View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *
10   *
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
17  package org.apache.commons.validator.routines;
19  import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
20  import static;
21  import static org.hamcrest.core.IsEqual.equalTo;
22  import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
23  import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse;
24  import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertThrows;
25  import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
27  import;
28  import;
29  import java.util.ArrayList;
30  import java.util.List;
32  import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemProperties;
33  import org.apache.commons.validator.ResultPair;
34  import org.junit.Before;
35  import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
37  /**
38   * Performs Validation Test for url validations.
39   */
40  public class UrlValidatorTest {
42      static boolean incrementTestPartsIndex(final int[] testPartsIndex, final Object[] testParts) {
43          boolean carry = true; // add 1 to lowest order part.
44          boolean maxIndex = true;
45          for (int testPartsIndexIndex = testPartsIndex.length - 1; testPartsIndexIndex >= 0; --testPartsIndexIndex) {
46              int index = testPartsIndex[testPartsIndexIndex];
47              final ResultPair[] part = (ResultPair[]) testParts[testPartsIndexIndex];
48              maxIndex &= index == part.length - 1;
49              if (carry) {
50                  if (index < part.length - 1) {
51                      index++;
52                      testPartsIndex[testPartsIndexIndex] = index;
53                      carry = false;
54                  } else {
55                      testPartsIndex[testPartsIndexIndex] = 0;
56                      carry = true;
57                  }
58              }
59          }
61          return !maxIndex;
62      }
64      /**
65       * Validator for checking URL parsing
66       *
67       * @param args - URLs to validate
68       */
69      public static void main(final String[] args) {
70          final UrlValidator uv = new UrlValidator();
71          for (final String arg : args) {
72              try {
73                  URI uri = new URI(arg);
74                  uri = uri.normalize();
75                  System.out.println(uri.toString());
76                  System.out.printf("URI scheme: %s%n", uri.getScheme());
77                  System.out.printf("URI scheme specific part: %s%n", uri.getSchemeSpecificPart());
78                  System.out.printf("URI raw scheme specific part: %s%n", uri.getRawSchemeSpecificPart());
79                  System.out.printf("URI auth: %s%n", uri.getAuthority());
80                  System.out.printf("URI raw auth: %s%n", uri.getRawAuthority());
81                  System.out.printf("URI userInfo: %s%n", uri.getUserInfo());
82                  System.out.printf("URI raw userInfo: %s%n", uri.getRawUserInfo());
83                  System.out.printf("URI host: %s%n", uri.getHost());
84                  System.out.printf("URI port: %s%n", uri.getPort());
85                  System.out.printf("URI path: %s%n", uri.getPath());
86                  System.out.printf("URI raw path: %s%n", uri.getRawPath());
87                  System.out.printf("URI query: %s%n", uri.getQuery());
88                  System.out.printf("URI raw query: %s%n", uri.getRawQuery());
89                  System.out.printf("URI fragment: %s%n", uri.getFragment());
90                  System.out.printf("URI raw fragment: %s%n", uri.getRawFragment());
91              } catch (final URISyntaxException e) {
92                  System.out.println(e.getMessage());
93              }
94              System.out.printf("isValid: %s%n", uv.isValid(arg));
95          }
96      }
98      private final boolean printStatus = false;
100     private final boolean printIndex = false; // print index that indicates current scheme,host,port,path, query test were using.
102     /**
103      * The data given below approximates the 4 parts of a URL <scheme>://<authority><path>?<query> except that the port number is broken out of authority to
104      * increase the number of permutations. A complete URL is composed of a scheme+authority+port+path+query, all of which must be individually valid for the
105      * entire URL to be considered valid.
106      */
107     ResultPair[] testUrlScheme = { new ResultPair("http://", true), new ResultPair("ftp://", true), new ResultPair("h3t://", true),
108             new ResultPair("3ht://", false), new ResultPair("http:/", false), new ResultPair("http:", false), new ResultPair("http/", false),
109             new ResultPair("://", false) };
111     ResultPair[] testUrlAuthority = { new ResultPair("", true), new ResultPair("", true), new ResultPair("", true),
112             new ResultPair("", true), new ResultPair("", true), new ResultPair("", true), new ResultPair("", false),
113             new ResultPair("", true), new ResultPair("", false), new ResultPair("", false), new ResultPair("1.2.3", false),
114             new ResultPair(".", false), new ResultPair("go.a", false), new ResultPair("go.a1a", false), new ResultPair("", true),
115             new ResultPair("go.1aa", false), new ResultPair("aaa.", false), new ResultPair(".aaa", false), new ResultPair("aaa", false),
116             new ResultPair("", false) };
118     ResultPair[] testUrlPort = { new ResultPair(":80", true), new ResultPair(":65535", true), // max possible
119             new ResultPair(":65536", false), // max possible +1
120             new ResultPair(":0", true), new ResultPair("", true), new ResultPair(":-1", false), new ResultPair(":65636", false),
121             new ResultPair(":999999999999999999", false), new ResultPair(":65a", false) };
123     ResultPair[] testPath = { new ResultPair("/test1", true), new ResultPair("/t123", true), new ResultPair("/$23", true), new ResultPair("/..", false),
124             new ResultPair("/../", false), new ResultPair("/test1/", true), new ResultPair("", true), new ResultPair("/test1/file", true),
125             new ResultPair("/..//file", false), new ResultPair("/test1//file", false) };
127     // Test allow2slash, noFragment
128     ResultPair[] testUrlPathOptions = { new ResultPair("/test1", true), new ResultPair("/t123", true), new ResultPair("/$23", true),
129             new ResultPair("/..", false), new ResultPair("/../", false), new ResultPair("/test1/", true), new ResultPair("/#", false), new ResultPair("", true),
130             new ResultPair("/test1/file", true), new ResultPair("/t123/file", true), new ResultPair("/$23/file", true), new ResultPair("/../file", false),
131             new ResultPair("/..//file", false), new ResultPair("/test1//file", true), new ResultPair("/#/file", false) };
133     ResultPair[] testUrlQuery = { new ResultPair("?action=view", true), new ResultPair("?action=edit&mode=up", true), new ResultPair("", true) };
135     Object[] testUrlParts = { testUrlScheme, testUrlAuthority, testUrlPort, testPath, testUrlQuery };
137     Object[] testUrlPartsOptions = { testUrlScheme, testUrlAuthority, testUrlPort, testUrlPathOptions, testUrlQuery };
139     int[] testPartsIndex = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
141     // ---------------- Test data for individual url parts ----------------
142     private final String[] schemes = { "http", "gopher", "g0-To+.", "not_valid" // TODO this will need to be dropped if the ctor validates schemes
143     };
145     ResultPair[] testScheme = { new ResultPair("http", true), new ResultPair("ftp", false), new ResultPair("httpd", false), new ResultPair("gopher", true),
146             new ResultPair("g0-to+.", true), new ResultPair("not_valid", false), // underscore not allowed
147             new ResultPair("HtTp", true), new ResultPair("telnet", false) };
149     @Before
150     public void setUp() {
151         for (int index = 0; index < testPartsIndex.length - 1; index++) {
152             testPartsIndex[index] = 0;
153         }
154     }
156     @Test
157     public void testFragments() {
158         final String[] schemes = { "http", "https" };
159         UrlValidator urlValidator = new UrlValidator(schemes, UrlValidator.NO_FRAGMENTS);
160         assertFalse(urlValidator.isValid(""));
161         urlValidator = new UrlValidator(schemes);
162         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid(""));
163     }
165     @Test
166     public void testIsValid() {
167         testIsValid(testUrlParts, UrlValidator.ALLOW_ALL_SCHEMES);
168         setUp();
169         final long options = UrlValidator.ALLOW_2_SLASHES + UrlValidator.ALLOW_ALL_SCHEMES + UrlValidator.NO_FRAGMENTS;
171         testIsValid(testUrlPartsOptions, options);
172     }
174     /**
175      * Create set of tests by taking the testUrlXXX arrays and running through all possible permutations of their combinations.
176      *
177      * @param testObjects Used to create a url.
178      */
179     public void testIsValid(final Object[] testObjects, final long options) {
180         final UrlValidator urlVal = new UrlValidator(null, null, options);
181         assertTrue(urlVal.isValid(""));
182         assertTrue(urlVal.isValid(""));
183         int statusPerLine = 60;
184         int printed = 0;
185         if (printIndex) {
186             statusPerLine = 6;
187         }
188         do {
189             final StringBuilder testBuffer = new StringBuilder();
190             boolean expected = true;
191             for (int testPartsIndexIndex = 0; testPartsIndexIndex < testPartsIndex.length; ++testPartsIndexIndex) {
192                 final int index = testPartsIndex[testPartsIndexIndex];
193                 final ResultPair[] part = (ResultPair[]) testObjects[testPartsIndexIndex];
194                 testBuffer.append(part[index].item);
195                 expected &= part[index].valid;
196             }
197             final String url = testBuffer.toString();
198             final boolean result = urlVal.isValid(url);
199             assertEquals(expected, result, url);
200             if (printStatus) {
201                 if (printIndex) {
202                     System.out.print(testPartsIndextoString());
203                 } else if (result == expected) {
204                     System.out.print('.');
205                 } else {
206                     System.out.print('X');
207                 }
208                 printed++;
209                 if (printed == statusPerLine) {
210                     System.out.println();
211                     printed = 0;
212                 }
213             }
214         } while (incrementTestPartsIndex(testPartsIndex, testObjects));
215         if (printStatus) {
216             System.out.println();
217         }
218     }
220     @Test
221     public void testIsValidScheme() {
222         if (printStatus) {
223             System.out.print("\n testIsValidScheme() ");
224         }
225         // UrlValidator urlVal = new UrlValidator(schemes,false,false,false);
226         final UrlValidator urlVal = new UrlValidator(schemes, 0);
227         for (final ResultPair testPair : testScheme) {
228             final boolean result = urlVal.isValidScheme(testPair.item);
229             assertEquals(testPair.valid, result, testPair.item);
230             if (printStatus) {
231                 if (result == testPair.valid) {
232                     System.out.print('.');
233                 } else {
234                     System.out.print('X');
235                 }
236             }
237         }
238         if (printStatus) {
239             System.out.println();
240         }
242     }
244     private String testPartsIndextoString() {
245         final StringBuilder carryMsg = new StringBuilder("{");
246         for (int testPartsIndexIndex = 0; testPartsIndexIndex < testPartsIndex.length; ++testPartsIndexIndex) {
247             carryMsg.append(testPartsIndex[testPartsIndexIndex]);
248             if (testPartsIndexIndex < testPartsIndex.length - 1) {
249                 carryMsg.append(',');
250             } else {
251                 carryMsg.append('}');
252             }
253         }
254         return carryMsg.toString();
256     }
258     @Test
259     public void testValidateUrl() {
260         assertTrue(true);
261     }
263     @Test
264     public void testValidator202() {
265         final String[] schemes = { "http", "https" };
266         final UrlValidator urlValidator = new UrlValidator(schemes, UrlValidator.NO_FRAGMENTS);
267         assertTrue(urlValidator
268                 .isValid(""));
269     }
271     @Test
272     public void testValidator204() {
273         final String[] schemes = { "http", "https" };
274         final UrlValidator urlValidator = new UrlValidator(schemes);
275         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid(";_ylt=Ao8yevQHlZ4On0O3ZJGXLEQFLZA5"));
276     }
278     @Test
279     public void testValidator218() {
280         final UrlValidator validator = new UrlValidator(UrlValidator.ALLOW_2_SLASHES);
281         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""), "parentheses should be valid in URLs");
282     }
284     @Test
285     public void testValidator235() {
286         final String version = SystemProperties.getJavaVersion();
287         if (version.compareTo("1.6") < 0) {
288             System.out.println("Cannot run Unicode IDN tests");
289             return; // Cannot run the test
290         }
291         final UrlValidator validator = new UrlValidator();
292         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://xn--d1abbgf6aiiy.xn--p1ai"), "xn--d1abbgf6aiiy.xn--p1ai should validate");
293         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://президент.рф"), "президент.рф should validate");
294         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://www.b\"), "www.b\ should validate");
295         assertFalse(validator.isValid("http://www.\"), "www.\ FFFD should fail");
296         assertTrue(validator.isValid("ftp://www.b\"), "www.b\ should validate");
297         assertFalse(validator.isValid("ftp://www.\"), "www.\ FFFD should fail");
298     }
300     @Test
301     public void testValidator248() {
302         final RegexValidator regex = new RegexValidator("localhost", ".*\\.my-testing");
303         UrlValidator validator = new UrlValidator(regex, 0);
305         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://localhost/test/index.html"), "localhost URL should validate");
306         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""), " should validate");
307         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""), " should validate");
309         assertFalse(validator.isValid(""), " should not validate");
311         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""), " should still validate");
313         // Now check using options
314         validator = new UrlValidator(UrlValidator.ALLOW_LOCAL_URLS);
316         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://localhost/test/index.html"), "localhost URL should validate");
318         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://machinename/test/index.html"), "machinename URL should validate");
320         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""), " should still validate");
321     }
323     @Test
324     public void testValidator276() {
325         // file:// isn't allowed by default
326         UrlValidator validator = new UrlValidator();
328         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""), " should be allowed by default");
330         assertFalse(validator.isValid("file:///C:/some.file"), "file:///c:/ shouldn't be allowed by default");
332         assertFalse(validator.isValid("file:///C:\\some.file"), "file:///c:\\ shouldn't be allowed by default");
334         assertFalse(validator.isValid("file:///etc/hosts"), "file:///etc/ shouldn't be allowed by default");
336         assertFalse(validator.isValid("file://localhost/etc/hosts"), "file://localhost/etc/ shouldn't be allowed by default");
338         assertFalse(validator.isValid("file://localhost/c:/some.file"), "file://localhost/c:/ shouldn't be allowed by default");
340         // Turn it on, and check
341         // Note - we need to enable local urls when working with file:
342         validator = new UrlValidator(new String[] { "http", "file" }, UrlValidator.ALLOW_LOCAL_URLS);
344         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""), " should be allowed by default");
346         assertTrue(validator.isValid("file:///C:/some.file"), "file:///c:/ should now be allowed");
348         // Only allow forward slashes
349         assertFalse(validator.isValid("file:///C:\\some.file"), "file:///c:\\ should not be allowed");
351         assertTrue(validator.isValid("file:///etc/hosts"), "file:///etc/ should now be allowed");
353         assertTrue(validator.isValid("file://localhost/etc/hosts"), "file://localhost/etc/ should now be allowed");
355         assertTrue(validator.isValid("file://localhost/c:/some.file"), "file://localhost/c:/ should now be allowed");
357         // These are never valid
358         assertFalse(validator.isValid("file://C:/some.file"), "file://c:/ shouldn't ever be allowed, needs file:///c:/");
360         assertFalse(validator.isValid("file://C:\\some.file"), "file://c:\\ shouldn't ever be allowed, needs file:///c:/");
361     }
363     @Test
364     public void testValidator283() {
365         final UrlValidator validator = new UrlValidator();
366         assertFalse(validator.isValid(""));
367         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""));
368     }
370     @Test
371     public void testValidator288() {
372         UrlValidator validator = new UrlValidator(UrlValidator.ALLOW_LOCAL_URLS);
374         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://hostname"), "hostname should validate");
376         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://hostname/test/index.html"), "hostname with path should validate");
378         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://localhost/test/index.html"), "localhost URL should validate");
380         assertFalse(validator.isValid(""), " should not validate");
382         assertFalse(validator.isValid("http://broke.hostname/test/index.html"), "broke.hostname should not validate");
384         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""), " should still validate");
386         // Turn it off, and check
387         validator = new UrlValidator(0);
389         assertFalse(validator.isValid("http://hostname"), "hostname should no longer validate");
391         assertFalse(validator.isValid("http://localhost/test/index.html"), "localhost URL should no longer validate");
393         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""), " should still validate");
394     }
396     @Test
397     public void testValidator290() {
398         final UrlValidator validator = new UrlValidator();
399         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""));
400 //        assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://xn--e1afmkfd.xn--80akhbyknj4f"));
401         // Internationalized country code top-level domains
402         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--lgbbat1ad8j")); // Algeria
403         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--fiqs8s")); // China
404         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--fiqz9s")); // China
405         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--wgbh1c")); // Egypt
406         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--j6w193g")); // Hong Kong
407         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--h2brj9c")); // India
408         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--mgbbh1a71e")); // India
409         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--fpcrj9c3d")); // India
410         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--gecrj9c")); // India
411         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--s9brj9c")); // India
412         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--xkc2dl3a5ee0h")); // India
413         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--45brj9c")); // India
414         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--mgba3a4f16a")); // Iran
415         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--mgbayh7gpa")); // Jordan
416         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--mgbc0a9azcg")); // Morocco
417         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--ygbi2ammx")); // Palestinian Territory
418         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--wgbl6a")); // Qatar
419         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--p1ai")); // Russia
420         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--mgberp4a5d4ar")); // Saudi Arabia
421         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--90a3ac")); // Serbia
422         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--yfro4i67o")); // Singapore
423         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--clchc0ea0b2g2a9gcd")); // Singapore
424         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--3e0b707e")); // South Korea
425         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--fzc2c9e2c")); // Sri Lanka
426         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--xkc2al3hye2a")); // Sri Lanka
427         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--ogbpf8fl")); // Syria
428         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--kprw13d")); // Taiwan
429         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--kpry57d")); // Taiwan
430         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--o3cw4h")); // Thailand
431         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--pgbs0dh")); // Tunisia
432         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--mgbaam7a8h")); // United Arab Emirates
433         // Proposed internationalized ccTLDs
434 //        assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--54b7fta0cc")); // Bangladesh
435 //        assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--90ae")); // Bulgaria
436 //        assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--node")); // Georgia
437 //        assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--4dbrk0ce")); // Israel
438 //        assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--mgb9awbf")); // Oman
439 //        assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--j1amh")); // Ukraine
440 //        assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--mgb2ddes")); // Yemen
441         // Test TLDs
442 //        assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--kgbechtv")); // Arabic
443 //        assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--hgbk6aj7f53bba")); // Persian
444 //        assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--0zwm56d")); // Chinese
445 //        assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--g6w251d")); // Chinese
446 //        assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--80akhbyknj4f")); // Russian
447 //        assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--11b5bs3a9aj6g")); // Hindi
448 //        assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--jxalpdlp")); // Greek
449 //        assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--9t4b11yi5a")); // Korean
450 //        assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--deba0ad")); // Yiddish
451 //        assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--zckzah")); // Japanese
452 //        assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://test.xn--hlcj6aya9esc7a")); // Tamil
453     }
455     @Test
456     public void testValidator309() {
457         UrlValidator urlValidator = new UrlValidator();
458         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid(""));
459         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid("hTtP://sample.ondemand.CoM/"));
460         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid("httpS://SAMPLE.ONEMAND.COM/"));
461         urlValidator = new UrlValidator(new String[] { "HTTP", "HTTPS" });
462         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid(""));
463         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid("hTtP://sample.ondemand.CoM/"));
464         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid("httpS://SAMPLE.ONEMAND.COM/"));
465     }
467     @Test
468     public void testValidator339() {
469         final UrlValidator urlValidator = new UrlValidator();
470         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid("")); // without
471         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid("")); // with
472         assertFalse(urlValidator.isValid("")); // doubly dotty
473         assertFalse(urlValidator.isValid("http://www.cnn.invalid/"));
474         assertFalse(urlValidator.isValid("http://www.cnn.invalid./")); // check . does not affect invalid domains
475     }
477     @Test
478     public void testValidator339IDN() {
479         final UrlValidator urlValidator = new UrlValidator();
480         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid("http://президент.рф/WORLD/?hpt=sitenav")); // without
481         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid("http://президент.рф./WORLD/?hpt=sitenav")); // with
482         assertFalse(urlValidator.isValid("http://президент.рф..../")); // very dotty
483         assertFalse(urlValidator.isValid("http://президент.рф.../")); // triply dotty
484         assertFalse(urlValidator.isValid("http://президент.рф../")); // doubly dotty
485     }
487     @Test
488     public void testValidator342() {
489         final UrlValidator urlValidator = new UrlValidator();
490         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid(""));
491         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid(""));
492     }
494     @Test
495     public void testValidator353() { // userinfo
496         final UrlValidator validator = new UrlValidator();
497         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""));
498         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""));
499         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""));
500         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""));
501         assertTrue(validator.isValid("http://us%00er:-._~!$&'()*+,;"));
502         assertFalse(validator.isValid(""));
503         assertFalse(validator.isValid(""));
504         assertFalse(validator.isValid(""));
505         assertFalse(validator.isValid(""));
506     }
508     @Test
509     public void testValidator361() {
510         final UrlValidator validator = new UrlValidator();
511         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""));
512     }
514     @Test
515     public void testValidator363() {
516         final UrlValidator urlValidator = new UrlValidator();
517         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid(""));
518         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid(""));
519         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid(""));
520         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid(""));
521         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid(""));
522         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid(""));
523         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid(""));
524         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid(""));
525         assertFalse(urlValidator.isValid(""));
526         assertFalse(urlValidator.isValid(""));
527         assertFalse(urlValidator.isValid(""));
528         assertFalse(urlValidator.isValid(""));
529         assertFalse(urlValidator.isValid(""));
530         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid(""));
531         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid(""));
532         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid(""));
533     }
535     @Test
536     public void testValidator375() {
537         final UrlValidator validator = new UrlValidator();
538         String url = "http://[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]:80/index.html";
539         assertTrue(validator.isValid(url), "IPv6 address URL should validate: " + url);
540         url = "http://[::1]:80/index.html";
541         assertTrue(validator.isValid(url), "IPv6 address URL should validate: " + url);
542         url = "http://FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:80/index.html";
543         assertFalse(validator.isValid(url), "IPv6 address without [] should not validate: " + url);
544     }
546     @Test
547     public void testValidator380() {
548         final UrlValidator validator = new UrlValidator();
549         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""));
550         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""));
551         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""));
552     }
554     @Test
555     public void testValidator382() {
556         final UrlValidator validator = new UrlValidator();
557         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""));
558     }
560     @Test
561     public void testValidator391FAILS() {
562         final String[] schemes = { "file" };
563         final UrlValidator urlValidator = new UrlValidator(schemes);
564         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid("file:/C:/path/to/dir/"));
565     }
567     @Test
568     public void testValidator391OK() {
569         final String[] schemes = { "file" };
570         final UrlValidator urlValidator = new UrlValidator(schemes);
571         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid("file:///C:/path/to/dir/"));
572     }
574     @Test
575     public void testValidator411() {
576         final UrlValidator urlValidator = new UrlValidator();
577         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid(""));
578         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid(""));
579         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid(""));
580         assertFalse(urlValidator.isValid(""));
581         assertFalse(urlValidator.isValid(""));
582     }
584     @Test
585     public void testValidator420() {
586         final UrlValidator validator = new UrlValidator();
587         assertFalse(validator.isValid(" Avenue"));
588         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""));
589         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""));
590     }
592     @Test
593     public void testValidator452() {
594         final UrlValidator urlValidator = new UrlValidator();
595         assertTrue(urlValidator.isValid("http://[::FFFF:]:80/index.html"));
596     }
598     @Test
599     public void testValidator464() {
600         final String[] schemes = { "file" };
601         final UrlValidator urlValidator = new UrlValidator(schemes);
602         final String fileNAK = "file://bad ^";
603         assertFalse(urlValidator.isValid(fileNAK), fileNAK);
604     }
606     @Test
607     public void testValidator467() {
608         final UrlValidator validator = new UrlValidator(UrlValidator.ALLOW_2_SLASHES);
609         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""));
610         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""));
611         assertTrue(validator.isValid(""));
612         assertTrue(validator.isValid("")); // VALIDATOR-429
613     }
615     @Test
616     public void testValidator473Part1() { // reject null DomainValidator
617         final IllegalArgumentException thrown = assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> new UrlValidator(new String[] {}, null, 0L, null));
618         assertThat(thrown.getMessage(), is(equalTo("DomainValidator must not be null")));
619     }
621     @Test
622     public void testValidator473Part2() { // reject null DomainValidator with mismatched allowLocal
623         final List<DomainValidator.Item> items = new ArrayList<>();
624         final IllegalArgumentException thrown = assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class,
625                 () -> new UrlValidator(new String[] {}, null, 0L, DomainValidator.getInstance(true, items)));
626         assertThat(thrown.getMessage(), is(equalTo("DomainValidator disagrees with ALLOW_LOCAL_URLS setting")));
627     }
629     @Test
630     public void testValidator473Part3() { // reject null DomainValidator with mismatched allowLocal
631         final List<DomainValidator.Item> items = new ArrayList<>();
632         final IllegalArgumentException thrown = assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class,
633                 () -> new UrlValidator(new String[] {}, null, UrlValidator.ALLOW_LOCAL_URLS, DomainValidator.getInstance(false, items)));
634         assertThat(thrown.getMessage(), is(equalTo("DomainValidator disagrees with ALLOW_LOCAL_URLS setting")));
635     }
637 }