Class MarsagliaTsangWangDiscreteSampler.Binomial

    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static SharedStateDiscreteSampler of​(UniformRandomProvider rng,
                                                    int trials,
                                                    double probabilityOfSuccess)
        Creates a sampler for the Binomial distribution.

        Any probability less than 2-31 will not be observed in samples.

        Storage requirements depend on the tabulated probability values. Example storage requirements are listed below (in kB).

         trials   0.5    0.1   0.01  0.001
            4    0.06   0.63   0.44   0.44
           16    0.69   1.14   0.76   0.44
           64    4.73   2.40   1.14   0.51
          256    8.63   5.17   1.89   0.82
         1024   31.12   9.45   3.34   0.89

        The method requires that the Binomial distribution probability at x=0 can be computed. This will fail when (1 - p)^trials == 0 which requires trials to be large and/or p to be small. In this case an exception is raised.

        rng - Generator of uniformly distributed random numbers.
        trials - Number of trials.
        probabilityOfSuccess - Probability of success (p).
        IllegalArgumentException - if trials < 0 or trials >= 2^16, p is not in the range [0-1], or the probability distribution cannot be computed.