Class ISBNCheckDigit

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, CheckDigit

public final class ISBNCheckDigit extends Object implements Serializable
Combined ISBN-10 / ISBN-13 Check Digit calculation/validation.

This implementation validates/calculates ISBN check digits based on the length of the code passed to it - delegating either to the ISBN10_CHECK_DIGIT or the ISBN13_CHECK_DIGIT routines to perform the actual validation/calculation.

N.B. From 1st January 2007 the book industry will start to use a new 13 digit ISBN number (rather than this 10 digit ISBN number) which uses the EAN-13 / UPC standard.

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • calculate

      Calculate an ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 check digit, depending on the length of the code.

      If the length of the code is 9, it is treated as an ISBN-10 code or if the length of the code is 12, it is treated as an ISBN-13 code.

      Specified by:
      calculate in interface CheckDigit
      code - The ISBN code to validate (should have a length of 9 or 12)
      The ISBN-10 check digit if the length is 9 or an ISBN-13 check digit if the length is 12.
      CheckDigitException - if the code is missing, or an invalid length (i.e. not 9 or 12) or if there is an error calculating the check digit.
    • isValid

      public boolean isValid(String code)

      Validate an ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 check digit, depending on the length of the code.

      If the length of the code is 10, it is treated as an ISBN-10 code or ff the length of the code is 13, it is treated as an ISBN-13 code.

      Specified by:
      isValid in interface CheckDigit
      code - The ISBN code to validate (should have a length of 10 or 13)
      true if the code has a length of 10 and is a valid ISBN-10 check digit or the code has a length of 13 and is a valid ISBN-13 check digit - otherwise false.