Class MarsagliaTsangWangDiscreteSampler.Poisson

    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static SharedStateDiscreteSampler of​(UniformRandomProvider rng,
                                                    double mean)
        Creates a sampler for the Poisson distribution.

        Any probability less than 2-31 will not be observed in samples.

        Storage requirements depend on the tabulated probability values. Example storage requirements are listed below.

         mean      table size     kB
         0.25      882            0.88
         0.5       1135           1.14
         1         1200           1.20
         2         1451           1.45
         4         1955           1.96
         8         2961           2.96
         16        4410           4.41
         32        6115           6.11
         64        8499           8.50
         128       11528          11.53
         256       15935          31.87
         512       20912          41.82
         1024      30614          61.23

        Note: Storage changes to 2 bytes per index between mean=128 and mean=256.

        rng - Generator of uniformly distributed random numbers.
        mean - Mean.
        IllegalArgumentException - if mean <= 0 or mean > 1024.