Uses of Interface

Packages that use NullaryFunctor
org.apache.commons.functor Basic functor interfaces. 
org.apache.commons.functor.adapter Classes that adapt one functor interface to another. 
org.apache.commons.functor.core Commonly used functor implementations. 
org.apache.commons.functor.core.algorithm Various algorithm-esque functors. 
org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite Functors composed of other functors. 

Uses of NullaryFunctor in org.apache.commons.functor

Subinterfaces of NullaryFunctor in org.apache.commons.functor
 interface Function<T>
          A functor that takes no arguments and returns a value.
 interface Predicate
          A functor that takes no arguments and returns a boolean value.
 interface Procedure
          A functor that takes no arguments and returns no value.

Uses of NullaryFunctor in org.apache.commons.functor.adapter

Classes in org.apache.commons.functor.adapter that implement NullaryFunctor
 class BoundFunction<T>
          Adapts a UnaryFunction to the Function interface using a constant unary argument.
 class BoundPredicate
          Adapts a UnaryPredicate to the Predicate interface using a constant unary argument.
 class BoundProcedure
          Adapts a UnaryProcedure to the Procedure interface using a constant unary argument.
 class FullyBoundFunction<T>
          Adapts a BinaryFunction to the Function interface using constant arguments.
 class FullyBoundPredicate
          Adapts a BinaryPredicate to the UnaryPredicate interface using a constant left-side argument.
 class FullyBoundProcedure
          Adapts a BinaryProcedure to the Procedure interface using a constant left-side argument.
 class FunctionPredicate
          Adapts a Boolean-valued Function to the Predicate interface.
 class FunctionProcedure
          Adapts a Function to the Procedure interface by ignoring the value returned by the function.
 class PredicateFunction
          Adapts a Predicate to the Function interface.
 class ProcedureFunction<T>
          Adapts a Procedure to the Function interface by always returning null.

Uses of NullaryFunctor in org.apache.commons.functor.core

Classes in org.apache.commons.functor.core that implement NullaryFunctor
 class Constant<T>
          Evaluates to constant value.
 class Limit
          A predicate that returns true the first n times it is invoked.
 class NoOp
          A procedure that does nothing at all.
 class Offset
          A predicate that returns false the first n times it is invoked, and true thereafter.

Uses of NullaryFunctor in org.apache.commons.functor.core.algorithm

Classes in org.apache.commons.functor.core.algorithm that implement NullaryFunctor
 class DoUntil
          Do-until algorithm (test after).
 class DoWhile
          Do-while algorithm (test after).
 class RecursiveEvaluation
          Tail recursion for functions.
 class UntilDo
          Until-do algorithm (test before).
 class WhileDo
          While-do algorithm (test before).

Uses of NullaryFunctor in org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite

Classes in org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite that implement NullaryFunctor
 class AbstractLoopProcedure
          Abstract base class for WhileDoProcedure and DoWhileProcedure used to implement loop procedures.
 class And
          Tests true iff none of its children test false.
 class ConditionalFunction<T>
          A Function similiar to Java's "ternary" or "conditional" operator (? :).
 class ConditionalPredicate
          A Predicate similiar to Java's "ternary" or "conditional" operator (? :).
 class ConditionalProcedure
          A Procedure similiar to Java's "ternary" or "conditional" operator (? :).
 class DoWhileProcedure
          A Procedure implementation of a while loop.
 class Not
          Tests to the logical inverse of some other predicate.
 class Or
          Tests true iff at least one of its children test true.
 class Sequence
          A Procedure that runs an ordered sequence of Procedures.
 class TransformedFunction<T>
          A Function whose result is then run through a UnaryFunction.
 class TransformedProcedure
          A Procedure composed of a Function whose result is then run through a UnaryProcedure.
 class WhileDoProcedure
          A Procedure implementation of a while loop.

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