Uses of Interface

Packages that use UnaryFunction
org.apache.commons.functor.adapter Classes that adapt one functor interface to another. 
org.apache.commons.functor.core Commonly used functor implementations. 
org.apache.commons.functor.core.algorithm Various algorithm-esque functors. 
org.apache.commons.functor.core.collection Collection-based functors, algorithms and utilities. 
org.apache.commons.functor.core.comparator Comparator- and Comparable-based functors, algorithms and utilities. 
org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite Functors composed of other functors. 
org.apache.commons.functor.generator Contains code related to Generators. 
org.apache.commons.functor.generator.util Contains utility code for Generators. 

Uses of UnaryFunction in org.apache.commons.functor.adapter

Classes in org.apache.commons.functor.adapter that implement UnaryFunction
 class BinaryFunctionUnaryFunction<A,T>
          Adapts a BinaryFunction as a UnaryFunction by sending the same argument to both sides of the BinaryFunction.
 class FunctionUnaryFunction<A,T>
          Adapts a Function to the UnaryFunction interface by ignoring the unary argument.
 class LeftBoundFunction<A,T>
          Adapts a BinaryFunction to the UnaryFunction interface using a constant left-side argument.
 class RightBoundFunction<A,T>
          Adapts a BinaryFunction to the UnaryFunction interface using a constant right-side argument.
 class UnaryPredicateUnaryFunction<A>
          Adapts a UnaryPredicate to the UnaryFunction interface.
 class UnaryProcedureUnaryFunction<A,T>
          Adapts a UnaryProcedure to the UnaryFunction interface by always returning null.

Methods in org.apache.commons.functor.adapter that return UnaryFunction
<A,T> UnaryFunction<A,T>
BinaryFunctionUnaryFunction.adapt(BinaryFunction<? super A,? super A,? extends T> function)
          Adapt a BinaryFunction as a UnaryFunction.

Methods in org.apache.commons.functor.adapter with parameters of type UnaryFunction
<A> UnaryFunctionUnaryProcedure<A>
UnaryFunctionUnaryProcedure.adapt(UnaryFunction<? super A,?> function)
          Adapt the given, possibly-null, UnaryFunction to the UnaryProcedure interface.
<A> UnaryFunctionUnaryPredicate<A>
UnaryFunctionUnaryPredicate.adapt(UnaryFunction<? super A,Boolean> function)
          Adapt the given, possibly-null, UnaryFunction to the UnaryPredicate interface.
<L,R,T> IgnoreRightFunction<L,R,T>
IgnoreRightFunction.adapt(UnaryFunction<? super L,? extends T> function)
          Adapt a UnaryFunction to the BinaryFunction interface.
<L,R,T> IgnoreLeftFunction<L,R,T>
IgnoreLeftFunction.adapt(UnaryFunction<? super R,? extends T> function)
          Adapt a UnaryFunction to the BinaryFunction interface.
<A,T> BoundFunction<T>
BoundFunction.bind(UnaryFunction<? super A,? extends T> function, A arg)
          Adapt the given, possibly-null, UnaryFunction to the Function interface by binding the specified Object as a constant argument.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.functor.adapter with parameters of type UnaryFunction
BoundFunction(UnaryFunction<? super A,? extends T> function, A arg)
          Create a new BoundFunction instance.
IgnoreLeftFunction(UnaryFunction<? super R,? extends T> function)
          Create a new IgnoreLeftFunction.
IgnoreRightFunction(UnaryFunction<? super L,? extends T> function)
          Create a new IgnoreRightFunction.
UnaryFunctionUnaryPredicate(UnaryFunction<? super A,Boolean> function)
          Create an UnaryPredicate wrapping the given UnaryFunction.
UnaryFunctionUnaryProcedure(UnaryFunction<? super A,?> function)
          Create an UnaryProcedure wrapping the given UnaryFunction.

Uses of UnaryFunction in org.apache.commons.functor.core

Classes in org.apache.commons.functor.core that implement UnaryFunction
 class Constant<T>
          Evaluates to constant value.
 class Identity<T>
          Evaluates to its input argument.

Uses of UnaryFunction in org.apache.commons.functor.core.algorithm

Classes in org.apache.commons.functor.core.algorithm that implement UnaryFunction
 class FoldLeft<T>
          Functional left-fold algorithm against the elements of a Generator.
 class FoldRight<T>
          Functional right-fold algorithm against the elements of a Generator.

Methods in org.apache.commons.functor.core.algorithm with parameters of type UnaryFunction
 void<T> left, UnaryFunction<? super T,? extends T> right)
          Execute this procedure.

Uses of UnaryFunction in org.apache.commons.functor.core.collection

Classes in org.apache.commons.functor.core.collection that implement UnaryFunction
 class Size<A>
          Returns the size of the specified Collection, or the length of the specified array or String.

Methods in org.apache.commons.functor.core.collection with parameters of type UnaryFunction
<E> Iterator<?>
TransformedIterator.maybeTransform(Iterator<? extends E> iter, UnaryFunction<? super E,?> func)
          Get an Iterator instance that may be transformed.
<E,T> Iterator<T>
TransformedIterator.transform(Iterator<? extends E> iter, UnaryFunction<? super E,? extends T> func)
          Get a Transformed Iterator instance.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.functor.core.collection with parameters of type UnaryFunction
TransformedIterator(Iterator<? extends E> iterator, UnaryFunction<? super E,? extends T> function)
          Create a new TransformedIterator.

Uses of UnaryFunction in org.apache.commons.functor.core.comparator

Methods in org.apache.commons.functor.core.comparator that return UnaryFunction
<T extends Comparable<?>>
Min.instance(T right)
          Get a Min UnaryFunction.
<T extends Comparable<?>>
Max.instance(T right)
          Get a Max UnaryFunction.

Uses of UnaryFunction in org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite

Classes in org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite that implement UnaryFunction
 class CompositeUnaryFunction<A,T>
          A UnaryFunction representing the composition of UnaryFunctions, "chaining" the output of one to the input of another.
 class ConditionalUnaryFunction<A,T>
          A UnaryFunction similiar to Java's "ternary" or "conditional" operator (? :).

Methods in org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite that return UnaryFunction
<A,T> UnaryFunction<A,T>
Conditional.function(UnaryPredicate<? super A> q, UnaryFunction<? super A,? extends T> r, UnaryFunction<? super A,? extends T> s)
          Create a conditional UnaryFunction.

Methods in org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite with parameters of type UnaryFunction
Composite.function(BinaryFunction<? super G,? super H,? extends T> f, UnaryFunction<? super L,? extends G> g, UnaryFunction<? super R,? extends H> h)
          Create a composite BinaryFunction.
Composite.function(BinaryFunction<? super G,? super H,? extends T> f, UnaryFunction<? super L,? extends G> g, UnaryFunction<? super R,? extends H> h)
          Create a composite BinaryFunction.
<A,T> CompositeUnaryFunction<A,T>
Composite.function(UnaryFunction<? super A,? extends T> f)
          Create a composite UnaryFunction.
<A,X,T> CompositeUnaryFunction<A,T>
Composite.function(UnaryFunction<? super X,? extends T> f, UnaryFunction<? super A,? extends X> g)
          Create a composite UnaryFunction.
<A,X,T> CompositeUnaryFunction<A,T>
Composite.function(UnaryFunction<? super X,? extends T> f, UnaryFunction<? super A,? extends X> g)
          Create a composite UnaryFunction.
<A,T> UnaryFunction<A,T>
Conditional.function(UnaryPredicate<? super A> q, UnaryFunction<? super A,? extends T> r, UnaryFunction<? super A,? extends T> s)
          Create a conditional UnaryFunction.
<A,T> UnaryFunction<A,T>
Conditional.function(UnaryPredicate<? super A> q, UnaryFunction<? super A,? extends T> r, UnaryFunction<? super A,? extends T> s)
          Create a conditional UnaryFunction.
<P> CompositeUnaryPredicate<P>
CompositeUnaryPredicate.of(UnaryFunction<? super P,? extends A> preceding)
          Fluently obtain a CompositeUnaryPredicate that applies our predicate to the result of the preceding function.
<P> CompositeUnaryFunction<P,T>
CompositeUnaryFunction.of(UnaryFunction<? super P,? extends A> preceding)
          Fluently obtain a CompositeUnaryFunction that is "this function" applied to the specified preceding function.
<T> CompositeUnaryProcedure<T>
CompositeUnaryProcedure.of(UnaryFunction<? super T,? extends A> preceding)
          Fluently obtain a CompositeUnaryProcedure that runs our procedure against the result of the preceding function.
<L,R,G,H> UnaryCompositeBinaryPredicate<L,R>
Composite.predicate(BinaryPredicate<? super G,? super H> p, UnaryFunction<? super L,? extends G> g, UnaryFunction<? super R,? extends H> h)
          Create a composite BinaryPredicate.
<L,R,G,H> UnaryCompositeBinaryPredicate<L,R>
Composite.predicate(BinaryPredicate<? super G,? super H> p, UnaryFunction<? super L,? extends G> g, UnaryFunction<? super R,? extends H> h)
          Create a composite BinaryPredicate.
<A,T> CompositeUnaryPredicate<A>
Composite.predicate(UnaryPredicate<? super T> predicate, UnaryFunction<? super A,? extends T> function)
          Create a composite UnaryPredicate.
<A,T> CompositeUnaryProcedure<A>
Composite.procedure(UnaryProcedure<? super T> procedure, UnaryFunction<? super A,? extends T> function)
          Create a composite UnaryProcedure.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite with parameters of type UnaryFunction
CompositeUnaryFunction(UnaryFunction<? super A,? extends T> function)
          Create a new CompositeUnaryFunction.
ConditionalUnaryFunction(UnaryPredicate<? super A> ifPred, UnaryFunction<? super A,? extends T> thenFunc, UnaryFunction<? super A,? extends T> elseFunc)
          Create a new ConditionalUnaryFunction.
ConditionalUnaryFunction(UnaryPredicate<? super A> ifPred, UnaryFunction<? super A,? extends T> thenFunc, UnaryFunction<? super A,? extends T> elseFunc)
          Create a new ConditionalUnaryFunction.
TransformedBinaryFunction(BinaryFunction<? super L,? super R,? extends X> preceding, UnaryFunction<? super X,? extends T> following)
          Create a new TransformedBinaryFunction.
TransformedFunction(Function<? extends X> preceding, UnaryFunction<? super X,? extends T> following)
          Create a new TransformedFunction.
UnaryCompositeBinaryFunction(BinaryFunction<? super G,? super H,? extends T> f, UnaryFunction<? super L,? extends G> g, UnaryFunction<? super R,? extends H> h)
          Create a new UnaryCompositeBinaryFunction.
UnaryCompositeBinaryFunction(BinaryFunction<? super G,? super H,? extends T> f, UnaryFunction<? super L,? extends G> g, UnaryFunction<? super R,? extends H> h)
          Create a new UnaryCompositeBinaryFunction.
UnaryCompositeBinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate<? super G,? super H> f, UnaryFunction<? super L,? extends G> g, UnaryFunction<? super R,? extends H> h)
          Create a new UnaryCompositeBinaryPredicate.
UnaryCompositeBinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate<? super G,? super H> f, UnaryFunction<? super L,? extends G> g, UnaryFunction<? super R,? extends H> h)
          Create a new UnaryCompositeBinaryPredicate.

Uses of UnaryFunction in org.apache.commons.functor.generator

Methods in org.apache.commons.functor.generator with parameters of type UnaryFunction
<T> T<Generator<? extends E>,? extends T> transformer)
          Transforms this generator using the passed in transformer.
<Z> Z<Generator<? extends E>,? extends Z> transformer)
          Transforms this generator using the passed in transformer.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.functor.generator with parameters of type UnaryFunction
TransformedGenerator(Generator<? extends I> wrapped, UnaryFunction<? super I,? extends E> func)
          Create a new TransformedGenerator.

Uses of UnaryFunction in org.apache.commons.functor.generator.util

Classes in org.apache.commons.functor.generator.util that implement UnaryFunction
 class CollectionTransformer<E>
          Transforms a generator into a collection.

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