Deprecated API

Deprecated Classes
          Use one of the Range classes in org.apache.commons.lang.math. Class will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 
          Moved to org.apache.commons.lang.math. Class will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 

Deprecated Methods
          Use the standardly named StringUtils.capitalize(String). Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 
          Use the relocated WordUtils.capitalize(String). Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 
          Use StringUtils.chomp(String) instead. Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 
org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.chompLast(String, String)
          Use StringUtils.chomp(String,String) instead. Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 
          Use StringUtils.chomp(String) instead. Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 
          Use the clearer named StringUtils.trimToEmpty(String). Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 
          Use the better named StringUtils.join(Object[]) instead. Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 
          Use the better localized StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(String). Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 
          Use StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(String) This method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0 
          Use CharSet.getInstance(String). Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 
org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.getChomp(String, String)
          Use StringUtils.substringAfterLast(String, String) instead (although this doesn't include the separator) Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 
          Use SystemUtils.JAVA_VERSION_FLOAT instead. Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 
org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.getNestedString(String, String)
          Use the better named StringUtils.substringBetween(String, String). Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 
org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.getNestedString(String, String, String)
          Use the better named StringUtils.substringBetween(String, String, String). Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 
org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.getPrechomp(String, String)
          Use StringUtils.substringBefore(String,String) instead (although this doesn't include the separator). Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 
          Use ToStringStyle.isUseShortClassName() Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 
          Use StandardToStringStyle.isUseShortClassName() Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 
org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.overlayString(String, String, int, int)
          Use better named StringUtils.overlay(String, String, int, int) instead. Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 
org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.prechomp(String, String)
          Use StringUtils.substringAfter(String,String) instead. Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 
org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.reverseDelimitedString(String, String)
          Use StringUtils.reverseDelimited(String, char) instead. This method is broken as the join doesn't know which char to use. Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 
          Use ToStringStyle.setUseShortClassName(boolean) Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 
          Use StandardToStringStyle.setUseShortClassName(boolean) Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 
org.apache.commons.lang.CharSetUtils.translate(String, String, String)
          Use StringUtils.replaceChars(String, String, String). Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 
          Use the standardly named StringUtils.uncapitalize(String). Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0. 

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