Uses of Class

Packages that use FTPFile   

Uses of FTPFile in

Methods in that return FTPFile
 FTPFile[] FTPListParseEngine.getFiles()
          Returns an array of FTPFile objects containing the whole list of files returned by the server as read by this object's parser.
 FTPFile[] FTPFileList.getFiles()
          Deprecated. returns an array of FTPFile objects for all the files in the directory listing
 FTPFile[] FTPFileIterator.getFiles()
          Deprecated. Returns a list of FTPFile objects for ALL files listed in the server's LIST output.
 FTPFile[] FTPListParseEngine.getNext(int quantityRequested)
          Returns an array of at most quantityRequested FTPFile objects starting at this object's internal iterator's current position.
 FTPFile[] FTPFileIterator.getNext(int quantityRequested)
          Deprecated. Returns an array of at most quantityRequested FTPFile objects starting at this iterator's current position within its associated list.
 FTPFile[] FTPListParseEngine.getPrevious(int quantityRequested)
          Returns an array of at most quantityRequested FTPFile objects starting at this object's internal iterator's current position, and working back toward the beginning.
 FTPFile[] FTPFileIterator.getPrevious(int quantityRequested)
          Deprecated. Returns an array of at most quantityRequested FTPFile objects starting at the position preceding this iterator's current position within its associated list.
 FTPFile[] FTPClient.listFiles()
          Using the default system autodetect mechanism, obtain a list of file information for the current working directory.
 FTPFile[] FTPClient.listFiles(FTPFileListParser parser)
          Deprecated. use listFiles(String parserKey) instead.
 FTPFile[] FTPClient.listFiles(FTPFileListParser parser, String pathname)
          Deprecated. use listFiles(String parserKey, String pathname) instead
 FTPFile[] FTPClient.listFiles(String pathname)
          Using the default system autodetect mechanism, obtain a list of file information for the current working directory or for just a single file.
 FTPFile[] FTPClient.listFiles(String parserKey, String pathname)
          Deprecated. use listFiles() or listFiles(String) instead and specify the parser Key in an FTPClientConfig object instead.
          Deprecated. Returns a single parsed FTPFile object corresponding to the raw input line at this iterator's current position.
 FTPFile[] FTPFileListParser.parseFileList(InputStream listStream)
          Deprecated. Parses an FTP server file listing and converts it into a usable format in the form of an array of FTPFile instances.
 FTPFile[] FTPFileEntryParserImpl.parseFileList(InputStream listStream)
          Deprecated. The version of this method which takes an encoding should be used.
 FTPFile[] FTPFileListParser.parseFileList(InputStream listStream, String encoding)
          Deprecated. Parses an FTP server file listing and converts it into a usable format in the form of an array of FTPFile instances.
 FTPFile[] FTPFileEntryParserImpl.parseFileList(InputStream listStream, String encoding)
          Parses an FTP server file listing and converts it into a usable format in the form of an array of FTPFile instances.
 FTPFile FTPFileEntryParser.parseFTPEntry(String listEntry)
          Parses a line of an FTP server file listing and converts it into a usable format in the form of an FTPFile instance.
 FTPFile FTPFileIterator.previous()
          Deprecated. Returns a single parsed FTPFile object corresponding to the raw input line at the position preceding that of the internal iterator over the list of raw lines maintained by this object After this method is called the internal iterator is retreated by one element (unless it is already at beginning of list).

Uses of FTPFile in

Methods in that return FTPFile
 FTPFile[] VMSFTPEntryParser.parseFileList(InputStream listStream)
          Parses an FTP server file listing and converts it into a usable format in the form of an array of FTPFile instances.
 FTPFile VMSFTPEntryParser.parseFTPEntry(String entry)
          Parses a line of a VMS FTP server file listing and converts it into a usable format in the form of an FTPFile instance.
 FTPFile UnixFTPEntryParser.parseFTPEntry(String entry)
          Parses a line of a unix (standard) FTP server file listing and converts it into a usable format in the form of an FTPFile instance.
 FTPFile OS400FTPEntryParser.parseFTPEntry(String entry)
 FTPFile OS2FTPEntryParser.parseFTPEntry(String entry)
          Parses a line of an OS2 FTP server file listing and converts it into a usable format in the form of an FTPFile instance.
 FTPFile NTFTPEntryParser.parseFTPEntry(String entry)
          Parses a line of an NT FTP server file listing and converts it into a usable format in the form of an FTPFile instance.
 FTPFile MVSFTPEntryParser.parseFTPEntry(String entry)
          Parses a line of an MVS FTP server file listing and converts it into a usable format in the form of an FTPFile instance.
 FTPFile EnterpriseUnixFTPEntryParser.parseFTPEntry(String entry)
          Parses a line of a unix FTP server file listing and converts it into a usable format in the form of an FTPFile instance.
 FTPFile CompositeFileEntryParser.parseFTPEntry(String listEntry)

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