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1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *
10   *
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
18  package org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.special;
20  import java.util.Arrays;
21  import org.apache.commons.numbers.gamma.Gamma;
22  import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.analysis.UnivariateFunction;
23  import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.exception.ConvergenceException;
24  import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.exception.MathIllegalArgumentException;
25  import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.exception.util.LocalizedFormats;
26  import org.apache.commons.math4.core.jdkmath.JdkMath;
28  /**
29   * This class provides computation methods related to Bessel
30   * functions of the first kind. Detailed descriptions of these functions are
31   * available in <a
32   * href="">Wikipedia</a>, <a
33   * href="">Abrabowitz and
34   * Stegun</a> (Ch. 9-11), and <a href="">DLMF</a> (Ch. 10).
35   * <p>
36   * This implementation is based on the rjbesl Fortran routine at
37   * <a href="">Netlib</a>.</p>
38   * <p>
39   * From the Fortran code: </p>
40   * <p>
41   * This program is based on a program written by David J. Sookne (2) that
42   * computes values of the Bessel functions J or I of real argument and integer
43   * order. Modifications include the restriction of the computation to the J
44   * Bessel function of non-negative real argument, the extension of the
45   * computation to arbitrary positive order, and the elimination of most
46   * underflow.</p>
47   * <p>
48   * References:</p>
49   * <ul>
50   * <li>"A Note on Backward Recurrence Algorithms," Olver, F. W. J., and Sookne,
51   * D. J., Math. Comp. 26, 1972, pp 941-947.</li>
52   * <li>"Bessel Functions of Real Argument and Integer Order," Sookne, D. J., NBS
53   * Jour. of Res. B. 77B, 1973, pp 125-132.</li>
54   * </ul>
55   * @since 3.4
56   */
57  public class BesselJ
58      implements UnivariateFunction {
60      // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
61      // Mathematical constants
62      // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
64      /** -2 / pi. */
65      private static final double PI2 = 0.636619772367581343075535;
67      /** first few significant digits of 2pi. */
68      private static final double TOWPI1 = 6.28125;
70      /** 2pi - TWOPI1 to working precision. */
71      private static final double TWOPI2 = 1.935307179586476925286767e-3;
73      /** TOWPI1 + TWOPI2. */
74      private static final double TWOPI = TOWPI1 + TWOPI2;
76      // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
77      // Machine-dependent parameters
78      // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
80      /**
81       * 10.0^K, where K is the largest integer such that ENTEN is
82       * machine-representable in working precision.
83       */
84      private static final double ENTEN = 1.0e308;
86      /**
87       * Decimal significance desired. Should be set to (INT(log_{10}(2) * (it)+1)).
88       * Setting NSIG lower will result in decreased accuracy while setting
89       * NSIG higher will increase CPU time without increasing accuracy.
90       * The truncation error is limited to a relative error of
91       * T=.5(10^(-NSIG)).
92       */
93      private static final double ENSIG = 1.0e16;
95      /** 10.0 ** (-K) for the smallest integer K such that K >= NSIG/4. */
96      private static final double RTNSIG = 1.0e-4;
98      /** Smallest ABS(X) such that X/4 does not underflow. */
99      private static final double ENMTEN = 8.90e-308;
101     /** Minimum acceptable value for x. */
102     private static final double X_MIN = 0.0;
104     /**
105      * Upper limit on the magnitude of x. If abs(x) = n, then at least
106      * n iterations of the backward recursion will be executed. The value of
107      * 10.0 ** 4 is used on every machine.
108      */
109     private static final double X_MAX = 1.0e4;
111     /** First 25 factorials as doubles. */
112     private static final double[] FACT = {
113         1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 6.0, 24.0, 120.0, 720.0, 5040.0, 40320.0, 362880.0,
114         3628800.0, 39916800.0, 479001600.0, 6227020800.0, 87178291200.0,
115         1.307674368e12, 2.0922789888e13, 3.55687428096e14, 6.402373705728e15,
116         1.21645100408832e17, 2.43290200817664e18, 5.109094217170944e19,
117         1.12400072777760768e21, 2.585201673888497664e22,
118         6.2044840173323943936e23
119     };
121     /** Order of the function computed when {@link #value(double)} is used. */
122     private final double order;
124     /**
125      * Create a new BesselJ with the given order.
126      *
127      * @param order order of the function computed when using {@link #value(double)}.
128      */
129     public BesselJ(double order) {
130         this.order = order;
131     }
133     /**
134      * Returns the value of the constructed Bessel function of the first kind,
135      * for the passed argument.
136      *
137      * @param x Argument
138      * @return Value of the Bessel function at x
139      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if {@code x} is too large relative to {@code order}
140      * @throws ConvergenceException if the algorithm fails to converge
141      */
142     @Override
143     public double value(double x)
144         throws MathIllegalArgumentException, ConvergenceException {
145         return BesselJ.value(order, x);
146     }
148     /**
149      * Returns the first Bessel function, \(J_{order}(x)\).
150      *
151      * @param order Order of the Bessel function
152      * @param x Argument
153      * @return Value of the Bessel function of the first kind, \(J_{order}(x)\)
154      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if {@code x} is too large relative to {@code order}
155      * @throws ConvergenceException if the algorithm fails to converge
156      */
157     public static double value(double order, double x)
158         throws MathIllegalArgumentException, ConvergenceException {
159         final int n = (int) order;
160         final double alpha = order - n;
161         final int nb = n + 1;
162         final BesselJResult res = rjBesl(x, alpha, nb);
164         if (res.nVals >= nb) {
165             return res.vals[n];
166         } else if (res.nVals < 0) {
167             throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedFormats.BESSEL_FUNCTION_BAD_ARGUMENT,order, x);
168         } else if (JdkMath.abs(res.vals[res.nVals - 1]) < 1e-100) {
169             return res.vals[n]; // underflow; return value (will be zero)
170         }
171         throw new ConvergenceException(LocalizedFormats.BESSEL_FUNCTION_FAILED_CONVERGENCE, order, x);
172     }
174     /**
175      * Encapsulates the results returned by {@link BesselJ#rjBesl(double, double, int)}.
176      * <p>
177      * {@link #getVals()} returns the computed function values.
178      * {@link #getnVals()} is the number of values among those returned by {@link #getnVals()}
179      * that can be considered accurate.
180      * </p><ul>
181      * <li>{@code nVals < 0}: An argument is out of range. For example, {@code nb <= 0},
182      * {@code alpha < 0 or > 1}, or x is too large. In this case, b(0) is set to zero, the
183      * remainder of the b-vector is not calculated, and nVals is set to
184      * MIN(nb,0) - 1 so that nVals != nb.</li>
185      * <li>{@code nb > nVals > 0}: Not all requested function values could be calculated
186      * accurately. This usually occurs because nb is much larger than abs(x). In
187      * this case, b(n) is calculated to the desired accuracy for {@code n < nVals}, but
188      * precision is lost for {@code nVals < n <= nb}. If b(n) does not vanish for
189      * {@code n > nVals} (because it is too small to be represented), and b(n)/b(nVals) =
190      * \(10^{-k}\), then only the first NSIG-k significant figures of b(n) can be
191      * trusted.</li></ul>
192      */
193     public static class BesselJResult {
195         /** Bessel function values. */
196         private final double[] vals;
198         /** Valid value count. */
199         private final int nVals;
201         /**
202          * Create a new BesselJResult with the given values and valid value count.
203          *
204          * @param b values
205          * @param n count of valid values
206          */
207         public BesselJResult(double[] b, int n) {
208             vals = Arrays.copyOf(b, b.length);
209             nVals = n;
210         }
212         /**
213          * @return the computed function values
214          */
215         public double[] getVals() {
216             return Arrays.copyOf(vals, vals.length);
217         }
219         /**
220          * @return the number of valid function values (normally the same as the
221          *         length of the array returned by {@link #getnVals()})
222          */
223         public int getnVals() {
224             return nVals;
225         }
226     }
228     /**
229      * Calculates Bessel functions \(J_{n+alpha}(x)\) for
230      * non-negative argument x, and non-negative order n + alpha.
231      * <p>
232      * Before using the output vector, the user should check that
233      * nVals = nb, i.e., all orders have been calculated to the desired accuracy.
234      * See BesselResult class javadoc for details on return values.
235      * </p>
236      * @param x non-negative real argument for which J's are to be calculated
237      * @param alpha fractional part of order for which J's or exponentially
238      * scaled J's (\(J\cdot e^{x}\)) are to be calculated. {@code 0 <= alpha < 1.0}
239      * @param nb integer number of functions to be calculated, {@code nb > 0}. The first
240      * function calculated is of order alpha, and the last is of order
241      * {@code nb - 1 + alpha}.
242      * @return BesselJResult a vector of the functions
243      * \(J_{alpha}(x)\) through \(J_{nb-1+alpha}(x)\), or the corresponding exponentially
244      * scaled functions and an integer output variable indicating possible errors
245      */
246     public static BesselJResult rjBesl(double x, double alpha, int nb) {
247         final double[] b = new double[nb];
249         int ncalc = 0;
250         double alpem = 0;
251         double alp2em = 0;
253         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
254         // Check for out of range arguments.
255         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
256         final int magx = (int) x;
257         if (nb > 0 && x >= X_MIN && x <= X_MAX && alpha >= 0 && alpha < 1) {
258             // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
259             // Initialize result array to zero.
260             // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
261             ncalc = nb;
262             for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
263                 b[i] = 0;
264             }
266             // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
267             // Branch to use 2-term ascending series for small X and asymptotic
268             // form for large X when NB is not too large.
269             // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
270             double tempa;
271             double tempb;
272             double tempc;
273             double tover;
274             if (x < RTNSIG) {
275                 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
276                 // Two-term ascending series for small X.
277                 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
278                 tempa = 1;
279                 alpem = 1 + alpha;
280                 double halfx = 0;
281                 if (x > ENMTEN) {
282                     halfx = 0.5 * x;
283                 }
284                 if (alpha != 0) {
285                     tempa = JdkMath.pow(halfx, alpha) /
286                             (alpha * Gamma.value(alpha));
287                 }
288                 tempb = 0;
289                 if (x + 1 > 1) {
290                     tempb = -halfx * halfx;
291                 }
292                 b[0] = tempa + (tempa * tempb / alpem);
293                 if (x != 0 && b[0] == 0) {
294                     ncalc = 0;
295                 }
296                 if (nb != 1) {
297                     if (x <= 0) {
298                         for (int n = 1; n < nb; ++n) {
299                             b[n] = 0;
300                         }
301                     } else {
302                         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
303                         // Calculate higher order functions.
304                         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
305                         tempc = halfx;
306                         tover = tempb != 0 ? ENMTEN / tempb :  2 * ENMTEN / x;
307                         for (int n = 1; n < nb; ++n) {
308                             tempa /= alpem;
309                             alpem += 1;
310                             tempa *= tempc;
311                             if (tempa <= tover * alpem) {
312                                 tempa = 0;
313                             }
314                             b[n] = tempa + (tempa * tempb / alpem);
315                             if (b[n] == 0 && ncalc > n) {
316                                 ncalc = n;
317                             }
318                         }
319                     }
320                 }
321             } else if (x > 25.0 && nb <= magx + 1) {
322                 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
323                 // Asymptotic series for X > 25
324                 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
325                 final double xc = JdkMath.sqrt(PI2 / x);
326                 final double mul = 0.125 / x;
327                 final double xin = mul * mul;
328                 int m = 0;
329                 if (x >= 130.0) {
330                     m = 4;
331                 } else if (x >= 35.0) {
332                     m = 8;
333                 } else {
334                     m = 11;
335                 }
337                 final double xm = 4.0 * m;
338                 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
339                 // Argument reduction for SIN and COS routines.
340                 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
341                 double t = (double) ((int) ((x / TWOPI) + 0.5));
342                 final double z = x - t * TOWPI1 - t * TWOPI2 - (alpha + 0.5) / PI2;
343                 double vsin = JdkMath.sin(z);
344                 double vcos = JdkMath.cos(z);
345                 double gnu = 2 * alpha;
346                 double capq;
347                 double capp;
348                 double s;
349                 double t1;
350                 double xk;
351                 for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++) {
352                     s = (xm - 1 - gnu) * (xm - 1 + gnu) * xin * 0.5;
353                     t = (gnu - (xm - 3.0)) * (gnu + (xm - 3.0));
354                     capp = (s * t) / FACT[2 * m];
355                     t1 = (gnu - (xm + 1)) * (gnu + (xm + 1));
356                     capq = (s * t1) / FACT[2 * m + 1];
357                     xk = xm;
358                     int k = 2 * m;
359                     t1 = t;
361                     for (int j = 2; j <= m; j++) {
362                         xk -= 4.0;
363                         s = (xk - 1 - gnu) * (xk - 1 + gnu);
364                         t = (gnu - (xk - 3.0)) * (gnu + (xk - 3.0));
365                         capp = (capp + 1 / FACT[k - 2]) * s * t * xin;
366                         capq = (capq + 1 / FACT[k - 1]) * s * t1 * xin;
367                         k -= 2;
368                         t1 = t;
369                     }
371                     capp += 1;
372                     capq = (capq + 1) * ((gnu * gnu) - 1) * (0.125 / x);
373                     b[i - 1] = xc * (capp * vcos - capq * vsin);
374                     if (nb == 1) {
375                         return new BesselJResult(Arrays.copyOf(b, b.length),
376                                                  ncalc);
377                     }
378                     t = vsin;
379                     vsin = -vcos;
380                     vcos = t;
381                     gnu += 2.0;
382                 }
384                 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
385                 // If NB > 2, compute J(X,ORDER+I) I = 2, NB-1
386                 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
387                 if (nb > 2) {
388                     gnu = 2 * alpha + 2.0;
389                     for (int j = 2; j < nb; ++j) {
390                         b[j] = gnu * b[j - 1] / x - b[j - 2];
391                         gnu += 2.0;
392                     }
393                 }
394             } else {
395                 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
396                 // Use recurrence to generate results. First initialize the
397                 // calculation of P*S.
398                 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
399                 final int nbmx = nb - magx;
400                 int n = magx + 1;
401                 int nstart = 0;
402                 int nend = 0;
403                 double en = 2 * (n + alpha);
404                 double plast = 1;
405                 double p = en / x;
406                 double pold;
407                 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
408                 // Calculate general significance test.
409                 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
410                 double test = 2 * ENSIG;
411                 boolean readyToInitialize = false;
412                 if (nbmx >= 3) {
413                     // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
414                     // Calculate P*S until N = NB-1. Check for possible
415                     // overflow.
416                     // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
417                     tover = ENTEN / ENSIG;
418                     nstart = magx + 2;
419                     nend = nb - 1;
420                     en = 2 * (nstart - 1 + alpha);
421                     double psave;
422                     double psavel;
423                     for (int k = nstart; k <= nend; k++) {
424                         n = k;
425                         en += 2.0;
426                         pold = plast;
427                         plast = p;
428                         p = (en * plast / x) - pold;
429                         if (p > tover) {
430                             // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
431                             // To avoid overflow, divide P*S by TOVER. Calculate
432                             // P*S until
433                             // ABS(P) > 1.
434                             // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
435                             tover = ENTEN;
436                             p /= tover;
437                             plast /= tover;
438                             psave = p;
439                             psavel = plast;
440                             nstart = n + 1;
441                             do {
442                                 n += 1;
443                                 en += 2.0;
444                                 pold = plast;
445                                 plast = p;
446                                 p = (en * plast / x) - pold;
447                             } while (p <= 1);
448                             tempb = en / x;
449                             // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
450                             // Calculate backward test and find NCALC, the
451                             // highest N such that
452                             // the test is passed.
453                             // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
454                             test = pold * plast * (0.5 - 0.5 / (tempb * tempb));
455                             test /= ENSIG;
456                             p = plast * tover;
457                             n -= 1;
458                             en -= 2.0;
459                             nend = JdkMath.min(nb, n);
460                             for (int l = nstart; l <= nend; l++) {
461                                 pold = psavel;
462                                 psavel = psave;
463                                 psave = (en * psavel / x) - pold;
464                                 if (psave * psavel > test) {
465                                     ncalc = l - 1;
466                                     readyToInitialize = true;
467                                     break;
468                                 }
469                             }
470                             ncalc = nend;
471                             readyToInitialize = true;
472                             break;
473                         }
474                     }
475                     if (!readyToInitialize) {
476                         n = nend;
477                         en = 2 * (n + alpha);
478                         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
479                         // Calculate special significance test for NBMX > 2.
480                         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
481                         test = JdkMath.max(test, JdkMath.sqrt(plast * ENSIG) *
482                                                   JdkMath.sqrt(2 * p));
483                     }
484                 }
485                 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
486                 // Calculate P*S until significance test passes.
487                 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
488                 if (!readyToInitialize) {
489                     do {
490                         n += 1;
491                         en += 2.0;
492                         pold = plast;
493                         plast = p;
494                         p = (en * plast / x) - pold;
495                     } while (p < test);
496                 }
497                 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
498                 // Initialize the backward recursion and the normalization sum.
499                 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
500                 n += 1;
501                 en += 2.0;
502                 tempb = 0;
503                 tempa = 1 / p;
504                 int m = (2 * n) - 4 * (n / 2);
505                 double sum = 0;
506                 double em = (double) (n / 2);
507                 alpem = em - 1 + alpha;
508                 alp2em = 2 * em + alpha;
509                 if (m != 0) {
510                     sum = tempa * alpem * alp2em / em;
511                 }
512                 nend = n - nb;
514                 boolean readyToNormalize = false;
515                 boolean calculatedB0 = false;
517                 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
518                 // Recur backward via difference equation, calculating (but not
519                 // storing) B(N), until N = NB.
520                 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
521                 for (int l = 1; l <= nend; l++) {
522                     n -= 1;
523                     en -= 2.0;
524                     tempc = tempb;
525                     tempb = tempa;
526                     tempa = (en * tempb / x) - tempc;
527                     m = 2 - m;
528                     if (m != 0) {
529                         em -= 1;
530                         alp2em = 2 * em + alpha;
531                         if (n == 1) {
532                             break;
533                         }
534                         alpem = em - 1 + alpha;
535                         if (alpem == 0) {
536                             alpem = 1;
537                         }
538                         sum = (sum + tempa * alp2em) * alpem / em;
539                     }
540                 }
542                 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
543                 // Store B(NB).
544                 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
545                 b[n - 1] = tempa;
546                 if (nend >= 0) {
547                     if (nb <= 1) {
548                         alp2em = alpha;
549                         if (alpha + 1 == 1) {
550                             alp2em = 1;
551                         }
552                         sum += b[0] * alp2em;
553                         readyToNormalize = true;
554                     } else {
555                         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
556                         // Calculate and store B(NB-1).
557                         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
558                         n -= 1;
559                         en -= 2.0;
560                         b[n - 1] = (en * tempa / x) - tempb;
561                         if (n == 1) {
562                             calculatedB0 = true;
563                         } else {
564                             m = 2 - m;
565                             if (m != 0) {
566                                 em -= 1;
567                                 alp2em = 2 * em + alpha;
568                                 alpem = em - 1 + alpha;
569                                 if (alpem == 0) {
570                                     alpem = 1;
571                                 }
573                                 sum = (sum + (b[n - 1] * alp2em)) * alpem / em;
574                             }
575                         }
576                     }
577                 }
578                 if (!readyToNormalize && !calculatedB0) {
579                     nend = n - 2;
580                     if (nend != 0) {
581                         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
582                         // Calculate via difference equation and store B(N),
583                         // until N = 2.
584                         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
586                         for (int l = 1; l <= nend; l++) {
587                             n -= 1;
588                             en -= 2.0;
589                             b[n - 1] = (en * b[n] / x) - b[n + 1];
590                             m = 2 - m;
591                             if (m != 0) {
592                                 em -= 1;
593                                 alp2em = 2 * em + alpha;
594                                 alpem = em - 1 + alpha;
595                                 if (alpem == 0) {
596                                     alpem = 1;
597                                 }
599                                 sum = (sum + b[n - 1] * alp2em) * alpem / em;
600                             }
601                         }
602                     }
603                 }
604                 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
605                 // Calculate b[0]
606                 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
607                 if (!readyToNormalize) {
608                     if (!calculatedB0) {
609                         b[0] = 2.0 * (alpha + 1) * b[1] / x - b[2];
610                     }
611                     em -= 1;
612                     alp2em = 2 * em + alpha;
613                     if (alp2em == 0) {
614                         alp2em = 1;
615                     }
616                     sum += b[0] * alp2em;
617                 }
618                 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
619                 // Normalize. Divide all B(N) by sum.
620                 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
622                 if (JdkMath.abs(alpha) > 1e-16) {
623                     sum *= Gamma.value(alpha) * JdkMath.pow(x * 0.5, -alpha);
624                 }
625                 tempa = ENMTEN;
626                 if (sum > 1) {
627                     tempa *= sum;
628                 }
630                 for (n = 0; n < nb; n++) {
631                     if (JdkMath.abs(b[n]) < tempa) {
632                         b[n] = 0;
633                     }
634                     b[n] /= sum;
635                 }
636             }
637             // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
638             // Error return -- X, NB, or ALPHA is out of range.
639             // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
640         } else {
641             if (b.length > 0) {
642                 b[0] = 0;
643             }
644             ncalc = JdkMath.min(nb, 0) - 1;
645         }
646         return new BesselJResult(Arrays.copyOf(b, b.length), ncalc);
647     }
648 }