All Classes and Interfaces

The purpose of this Maven mojo is to detach the artifacts generated by the maven-assembly-plugin, which for the Apache Commons Project do not get uploaded to Nexus, and putting those artifacts in the dev distribution location for Apache projects.
This class checks out the dev distribution location, copies the distributions into that directory structure under the target/commons-release-plugin/scm directory.
- as we no longer wish to compress the site, we are going to put this functionality in the CommonsDistributionStagingMojo.
This class checks out the dev distribution location, checks whether anything exists in the distribution location, and if it is non-empty it deletes all the resources there.
This class' purpose is to generate the HEADER.html that moves along with the release for the sake of downloading the release from the distribution area.
A builder class for instantiation of the HeaderHtmlVelocityDelegate.
This class' purpose is to generate the README.html that moves along with the release for the sake of downloading the release from the distribution area.
A builder class for instantiation of the ReadmeHtmlVelocityDelegate.
Shared static functions for all of our Mojos.