 7, null) = " abc " StringUtils.center("abc", 7, "") = " abc "
- the String to center, may be nullsize
- the int size of new String, negative treated as zeropadStr
- the String to pad the new String with, must not be null or empty
if null String input
- if padStr is null
or emptypublic static java.lang.String upperCase(java.lang.String str)
Converts a String to upper case as per String.toUpperCase()
A null
input String returns null
StringUtils.upperCase(null) = null StringUtils.upperCase("") = "" StringUtils.upperCase("aBc") = "ABC"
- the String to upper case, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String lowerCase(java.lang.String str)
Converts a String to lower case as per String.toLowerCase()
A null
input String returns null
StringUtils.lowerCase(null) = null StringUtils.lowerCase("") = "" StringUtils.lowerCase("aBc") = "abc"
- the String to lower case, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String capitalize(java.lang.String str)
Capitalizes a String changing the first letter to title case as
per Character.toTitleCase(char)
. No other letters are changed.
For a word based algorithm, see WordUtils.capitalize(String)
A null
input String returns null
StringUtils.capitalize(null) = null StringUtils.capitalize("") = "" StringUtils.capitalize("cat") = "Cat" StringUtils.capitalize("cAt") = "CAt"
- the String to capitalize, may be null
if null String inputWordUtils.capitalize(String)
public static java.lang.String capitalise(java.lang.String str)
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0.
Capitalizes a String changing the first letter to title case as
per Character.toTitleCase(char)
. No other letters are changed.
- the String to capitalize, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String uncapitalize(java.lang.String str)
Uncapitalizes a String changing the first letter to title case as
per Character.toLowerCase(char)
. No other letters are changed.
For a word based algorithm, see WordUtils.uncapitalize(String)
A null
input String returns null
StringUtils.uncapitalize(null) = null StringUtils.uncapitalize("") = "" StringUtils.uncapitalize("Cat") = "cat" StringUtils.uncapitalize("CAT") = "cAT"
- the String to uncapitalize, may be null
if null String inputWordUtils.uncapitalize(String)
public static java.lang.String uncapitalise(java.lang.String str)
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0.
Uncapitalizes a String changing the first letter to title case as
per Character.toLowerCase(char)
. No other letters are changed.
- the String to uncapitalize, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String swapCase(java.lang.String str)
Swaps the case of a String changing upper and title case to lower case, and lower case to upper case.
For a word based algorithm, see WordUtils.swapCase(String)
A null
input String returns null
StringUtils.swapCase(null) = null StringUtils.swapCase("") = "" StringUtils.swapCase("The dog has a BONE") = "tHE DOG HAS A bone"
NOTE: This method changed in Lang version 2.0. It no longer performs a word based algorithm. If you only use ASCII, you will notice no change. That functionality is available in WordUtils.
- the String to swap case, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String capitaliseAllWords(java.lang.String str)
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0.
Capitalizes all the whitespace separated words in a String. Only the first letter of each word is changed.
Whitespace is defined by Character.isWhitespace(char)
A null
input String returns null
- the String to capitalize, may be null
if null String inputpublic static int countMatches(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String sub)
Counts how many times the substring appears in the larger String.
A null
or empty ("") String input returns 0
StringUtils.countMatches(null, *) = 0 StringUtils.countMatches("", *) = 0 StringUtils.countMatches("abba", null) = 0 StringUtils.countMatches("abba", "") = 0 StringUtils.countMatches("abba", "a") = 2 StringUtils.countMatches("abba", "ab") = 1 StringUtils.countMatches("abba", "xxx") = 0
- the String to check, may be nullsub
- the substring to count, may be null
public static boolean isAlpha(java.lang.String str)
Checks if the String contains only unicode letters.
will return false
An empty String ("") will return true
StringUtils.isAlpha(null) = false StringUtils.isAlpha("") = true StringUtils.isAlpha(" ") = false StringUtils.isAlpha("abc") = true StringUtils.isAlpha("ab2c") = false StringUtils.isAlpha("ab-c") = false
- the String to check, may be null
if only contains letters, and is non-nullpublic static boolean isAlphaSpace(java.lang.String str)
Checks if the String contains only unicode letters and space (' ').
will return false
An empty String ("") will return true
StringUtils.isAlphaSpace(null) = false StringUtils.isAlphaSpace("") = true StringUtils.isAlphaSpace(" ") = true StringUtils.isAlphaSpace("abc") = true StringUtils.isAlphaSpace("ab c") = true StringUtils.isAlphaSpace("ab2c") = false StringUtils.isAlphaSpace("ab-c") = false
- the String to check, may be null
if only contains letters and space,
and is non-nullpublic static boolean isAlphanumeric(java.lang.String str)
Checks if the String contains only unicode letters or digits.
will return false
An empty String ("") will return true
StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(null) = false StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("") = true StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(" ") = false StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("abc") = true StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("ab c") = false StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("ab2c") = true StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("ab-c") = false
- the String to check, may be null
if only contains letters or digits,
and is non-nullpublic static boolean isAlphanumericSpace(java.lang.String str)
Checks if the String contains only unicode letters, digits
or space (' '
will return false
An empty String ("") will return true
StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(null) = false StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("") = true StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(" ") = true StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("abc") = true StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("ab c") = true StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("ab2c") = true StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("ab-c") = false
- the String to check, may be null
if only contains letters, digits or space,
and is non-nullpublic static boolean isAsciiPrintable(java.lang.String str)
Checks if the string contains only ASCII printable characters.
will return false
An empty String ("") will return true
StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable(null) = false StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable("") = true StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable(" ") = true StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable("Ceki") = true StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable("ab2c") = true StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable("!ab-c~") = true StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable(" ") = true StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable("!") = true StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable("~") = true StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable("") = false StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable("Ceki Gülcü") = false
- the string to check, may be null
if every character is in the range
32 thru 126public static boolean isNumeric(java.lang.String str)
Checks if the String contains only unicode digits. A decimal point is not a unicode digit and returns false.
will return false
An empty String ("") will return true
StringUtils.isNumeric(null) = false StringUtils.isNumeric("") = true StringUtils.isNumeric(" ") = false StringUtils.isNumeric("123") = true StringUtils.isNumeric("12 3") = false StringUtils.isNumeric("ab2c") = false StringUtils.isNumeric("12-3") = false StringUtils.isNumeric("12.3") = false
- the String to check, may be null
if only contains digits, and is non-nullpublic static boolean isNumericSpace(java.lang.String str)
Checks if the String contains only unicode digits or space
(' '
A decimal point is not a unicode digit and returns false.
will return false
An empty String ("") will return true
StringUtils.isNumeric(null) = false StringUtils.isNumeric("") = true StringUtils.isNumeric(" ") = true StringUtils.isNumeric("123") = true StringUtils.isNumeric("12 3") = true StringUtils.isNumeric("ab2c") = false StringUtils.isNumeric("12-3") = false StringUtils.isNumeric("12.3") = false
- the String to check, may be null
if only contains digits or space,
and is non-nullpublic static boolean isWhitespace(java.lang.String str)
Checks if the String contains only whitespace.
will return false
An empty String ("") will return true
StringUtils.isWhitespace(null) = false StringUtils.isWhitespace("") = true StringUtils.isWhitespace(" ") = true StringUtils.isWhitespace("abc") = false StringUtils.isWhitespace("ab2c") = false StringUtils.isWhitespace("ab-c") = false
- the String to check, may be null
if only contains whitespace, and is non-nullpublic static java.lang.String defaultString(java.lang.String str)
Returns either the passed in String,
or if the String is null
, an empty String ("").
StringUtils.defaultString(null) = "" StringUtils.defaultString("") = "" StringUtils.defaultString("bat") = "bat"
- the String to check, may be null
public static java.lang.String defaultString(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String defaultStr)
Returns either the passed in String, or if the String is
, the value of defaultStr
StringUtils.defaultString(null, "NULL") = "NULL" StringUtils.defaultString("", "NULL") = "" StringUtils.defaultString("bat", "NULL") = "bat"
- the String to check, may be nulldefaultStr
- the default String to return
if the input is null
, may be null
public static java.lang.String defaultIfEmpty(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String defaultStr)
Returns either the passed in String, or if the String is
empty or null
, the value of defaultStr
StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(null, "NULL") = "NULL" StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty("", "NULL") = "NULL" StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty("bat", "NULL") = "bat"
- the String to check, may be nulldefaultStr
- the default String to return
if the input is empty ("") or null
, may be null
defaultString(String, String)
public static java.lang.String reverse(java.lang.String str)
Reverses a String as per StringBuffer.reverse()
A null
String returns null
StringUtils.reverse(null) = null StringUtils.reverse("") = "" StringUtils.reverse("bat") = "tab"
- the String to reverse, may be null
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String reverseDelimited(java.lang.String str, char separatorChar)
Reverses a String that is delimited by a specific character.
The Strings between the delimiters are not reversed.
Thus java.lang.String becomes String.lang.java (if the delimiter
is '.'
StringUtils.reverseDelimited(null, *) = null StringUtils.reverseDelimited("", *) = "" StringUtils.reverseDelimited("a.b.c", 'x') = "a.b.c" StringUtils.reverseDelimited("a.b.c", ".") = "c.b.a"
- the String to reverse, may be nullseparatorChar
- the separator character to use
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String reverseDelimitedString(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String separatorChars)
reverseDelimited(String, char)
This method is broken as the join doesn't know which char to use.
Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0.
Reverses a String that is delimited by a specific character.
The Strings between the delimiters are not reversed.
Thus java.lang.String becomes String.lang.java (if the delimiter
is "."
StringUtils.reverseDelimitedString(null, *) = null StringUtils.reverseDelimitedString("",*) = "" StringUtils.reverseDelimitedString("a.b.c", null) = "a.b.c" StringUtils.reverseDelimitedString("a.b.c", ".") = "c.b.a"
- the String to reverse, may be nullseparatorChars
- the separator characters to use, null treated as whitespace
if null String inputpublic static java.lang.String abbreviate(java.lang.String str, int maxWidth)
Abbreviates a String using ellipses. This will turn "Now is the time for all good men" into "Now is the time for..."
is less than maxWidth
long, return it.(substring(str, 0, max-3) + "...")
is less than 4
, throw an
.StringUtils.abbreviate(null, *) = null StringUtils.abbreviate("", 4) = "" StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefg", 6) = "abc..." StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefg", 7) = "abcdefg" StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefg", 8) = "abcdefg" StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefg", 4) = "a..." StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefg", 3) = IllegalArgumentException
- the String to check, may be nullmaxWidth
- maximum length of result String, must be at least 4
if null String input
- if the width is too smallpublic static java.lang.String abbreviate(java.lang.String str, int offset, int maxWidth)
Abbreviates a String using ellipses. This will turn "Now is the time for all good men" into "...is the time for..."
Works like abbreviate(String, int)
, but allows you to specify
a "left edge" offset. Note that this left edge is not necessarily going to
be the leftmost character in the result, or the first character following the
ellipses, but it will appear somewhere in the result.
In no case will it return a String of length greater than
StringUtils.abbreviate(null, *, *) = null StringUtils.abbreviate("", 0, 4) = "" StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", -1, 10) = "abcdefg..." StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 0, 10) = "abcdefg..." StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 1, 10) = "abcdefg..." StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 4, 10) = "abcdefg..." StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 5, 10) = "...fghi..." StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 6, 10) = "...ghij..." StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 8, 10) = "...ijklmno" StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 10, 10) = "...ijklmno" StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 12, 10) = "...ijklmno" StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghij", 0, 3) = IllegalArgumentException StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghij", 5, 6) = IllegalArgumentException
- the String to check, may be nulloffset
- left edge of source StringmaxWidth
- maximum length of result String, must be at least 4
if null String input
- if the width is too smallpublic static java.lang.String difference(java.lang.String str1, java.lang.String str2)
Compares two Strings, and returns the portion where they differ. (More precisely, return the remainder of the second String, starting from where it's different from the first.)
For example,
difference("i am a machine", "i am a robot") -> "robot"
StringUtils.difference(null, null) = null StringUtils.difference("", "") = "" StringUtils.difference("", "abc") = "abc" StringUtils.difference("abc", "") = "" StringUtils.difference("abc", "abc") = "" StringUtils.difference("ab", "abxyz") = "xyz" StringUtils.difference("abcde", "abxyz") = "xyz" StringUtils.difference("abcde", "xyz") = "xyz"
- the first String, may be nullstr2
- the second String, may be null
public static int indexOfDifference(java.lang.String str1, java.lang.String str2)
Compares two Strings, and returns the index at which the Strings begin to differ.
For example,
indexOfDifference("i am a machine", "i am a robot") -> 7
StringUtils.indexOfDifference(null, null) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfDifference("", "") = -1 StringUtils.indexOfDifference("", "abc") = 0 StringUtils.indexOfDifference("abc", "") = 0 StringUtils.indexOfDifference("abc", "abc") = -1 StringUtils.indexOfDifference("ab", "abxyz") = 2 StringUtils.indexOfDifference("abcde", "abxyz") = 2 StringUtils.indexOfDifference("abcde", "xyz") = 0
- the first String, may be nullstr2
- the second String, may be null
public static int indexOfDifference(java.lang.String[] strs)
Compares all Strings in an array and returns the index at which the Strings begin to differ.
For example,
indexOfDifference(new String[] {"i am a machine", "i am a robot"}) -> 7
StringUtils.indexOfDifference(null) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {}) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abc"}) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {null, null}) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"", ""}) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"", null}) = 0 StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abc", null, null}) = 0 StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {null, null, "abc"}) = 0 StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"", "abc"}) = 0 StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abc", ""}) = 0 StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abc", "abc"}) = -1 StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abc", "a"}) = 1 StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"ab", "abxyz"}) = 2 StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abcde", "abxyz"}) = 2 StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abcde", "xyz"}) = 0 StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"xyz", "abcde"}) = 0 StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"i am a machine", "i am a robot"}) = 7
- array of strings, entries may be null
public static java.lang.String getCommonPrefix(java.lang.String[] strs)
Compares all Strings in an array and returns the initial sequence of characters that is common to all of them.
For example,
getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"i am a machine", "i am a robot"}) -> "i am a "
StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(null) = "" StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {}) = "" StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"abc"}) = "abc" StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {null, null}) = "" StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"", ""}) = "" StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"", null}) = "" StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"abc", null, null}) = "" StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {null, null, "abc"}) = "" StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"", "abc"}) = "" StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"abc", ""}) = "" StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"abc", "abc"}) = "abc" StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"abc", "a"}) = "a" StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"ab", "abxyz"}) = "ab" StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"abcde", "abxyz"}) = "ab" StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"abcde", "xyz"}) = "" StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"xyz", "abcde"}) = "" StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"i am a machine", "i am a robot"}) = "i am a "
- array of String objects, entries may be null
public static int getLevenshteinDistance(java.lang.String s, java.lang.String t)
Find the Levenshtein distance between two Strings.
This is the number of changes needed to change one String into another, where each change is a single character modification (deletion, insertion or substitution).
The previous implementation of the Levenshtein distance algorithm was from http://www.merriampark.com/ld.htm
Chas Emerick has written an implementation in Java, which avoids an OutOfMemoryError
which can occur when my Java implementation is used with very large strings.
This implementation of the Levenshtein distance algorithm
is from http://www.merriampark.com/ldjava.htm
StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(null, *) = IllegalArgumentException StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(*, null) = IllegalArgumentException StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("","") = 0 StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("","a") = 1 StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("aaapppp", "") = 7 StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("frog", "fog") = 1 StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("fly", "ant") = 3 StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("elephant", "hippo") = 7 StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("hippo", "elephant") = 7 StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("hippo", "zzzzzzzz") = 8 StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("hello", "hallo") = 1
- the first String, must not be nullt
- the second String, must not be null
- if either String input null
public static boolean startsWith(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String prefix)
Check if a String starts with a specified prefix.
s are handled without exceptions. Two null
references are considered to be equal. The comparison is case sensitive.
StringUtils.startsWith(null, null) = true StringUtils.startsWith(null, "abcdef") = false StringUtils.startsWith("abc", null) = false StringUtils.startsWith("abc", "abcdef") = true StringUtils.startsWith("abc", "ABCDEF") = false
- the String to check, may be nullprefix
- the prefix to find, may be null
if the String starts with the prefix, case sensitive, or
both null
public static boolean startsWithIgnoreCase(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String prefix)
Case insensitive check if a String starts with a specified prefix.
s are handled without exceptions. Two null
references are considered to be equal. The comparison is case insensitive.
StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(null, null) = true StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(null, "abcdef") = false StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase("abc", null) = false StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase("abc", "abcdef") = true StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase("abc", "ABCDEF") = true
- the String to check, may be nullprefix
- the prefix to find, may be null
if the String starts with the prefix, case insensitive, or
both null
public static boolean endsWith(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String suffix)
Check if a String ends with a specified suffix.
s are handled without exceptions. Two null
references are considered to be equal. The comparison is case sensitive.
StringUtils.endsWith(null, null) = true StringUtils.endsWith(null, "abcdef") = false StringUtils.endsWith("def", null) = false StringUtils.endsWith("def", "abcdef") = true StringUtils.endsWith("def", "ABCDEF") = false
- the String to check, may be nullsuffix
- the suffix to find, may be null
if the String ends with the suffix, case sensitive, or
both null
public static boolean endsWithIgnoreCase(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String suffix)
Case insensitive check if a String ends with a specified suffix.
s are handled without exceptions. Two null
references are considered to be equal. The comparison is case insensitive.
StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(null, null) = true StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(null, "abcdef") = false StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase("def", null) = false StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase("def", "abcdef") = true StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase("def", "ABCDEF") = false
- the String to check, may be nullsuffix
- the suffix to find, may be null
if the String ends with the suffix, case insensitive, or
both null