Package org.apache.commons.numbers.gamma
Γ (Gamma) and Β (Beta) family of functions.
Implementation of
and LogGamma1p
is based on the
algorithms described in
- Didonato and Morris (1986), Computation of the Incomplete Gamma Function Ratios and their Inverse, TOMS 12(4), 377-393,
- Didonato and Morris (1992), Algorithm 708: Significant Digit Computation of the Incomplete Beta Function Ratios, TOMS 18(3), 360-373,
Class Summary Class Description Beta Digamma Erf Erfc Erfcx Scaled complementary error function.ErfDifference Computes the difference betweenerror function values
.Gamma GammaRatio Ratio of Gamma functions.IncompleteBeta IncompleteGamma IncompleteGamma.Lower IncompleteGamma.Upper InverseErf Inverse of the error function.InverseErfc Inverse of the complementary error function.LanczosApproximation Lanczos approximation to the Gamma function.LogBeta Computes .LogGamma Natural logarithm of the absolute value of .RegularizedBeta RegularizedGamma RegularizedGamma.P RegularizedGamma.Q Trigamma