All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description ByteArray2IntArray Creates aint[]
from abyte[]
.ByteArray2LongArray Creates along[]
from abyte[]
.Int2Long Converts aInteger
to anLong
.IntArray2Int Creates a single value by "xor" of all the values in the input array.IntArray2LongArray Creates along[]
from anint[]
.JDKRandomBridge Subclass ofRandom
to aRestorableUniformRandomProvider
instance but will otherwise rely on the base class for generating all the random types.JDKRandomWrapper Wraps aRandom
instance to implementUniformRandomProvider
.Long2Int Converts aLong
to anInteger
.Long2IntArray Uses along
value to seed aSplitMix64
RNG and create aint[]
with the requested number of random values.Long2LongArray Uses aLong
value to seed aSplitMix64
RNG and create along[]
with the requested number of random values.LongArray2IntArray Creates anint[]
from along[]
.LongArray2Long Creates a single value by "xor" of all the values in the input array.NativeSeedType The native seed type.NoOpConverter<SEED> Dummy converter that simply passes on its input.ProviderBuilder RNG builder.ProviderBuilder.RandomSourceInternal Identifiers of the generators.RandomSource This class provides the API for creating generators of random numbers.Seed2ArrayConverter<IN,OUT> Seed converter to create an output array type.SeedConverter<IN,OUT> Seed converter.SeedConverterComposer<IN,TRANS,OUT> Composes twoconverters
.SeedFactory Utilities related to seeding.ThreadLocalRandomSource This class provides a thread-localUniformRandomProvider