ContributeContributions to this project will be gratefully received. Feel free to subscribe to the dev@commons mailing list to follow the ongoing development of Commons RDF, ask questions about its usage, or help shape Commons RDF by contributing your ideas, code and use cases. Please use the Subject tag [RDF] in your posts. You can contribute to Apache Commons RDF in many ways:
All ASF committers have write access to Apache Commons repositories and are welcome to contribute directly. (No need to ask!) Please make sure you have subscribed to the dev@commons list first for any feedback. We do ask that you raise a corresponding issue referenced in your commits (e.g. COMMONSRDF-999: Avoid NullPointerException in GraphImpl.iterate()). Larger changes or any changes to the api should be raised as a pull request for code review and discussion. All contributions are assumed to be under the Apache License, version 2.0, however we may ask you to also sign a software grant for any larger contributions. |