Class TrapezoidalDistribution

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class TrapezoidalDistribution
    extends Object
    Implementation of the trapezoidal distribution.

    The probability density function of \( X \) is:

    \[ f(x; a, b, c, d) = \begin{cases} \frac{2}{d+c-a-b}\frac{x-a}{b-a} & \text{for } a\le x \lt b \\ \frac{2}{d+c-a-b} & \text{for } b\le x \lt c \\ \frac{2}{d+c-a-b}\frac{d-x}{d-c} & \text{for } c\le x \le d \end{cases} \]

    for \( -\infty \lt a \le b \le c \le d \lt \infty \) and \( x \in [a, d] \).

    Note the special cases:

    • \( b = c \) is the triangular distribution
    • \( a = b \) and \( c = d \) is the uniform distribution
    See Also:
    Trapezoidal distribution (Wikipedia)
    • Field Detail

      • a

        protected final double a
        Lower limit of this distribution (inclusive).
      • b

        protected final double b
        Start of the trapezoid constant density.
      • c

        protected final double c
        End of the trapezoid constant density.
      • d

        protected final double d
        Upper limit of this distribution (inclusive).
    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static TrapezoidalDistribution of​(double a,
                                                 double b,
                                                 double c,
                                                 double d)
        Creates a trapezoidal distribution.

        The distribution density is represented as an up sloping line from a to b, constant from b to c, and then a down sloping line from c to d.

        a - Lower limit of this distribution (inclusive).
        b - Start of the trapezoid constant density (first shape parameter).
        c - End of the trapezoid constant density (second shape parameter).
        d - Upper limit of this distribution (inclusive).
        the distribution
        IllegalArgumentException - if a >= d, if b < a, if c < b or if c > d.
      • getMean

        public abstract double getMean()
        Gets the mean of this distribution.

        For lower limit \( a \), start of the density constant region \( b \), end of the density constant region \( c \) and upper limit \( d \), the mean is:

        \[ \frac{1}{3(d+c-b-a)}\left(\frac{d^3-c^3}{d-c}-\frac{b^3-a^3}{b-a}\right) \]

        the mean.
      • getVariance

        public abstract double getVariance()
        Gets the variance of this distribution.

        For lower limit \( a \), start of the density constant region \( b \), end of the density constant region \( c \) and upper limit \( d \), the variance is:

        \[ \frac{1}{6(d+c-b-a)}\left(\frac{d^4-c^4}{d-c}-\frac{b^4-a^4}{b-a}\right) - \mu^2 \]

        where \( \mu \) is the mean.

        the variance.
      • getB

        public double getB()
        Gets the start of the constant region of the density function.

        This is the first shape parameter b of the distribution.

        the first shape parameter b
      • getC

        public double getC()
        Gets the end of the constant region of the density function.

        This is the second shape parameter c of the distribution.

        the second shape parameter c
      • getSupportLowerBound

        public double getSupportLowerBound()
        Gets the lower bound of the support. It must return the same value as inverseCumulativeProbability(0), i.e. \( \inf \{ x \in \mathbb R : P(X \le x) \gt 0 \} \).

        The lower bound of the support is equal to the lower limit parameter a of the distribution.

        the lower bound of the support.
      • getSupportUpperBound

        public double getSupportUpperBound()
        Gets the upper bound of the support. It must return the same value as inverseCumulativeProbability(1), i.e. \( \inf \{ x \in \mathbb R : P(X \le x) = 1 \} \).

        The upper bound of the support is equal to the upper limit parameter d of the distribution.

        the upper bound of the support.
      • probability

        public double probability​(double x0,
                                  double x1)
        For a random variable X whose values are distributed according to this distribution, this method returns P(x0 < X <= x1). The default implementation uses the identity P(x0 < X <= x1) = P(X <= x1) - P(X <= x0)
        Specified by:
        probability in interface ContinuousDistribution
        x0 - Lower bound (exclusive).
        x1 - Upper bound (inclusive).
        the probability that a random variable with this distribution takes a value between x0 and x1, excluding the lower and including the upper endpoint.
      • inverseCumulativeProbability

        public double inverseCumulativeProbability​(double p)
        Computes the quantile function of this distribution. For a random variable X distributed according to this distribution, the returned value is:

        \[ x = \begin{cases} \inf \{ x \in \mathbb R : P(X \le x) \ge p\} & \text{for } 0 \lt p \le 1 \\ \inf \{ x \in \mathbb R : P(X \le x) \gt 0 \} & \text{for } p = 0 \end{cases} \]

        The default implementation returns:

        Specified by:
        inverseCumulativeProbability in interface ContinuousDistribution
        p - Cumulative probability.
        the smallest p-quantile of this distribution (largest 0-quantile for p = 0).
        IllegalArgumentException - if p < 0 or p > 1
      • inverseSurvivalProbability

        public double inverseSurvivalProbability​(double p)
        Computes the inverse survival probability function of this distribution. For a random variable X distributed according to this distribution, the returned value is:

        \[ x = \begin{cases} \inf \{ x \in \mathbb R : P(X \gt x) \le p\} & \text{for } 0 \le p \lt 1 \\ \inf \{ x \in \mathbb R : P(X \gt x) \lt 1 \} & \text{for } p = 1 \end{cases} \]

        By default, this is defined as inverseCumulativeProbability(1 - p), but the specific implementation may be more accurate.

        The default implementation returns:

        Specified by:
        inverseSurvivalProbability in interface ContinuousDistribution
        p - Survival probability.
        the smallest (1-p)-quantile of this distribution (largest 0-quantile for p = 1).
        IllegalArgumentException - if p < 0 or p > 1
      • createSampler

        public ContinuousDistribution.Sampler createSampler​(org.apache.commons.rng.UniformRandomProvider rng)
        Creates a sampler.
        Specified by:
        createSampler in interface ContinuousDistribution
        rng - Generator of uniformly distributed numbers.
        a sampler that produces random numbers according this distribution.