1 /*
2 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
4 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 *
9 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 *
11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 * limitations under the License.
16 */
17 package org.apache.commons.vfs2;
19 import java.io.Closeable;
20 import java.net.URI;
21 import java.net.URL;
22 import java.nio.file.Path;
23 import java.nio.file.Paths;
24 import java.util.Comparator;
25 import java.util.List;
27 import org.apache.commons.vfs2.operations.FileOperations;
29 /**
30 * Represents a file, and is used to access the content and structure of the file.
31 * <p>
32 * Files are arranged in a hierarchy. Each hierarchy forms a <em>file system</em>. A file system represents things like a
33 * local OS file system, a windows share, an HTTP server, or the contents of a Zip file.
34 * </p>
35 * <p>
36 * There are two types of files: <em>Folders</em>, which contain other files, and <em>normal files</em>, which contain data,
37 * or <em>content</em>. A folder may not have any content, and a normal file cannot contain other files.
38 * </p>
39 *
40 * <h2>File Naming</h2>
41 *
42 * <p>
43 * TODO - write this.
44 * </p>
45 *
46 * <h2>Reading and Writing a File</h2>
47 *
48 * <p>
49 * Reading and writing a file, and all other operations on the file's <em>content</em>, is done using the
50 * {@link FileContent} object returned by {@link #getContent}.
51 * </p>
52 *
53 * <h2>Creating and Deleting a File</h2>
54 *
55 * <p>
56 * A file is created using either {@link #createFolder}, {@link #createFile}, or by writing to the file using one of the
57 * {@link FileContent} methods.
58 * </p>
59 * <p>
60 * A file is deleted using {@link #delete}. Recursive deletion can be done using {@link #delete(FileSelector)}.
61 * </p>
62 *
63 * <h2>Finding Files</h2>
64 *
65 * <p>
66 * Other files in the <em>same</em> file system as this file can be found using:
67 * </p>
68 * <ul>
69 * <li>{@link #findFiles} to find a set of matching descendants in the same file system.</li>
70 * <li>{@link #getChildren} and {@link #getChild} to find the children of this file.</li>
71 * <li>{@link #getParent} to find the folder containing this file.</li>
72 * <li>{@link #getFileSystem} to find another file in the same file system.</li>
73 * <li>{@link #resolveFile} to find another file relative to this file.</li>
74 * </ul>
75 * <p>
76 * To find files in another file system, use a {@link FileSystemManager}.
77 * </p>
78 *
79 * <h2>Iterating Files</h2>
80 *
81 * <p>
82 * You can iterate over a FileObject using the Java "foreach" statement, which provides all descendants of a File
83 * Object.
84 * </p>
85 *
86 * <h2>Sorting Files</h2>
87 *
88 * <p>
89 * Files may be sorted using {@link java.util.Arrays#sort(Object[]) Arrays.sort()} and
90 * {@link List#sort(Comparator) List.sort()}.
91 * </p>
92 *
93 * @see FileSystemManager
94 * @see FileContent
95 * @see FileName
96 */
97 public interface FileObject extends Comparable<FileObject>, Iterable<FileObject>, Closeable {
99 /**
100 * An empty immutable {@code FileObject} array.
101 *
102 * @since 2.8.0
103 */
104 FileObject[] EMPTY_ARRAY = {};
106 /**
107 * Queries the file if it is possible to rename it to newfile.
108 *
109 * @param newfile the new file(-name)
110 * @return true it this is the case
111 */
112 boolean canRenameTo(FileObject newfile);
114 /**
115 * Closes this file, and its content. This method is a hint to the implementation that it can release any resources
116 * associated with the file.
117 * <p>
118 * The file object can continue to be used after this method is called.
119 * </p>
120 *
121 * @throws FileSystemException On error closing the file.
122 * @see FileContent#close
123 */
124 @Override
125 void close() throws FileSystemException;
127 /**
128 * Copies another file, and all its descendants, to this file.
129 * <p>
130 * If this file does not exist, it is created. Its parent folder is also created, if necessary. If this file does
131 * exist, it is deleted first.
132 * </p>
133 * <p>
134 * This method is not transactional. If it fails and throws an exception, this file will potentially only be
135 * partially copied.
136 * </p>
137 *
138 * @param srcFile The source file to copy.
139 * @param selector The selector to use to select which files to copy.
140 * @throws FileSystemException If this file is read-only, or if the source file does not exist, or on error copying
141 * the file.
142 */
143 void copyFrom(FileObject srcFile, FileSelector selector) throws FileSystemException;
145 /**
146 * Creates this file, if it does not exist. Also creates any ancestor folders which do not exist. This method does
147 * nothing if the file already exists and is a file.
148 *
149 * @throws FileSystemException If the file already exists with the wrong type, or the parent folder is read-only, or
150 * on error creating this file or one of its ancestors.
151 */
152 void createFile() throws FileSystemException;
154 /**
155 * Creates this folder, if it does not exist. Also creates any ancestor folders which do not exist. This method does
156 * nothing if the folder already exists.
157 *
158 * @throws FileSystemException If the folder already exists with the wrong type, or the parent folder is read-only,
159 * or on error creating this folder or one of its ancestors.
160 */
161 void createFolder() throws FileSystemException;
163 /**
164 * Deletes this file. Does nothing if this file does not exist of if it is a folder that has children. Does not
165 * delete any descendants of this file, use {@link #delete(FileSelector)} or {@link #deleteAll()} for that.
166 *
167 * @return true if this object has been deleted
168 * @throws FileSystemException If this file is a non-empty folder, or if this file is read-only, or on error
169 * deleteing this file.
170 */
171 boolean delete() throws FileSystemException;
173 /**
174 * Deletes all descendants of this file that match a selector. Does nothing if this file does not exist.
175 *
176 * <p>
177 * This method is not transactional. If it fails and throws an exception, this file will potentially only be
178 * partially deleted.
179 * </p>
180 *
181 * @param selector The selector to use to select which files to delete.
182 * @return the number of deleted objects
183 * @throws FileSystemException If this file or one of its descendants is read-only, or on error deleting this file
184 * or one of its descendants.
185 */
186 int delete(FileSelector selector) throws FileSystemException;
188 /**
189 * Deletes this file and all children.
190 *
191 * @return the number of deleted files.
192 * @throws FileSystemException if an error occurs.
193 * @see #delete(FileSelector)
194 * @see Selectors#SELECT_ALL
195 */
196 int deleteAll() throws FileSystemException;
198 /**
199 * Determines if this file exists.
200 *
201 * @return {@code true} if this file exists, {@code false} if not.
202 * @throws FileSystemException On error determining if this file exists.
203 */
204 boolean exists() throws FileSystemException;
206 /**
207 * Finds the set of matching descendants of this file, in depthwise order.
208 *
209 * @param selector The selector to use to select matching files.
210 * @return The matching files. The files are returned in depthwise order (that is, a child appears in the list
211 * before its parent).
212 * @throws FileSystemException if an error occurs.
213 */
214 FileObject[] findFiles(FileSelector selector) throws FileSystemException;
216 /**
217 * Finds the set of matching descendants of this file.
218 *
219 * @param selector the selector used to determine if the file should be selected
220 * @param depthwise controls the ordering in the list. e.g. deepest first
221 * @param selected container for selected files. list needs not to be empty.
222 * @throws FileSystemException if an error occurs.
223 */
224 void findFiles(FileSelector selector, boolean depthwise, List<FileObject> selected) throws FileSystemException;
226 /**
227 * Gets a child of this file. Note that this method returns {@code null} when the child does not exist. This
228 * differs from {@link #resolveFile(String, NameScope)} which never returns null.
229 *
230 * @param name The name of the child.
231 * @return The child, or null if there is no such child.
232 * @throws FileSystemException If this file does not exist, or is not a folder, or on error determining this file's
233 * children.
234 */
235 FileObject getChild(String name) throws FileSystemException;
237 /**
238 * Gets a lists of children of this file.
239 *
240 * @return An array containing the children of this file. The array is unordered. If the file does not have any
241 * children, a zero-length array is returned. This method never returns null.
242 * @throws FileSystemException If this file does not exist, or is not a folder, or on error listing this file's
243 * children.
244 */
245 FileObject[] getChildren() throws FileSystemException;
247 /**
248 * Gets this file's content. The {@link FileContent} returned by this method can be used to read and write the
249 * content of the file.
250 *
251 * <p>
252 * This method can be called if the file does not exist, and the returned {@link FileContent} can be used to create
253 * the file by writing its content.
254 * </p>
255 *
256 * @return This file's content.
257 * @throws FileSystemException On error getting this file's content.
258 */
259 FileContent getContent() throws FileSystemException;
261 /**
262 * Gets this instance's FileOperations.
263 *
264 * @return FileOperations interface that provides access to the operations API.
265 * @throws FileSystemException if an error occurs.
266 */
267 FileOperations getFileOperations() throws FileSystemException;
269 /**
270 * Gets the file system that contains this file.
271 *
272 * @return The file system.
273 */
274 FileSystem getFileSystem();
276 /**
277 * Gets the name of this file.
278 *
279 * @return the FileName.
280 */
281 FileName getName();
283 /**
284 * Gets the folder that contains this file.
285 *
286 * @return The folder that contains this file. Returns null if this file is the root of a file system.
287 * @throws FileSystemException On error finding the file's parent.
288 */
289 FileObject getParent() throws FileSystemException;
291 /**
292 * Gets a Path representing this file.
293 *
294 * @return the Path for the file.
295 * @since 2.7.0
296 */
297 default Path getPath() {
298 return Paths.get(getURI());
299 }
301 /**
302 * Gets the receiver as a URI String for public display, like, without a password.
303 *
304 * @return A URI String without a password, never {@code null}.
305 */
306 String getPublicURIString();
308 /**
309 * Gets this file's type.
310 *
311 * @return One of the {@link FileType} constants. Never returns null.
312 * @throws FileSystemException On error determining the file's type.
313 */
314 FileType getType() throws FileSystemException;
316 /**
317 * Gets a URI representing this file.
318 *
319 * @return the URI for the file.
320 * @since 2.7.0
321 */
322 default URI getURI() {
323 return URI.create(URI.create(getName().getURI()).toASCIIString());
324 }
326 /**
327 * Gets a URL representing this file.
328 *
329 * @return the URL for the file.
330 * @throws FileSystemException if an error occurs.
331 */
332 URL getURL() throws FileSystemException;
334 /**
335 * Checks if the fileObject is attached.
336 *
337 * @return true if the FileObject is attached.
338 */
339 boolean isAttached();
341 /**
342 * Checks if someone reads/write to this file.
343 *
344 * @return true if the file content is open.
345 */
346 boolean isContentOpen();
348 /**
349 * Determines if this file is executable.
350 *
351 * @return {@code true} if this file is executable, {@code false} if not.
352 * @throws FileSystemException On error determining if this file exists.
353 */
354 boolean isExecutable() throws FileSystemException;
356 /**
357 * Checks if this file is a regular file.
358 *
359 * @return true if this file is a regular file.
360 * @throws FileSystemException if an error occurs.
361 * @see #getType()
362 * @see FileType#FILE
363 * @since 2.1
364 */
365 boolean isFile() throws FileSystemException;
367 /**
368 * Checks if this file is a folder.
369 *
370 * @return true if this file is a folder.
371 * @throws FileSystemException if an error occurs.
372 * @see #getType()
373 * @see FileType#FOLDER
374 * @since 2.1
375 */
376 boolean isFolder() throws FileSystemException;
378 /**
379 * Determines if this file is hidden.
380 *
381 * @return {@code true} if this file is hidden, {@code false} if not.
382 * @throws FileSystemException On error determining if this file exists.
383 */
384 boolean isHidden() throws FileSystemException;
386 /**
387 * Determines if this file can be read.
388 *
389 * @return {@code true} if this file is readable, {@code false} if not.
390 * @throws FileSystemException On error determining if this file exists.
391 */
392 boolean isReadable() throws FileSystemException;
394 /**
395 * Determines if this file is a symbolic link.
396 *
397 * @return {@code true} if this file is a symbolic link, {@code false} if not.
398 * @throws FileSystemException On error determining if this file exists.
399 * @since 2.4
400 */
401 @SuppressWarnings("unused") // FileSystemException actually thrown in implementations.
402 default boolean isSymbolicLink() throws FileSystemException {
403 return false;
404 }
406 /**
407 * Determines if this file can be written to.
408 *
409 * @return {@code true} if this file is writable, {@code false} if not.
410 * @throws FileSystemException On error determining if this file exists.
411 */
412 boolean isWriteable() throws FileSystemException;
414 /**
415 * Move this file.
416 *
417 * <p>
418 * If the destFile exists, it is deleted first.
419 * </p>
420 *
421 * @param destFile the New file name.
422 * @throws FileSystemException If this file is read-only, or if the source file does not exist, or on error copying
423 * the file.
424 */
425 void moveTo(FileObject destFile) throws FileSystemException;
427 /**
428 * This will prepare the fileObject to get resynchronized with the underlying file system if required.
429 *
430 * @throws FileSystemException if an error occurs.
431 */
432 void refresh() throws FileSystemException;
434 /**
435 * Finds a file, relative to this file. Equivalent to calling {@code resolveFile( path, NameScope.FILE_SYSTEM )}.
436 *
437 * @param path The path of the file to locate. Can either be a relative path or an absolute path.
438 * @return The file.
439 * @throws FileSystemException On error parsing the path, or on error finding the file.
440 */
441 FileObject resolveFile(String path) throws FileSystemException;
443 /**
444 * Finds a file relative to this file.
445 *
446 * Refer to {@link NameScope} for a description of how names are resolved in the different scopes.
447 *
448 * @param name The name to resolve.
449 * @param scope the NameScope for the file.
450 * @return The file.
451 * @throws FileSystemException On error parsing the path, or on error finding the file.
452 */
453 FileObject resolveFile(String name, NameScope scope) throws FileSystemException;
455 /**
456 * Sets the owner's (or everybody's) write permission.
457 *
458 * @param executable True to allow read access, false to disallow.
459 * @param ownerOnly If {@code true}, the permission applies only to the owner; otherwise, it applies to everybody.
460 * @return true if the operation succeeded.
461 * @throws FileSystemException On error determining if this file exists.
462 * @since 2.1
463 */
464 boolean setExecutable(boolean executable, boolean ownerOnly) throws FileSystemException;
466 /**
467 * Sets the owner's (or everybody's) read permission.
468 *
469 * @param readable True to allow read access, false to disallow
470 * @param ownerOnly If {@code true}, the permission applies only to the owner; otherwise, it applies to everybody.
471 * @return true if the operation succeeded
472 * @throws FileSystemException On error determining if this file exists.
473 * @since 2.1
474 */
475 boolean setReadable(boolean readable, boolean ownerOnly) throws FileSystemException;
477 /**
478 * Sets the owner's (or everybody's) write permission.
479 *
480 * @param writable True to allow read access, false to disallow
481 * @param ownerOnly If {@code true}, the permission applies only to the owner; otherwise, it applies to everybody.
482 * @return true if the operation succeeded
483 * @throws FileSystemException On error determining if this file exists.
484 * @since 2.1
485 */
486 boolean setWritable(boolean writable, boolean ownerOnly) throws FileSystemException;
487 }