Class CompositeFileEntryParser

All Implemented Interfaces:

This implementation allows to pack some FileEntryParsers together and handle the case where the returned dir style isn't clearly defined. The matching parser will be cached. If the cached parser won't match due to the server changed the dir style, a new matching parser will be searched.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

  • Method Details Link icon

    • parseFTPEntry Link icon

      public FTPFile parseFTPEntry(String listEntry)
      Description copied from interface: FTPFileEntryParser
      Parses a line of an FTP server file listing and converts it into a usable format in the form of an FTPFile instance. If the file listing line doesn't describe a file, null should be returned, otherwise a FTPFile instance representing the files in the directory is returned.
      listEntry - A line of text from the file listing
      An FTPFile instance corresponding to the supplied entry